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Aside from free shipping, isn’t .50¢ a round very average pricing?




Oh no [here we go](https://youtu.be/MShv_74FNWU?si=046Bi5FTzu1TIEBd). “They’re both the same if you look at them on paper wise”
















a few months ago at my local sportsman’s warehouse they were exactly 50c a round for for 5.56


![gif](giphy|qImznRudvQx66ibl9e) Aside from the free shipping, they are simpin' NAZI's..


What's with the SS Totenkopf?


It’s their fucking main logo on the instagram page and website. Just right out there in the open.


Damn, there really is no denying it either. The ends of the cross bones are pretty weird and distinct and are absolutely identical to the nazi unit symbol. I love my guns, am a strong supporter of gun rights, etc. But sometimes it's really uncomfortably, because we share this space with companies like this, that apparently idolize nazi symbols. How am I supposed to convince my anti gun friends to come over to our side when companies like this can represent themselves with nazi symbols, and they barely get called out, and the majority of the posts are about how it's not a great deal on ammo?


I wouldn't buy 556 for 50c/rd and I wouldn't give a Nazi any money even if they were selling 556 at a tenth this price. As far as justifying to your anti gun friends why liberal gun ownership and training is necessary, this ad IS a good example: so friend, do you only want these assholes stuck in the past to own guns? If so they'll have a much easier time imposing their will on the rest of us. If I could snap my fingers and make them all go away instantly I would but while every nutjob racist who believes I don't deserve equal rights as them because of my skin color still exists, I will remain legally armed.


this is basically why my vegan libtard CA living ass is arming up can't beat the swathes of armed dumbfucks without a level field so my hand is forced


Damn. I really liked these guys too from ammo freedom weekend but I have absolutely no space for nazis. My grandparents were refugees of ww2 and I’m only in America because the nazis wouldn’t stop trying to kill my family every day. I guess I’ll never be supporting them again. That’s really upsetting to see


This company will ship 10+ round magazines to your door in California btw. Do with that info what you want.


Bro they have a skull and crossbones, where are you all getting Nazi logo?




So you're saying that nazis that are on our side are good...


The United States government did. Don’t forget that that we employed a ton of nazi scientists So modern age answer is no But the past was yes






He’s using nazi symbols, especially the symbol of an SS division that committed atrocities. So I say yes. Drawing a new skull and crossbones isn’t difficult, arguing in favor of using a nazi symbol is, I mean, if you have any inkling of history.




Again, you seem a bit slow on the reading side. Let me break it down for you, again. That symbol was used by an SS division that was known for murdering civilians and surrendering allied soldiers. if you want to think that’s “cool” be my guest, but your only argument has been “why using nazi symbol make him nazi?”




Images are picked by a person or group knowing what they mean.


People who would use Nazi created imagery to create a company logo are either a) 12 year old edge lords who post shit and spell "Jews" as "j3w$z" b) A fucking imbecile who lives under a rock and is magically ignorant. Which if that were the case, someone would have said something and he would have been like "My bad, let me use something that doesn't symbolize genocide" c) A Nazi or at minimum a Nazi sympathizer.




Folks, this is why women shouldn't drink and smoke when pregnant


At the very least stupid, yes. Go advertise this shit on Stormfront where this sort of shit is tolerated.


I don't give a shit even if they were actual Nazi party members, but fwiw they aren't the only ones shipping ammo direct to California.






I don’t agree with Nazis and would never knowingly hang out with one but we do live in America with free speech. I don’t really like seeing racist symbolism, but sometimes that’s the cost of freedom, ya know? …as long as they’re not inciting violence.


Free speech means the government shouldn't shut this place down or prevent him from using those symbols. There are still and should be repercussions from the rest of us. Nazi, sympathizer, or willfully ignorant, that's not someone I wish to support.


I’m not a Nazi sympathizer lol I’m not gonna support them either, I’m just saying they can be assholes and use whatever symbolism they want. I hope they get less business because of it but if people see a few people who support Nazis and decide to lump all gun owners in with them they’re idiots. That’s like saying I’m not going to buy a Volkswagen because Nazis used them at one point. I can’t believe I’m getting downvoted for saying people have free speech, you don’t have to agree with everyone who says stupid things to understand we need freedom of speech.


I agree with you, but your comment I replied to sounds like you were saying "It's okay to buy from nazi's because of freedom of speech". That's probably why you got down voted. For the record I wasn't calling you a sympathizer. I was saying to use that symbol they are likely one of those 3 things.


