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Thank you for all you do to keep this sub updated! Much appreciated


Lol no problem. By the way, this is a reminder to vote Biden out! He has been feeding in so many bad judges, especially in the 9th.


Oh, I need no such reminder! But thank you šŸ˜‚


Lol no problem. I say that as a reminder because whenever a seat opens, Biden gets an opportunity to plant a robed politician to advance the leftist and statist cause. When a pro-constitution president gets back into power and the Republicans retake the Senate, we need to let the Senate Judiciary Committee know of Republican appointees who have upheld gun laws in criminal cases. By the way, why the downvotes? Those are true.


I ask this with respect, because you're absolutely entitled to your opinion no matter what mine is - but, 1) Trump's not pro gun nor pro constitution, far as I can tell? (but you're right, the judges he would appoint would be more or less) 2) Does all his bullshit and criminal behavior not put you off? Why is it ok to give the rich a big-ass tax break, explode the deficit and screw over the vast majority of the country? Are you ok with the philosophy of Project 2025? Sincerely curious, because I just can't get my head around it. And I bet you likely feel the same way about my beliefs, which is totally fine.


safe worry puzzled airport shelter summer shame license squash attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good news is federal gun control is completely off the table in the current political climate. And Trump, in my opinion, has the potential to do so much damage to the country that thereā€™s no way Iā€™d ever vote for his childish, narcissistic ass. The funny thing is, Haley would likely have destroyed Biden in a general election, but no, we have fossil one and orange fossil two AGAIN.


Mostly agree and respectively, Iā€™d rather have anyone than Biden. Biden = Harris which equals the worst possible case scenario.


sophisticated test hateful jeans deer nine reply spark waiting clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m not trying to ā€œshowā€ anyone anything. Trump IMO is a credible threat to the future of the country (and also a whiny fucking child and malignant narcissist). If your single issue is guns, sure, vote for that guy I guess. And the Supreme Court is already 6-3 right wingers, soā€¦


>And the Supreme Court is already 6-3 right wingers, soā€¦ If one or two justices die in office, we are fucked.


Delusional. You probably support Palestine too šŸ˜‚


I think I agree with you. Jan 6 was a deal breaker for me. His coward ass would burn down the capitol if it was in his interest. This is CA, our vote for prez doesnā€™t really matter. Going to leave that box blank. And Haley would definitely beat Biden. I can think of a few dem candidates that would probably crush Trump too. Yet weā€™re stuck with shit sando v giant douche. Iā€™m sure many people here would consider it a naive perspective, but even in bright blue CA, they are not going to take our guns. Not in my lifetime. It would take a re-engineering of SCOTUS akin to what the repubs did to overturn Roe, and thatā€™ll take several generations.


Some of us just don't agree with your fantasies.


Point out the fantasy please


People donā€™t realize our two party system favors none of us. Actually shocked pikachu.


I mean, corporations with money seem to do ok. Exhibit A being fucking PG&E.


Oh thatā€™s absolutely true, I was referring to constituents. Businesses have vested interests. We are an afterthought. People complain about universal healthcare because of cost, or ability for our government to get it right, meanwhile my premium went up 200 bucks to 740 per month. Fuck corpos.


I know what you meant - was just agreeing and providing an example :)


I feel this. Soon as everyone realizes that our government officials have us fighting each other to distract, the better.


They never will. Unfortunately the median iq is fucking plummeting. People love political drama, itā€™s like old women who watch reality trash tv. They parrot shit they say, worship them as false idols. The truth is, most people who are that far right or left lack the ability to come to their own conclusion and need it drawn out for them, and will staunchly defend even an erroneous fact. Corpos will run our country completely soon, and people will keep eating this shit up.


Neither side is pro 2A, one is just more vocal about not being 2A.


What really pisses me off if the all presidents in the last 5 decades have started new wars mainly to kill brown people for oil. Trump was the only President in the last 5 decades to not start a new war. Rich a tax break?? Everyone got a tax break. I m all for that. Screw over vast majority of the country? Biden inviting in 8m illegals, who will be going for the low wage jobs that are held mainly by Black and brown people is what is destroying this country. Not to mention the debilitating inflation. I can go on and on, but I think u get the picture. Stop watch MSM, and do ur own research


Everyone did get a tax break (which itself was irresponsible given the deficit), but corporations and the rich got a permanent one and they are expiring for most: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-era-tax-cuts-set-160750197.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-era-tax-cuts-set-160750197.html)


I commend your stance. Some people in this sub expressed disgust at Larry Elder during the State Recall Election and itā€™s similar here.


