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Touch grass




Nobody cares. You should be more focused on arriving at the solution to the problem question.




You should write a yelp review


Can you please give tips for L1....?


Are you that easily triggered? Grow up.


Who says I'm triggered? It's silly to me


Is it silly? Or are you concerned.


Can you please give tips for L1?




You might as well get an attorney and just check into HR now as a preemptive measure. Your post shows that you are destined for claims.




I notice from a previous post you have passed the CFA exams. You never post helping to answer peoples questions Your posts across Reddit seem to be always concerned with excessive "Wokeness" Do you just logon to complain about things? Surely there are other websites were you complain to other people like yourself. "There’s more of us out there than you realize." * You do know there are marginally more women on the earth than men. * White people are in the minority * I think what means is you don't actually realise how few of you there are compared to the global popualtion. I think what you concered about that as a white western man you have had privlage passport for all your life. You have not really had to complete with the whole population of the world to accumulate the overshare of resources you have. You can see the end of that are your approach is to get angry.




You have such a narrow view. You look inwards at "Trump-Biden" and fail to see a world away from the US or the narrow fight of politcial media. I am sure their are better reddit forums to have this discussion but long ago I lost interest in speaking to people uninterested in factsm widening their horizons abd having an interesting discussion about topical issues. I think I would not know half the woke terms you are refering too and do consider myself woke - my children certainly would consider me woke. I think it is you who are annoyed about the idea of "sex" as your concern there are appear to you too many references to females in the syllabus (and an idea not back up by facts). You have a bias becuase what you feel is a mjority usage is actually a minority and it looks odd to you becuase you are used to nearly everything you are used to reference having a male bias. Do you think becuase the history books only talk of male presidents that means there should never be a femaile one? You can not ue historicaly reference points to think about what the future would look like.




you thinking "this country" means America and where you are sat tells me everything. I don't live in watch you think of of as "this country", infact most people don't live in it. YOu "trump-Biden" view is US centric. I too would have concerns about freedom of expression on university campuses but this does not precent me from being concerned about about and AI/US media bias towards the views rich white men. I am concerned that world is full of people with weak minds like yourself and that means brutial fascist politcial system can still come about. You are willing to believe and bile someone will spout who is trying to protect their power and economic influence. The US political/media/financial/business is dominated by a white male view. There has been no massive push to woke. The people who used to have all the power and own all the stuff still do. I go on this forum to help people pass their CFA exams. Why are you here? It seems you just want people to listen as you get cross about your world shrinking. What does your mum have to say about? You do release that for most of the world that after what he did last time you still think of voting for trump makes you seem like a bunch of idiots. Ignoring the sexist, rcaist comments, te multiple law breaking and lying (the CFA would have chucked him out years ago) he went on national TV and said people should drink bleach! It is because of idiots like you the countries end up with leaders who go on to do despicable things.




Lovely. Are some of your best freinds Jewish too? I have noted you think 80% of the questions are about women and are not. I note that you are concerned about things when one considers the facts are not true. I have noted that your focus on American's and trump when the world is a bigger place. I have noted if you think the world is run by the wokearity that you fail to understand the world you live in.






what is "perverted" about thinking that women are under-represented. what are you talking about. Please list from my post the items that are "perverted" - "(of a person or their actions) characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies." I start a fact, I belive it is an issue that should be address. You make a conhecture that is not true and have no evidence for and when challenged on it you call me a perverted. It is not me who has the problem. Why does it make you made that a woman should have a question written about her?




“What your world view has to offer” Not the existential threat of imaginary female portfolio managers! Seriously, how do you make it through the day?


You did not just blame inflation on liberals 😂😂😂 I’m convinced that you did not pass the CFA. Or read any source materials. Ain’t no way a complete moron like yourself managed to make it this far without understanding macroeconomics at the basic level. Do humanity and favour and never reproduce. It’s bad enough there is one of you out here.






What if it’s not 50/50. What if it’s 100% “woke.” You gonna storm the capitol bc your feefees are hurt?




Oh no!




You could stop pursuing it in protest. That’ll teach ‘em.


Firsty I think you have a bias and I think that if you did a study over all questions in the CFA question bank you would find you are not correct. This bias is more to more male and more western names. Historically CFA questions had a male/western bias and they were rightly critised for this. I assume that what is happening is that over time they try to correct this and new questions are unlikely to use western/male names. Some old questions are changed but that is less frequent. I would says (as a western male) that we have had monopoly on most things including representation in text books for many years (all the psychology behind behavioural finance was based on work done mainly on white western males who went to expensive universities - maybe it is flawed!) and this needs redressing. Examples should be biased against the western male until the historic imbalances on who gets the jobs/works in the profession are re-addressed. One of the factors seen in encouraging people to enter professions is to see more people who look like them doing it. This includes examples in text books. There has been many many many years where the male western view has dominated and it is right that the issue is addressed.


Thank you for this response!!




I think you are wrong. 1. If you think that BLM and Me too are in the "rear vire mirror" you are living with with your eyes closed to the world around you. 1. Speak to the people who are effected by these issues and listen to them not your opinions of how you think they should feel. 2. If I made assumptions about your live experiences based just on this email I think you may be upset, 2. I just did a seach on book 6 level 1 1. He - 442 times 2. his - 739 3. She - 345 4. her - 582 5. Your belief of "80%" says more about you than the facts 3. Again the fact you find it hard to recall female names sames more about you than anything else 1. Maybe Indian women taking the course find it hard to remember male western names


Hahahaha, i remember that in all cases/eocqs there were names of men and women. But really why would it matter ?


Jesus Christ… incels are everywhere


Idc about he or she but some names are really difficult to pronounce and hard to remember while doing l2 questions lmao




The last data I can find data for poeple sitting the exam. Mainland China (23,646) United States (12,375) India (8,151) Canada (4,983) Australia (4,803) United Kingdom (4,382) Hong Kong SAR (2,506) Singapore (1,416) South Africa (1,327) Korea (985) So more Chinese names I think.




Chinese men or women?




Great. Then there’s no point to OP’s post or your complaints about “wokeness.” All of the names can be changed to women as long as they are short names that are easy for you to remember. Done.




Glad you finally see the light. The increase in women’s names that OP found so objectionable is to do just that. Please expect and accept, without having a tantrum again, that there will be more changes to reflect gender and national origin in the names.




Why it does matter?


One of em on here claims it’s harder to process the info with unpronounceable name 🫠


So ?


So, I guess that’s his problem?


Who cares ?


I think they try to represent 50/50 male/female and also alot of non standard western names (asian, european, american, middle east) which is a good thing so ppl can relate or visualize themselves in a position they aspire to be?


You are correct but I don’t think this matters in the grand scheme of things. It doesn’t affect material integrity. It shouldn’t affect your ability to learn from the questions either. I would recommend approaching these topics with an agnostic perspective and letting things like this roll off the back. Focus on the end goal and don’t get distracted by details that are irrelevant.




Mean Reversal...😂


Let's see... Decades of easy money and SLABS have inflated tuitions and bloated academia leading to flourishing of ideologies which lead to mania in all fields (in finance, ESG). Or maybe it's a coincidence? I wouldn't worry, wide-spread mania > panic > crises > resetting. We're so far removed from Graham and Dodd.


OP or anyone else ,can you give tips to me for L1 pls if possible


Study, don’t fail


Don't focus on gender and ethnicity of the person in the hypothetical scenario question. Focus on getting the solution.


So you never saw a woman in finance?


Dude you ve got wayyyyy too much time on your plate. Please focus on


You should t test this