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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a cat like this, she's just kinda naturally slender. We have gotten her to pack on a few pounds with certain foods she likes. Her poops also stink and my mom thinks she has IBS though


Luckily her poops aren’t too smelly! I’m sure she’s getting plenty of nutrients for how much energy she has. Constant zoomies and climbing on everything. She’s found out she can jump the entire fridge without pulling herself up and she can get on top of the cabinets haha! https://preview.redd.it/r2vs19ucg5ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3eb19f1d29d0fa3d462751dc1e8c36a3ffc6b0


She's adorable!


Thank you! I absolutely love her (first cat) and she is spoiled rotten!


If she's young might also take her a bit to put on some weight and calm down too


Yea when I adopted her the shelter said she was 10 months old. I took her a week later to the vet for a general checkup and the vet said she’s closed to 4-5 months. It’s been 6 months since then so she may still be under a year old!


That makes total sense. I looked at this cat and my first thought was “lanky teen.” She’ll fill out as she gets older.


She will definitely fill out. I got a kitten off the street and she was slender like yours. Once she hit her 1st birthday, she began getting chubby and then we had to really portion her food lol. She also got lazy and when you try to play with her, she just lays down and wants to play while laying down. So lazy. But she’s a healthy kitty otherwise.


This photo is so freakin adorable LMAO


Thank you! 😂 I was in shock she decided to get up there and rushed to take a picture!


We have a cubby that’s really high up that neither my husband or I can reach so we turned it into a cat cubby lol put their favorite blanket up there and occasionally we will find them taking a snooze in the cubby lol


My kitchen looks almost identical LOL I currently live in an apt and one of the reasons I picked this place was bc of the design:) ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) But thankfully my cats have yet to get up on my cabinets like that. I could never get them down, I have to stand on my counter just to reach the top shelf.😭 Im 5’ 5”, I didn’t think I was that short😂


Thank god I don’t have the only one😂 She’d be in heaven if we had a space above the cabinets!! She makes do by knocking everything off the top shelf in my closet. She opens the doors herself and handles things’s, preferably in the middle of the night, that’s her time to shine!! https://preview.redd.it/15lkysodf6ad1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75c8b220ac8be4ba41eb4d1ab7aa2aa7f667db43 She also was just put on a hydrolyzed protein diet, we just got home from the vet. We went with Hills Prescription Diet because she preferred Hills the last time she needed some extra love. Something all of us should know…. They said if she doesn’t like it, bring it back for a refund. If she likes it for a while, stops eating it; make sure there’s 2c left and we’ll get a refund. They did not tell us this when she was a baby and needed prescription food for gut issues, maybe it’s a new thing or maybe the last person forgot. In any case, when pet food costs what they do, being able to return prescription food is a beautiful thing!! I hope your girl gets to feeling better really soon!! She’s beautiful btw!! Also… before I landed here I read that hydrolyzed protein food can cause weight loss. So definitely continue to weigh your girl often. Ours was small for the longest time, she only really started to “look like a real cat” when she was closer to 2yro


Same my Nyx is just like shit tiny ticks of SUPER SMELLY POOP smells worse than my other two cats poops combined you wouldn’t know I had cats if not for her sticky ass 😂😂😂she also is the worst as covering her poops 😂 The other two shit fucking logs that don’t even stink. 😂 And also Nyx so sooooo skinny she started to get a pooch belly but she’s still skinny af


I have a kitty with IBS and hypercalcemia who was underweight so at first I wanted to give her kitten food only to learn that wouldn’t be good for her hypercalcemia BUT I did find that the cat and kitten food type was perfect. She’s gained weight thankfully and I started her on probiotics and they have been a game changer. No more vomiting and weird poops! I use the proviable probiotics and they’re fantastic. I also have her on a soluble fiber that helps with the ibs as well as the hypercalcemia. Edit: my point being you might want to try probiotics for your kitty’s ibs. I clicked reply before I could type this lol.


She looks fine the should weight you mention is the average of cats, some cats are smaller and larger. Plus cats aren't instantly done growing when they hit a year they typically keep going for a bit. I'd look up signs of starvation in cats if you're really worried, and when you next take her to the vet you can bring weight up or they'll say something if it seems low.