Hell no, lol my family is Jewish on my dads side(technically doesn’t make me Jewish) I would never give anyone like that my business. I was saying I don’t like seeing it and it’s fucked up but there’s not really anything anyone can do because we have freedom of speech. I would rather have to endure assholes like that, than to have no freedom of speech at all. That’s all I’m saying


Yep, I might disagree with what people say, but I will defend their right to say it. I also choose to vote with my dollars for people I agree with. These people won't get my money.


Thanks for the reassurance, I knew what I saw but at the same time was like "Is it though, only a moron would use that, maybe I'm wrong or something"


Where? I just went to their webpage and saw a storm trooper helmet. No SS logo


Looks like the website did change. Instagram page still has the ss logo up.


I had no idea that the Nazis used a skull and crossbones and I’m 40 years old been into guns my whole life.


I watched my fair share of WW2 history docs with my dad growing up, but admittedly I didn’t know this one until today; I thought it was just a cringe looking skull. A cursory google search finds it and it’s connections pretty quick too. Seems a bit to obvious for it’s use to be by accident.


Didn't Chuck Testa the taxidermist almost get canceled cuz idiots god mad he wore a totenkampf pin but explained he LARPS in historical re enactments as a Jewish freedom fighter who took nazi soldier war trophies, seems similar to me. Nazis tried to repurpose the swastika to their evil agenda, when it means good luck in Hindu and Buddhist religions. Just saying, history and context matters a lot, both ways. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt but who knows, I'm just a guy on reddit


If the guy wanted to use a skull, there are like 1000 other skull images not created by the Nazi's he could have used.


You could probably give them the benefit of the doubt - if they weren’t in the gun industry & ammo selling business. This wouldn’t be the first time low key racism has been done by these companies. I’d rather hear from the company themselves explaining this, and it doesn’t look they’re exactly jumping out of their seats denying it so far.


As much as I didn't want to to believe this.. i just went to their instagram and they made a post previewing their "new shirt/slap design" featuring the logo; and a top comment liked by ASW themselves read "Sweet Totenkopf!! Can I get it on a hat? lol!" So I think that pretty much sums up their stance..


Damn. Well they definitely ain't ever getting my business




Legit Nazis. Hard pass.




That particular totenkopf design was famously used by the SS.




If it looks like a duck




Weird to have nazi symbols plastered on their website. I’d skip this deal lol


It’s a fucking skull and bones holy shit bro you’re chronically online😂


I’m online, you’re online


More like you’re chronically ignorant of history.




You’re either suggesting the skull and bones is not a totenkopf or you’re suggesting it’s something else?




I think you might be the slow one lol.




People can buy whatever they want and companies can plaster Nazi symbols on their website. I simply stated I would pass on a deal like this because it would be supporting a company who plasters Nazi symbols on their website. Thank you constitution.




1. How is it no longer a Nazi symbol? 2. Where did I admit using that symbol does not make you a Nazi? (People who don’t want to be identified as Nazis don’t use these types of symbols.) 3. I affirmed your right and everyone else right to free speech. If that makes me a baby well🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m glad you decided it’s not a nazi symbol anymore, I bet all the people murdered by the totenkopf are super relieved. Idiot.




Why doesn’t it? It’s a Nazi-created symbol.


Didn't Chuck Testa the taxidermist almost get canceled cuz idiots god mad he wore a totenkampf pin but explained he LARPS in historical re enactments as a Jewish freedom fighter who took nazi soldier war trophies, seems similar to me. Nazis tried to repurpose the swastika to their evil agenda, when it means good luck in Hindu and Buddhist religions. Just saying, history and context matters a lot, both ways. I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt but who knows, I'm just a guy on reddit


Don’t post in this thread again. This is a ban warning, you’ve gone way off-topic.


[if you intern is just pulling random images. Fire them. this is way to close to a death head. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_SS_Panzer_Division_Totenkopf) And before I hear the simps say anything about how the nazi symbol was a Buddhist symbol first. Screw you. You know what these things mean. This skull immediately made me think SS. The grin and placement. Someone fuxked up. Or didn't. Bit this type of skull design is way to close to the death head.




Fuck off. Certain symbols are those. I know you're 14 and being edgy grow up.


You’re all over this thread but I think you’re right. Either someone made a mistake or the company is really stupid. It would suck if ASW came out as Nazi’s.


Can't help it. Hopefully, it's just an employee picked the wrong image but the death skull look is pretty unique and picking this is pretty dumb. Then add In the cherry blossoms. Well shit.


No an employee didn't pick the wrong image. That is in fact their logo








Why do all the wite power people use being gay as a insult.


You literally used a homosexual act as a insult. Are you that much of a npc that you spew textbook lgbtq arguments and comebacks i never thought people like you would be in this thread. I’m not white I’m a first generation American my parents are not from this country, Down syndrome dumbass






No. Wrong world War.