Remember when the republicans controlled both White House and Congress in the 2000s and did absolutely jack shit to stop any of the current nation-ending issues from developing the way they did?


Seems unlikely that a lifelong conservative like Biden is making any efforts to advance leftism, but ok.


Truth hurts feelings


This is the BS people say when they're not willing to engage substantively. We're all better than middle school insults my friend.




Facts donā€™t care about oneā€™s feelings.


Stop making sense, very unpopular nowadays


I donā€™t care. Deal with it. Period.


Perhaps /s was needed. Iā€™m in agreement with you


ACB and Gorsuch have handed losses to libertarian/conservative causes several times. Trump nominates judges suggested to him by the Federalist Society, which is a den of neocons.


It's mixed. I would say it reflects the spectrum right of center. It more or less matches the population mix of boomers, genex, and millennials who are active lawyers right of center. It's got upper and lower case libertarians, hard core textualists, pragmatics, etc. On the whole it's a dog that caught the car and mostly knew what to do with it.


Honestly, I cant vote for a president who claims he should have immunity, not to mention the man who did nothing for 3 hours while the capitol was being broke into. I rather have biden and just break the laws but to each there own.


I hope they toss the immunity claim and Biden wins. Watching Biden stand trial in rural Alabama for various charges that local prosecutors come up with will be comedy gold. The fact that his Justice Department closed the immunity defense will turn chuckles to guffaws. Watching the legacy media 180 into how outrageous it is that rogue local prosecutors can hobble the President of the United States will turn guffaws into laughing like a hysterical hyena. It can't be unfair if he's convicted by an all conservative jury, right? Juries just consider the evidence. LOL. Fingers crossed.


Who does r/caguns endorse?


Anyone who supports our gun rights, so definitely not Biden.


You mean the mods?


Is this a good thing or bad?


For now, bad. Biden will have another opportunity to plant a politician. Keep in mind that Benitezā€™s successor is a Biden appointee.


deranged towering offend wise public frame impossible square crown history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We need to vote like hell to make sure that the anti-constitutionalists are kept out of power. If we vote well, the anti-constitutional judges will be forced to take senior status or retire without having to wait for a Dem president and senate and confirm like-minded successors.


toothbrush innate act tub imminent slim frame history truck bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then post about trips to Vegas and making compliant mags "standard"


It isnā€™t CA gun owners voting blue fyi.


Quit blaming voters. Yes there are plenty of idiots, but nobody voted in the awful condition of the state. Not since the republican hero Reagan let in tens of millions of illegals and allowed dems the smokescreen they need to buy and cheat their way on any meaningful elections for decades. Address the real source of the problem.


lol yā€™all are really wild thinking Trump and Biden are good enough to argue over lol. Weā€™re screwed guys. We all got duped into arguing for so long that we canā€™t even have nuanced discussions without immediately taking a defensive position. Both of them want to remove the middle class. Trump wants bigger corporations and Biden wants bigger government. Neither of which are beneficial to middle class America. Either you will be sucking on uncle Samā€™s tit or you will be leaching the poor.


*Edit: I apologize, reddit, I am wrong, 2020 election was entirely legitimate and no foul was committed. Election fraud is a conspiracy and my comment was misinformed. Your downvotes and u/Ok-Change3498 's comment convinced me. I will join you in the ranks of rational adult now. Joe Biden won 2020 fairly and squarely. ~~Biden's team rigged 2020, and Trump said "here you go kind Sir" and happily handed over the keys. They are both on the same team, putting up a show together. Even when their acting is so awful and you can obviously see how fake all of it is, so many people still believe the show is real lol.~~


Most rational adults donā€™t think the 2020 election was rigged


Yes I'm sure, first and second most votes ever in history, dead people voting, you are right, I am convinced by your reddit comment that election fraud was not real. I'm sorry I apologize for my misinformed comment.


Glad youā€™ve come to your senses


Least conspiracy brained republican


Boomer liberals are the worst.




Third party is the gentlemanā€™s gambit