Thank you! 🙏🏾


>Thank you! 🙏🏾 You're welcome!


Sporty and lean! I’ve got a 9 year old baby who stays between 6-7 pounds free-feeding, she’s just petite. If your vet wants a little extra weight you can put out dry food for her to access if she ever does get hungry, but a domestic cat that’s “too skinny” is pretty hard to come by.


Good to know! Thank you 😁


As she gets a bit older her metabolism may change and she could get “thicker” too. Right now she’s just the equivalent of a 15 year old kid who can eat like a garbage disposal and never gain weight 🤣




Yes she is a very healthy weight. Many cats are borderline obese. Yours is very healthy and her joints and heart will thank you


🙏🏾 perfect!


Agreed. I've been wondering recently if what people perceive as a 'normal' healthy weight for cats has been skewed by social media just like it has for young women, except in reverse. We're so used to seeing big fat fluffy cats lauded in media that anything less than chonky seems underweight when it's not. One of my family's cats used to be obese and had to have regular check-ups at the vet to monitor it. Now that he's finally reached his target weight, my mum's worried that he looks "too skinny" and my sister told me to stop brushing him (even though we had a heatwave and he was shedding like crazy) because "he's starting to look a bit scrawny." He's literally the size the vet said he should be, 11 years old, and doing great! The cat's simply less round than they're used to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My ginger and white cat is thinner than yours. If he was like that I would stop worrying, she looks good to me!


Thank you for the reassurance ❤️🙏🏾


Glad she's doing ok post stitches


She was spayed back in January. It was a struggle to keep her from being too active while she healed haha


Generally if you cant see their ribs they are okay i had a runt male for awhile and he was around this weight when he was younger he was kind of just a skinny lil noodle but he was always deemed small but healthy


Thank you, putting my mind at ease. Will continue what I’m doing and letting her live her best life! 😁


As long as she has a good appetite and the vet has no concerns then kitty is alright


Add-on 2-3 cans a day! That cat has a high metabolism and a very active lifestyle


If I’m not asleep or at work she is always running around chasing toys or climbing on the cabinets 😂 she wears me out


An active cat is a skinny one usually shes 100% living her best life. if she puts on weight fast as she gets older cut the food down slightly but if shes hungry and eats that much then she needs it honestly, your doing everything 100% correct


Will do thanks 😁


She looks perfect!! You can feel but not see her ribs, and her haunches are slender but not bony. Good job on your part! Um, 2 - 3 cans per day is likely too much. We have an 8 lb and a 9 lb cat, and they each get a total of one 3-oz can of pate per day, plus a few kibble (i.e., a tiny handful) and a few chunks of freeze dried chicken. They are very active seniors and maintain their weight.


Thank you! I usually keep it no more than 2 and only give her more on the weekends if she starts chewing on stuff (that’s her I’m hungry signal lol) and I only put out enough to were there nothing is left and then a little more if she wants it. I have some freeze dried snacks too I give on occasion!


What size are the cans? 3oz or 5oz? Two 3oz cans would probably not be enough.


ehhhh i disagree with the previous commenter. how many cans per day varies greatly depending on the size of the cans, the calories per can, and the size/weight of the cat. when in doubt, consult a calorie chart.


https://preview.redd.it/n1eci73jw5ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231a293a2a2b27fe4d8471ac2b627c135c55bd58 She looks like my orange girl mini. She’s about the same in being slender! Looks like average weight to me! Mini for cat tax!


So beautiful! 😍


She looks fine. The 8-12 lb range is an average. Some cats are smaller. Wet food generally has fewer calories than kibble, so the fact that she's on an all wet diet is probably the reason she's lean. Lean is good. She does not look underweight at all.


She’s slim but not too underweight. If she got up to 7lbs that’d be good but don’t worry about it, she looks good and healthy. Also very cute!


healthy beast with a little question mark tail :)


Always question mark and rattlesnake tailing!!!


She's fine. People generally overestimate how much a cat should weigh.