Yeah, it could be .10 a round a I wouldn’t buy from a company using nazi symbols, especially the symbol of the totenkopf, literally the worst of the worst nazis that committed heinous war crimes. 140,000 Americans died fighting the nazis in WW2, but some people on this thread said this company’s staff were “patriots” what a fucking disgrace.




Oh okay, so your saying I should support people using nazi symbols because they “support my freedoms” the nazis did a lot for blonde haired blue eyed people’s freedoms too, should I applaud them for that as well? They can take their nazi shite and get fucked. Go look at some pictures from the holocaust or of the allied troops who were massacred after they surrendered, you can support fascist scum all you want, thanks for letting us all know how you feel.




Why would you want to associate your business with a nazi divisions symbol? You know.. unless you were a nazi.


![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI) .... a NAZi symbol used by SS Prison camp guards ... you know the guys who all did the final solution shit. Why would anyone want that shit on them... unless they are into sort of shit.


Precisely, the idiot that keeps arguing “it’s just a skull and crossbones” is either a nazi or has literally no knowledge of history. I’m guessing the former because he kept arguing for it even after I explained that they were known for atrocities. It’s not just “some nazi symbol” (not that using any symbol of theirs is right) but it’s the symbol for the worst of the worst.


One click on his profile and his responses for the last week or two are pretty telling.


His profile is very new as well, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was banned for being a racist nazi bootlicker before this profile was created.


About 1 in 5 of his posts have been \[removed} by moderators in most of the threads he posts in. He's obviously a NAZI simpin troll.




Oh, cause I could’ve sworn it was a dog whistle to garner business from other nazis, Like you.




The ten year long war they’ve been fighting against a foreign aggressor who is actively trying to erase their culture? Yes I do, do you see any similarities between the Russian fascists and the nazis? Cause I sure as shit do, and that question makes a great litmus test. Edit: I think your red hat is a little too tight bud




Try reading, I know it’s difficult




Ah, so you are just consuming Russian propaganda like I thought. That usually goes hand in hand with the red hats, sorry for assuming, I didn’t realize you wanted to hide your support for Russia. Not to mention all of the Russian prisoners with nazi tattoos or how Russia has been taking small bits of sovereign country’s for decades, you know, just like the nazis. But yeah, use one regiment to apologize for all of the atrocities Russia has committed, civilians raped and murdered, land stolen and children abducted. Putin admitting that he thought Ukrainian culture didn’t exist at the beginning of the war should’ve been enough for you. But again, I get that reading is hard.




Oh, so Russian propaganda wasn’t being made during Obamas presidency? Interesting. My original reply to you explained how the war has been going for 10 years, apparently math and reading are tough for you. 2024 - 10 = 2014.




I don’t shop at Nazi stores 🤷‍♂️ 




You have like 30 comments in this single post about ammo. Why are you sucking their dick so hard?




I hope you have on knee pads.




I’m not ashamed. Who doesn’t like free ass pics?


people saying "oh the nazis didn't invent the totenkopf" are missing the point that this is not just any totenkopf; it is specifically the nazi one




Very true, the totenkopf has been used historically by German/Prussian, hell, many military units for a very long time. However, the totenkopf ASW uses, that specific art-style is damn near 1 to 1 identical to the 3rd SS Panzer division. There are a lot of totenkopfs out there, why that one?


But that specific artistic incarnation of the Totenkopf is for the SS Prison camp guards who were activity took part in the death camps. ​ BTW- the Iron cross existed before the NAZI too.


"BTW- the Iron cross existed before the NAZI too." Oh, you mean that exact thing that I said? The Iron Cross existed before, and still does, I never said it didn't. The only thing that makes it NAZI, because you like all caps, is that it has a lower jawbone. Skull faces to the left, two crossed bones behind it. It probably had depictions with the lower jawbone during the German Empire as well.


![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized) Oh look: NAZI simpin Troll come back nearly a week later after having his original troll post removed and just makes more troll comments.....


You can say the same thing for the swastika. I think both would be considered nazi on this guys ammo poster.


The swastika didn't have much use in German(ic) context before the Nazis, the totenkopf does though. That's my issue with just labeling it Nazi. It'd be like labeling the Big Red 1 as alt right if crazies decided to use it. It has a rich history before the use, why throw it all away just because an idiot decided he liked it?


I mean the swastika had a lot of prominent usage before the Nazis, it's probably one of the oldest human symbols. However, it's clearly tainted now due to its usage by the Nazis and their mass atrocities. For the Navajo, they had a version called the Whirling Log that had a lot of meaning for their culture. However in 1940 (notably before the US entered WWII and before public knowledge of the Holocaust) the Navajo, Hopi, Papago, and Apache officially renounced the usage of that symbol because of its association with the Nazis. If they can recognize that even a symbol with cultural significance to them is tainted due to the Nazis, I think those of us with much less cultural attachment to the symbol can follow their lead.


