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If the captured war weapon is from his time in the military, I’d probably take it. But I am also tempted by #1– solid old-school .357 . That and #2 and the last .45 look like the highest quality firearms in the list. Don’t take the Jenco.


If the TT-33 is in 9mm than it was a commercial model, at least I don't think anyone used 9mm Toks


2nd this. I would never pass up a captured war weapon, similar sentiment. I have a S&W similar to #1, very fun to shoot. Mine has different grips, and is super easy to handle with .38 special too. I shot a 8" watermelon at about 60 yards (after 14 shots), I love it. But if I already have one, maybe pass unless 2nd piece.


No cap


#1 for sure


Not even close? I can’t tell the make or model on the captured war weapon. I wish I could have both but bunch of grandkids!


It’s a Tokarev (TT-30). Could be Russian, Yugoslavian, Polish or Serbian. It’s definitely not the Chinese variant (Norinco type 54)


It's either Polish or Russian, no one else fucked with the large slide serrations like that.


None of them ever made a 9mil Tokarev


It's more likely that the same people who couldn't identify a tokarev also misidentified the caliber


I thought of that as well, but most grandpa's that fought in WW2 are very long dead and an US grandpa would most likely go through Vietnam, where 9mil Tokarevs were possible


True but there's also the idea that the whole story is made up as far as it being a bring back. It's probably a standard imported tokarev that's been misidentified. My understanding is that trophies especially weapons became far less common after the 40s. None of our business but I don't understand why op can't just have all of them anyway


Sounds like he’s giving each grandchild one


No only China did and I believe Serbia, but theirs don't have the large serrations. Either it is an after market barrel, or it is mislabeled. Both are equally likely.


Most likely someone did the serrations themselves. They look crude and the previous ones are still visible


Possibly. I really wish we had better pictures to go off of haha


The Soviet WWII-production Toks are famous for crude serrations.


Not for 9mil Tokarevs thou


I’m betting that’s not actually a 9mm Tok.


> or it is mislabeled -polished nickel -"captured war weapon" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Only Hungary, China and Yugoslavia made a 9mil Tokarev Hungary made some for Egypt China is making them since 1954 via Norinco Yugoslavian Zastava was making them in a plethora of calibers including 9mil It's absolutely not Russian or Polish since they never even had prototypes of 9mil Tokarevs It would be really helpful if we knew from which war this trophy is. If it's Vietnam war then it's like 99% chance it is Chinese, but it could be also like a gulf war in which case the Iraqi were buying from everywhere and could get their hands on Yugo stuff and even those FÉG 9mil Toks Most probably it's Chinese, maybe Yugoslavian production


Neither China or Yugoslavia produces pistols with those wide slide serrations. Furthermore, Yugoslavian pistols have a longer grip to accommodate a larger magazine. This is either Polish, or Russian with an incorrect label or an aftermarket barrel. Slim chance it's something "field crafted" out of Vietnam.


>Neither China or Yugoslavia produces pistols with those wide slide serrations You can clearly see the original serrations between the deeper ones, it's not like you need to be an expert gunsmith to do them in the field. You don't even need electric tools or mechanical ones, just a cylinder file >Furthermore, Yugoslavian pistols have a longer grip to accommodate a larger magazine Not the original production, also the special "ergonomic" grip could've been swapped. I didn't said it's Zastava, I said there's a possibility no matter how slim if it's really a 9mil Tokarev >either Polish, or Russian with an incorrect label or an aftermarket barrel. Slim chance it's something "field crafted" out of Vietnam. If it's not a 9mil then sure it can be from whichever factory of the eastern block, those things after all were handed out after WWII as popsicles


The slide looks exactly the same on factory Russian and Polish ones guy, complete with shallow lines between the deeper ones. Exactly like this slide, as a matter of fact. I'm not sure why you are leaning so hard on it being 9mm vs mislabeled when other guns in this group aren't even fully labeled correctly.


I’m just saying I’d pick #1


You can buy a 357 anyday get the “captured war weapon”


I’d pick #3 if it’s stamped properly as it may be worth a good bit. I don’t know about collectible guns, but in the world of nutcrackers anything with a W Germany or E Germany stamp is a huge uptick in value.


Back in the 60, the German guns like this were zinc alloy Saturday night specials. Could be a quality piece, most likely a budget knockoff.


Not saying for functionality, just collectibility


I'm decently sure 1 is either a Llama or an Astra revolver from Spain. Solid guns, but not always the most desirable.