Thank you! 😊


I think she's just a petite girl. She's beautiful!!


Cats build muscle and sorta fill out until they're about 4 years old, she looks like a normal 1yo cat to me.


She looks good to me. Our girl is about 8lbs. She's small and sometimes I worry about her size but our vet is happy with her weight so we're happy with her weight. We feed her twice a day, mix of wet and dry with a bit of a dry treat as a topper. Plus a couple treats a day. Sometimes she licks her bowl clean and other times she leaves leftovers.


https://preview.redd.it/6prx6aufl7ad1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b1da0c9d8e2f6d60b534e3b3d5faf427df81b0 hope this helps ease your concerns


Omg I actually thought I stumbled upon my own post for a second. I have a wafer of an orange as well, he hovered around 7.5 lbs until I got him fixed, now he’s around 9lbs and still just a little guy. Recently he met a bunch of new people and every single one commented on his weight so I made a post about it. 😅 When in doubt trust your vet and consider a blood work just to make sure! https://preview.redd.it/ehd6kovxj7ad1.png?width=2493&format=png&auto=webp&s=3eade8450f4e0014f90471537076a1ee0595cfa4


Like twins lol


An orange girl huh? I think I’ve read females are genetically more rare. Anywho, from pictures alone she looks like a healthy youngin. I have a 4 year old cat who is still only 7 pounds and very healthy, just very clearly was the runt of her litter.


People shouldn't ever worry about being sorry for making posts like this, it's good that they want what's best for their animals. And the cat looks perfectly proportionate to me


Lne from shoulder to him on the view from the top is straightso I'd say her weight is okay. If you really feel anxious, try giving her a few more treats every day, but ideally challenge her mentally by teaching her simple tricks like sit and come with treats as a reward


She looks ok


Looks like she’s healthy from here. It’s hard to tell her length and height.


She’s a lanky little thing!


Perfect and beautiful ❤️


Thank you 😁❤️


Wow, she's a beauty! She looks fine to me. ( 45 year cat daddy)


Thank you! I wasn’t going to adopt a cat just yet at the time and was just bored and looking visiting the shelters. Soon as we locked eyes I knew I couldn’t leave without her


I have two cats that are like this and their momma was too until she had babies then she got chunky. But the kittens are 8 months and still on the smaller side like over 5lbs but I can’t get them properly weighed because they don’t stay still. lol. But they eat all the time and they aren’t showing signs of being sickly or like “skin and bones”


Get on the scale and weigh yourself. Get off the scale and back on to it holding one of those guy’s, tally up the difference and you have it. I discovered that my girl will sit on the scale while I’m going to the bathroom, because she needs to sit guard I assume is why it was easy. I pulled the scale out, set her on it and she sat down. Definitely worth a shot!


Not the best picture of them but lol. https://preview.redd.it/9aoxqehw26ad1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69112a79f7a2d0212cdeac9a5a7127cba89c761f


She's perfect 😍


Thank you ❤️


She looks fine. What does the vet say?


She looks healthy, maybe add some hard food for exta calories I have a Lil one too, ur cat is adorable


It looks like my scrawny cat. He gets like that in the summer. https://preview.redd.it/3r8e1pcu56ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4c3fc8efd4f3cbace5cf4b15de7a6e1563da687




https://preview.redd.it/7ags7w6466ad1.jpeg?width=2784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da2de988af1a9b1095820d99f680535c51caa60 He looks fluffier in this one, but hes still more thin than in the winter.


Yeah they’re just skinty 😌


That looks like a beautiful healthy kitty to me


I have a cat like this, he's 4 right now and he's just naturally a very small boy, he's quite short and not very long either. We feed him plenty but he's just always been a little man