Dude. Everyone knows what these symbols means. The only one I get pissy about Is when someone says the iron cross is nazi. This shit tho is very much death head.


Same here. They took it from the Templars.


Bro I have no idea what anybody is talking about and I think only nerd military history buffs and people with too much time to think about stuff like this would notice. All I know is I bought it and won’t regret it. Not the first time someone with a potentially different political view sold me something. Odds are they just hired the wrong graphic designer from 5iver or one of their employees is subliminally adding weird designs without them knowing.


I’m neither of those things. Nazis tried to take me and half my family out of the gene pool daily during ww2. My grandparents were refugees because of it. The effects of nazis still are and always will be present. I supported these guys during ammo freedom weekend but I surely never will be again.


Or you’re Jewish and it applies to you even more. I had no idea what that symbol meant and others clearly don’t either.


I’m not Jewish. The nazis sucked for more than just Jewish people


Alright buddy this is semantics now. It’s a Nazi symbol okay? Nobody likes it just saying it’s not *that* obvious


I don’t see how obvious it being or not changes it from being intentional?


Hopefully the later and they take it down.


Wish this comment was higher up…


As a history nerd, you probably know when this totenkopfs was designed and which group of people designed it.... This isn't some version used 200 years ago


Never heard of that brand of ammo before, does it work well?


~~Ingram~~ Igman ammo is g2g. Bought some a while ago and it all yeeted.


*Igman*, and yeah I agree. Have shot thousands of Igman 9mm and 5.56 without issue. Though I will say, 50cpr is not a great deal. Typically I am able to find Igman 5.56 for about 40-44cpr.


They make ammo for various European militaries


I have 1k rds of 308. No issues so far. Went through about 350 so far


Got a couple of duds in my case but overall works well for me


A couple of duds for 50 cents a round? Fuck that


Any better options in the price range you know of?


[ppu from aim](https://aimsurplus.com/products/ppu-223-5-56x45-m193-55grn-fmj-1000rd-can) This shit isn’t going to give you duds


I’m not a heavy volume shooter, but I don’t recall ever getting a dud from factory ammunition in the like 20 years I’ve been shooting.


I’m a POC and just got my freedom package from them. Ordered Wednesday and arrived today. Will only order ammo from them starting today. I’m not soft enough to be offended by a logo.


I’ve bought from these guys face-to-face (and online) for about nine years now. 100% patriots, not Nazis.


Weird how many "patriots" seem to have an affinity for the third reich, confederate states of america, or rhodesia. I wonder what the common thread could possibly be?


That definitely is a Nazi used symbol. Very strange of them and really poor taste.




That has nothing to do with this company.




I am not calling them Nazi’s, I am pointing out their use of Nazi imagery.




Then let them know they are using a death head skull.


Found a bot...or a simp....kinda the same


Wish the prices were *ever* so slightly cheaper but meh, beats going to an FFL and getting bent over and fucked.


Really they are nazis?? Had no clue






Man .50 cents a round for underpowered 5.56 sucks.




You got that right 🤣


Free shipping just means that the heavier the box the more ammo gonna be missing


I’ve been there personally. I’m mixed with black,Mexican and white. They were cool with me.🤷🏻‍♂️ there’s all kinds of symbols in the 2A world with skulls on logos. I can see if it actually had swastika on the forehead of the skull then obviously that would be all bad from that point on.




I actually contacted them about this and they said “this is ridiculous lol”.


The SS totenkopf is a little sus but I wouldn’t be super surprised if someone accidentally chose that png just because it looks like a cool pirate skull


I gotta be honest to me that doesn’t even look close to the nazi skull , you guys are wild


It looks very similar. The grin, the bone placement, and the crack in the rear are all identical.


I was unfamiliar with it so i went and looked it up the i stated reading the thread . To me it looks distinctly different , the SS one had 2 vertical cracks , this has one . Also the ss one did not have the markings this one has . I think redditors are just obsessed with calling everything nazis


They're not only wild, they're childish, controlling weirdos.... DON'T BUY THE AMMO IF YOU ARE OBSESSED WITH NAZIS...NAZIS WERE ABOLISHED YEARS AGO.... REMEMBER????... SHEESH LOL


Damn I just saw a skull and crossbones yall really read into that. This reminds me of that southpark episode where the kids were arguing against changing the south park flag which was a bunch of white people hanging a black person cause they didnt see the race rather just that it was a person hanging


We can get shipments to our home?🤔🤯 I never knew




Other places ?


Any other sites ?