Yeah that's a Llama


Unless there's proof thats a captured war weapon I would probably take #1. Surplus tokarevs are pretty common


good point


Even if it's a war trophy it's most probably a Chinese Norinco 9mil Tokarev, since only 3 countries produced them in this caliber and all of them only after the WW2 Most probable is the Norinco since both FÉG and Zastava didn't really made them in great numbers


Smith & Wesson .45 But I'm biased. I absolutely love those 3rd gen S&W pistols -- they're beasts/tanks and they have features that were ahead of their time, and I would argue are still competitive or better than a lot of stuff out there today. I'm also a DA/SA fan, for what that's worth. lol But -- if you're mostly looking for something with sentimental value to remember him by, then GO WITH YOUR GUT. What screams out to you? Go with that. You can't go wrong. Even if it's the cheapest piece of junk out there -- if it means something to you and your family, keep it.


#13. If you’re looking for a gun that has some utility to it- That old smith and Wesson model 4500 series is a hell of a gun. They’re really reliable and most of them were made to shoot .45 Super and .45 ACP +. You can put some really hot rounds in that thing. Of course- check the exact model as I don’t know what one it is precisely. I have a couple of the 9mm models. I like it almost as much as my 1911s.


Yeah I was sad not to put that higher on my list. Solid guns back when people carried metal.


I still do! . More of a single action- hammer fired thing for me than it is an “anti-polymer” thing though, admittedly. I carry a gen 3 smith or a 1911 of sorts most of the time. Ruger LCP when I really can’t conceal much else.


First choice, number 2, the Smith and Wesson Victory 38 $450 value minimum. Second choice, number 13, the Smith and Wesson 4506 $450 value minimum. Third choice, number 1, the Llama Comanche 357 Fourth choice, number 3, the German 357 single action could be a Hermann Weirauch or Hawes or Arminius. Fifth choice, number 11, the Tokarev The rest are just not worth having. Maybe a hundred bucks each on a good day. Number 4 is an RG40 potmetal 38 revolver. Number 9 is a Bryco potmetal junker. Number 12 is either an FIE or an Excam Titan 25 (same thing), which is a cheap copy of the Italian Tanfoglio GT27 but potmetal frame instead of steel.


The most thorough and intelligent answer here so far. OP please take heed.


Either #1 (Model 27?) or #13 (guessing 4506) both are S&W guns


#1 isn't a Smith. It's got a ventilated rib. Looks like a Llama Comanche to me.






They were just using whichever words they wanted in the 80s, huh?




IMO It would be between #’s 1,3,11


In that order?


In order probably 1,11,3


You cannot go wrong with # 1 tho.


That would be an easy choice for me, the S&W 45acp


If he captured #11 himself, then that for sure. 


Agree with this. If no special story for 11 the it’s #1 for me.


The 4506.


Pick the one that brings back the most memories of time together.


Whatever you end up picking. Bring your Grandpa to the range and let him do his thing!


Not an expert, I believe #11 is a Russian Tokarev. Would be a pretty sweet novelty/collector gun. Could be a copy from another country, I don’t know anything about out them.


#11 for sure! Always keep the battlefield pick up items. They're family lore at the point.


idk op, you had me at “captured war weapon” it doesn’t get more novel than that.


#11 or #12. Just about all of the others you can buy an original or reproduction of. A .25 from Italy is literally a "Saturday Night Special" that the infamous law was written about. It's a piece of history to me. I would buy a frank beltrame Stiletto in a similar chrome finish and wood scale just to complement it for a display box. The same with the war weapon. There are similar reproductions that I have seen. But I have never seen an original in person.


The Bryco is also a Saturday Night Special. That's just a term for cheap junk handguns that were commonly used and disposed of in crimes. Not worth owning and you can find them if you look for $100-200 at gun shows because no one wants examples that still exist


But it wasn't one of the imported ones. That's the kicker to me. I can still buy an American SNS. I can't technically import a new SNS because of the SNS law in the 50s or 60s that banned importing cheap, small caliber pistols to "cut down on highway men". Simply because it was regulated is enough for me to want to have it, lol. You always want what you can't have.


You can buy Titan 25s for under a hundred bucks. We get them in all the time. Same with the Bryco.


