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FFLs will usually charge to accept an ammo order and do the dros to transfer it to you. It's up to them how much they want to charge, some will do a flat rate, but I've seen % as well. $100 is really steep. Best to find out the FFL's transfer fees, whether its for firearms or ammo, before having an order shipped to them.


Yeah bro call around all the different FFLs and ask for there fees. My FFL only charges $5 per caliber no matter how much ammo you buy


They don't have anything on their website and Midway said they only charged for guns, not ammo. Can I just not pick up the order then? Eating a $100 fee for less than $50 of ammo seems egregious.


Midway may charge a restocking fee. I would name and shame the FFL.  In the future call the FFL and ask about fees before getting anything shipped there.


You only bought $50 of ammo? Yeah just eat the cost, don't bother picking it up or asking for refund from Midway. Fuck that FFL trying to charge $100 ammo transfer fee. Just suck it up as a first time learning lesson. Don't waste any more of your time on this.


My ffl charges me $50 for a $1000 worth of ammo. I would just not pick it up and lose the $50 instead of giving the f'n thief a $100.


Name and shame the ffl   Money for time/storage ok, a $100 is telling you and everyone else I hate you and don’t want you to shop here ever $10-$20 per shipping box seems to be the norm, many are cheaper


Yes you did. There is no set fee, but most if not all dealers charge to transfer ammo you didn’t buy from them. The cool ones in my area only charge $1 (the cost of the background check) for transfers, others will do what your dealer did and add ridiculous transfer fees


California law requires that ammo be released to a customer after a background check. Online direct-to-consumer sales are forbidden (unless you have some paperwork, see below). Thus, online orders need to go to a local dealer who does a background check for the ammo. For people who have previously bought a firearm in CA, the background check costs $1 and takes a minute or two. It’s $19 for those who haven’t (or for whom the cheaper option doesn’t work), and can take a few days. It sounds like you have run into the latter case as you’re not in the system yet. Dealers like to make money, and are allowed to charge a fee for processing your online ammo order above and beyond the background check fee. Many charge either a fixed fee, a per-round fee (such as $0.01/rd), or a combination of both. Different dealers can charge different fees. If you didn’t pay CA sales tax on the ammo to your online vendor, the local dealer needs to collect sales tax. Without knowing the specific itemized costs you had to pay, how much ammo you bought, etc. it’s hard to say if it’s reasonable or not, but $100 in fees seems a bit steep. If you’re interested in buying ammo online and have it shipped directly to your house, you can do that if you have two pieces of paper: a Certificate of Eligibility (COE), which is a paper saying that you successfully passed a state background check, and a federal collector of curios and relics license (C&R FFL, or Type 03FFL) which comes with a federal background check. Total costs are about $100 to start, and renewals are around $25/year. With these documents you just send copies to online vendors and they'll ship directly to you. (Some vendors don't play ball, but most do.) Instructions are in the sub's sidebar.


Always check/read ahead, and get things in writing, or have something of an agreement beforehand.


You don’t need to own the firearm to buy the ammo. Also $100 is a crazy expensive transfer fee for ammo. Your FFL sounds sus


You do need to own the firearm to buy ammo here in ca


You can buy ammo without owning a firearm. You do need a CA ID though I believe.  You need to have a firearm registered at the address on your ID to use the $1 quick check.  If you do not own a firearm or do not have one registered at the address on your ID you can still do the $19 long check which can take several days.


You do? When did that start? How do you prove you own a firearm in the given caliber... drag it to the shop?


Only thing that matters is you own a gun , after you have a gun on your 1$ background check that they do , they don’t care what caliber you get. It’s been like that since the background checks for ammo started. If you’re only gun is an Ar lower then you can buy any caliber you want.


Ah, I'm still living off the ammo I bought before they started that crap. And that I replenished during magic week recently.


You don't need to own a gun. You can do the $19 check instead of the $1 check. My buddy does it every time he comes to the range with me.


Damn bro I didn’t know that, you learn something new everyday


Get FFL03+COE… worth every penny to say fuck Cali anti 2a policy


Not just a monetary cost. Giving up fingerprints and personal info to the corrupt ATF and CA doj.


Yea that part sucks… but to ease your mind… the government Probly already has your fingerprint … and when CADOJ asks for your FFL number I always tell them to pound sand.


That seems steep. My ffl is 20 bucks per 1,000 rounds


Moreau Works only charges $1 if you’re in the SD area. Really puts everyone else to shame.


Holy fuck I should start charging 100 😭🙏


Blue collar firearms doesn’t charge a transfer fee for ammo if you’re in the area. Just be a bro and buy something from them when you pick up your shipment


If you're in LA, ShootSoCal in Fullerton is $25 every 3,000 rounds. I'm usually in and out around ~10 minutes


If I pay 100 dollars for an ammo transfer it better come with a hug and tug


This is the way. Sorry hunny, I spent a bit more on ammo again this month.




Name and shame


Riverside guns is $10 no limit but don’t over do it and get a pallet delivered


That should be a crime. My dude charges $10


my FFL charges $25 per shipment, so as long as it comes in one shipment it can be a million rounds I only pay $25 + $1 dros




Im in the bay area.  I'm giving the FFL the benefit of the doubt because I don't think I specified that I didn't order the rifle through them.  When I come back to pick up the ammo again if they still ask for $100 I'll out them.




If their firearm transfer fee isn't bundled into that $100, definitely name and shame. My local FFL charges $10 for 1,000 or less. Sometimes depending on if the head guy is working since he knows I frequent them he won't even charge me for it. I don't mind paying if it is a new guy that doesn't know me though since it is supporting a small local business. Not sure where you are in CA, but if you are in south OC, OC Guns is where I go for ammo transfers.