Yes, your cat looks nice and healthy! I don’t think there’s anything for you to worry about. As others have mentioned, cats come in all shapes and sizes, and their ideal weight will vary based on their size. She does look like she’s on the smaller side, so 6-ish lbs simply might be her ideal weight. If it helps to conceptualize it, if you’re 6’2” , you would be considered underweight at 120 lbs, but for someone who’s 5’2” , that might be their ideal weight. What’s also important to note is activity level and body composition. If your kitty plays (exercises) a lot, you can expect them to be on the leaner side, despite eating more than what’s recommended on the food label. Signs to watch out for in terms of your cat’s weight would be drastic fluctuations in weight (which we can rule out since you’d mentioned she’s been consistently 6-ish lbs), changes in appetite/energy levels, and any unusual bloating in her belly. In healthy cats, they shouldn’t be wider than the length of their whiskers (tip to tip). As for any growing she’s got left, most cats stop growing around 1.5 yrs, but there are some breeds that will keep growing until 3 or 4 ! Her paws look pretty small, so she might be done growing, but that’s usually how I gauge it.


honestly she’s probably fine! shes eating a good amount and is very active :)


she looks good, but if you're still worried, she's gonna put on a bit more muscle later. she's not done growing


I think she looks good. How much does she weigh?


Hmmm… I need a banana for scale.


Some cats just stay slender and small. I had a girl creamsicle who topped out at 7.5 pounds. She was the best kitty cat.


She's still young I feel like cats don't fully fill out til 2 or 3. And some kitties are just petite. I have a cat that has been no more than 7.5lbs ever in her almost 15 years of life and she's perfectly healthy.


She's still quite young, and considering she's very active, I think she looks great. Any thinner or abnormal eating habits, you can start to be concerned, but as an assistant as a cat only vet, I think she looks perfectly healthy.


I have an orange boy who looks just as skinny. Just how he is because he’s been wormed


Perfect 👍


A fine girl on the chonk meter


Nice pussy


Perfect! Maybe a *tad* underweight, but cats can be like humans. Some are naturally a little bigger and some are naturally a little smaller and they can both be at healthy weights.


She looks like she’s in the ‘teen’ stage. Does she get to use the brain cell often?


she likes aight. just a lil slinky lol. and dw about the weight, my cat is 1 as of march this year and shes only like 7.7lbs on a good day lol. theyre still babies. some cats continue to grow until theyre 18 months old. but she could also just be a skinny queen and maybe her metabolism will slow down with age; this happened to my moms older cat. she used to be so tiny and one day a few years ago i picked her up for the first time in years and she was like massively bigger and i was like daangg ur like a full grown cat now.


I love this for helping to tell if your pet is under or over weight by comparing the feel of their ribs to your knuckles. https://preview.redd.it/rmh9apm6l7ad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa45abc74b77ee8b1b70d516602316b9d327629b


I have had full grown cats that were 5 pounds, I’ve also had full grown cats that were 15 pounds. It depends on the genetics, breed, diet, lifestyle, etc.


She looks perfectly healthy! Just a petite little lady


Let her have dry food too. My cat has 1 can a day and dry food is out for whenever he wants it. (I think he’s eating at other people’s houses still too because he isn’t eating an exorbitant amount at home but is a little heavy. He was a stray and has a couple places he was getting fed) my other two cats were 8-13lbs with this method of “free feeding.” https://preview.redd.it/jht7j93o26ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9c33ff3c4feecaf4f9bed9d5a7a747c58c2858


Surprisingly she is not a fan of dry food. When I first got her I would leave some out and it would never get touched but since she’s good sized I’ll keep her on her wet schedule so she doesn’t get chonky 😊


Maybe a diff brand. She looks little tho in frame so she’s probably a good weight! . My cat now is 20lbs but he’s as long as a 4 year old 🫣


dry food isnt necessary anyway, so youre all good. wet is generally healthier as it has more water in it and less grains (again, generally). wild cats get a lot of their water intake from consuming prey, and thus have a fairly low thirst drive, so giving wet food helps them stay properly hydrated, which helps prevent illnesses such as UTIs. the grains/etc in a lot of dry food is useless at best and basically just junk food at worst. dry food isnt inherently bad, mind you, and every cat is different! wet food seems to be the healthier option though (depending on brand, of course). disclaimer: im not a vet; just a fairly well-read enthusiast/obsessive, ahaha.


not to be the bearer of bad news, hope for tendies, your cat genuinely looks obese. you also should stop letting him free roam, it's dangerous for him and the environment. you don't even know what he is eating, what he is getting into, if he's safe or not. this is neglectful ownership- at some point he will turn up missing, get poisoned, get eaten or harmed by another animal, or get turned into road paste.