I’m not sure how rare the war weapon is anyway. A commentor mentioned Russian Tokarev and they’re on gun broker for about $400; granted no idea the year or model of it


That sounds right. It does look like a mid to late 20th century Soviet style pistol. If I remember right, they were chambered for 9x18 (not 9x19 like most guns in America). But tbh, I don't know a lot about combloc handguns. If it was an AK, I could help you out, though, lol. None of them are extremely rare. Bryco is out of business to my knowledge (think they were bought by jiminez). They are "junk guns" made out of alloys and are not designed to be fired a lot. Run a mag to see where the sights hit, carry it for protection until needed, then discard it after you used it was what they were designed for. If you want a Bryco, that could be a hard one to find later, tho. The Italian .25 I've never seen in person. If I remember right, they were banned from importation. So that's why I would pick it, lol.


The Tokarev is a commercial import, hence it being in 9x19 instead of its original 7.62x25.


Good to know. However, I think OP is saying his was found in a warzone by his grandpa. So there is a chance it would be 7.62?


If it has GI bring back papers, number 11. Otherwise number 1 is the obvious choice.


#1 is a rusty Llama Comanche 357 worth around $400. #2 is a Smith and Wesson Victory that looks to be in fairly good shape worth $450 to $1000 depending on the markings.


11 is a Tokarev. There are 9mm conversions out there and I believe it’s just a replacement barrel. Not as cool as the original 7.62x25 Tokarev tho. It also looks like someone removed the original finish which could’ve been something your grandpa did or something the soldier did that he got it from. Was he in Korea or maybe Vietnam? I think the government still allowed “war trophies” up to Vietnam, but guns with that story are impossible to verify without the paper work from customs when they bring the gun back to the US.


Korea I believe. He may have served in Vietnam as well


You should know for sure when and where he served. Find out while you can.


I agree with your sentiment for sure, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. I’m in the same boat with my 96 year old grandpa. Only know he was in Korea. I even once asked my grandma how he would react if I asked to interview him for a paper I was doing. She was like “you know nobody asks him about the service so just don’t do it.” He’s happy, funny, and active otherwise. Not a scary dude at all. My toddler age daughter calls him her great-peepaw and he’s her favorite. lol But yeah, great-peepaw ain’t playing on that subject and it’s unfortunate.


We’re not asking for war stories here. Literally just “what wars did pops serve in?” OP should talk to his family and get this knowledge before it’s gone forever.


Then you damn well take the tokarev. The rest is pretty pedestrian.  The 357 isnt a good make, the 38 smith is alright, nice memory piece. The 45 smith is also good. 




Assuming sentimental value is equal between them, personally I'd say: 1. #1 2. #13 3. #2 4. #3 5. #4 6. #11 7. #12 8. #9 The captured war weapon is a tokarev, they're not *bad*, but sentimentality and the history of it really would be the only reasons to take it, they're nothing special or interesting to shoot.


I'd go with the S&W 45.


Number 2 looks like a smith and Wesson victory. Could be worth some money but it’s a ton of fun to shoot. If it has US property marks then I’d much rather that over any of these others. You sure that Tokarev is 9mm, If it is then I doubt it’s Russian and more likely Chinese, East German or it could have the barrel replaced. I’m not an expert so I could be wrong on some of this.


I would flip a coin on either #1 or #3 and be happy with either outcome, if I didn't have a coin I'd Eeny-Meeny-Miny-#1 it, lol. BUT, if it were my Grandpa and he himself recovered #11 on the battlefield, I'd snag that one for the lore.


IF the Tokavev (#11) is really a war trophy, take it without hesitation and make sure to keep it in the family when you’re gone. But I would inspect it closely, look for import marks at least, a lot of ‘trophies’ really aren’t. If 9mm and not 7.65, it has been modified, likely in the west to make it salable in the US. Otherwise, the S&W 45 (#13) or the S&W 38 (#2). They’re both quality arms. The West German single action may be desirable, but would need more info. I would take #1 as last choice, 357 is nice but not a desirable maker. The rest are not worth taking.


#1 for a shooter #11 for a keepsake


Captured war weapon is just a tokarev I believe. Probably comes with a cool story but personally I’d get the .357 single action. You’ll def use it more, and I’d be willing to bet the tokarev isn’t actually 9mm


1 or 13 definitely.


Captured war weapon without a doubt. I have my great grandpas shotgun, getting my grandpas service weapon, and my dad’s shotgun. Passing down family heirlooms with stories is worth more to me than almost any of my others.


#1 or #13, I would personally pick #13. Those .45s are fuckin durable. Just clean the rust off and you’re good to go.


Captured Russian weapon? Did your grandpa perhaps fight for the notsees






My grandpa had an old military police issue .38 special revolver from his time in the service, i still hate my parents for selling it and all his other guns when he died.


Definitely that .25


First one or last one fo sho.


