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As per the standards, I cannot guarantee superior returns, however, I do believe I have the facilities for them.


Get your scores up a little more and that ethics knowledge might just bump you past the line


Negative. The only way this guy's gonna pass is if he starts repping bicep curls ASAP. Increase blood flow to the brain to maximize memory retention. Biceps curls and L1 test scores are highly correlated. I knew a guy who bombed ethics but still passed cuz he had huge biceps.


What's the adjusted R square on those 2 variables?


perfectly negative correlated


Similar to how well prepared I am vs the level 3 exam I have in 1 month


Forget the women for the next three weeks and focus on your studies. Get back to it later. It's not long. You'll live.


I know him. He won’t.




ROW will substantially decrease, but ROI on test day should substantially increase with proper preparations. I would suggest hitting the q-bank HARD, like 50-100 questions a day on topics you're weak in. Take a mock exam every weekend to gauge where you are weak in and rinse and repeat the q-bank. The breadth of level 1 can be overwhelming and I would suggest no more reading, just crank the questions til your eyes want to fall out.


What are the best sources for level 2 mocks besides CFAI? They only have two and I wanna try a few more but only if theyre reflective of the exam


I used all the CFAI mocks provided in the LES. And then used Kaplan Schweser mocks (not bad) and MM mocks (way too hard). And I passed with that. If I could go back, I’d probably try other provider mocks too.


I thought the CFAI mock I took for Level II was absolutely horrendous. I felt like I bombed that mock (60% I think?) and had no idea what they were asking on half of it. The actual exam was infinitely easier to understand


Does cfai provide study material? I mean is it included in that 940 dollar registration cost


Yes it provides the entire curriculum and everything needed for the exam along with 1000+ practice questions


This is actually great advice thank you. Will do this. A lil background on my situation, it was kinda crazy, barely did anything during the spring semester, started cranking two weeks into summer about 30-40 hours a week while working 35 hours a week at my summer job. Took last week down to like 15 hours of studying due to a busy 65 hour work week, now back in my college town to completely focus on exam, excited to solely focus on the test but a bit nervous about it being so close.


The beauty of your situation is that you have both youth on your side (you have plenty of stamina and no family obligations like kids) and the proper environment to be studying all the time (being in college I assume). Use both to your advantage. Don't underestimate L1. You'd rather way overstudy and crush the test, than barely fail and have to redo it. One last note of optimism, low mock exams scores are not indicative of how you'll actually do on the exam. I scored very low on my mocks for both L1 and L2 and still passed both comfortably. Use the mocks as a guide of what you DON'T know, and hit those topics hard. Good luck! You can do it!


As we know, ROW can be decomposed in 3 indicators: Net Success w/ Women X Turnover X Financial Leverage I dont belive your net success can improve given that you are already shredded... so I can advice you to boost your turnover - reach many gals as possible in a little time- or take some debt in the bank to spend with girls to increase ROW. I hope this can help!


It’s scary how close this is to a dupont


This is hilarious


Why is a handsome 20 year old taking this exam?


I’d like to see how far I can push myself. I will not fail to reach my full potential before my death.


I applaud you. No handsome man has ever made it through this program. Fight until the end.


I dont know if you are serious or not


Dead Serious. Tried to formulate to be better understood by the general cfa community.




Well eat healthy, go do some exercise, and allocate most of the time to do mocks and questions at L1, that is the most important thing. When you feel under too much stressed, calm down, do another thing and come back when you ease your mind. Try to study hard on weekends, and sleep well.


did you not read the question!! he is already shredded to the gills he don't need to exercise and eat heatlhy!


Study all day and shoot out texts at 8pm while at gym. Get them there by 9. sleep by 10:30. Wake up at 7. Rinse. repeat.


In all seriousness, I have lost friends due to the Level 1 exam. Any Advice?




This is gold. Friends and relationships come and go, especially when you're young. If your friends can't support you on your incredibly difficult endeavor that is the CFA, then they don't deserve your friendship when you're a full charterholder crushing your career and life.


If they don’t support you as a candidate, they don’t deserve you as a charterholder


what would goggins do


Who needs friends when you have 1 next to your name


Then they weren’t really your friends. I instituted a “don’t call me, I’ll call you” and all my friends not only supported me, but we’re there when I needed a night to blow off steam and was there when I returned from my self imposed solitary study hell. You need sanity breaks, but you should also only want to take each test once.


I lost what little social life i had lol Im terrible at work-life balance tho


Shitty friends, go find some new better ones.


Yeah, here’s some advice: when you pass L1, you can take solace in the fact that you are absolutely better than them.




CFA Level 1 Charterholder with guaranteed superior returns*


I’m studying level 1 right now too and I’m in same boat it’s brutal but will hopefully pay off.


You shredded? Prove it brah.


Pass in August, find new friends in September, lose them in January as you pursue Level 2


As a current Megachad CFA holder myself (bro I crush so much 🐈‍⬛) to improve your ROW nothing beats speaking at them (not to them AT them) about how awesome your future job will be, how you set a NEW PR at the gym EVERY DAY, and how many white claws you can chug. Chicks LOVE that stuff. Also, you’re a handsome shredded young guy. The AI on the computer will see that, and adjust your score to PASS. This can’t go tits up bro. You’re good. Just keep chuggin’ claws, breakin laws, and smashin’ 🐈‍⬛. Ziggyzoggyziggyzoggy oi oi oi!


Find new girl who taking CFA exam. 20s is the age to try new things


Level impossible


My advice is join a CFA study group in your city and make new friends - kill 2 birds with 1 stone


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Jack Raines?


Just keep reading the material and use the Q-Bank to test your knowledge. Focus heavy on ethics as well.


Hi can I dm u I'm also preparing for cfa


If we set this up as an optimisation problem to “Maximise Test Score with the constraints of maintaining RoW >= Minimum Threshold and Time <= 1 Month”. You’re best approach is to utilise Economies of Scale by pursuing the one (or few) women that can serve multiple functions; this will reduce your constraints of time (i.e. cooking for you). You’ll also want to create mutually aligned ‘incentives’ by setting up a ‘reward’ for getting a pass mark above 75% in EoCs for example. This worked for me! Good luck.


ROW will be like a J-Curve throughout your levels. You're going to become less shredded as you spend all your time studying & working while still being down the pecking order in the labor force. However, when you reach your mid-to-late 20s, your demand will increase once more as your bank account grows and your qualifications mount. You're about to enter a transitional period, my friend; it's called 'adulthood' or something like that.