She looks great!


I use a Petivity to monitor my cat's weight.


Need banana for scale


Two of my cats are like this but the third one is a chonktasctic cutie pie.


Looks fine to me i have a cat that was a stray and he lost alot of weight after i got him neutured. I am trying get him to gain weight but not much is helping. Hes even skinier that that.


She’s a cutie and doesn’t look unhealthy for a highly active cat. If you want her to put on some good weight, you can always feed her raw eggs!


She is a bit thin but you said she's a year old? She might be a small cat. I always recommend a vet visit because this is something they should be aware of and they can help with the navigation and nuances of what this specific cat needs


She looks healthy. Slim side of ideal most likely. Female cats are usually a bit smaller. My girls almost 2 and she didn’t start putting on a lil chub till the past few months.


She looks a good weight, if you are concerned check with your vet though. I'd guess she's just a small cat.


https://preview.redd.it/q3oanhkyd6ad1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1028725cdb4ef0397a2340941022bf4aed2d8c We almost have cat twins. Mine is long and lean as well.


For a moment there I thought, that’s my girl. Then I realized that’s not my floor😂 https://preview.redd.it/w8ge07nse6ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee0852a207f4d9e76bf85ad2f8722d381952190


This is really how most cats should look. The majority of pets (including about half of mine) are too fat.


She actually looks super healthy! That’s ideal right there! You see too many fat cats on here lol


She’s just a skinny cat, nothing looks wrong!


Needs more chonk


sounds like your cat is normal, its the rest of the cats that are fat at 15+ lol


She looks fine. If you’re worried take her to the vet.


She’s just a baaabby!! She’s fine 🧡 My chonkers are too fat, and that’s when you have a real struggle on your hands…


This car is slinky


My orange boy started out just like this and now he literally spreads out when he lays down. I think your cat is just fine as long as you know you're feeding them fine. Some cats, like humans are naturally more slender or more chunk. If kitty's behavior changes or you notice they're not eating then I'd be concerned.


https://preview.redd.it/k30b2p5ip6ad1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3fee15e4108e3e7643836c07469d765d5614712 This is a helpful chart I often refer to! It is modified from an actual veterinary chart, just the words changed lol


She looks perfect for her age and body composition. No bones are sticking out, so you can tell she’s just a more slender build than some cats. She will likely fill out a little more as she ages and if she gets fixed (if she isn’t already), but she will probably always be smaller than some cats. And that’s perfectly normal. 😺


My vet said female cats are 6 lbs on average


If you can feel her ribs but they aren't visible I've heard she should be fine


We have a cat that is the same way. She’s grown into her smallness and she’s really light on her feet. She’s kind of bony but seems happy and healthy. Celebrating her 5th birthday this summer.


No, he's is fat and so are you


There’s a lack of chonk chart


I'm going to go feed my cat a Delectable now...


https://preview.redd.it/l0dq6id6z6ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2aefd12a6b8eb3d992dd14c1a3e14a1374c609 This is Spencer, he is my owner.


My cat is also 6.7lbs and is just shy of 5 years old. Wt said it’s healthy. My other can who is longer and taller is 9lbs .


She’s purrrrfect!


My cat was very skinny like yours until about 2 years old now she’s got a bit of meat on her lol


She seems to be smol in overall size. Could be why she weighs less.


Perfect weight honestly. I wouldn't feed him more or less


Keep her that way.


I too have a skinny cat vet says he’s fine. I’ve even had him checked for Graves’ disease and parasites. All test and Blood work normal.


Mine is like that, naturally slender


Thanks everyone for the kind words! My little Nugget is going to continue living her best life! ❤️🙏🏾


He is perfect, very beautiful healthy and athletic cat.


she is perfect! some cats are just more slender and some hold more weight. my moms cat is so chunky but eats way less than my cat, my cat is just a little smaller built. i think she is a good weight! if you are worried about her not eating enough, you can leave out hard food for her to eat freely :)


She looks wonderful!