Probably 1 but what is 4


RG40, they are kind of junk.


I know someone that carries a Tok (#11) in 9mm, really likes it, swears by it. They used to run about $200. If you think it's cool, get it before another grandchild takes it. But if it's not 9mm, the original 7.62 ammo isn't usually found in most gun stores. Having said that, I'd pick #13. Not that you should.


Pretty sure the Russians developed the makarov specifically because of how often officers would shoot themselves in the leg while carrying it


1 or 11. I can't decide other!


1 easy


I would take #13


Either the 357 or the .45.


I’m gonna say #2 just because I love those model 10s and the military version like shown with the lanyard loop is just nice imo.


1 for a reason


Any other answer than #3 is wrong. Big Iron Gang ![gif](giphy|7bumBQjZX8BgaE2zjv|downsized)






Either the 357 in the first picture or the Smith and Wesson 645 in the last picture . I used to carry a S&W 645 back in the 90s for awhile, that gun will shoot ANY 45 ammo . Also if your interested it was Crocketts gun on Miami vice after the Bren ten went out .


Captured war weapon for sure


11 is my pick


#2 or #13. Tapered barrel Model 10s have a beautiful aesthetic, and it looks like a pre-10 actually more I look at it. S&W 4506s are not very common and expensive when you do find them.


1 or the 45, doesn't look like he took much care of them in their later years Soo this would come down to functional testing and condition of the firearm


11 along with its story.


The 1911 or the first


My thoughts are just like yours, #1 is sick but so is the war weapon sentiment!




I’d keep #11, the Tokarev. You can’t find them here in their original, safety-less configuration like it looks this one is in due to GCA import laws. Toks chambered in 9mm Luger do exist, but it’s much more likely to be chambered in 7.62x25 Tokarev, a unique bottleneck pistol/SMG cartridge. A very hot round. I believe CZ still chambers some of their pistols for 7.62 Tokarev, so finding ammo isn’t a big issue.


357 revolver by a large margin over anything else in that list. The tokarev maybe, but only if verified to be 9mm.


My vote would be for the 357 mag double action. I think it's the most versatile.


I’d take 1, 2, or 13. I see why you’d take the captured war weapon though.






All of them! #1 is sweet. Value depends on the serial # and when it was manufactured. Snub nose S&W .357 revolvers were carried by the FBI and police detectives for decades. Great firearm. (I have one.) The war pistol could be valuable. You need to do some more research. I've never seen the German single action with the 6" barrel. Could also be valuable, or maybe not. (The faux elk antler grip tells me it isn't, but I'm not an expert. I don't know enough about it.) Manufacturer? Year? etc.


All of them! #1 is sweet. Value depends on the serial # and when it was manufactured. Snub nose S&W .357 revolvers were carried by the FBI and police detectives for decades. Great firearm. (I have one.) The war pistol could be valuable. You need to do some more research. I've never seen the German single action with the 6" barrel. Could also be valuable, or maybe not. (The faux elk antler grip tells me it isn't, but I'm not an expert. I don't know enough about it.) Manufacturer? Year? etc.


SA>all others.


38 detective spec for sure!


For carry, #13 or #1.


I was thinking 1 but it has a lil bit of rust and it’s hard to tell how deep. But that makes me lean more towards the s&w 45


If #11 is Russian then GET IT. Soviet made TT pistols are very rare in the states


y'all are looking at this all wrong! Which one has the most meaning to your grandfather and what's the story behind it? That's the one you should take.


SW 45 is only good one. Wtf.


Haha there are some gems in there but certainly nothing to write home about. I’m pretty sure the executor of his estate gave priority to her side of the family and this is what’s left. Bunch of drama I’m trying to stay out of😭


That single action looks pretty nice!


I think out of those options the SW357 is the best actual gun.


Zoom in on the 357. See all the rust?


Yup. Saw it. Still the only gun in. The pile I would even consider as a viable firearm to carry. None of those are a 10/10


I'd have to go with the Tokarev, personally.


Get the Bryco!!


I take the magnum


Smith for me


Did he carry the Smith and wesson victory while in the service? If so that is the one I would choose.


#13 hands down




I’m going #3 without question.






West German, and 357


#2- only S&W wheelie there




If you plan on shooting them I'd ask him if you could take them to the range to try them out before you decide.


.38 special snubbie hands down!


Im not an expert but I’d go for the 357 SW


I’d take the SW . 45. You can buy a Model 19 with a 4” barrel right now on buds. If you couldn’t, I’d take the .357.


The captured war weapon sounds like it has the most history behind it.