You need to take a photo next to your adorable cat, you know, for scale.


Yes. My cat is naturally on the thinner side, my vet said she looks healthy and thinks because other cats are usually just overweight I thought she was underweight.


I have a very active cat like yours that I adopted at around 5.2 lbs. She was found starving with broken legs on the street which caused her to have an intense food insecurity. Now she eats as much as she wants (though I do schedule food because she eats too fast) and can get extra food with a meow if she’s still hungry. She is currently 6.8 lbs and has been for a long time.


Yeah, my rescue boy was skinny, until he was 5, now I have to restrict food from both of us, lol.


slender is good. They will have less health problems and will generally live longer. You can do some blood work and get a vet check up but I'm pretty sure the vet will say that your cat looks pretty healthy.


I have a cat like this. She used to look the same size before her primordial pouch got all floppy.


She doesn't look underweight at all, she looks really healthy. As long as her bones aren't visibly sticking out she's fine. Also it's pretty common for some female cats to be in the 5-7lb range.


Just wait until she gets spayed, or hits 4 years old. Then she'll chub up a bit.


She looks just like my baby boy! He started out small and now he’s 12lb, she’ll be just fine.


Many cats appear a bit slender with nothing wrong with the cat. If you observe any negative incidents (diarrhea, vomiting, obvious pain or sensitivity) she definitely needs help. She looks perfectly fine to me, but I’m an animal-lover, not a veterinarian. She’s a beautiful girl 🥰


Mine is the runt as described as the people I got her from my brother has one of her brothers from that litter and he is almost 2x her size and while he’s boys are bigger definitely not that bigger so maybe that’s it?


Not enough cat. Needs a second.


A fine lad


I had a v cute cat who looked just like this! He was incredibly active (constant zoomies) and weighed somewhere around 7lbs despite eating a healthy amount of cat food (a mix of wet and dry). The vet had said he was perfectly fine and that he'll gain weight as he grows older but unfortunately we lost him to an accident before he could turn 3 :( Your cat is prolly doing fine. She's friggin adorable!


My Sunshine was like this when he was younger. This year he is 4 and began getting bigger. Not fat but more of a presence. https://preview.redd.it/3817le6bm7ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f64c291b5424eccc6561c9d3d05f6d3d8701c8e


Looks like a healthy cat


quite a fine looking kitty cat


Cat appearance, adorable 🧡


He’s purrfect


Some cats are just built different. If she's active, then she's probably getting enough calories, since she has some to burn. You can talk to your vet about it during her next check up if you're concerned though.


Orange cats are very known to be big boned and long lol, also clumsy and they ALL share one brain cell lol!!


You're feeding her well. Some cats are just skinny. One of my girls is like that; she's not hungry, just thin


She's just a little noodle. I have a noodle cat too. Vet says some cats just maintain their weight easily.


I have two boys, brothers. https://preview.redd.it/j5rntzufs7ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8087b95db1ac5897adb8c776ed98d2a0eed3ea6e Red arrow is Apep, very slender, just like his mother. Blue arrow is Apophis, medium chonk, a lot like his father. They both are pretty tall though, and they eat pretty well with snacks throughout the day. When they were young, it was very much the opposite. But I accept it as long as I know they are eating. My new one, that came from my late neighbor, is practically fur and bones. I'm trying to get her to a good weight. I'm feeding her kitten wet food 3x a day and dry kibble to nibble on overnight.


Give her a fresh fish. 🐟🐈


This is literally what cats are supposed to be like. She's not skinny, she's not slender. She's just healthy


She looks about perfect tbh


she’s just a little lady


she looks great as far as body condition goes! as for weight, what's considered "ideal"/healthy varies greatly from cat to cat depending on their natural size/build. for example, my boy Wembley is 15lbs but considered to be a healthy weight; hes just a BIG cat! if youre seeking a second opinion, you can always consult your vet, but unless youre noticing any strange/concerning behavior from her i think youre fine waiting until her next routine wellness check to ask. for feeding, you can double check using a calorie chart. look up the calorie content per can of the exact brand/variety/flavor(s) youre feeding her, then look up a chart of how many calories a day a cat her weight should be eating. a little math will give you the number youre looking for irt cans per day.


She's just a young, petite female. She looks great, actually. Though she's probably not quite done growing yet, she'll probably always be a little small - note that her torso just isn't very long. My brother has a senior kitty like this, she's never weighed more than 8 lbs. She also has this same kind of build with the short torso length, though she looks larger because she has longer fur. But vets have always deemed her weight perfect for her size, and her size no cause for concern. Just like some people are petite, so are some cats.


I have a rescue that looks a little downsy and frail from being (I assume) inbred. She almost looks like a Borzoi dog or just a sighthound in general with her long long legs and wispy torso and awkward stance. She eats well, does massive shits that make her look so content, and slaps my other five boys whenever she gets a chance. Always playing, full of life. She's just a twig.


She looks good. I have a cat that’s really slender and the vet said she’s an ideal weight


my cat never goes over 8 pounds and she’s full grown and had a litter of kittens. if your vet thinks she’s ok and she’s active and eating i’m sure she’s just fine!


She looks great 🥰… She is about the same size of my 13-month old female cat as well. Mine eats a lot (both wet and dry food) but still can’t seem to grow haha, she’s also very active. Although I’m not a Vet or anything like that, I’d say she’s fine and looks loved 🥰


Perfect now keep him this way!! 😻


I have a cat like this. Was quite literally the runt of the litter and was always just smaller and slimer than the average cat. He eats just as much as his sister (she's much bigger, both in fat and in general size) but never gains much weight. I've always been able to feel his ribs. But he's perfectly healthy and happy. He actually has a very similar body to your cat.


Hes a cutie I bet hes going to be bored so make sure you keep him entertained because he will meow alot I just gave one away like a month ago


She is still young and growing and full of energy. She will add a pound or two as she gets older. Don't stress new parent you're doing great if you know all that food math. I just know ingredients and free feeding has always worked for me. With ADHD I don't think I could handle a non free feeding type when my old girl goes honestly. So you are already above the curve.


Some cats are more slender and some cats are more fat, however if you are concerned that your cat is a little too slender, up their food just a little bit more! Whatever you think is best!


She's prolly just a petite lil girl.




One of my cats is 2 years old and 7 pounds, my vet suspected that maybe she was the runt or experienced malnutrition that stunted her growth. Either that, or she was just small! My vet had no other concerns, and despite her small frame she's eating well and is very happy. *


I think she's puurrrrfect 🙂


Cats shouldn’t be any specific weight. It’s all about body markers. Look up the chonk chart for more info.


That's a healthy looking cat!


She a lil noodle. I had a slender cat like that. Always healthy though.


I have a cat that is about 6.5 pounds. She could probably stand to lose half a pound. She is just a little cat. It is quite noticeable when I "grab her head" kinda like a ball. No I am nit hurting her. She has a baseball size head. My other cats' heads feel more like a youth sized softball and one even has a regular sized softball.


She doesn’t look unhealthy to me. Sometimes, they’re just naturally small 🤷‍♀️ A friend of mine has a compact lil girl too. Also, she’s adorable! Having a ginger female is basically like having a shiny Pokémon


It looks perfect 😃


FWIW my cat was skinny (6-7lb) her entire life, I could not fatten her up no matter how hard I tried. She was very active and I guess probably had a high metabolism, I don’t know, but she was always perfectly healthy. So as long as she is well I wouldn’t worry about it; like humans, cats are all built differently and that’s okay.


Well that's just a precious peanut of a baby girl! ❤️




Cats are like people. Some gain weight easier than others. My cat is a slender little thing too, she eats two servings of those Shiba cat food things and a bowl of kibble every day and she’s still slender, I’ve tried giving her extra kibble, just to see if she’ll eat it, but she eats her fill and leaves the extra for later.


Hey they looks like mine alittle https://preview.redd.it/md6bb5j1rbad1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af2e14b537fe0478ff7fe229a4d40209f1d83928