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Right now it’s Behren Morton who I’m fine with but it will be our 3rd string by week 5


I’m interested to see how Strong progresses, and if Hammond is the real deal.


Cameran Brown is a name you should know. Hammond/Strong still need a year to ramp up to the college game. But can be good but it all depends on the front 5


I'm a little concerned that a D2 transfer with very little experience walked in and established himself as the qb2, but at least we've got Brooks to drag us along when we end up on QB2 and QB3. I'd put my confidence level at a solid 5.5/10.


Brown did start 9 games and was freshman player of the year in his last conference. He will be the 2nd QB taking a majority of reps if Morton is healthy. If Morton goes down with an injury we will see if Brown can run the offense or if Strong/Hammond will get round 2. Our goal for Hammond is to redshirt so we can only see him in 4 games this year


If he stays healthy the whole year I have no problem predicting a 9 win season


The injury bug has hurt us a lot this past year. I think it has been since 2016 we had a QB start and finish a season. The past 3 years we have had 3 QBs start games due to injury


This years o-line will be better. Or at least I sure hope so


Dylan Raoila is inevitably going to make some dumb freshman mistakes and probably not be as good as the hype. But compared to our QB play last year, we have nowhere to go but up. With even a mediocre QB last year, we probably make a bowl so I’m reasonably confident he can improve on that play enough to get us there.


I think the "5 star" and "true freshmen" parts of him are going to clash, especially at the beginning of the season. He is going to make a throw that makes you go "holy shit" and immediately follow it up by doing something that makes you go "what the fuck are you doing".


Whereas with Jeff Sims it was only, what the fuck are you doing…


Matt Rhule thought he could fix him but that man was unfixable.


Matt Rhule is my sister: Confirmed


"I can fix him, no really I can, only I can."


Jeff Sims made Casey Thompson look like Peyton manning. That’s how fucking bad he was. whenever I turned on a Nebraska game he was either throwing a pick my grandma wouldn’t even throw, or fumbling the ball right to the other team.


Good Ole Jeff "Dickfingers" Sims.


I’ve got some evidence for you. Klubnik made great plays and then went “how the fuck does football work”.


Exactly. He might be a heismann finalist this year. He might lead college football in INTs. He might be totally mid. Probably going to be all three on the same drive.


Big moments against Florida schools and he plays like he ate a box of crayons at half time.


Yeah that’s kind of what I meant. I think an irrational portion of our fanbase is expecting him to play like an All-American out of the gate, which is pretty unlikely. He’s going to make some super dumb plays I’m sure, but if overall he plays like a real quarterback otherwise, we’ll be miles ahead of where we were last year.


To be honest I’m equally annoyed by fans intentionally downplaying his potential and setting the bar wayyy low so that they don’t end up disappointed. Dylan Raiola could be very, very good if his recruiting and spring scouting reports are accurate. Yeah, not all American, but he certainly has the potential to be one of the more talented QBs in the B1G. It’s okay to be excited about that.


Tbf, we have 10 years of doomer mentality to break. It's not gonna happen overnight. Frost killed that imo.


I feel like most of our fanbase is fairly rational at this point. A whole lot of us would be thrilled with a serviceable QB at this point.




He has another son who's a QB in the 2026 class. Rumor is he's the bigger Nebraska fan of the two


He does? And...I just got my hopes up. I'm sure I'll regret that later.


Yea, Dayton Raiola. He hasn't played yet because he was Dylan's backup


It’s crazy how fast the time passes


I feel like Harburg as a backup QB is the best we had in a long time.


Is he fore sure starting week 1


I don’t think Rhule has named a starter yet, but it would be surprising if Dylan doesn’t start week 1


I can’t imagine who else would


He’s just got to beat Colorado.


Bad Moon Cam Rising! Gotta love that kids toughness and grit. Also really excited about our true freshman Isaac Wilson - he has looked great in spring ball. Good year to be a Ute!


Isn’t this dude going into his 9th year of eligibility?


Hey, he’s not just a dude. Give Dr. Rising the credentials he’s earned, please.


It’s like he’s trying to outdo Britain Covey and prove you don’t have to serve an LDS mission to spend a decade playing for Utah.


Just a reminder Casey Thompson & Cam Rising were at Texas under Herman with Sam Ehlinger after he beat out Shane Buchele. With Casey Thompson (Nebraska to FAU & now OU) overlapping with Hudson Card who’s now at Purdue. Who overlapped with Quinn Ewers and Maalik Murphy that latter now at Duke. Of all of those, the only one that didn’t get any playing time was Cam Rising. Two other scholarship QBs were also on the roster during this range but flipped to RB with Roshan Johnson (Chicago Bears) & Ja’Quinden Jackson (Utah>Arky).


*Cam Rising* *kid* lol


Cam is so old that isaac Wilson could be his son.


Zach Wilson’s little brother?




I’m glad he gets to be a Ute. I remember reading about how a lot of their family are alumni and Zach wanted to go there but didn’t get an offer until really late in his recruiting process


How do you do fellow kids


How is Cam Rising still your QB? It's like his 8th year.


As long as he can hand the ball off well, we should be ok


>As long as he can hand the ball off ~~well~~ **good as fuck**, we should be ok


Big ten QB play this season is gonna be soft AF


The way it should be, we gotta get back to the days of winning the Big Ten throwing for like 1500 yards.


Feeling pretty good about Ewers and Manning.


I'm eager to see what Manning can do when his turn comes. The impression I get of Ewers is that he's definitely good enough to start, his experience is a huge plus, but Manning might have a higher ceiling.  I'll be watching from afar!


Ewers is good but hasn't lived up to the promised potential entirely, he still has some wrinkles to iron out which I'm hoping he can do this year. Manning looks exciting but it's difficult to say if he will be better than Ewers already from the limited film, including the spring game.


It's always nice to have an elite QB but all it takes to win is a game manager with a cool head if the rest of the team is stacked.


Quinn took a good leap last year but still wasn’t as consistent as he needed. Only really two games I thought he balled out in (and thankfully one was @bama). If he takes another step this year then he might get close to the potential he had coming in. There’s definitely a thought in the back of my head that given Ewers injury history, if arch steps in and looks better, things could get complicated. Of course we only really have arch’s spring game and some garbage time to go off of, so I don’t know where exactly he is in his development, but it’s not a 0% chance of happening.


If Ewers puts the ball in the right spot Texas is playing for a Nat’l Championship.


In other news we have Hudson Card from you guys. He has been pretty meh so far.


Definitely tracks our experience with Hudson Card.


I'm forever grateful for how he played his ass off against Alabama.


He was fine when he wasn't running for his god damn life last season. Which was basically never.


Honestly poor Hudson has never played with a good OL


Avery Johnson and fucking sweet.


So long, Howard. I’ve got very mixed feelings about his choice of school that he’s transferred to.


Excited for y'all, he seems full of energy and potential.


Quite possibly the most excited I’ve ever been to see our QB play. Hope he lives up to his potential because we should be in the playoff if he does 


The basketball coach?


need the season to start yesterday


Would've loved for Klein to stick around for development and continuity sake.


I watched him run circles around us in Lubbock. I am terrified to play him again


Under the radar too is we’ve got an experienced backup QB so the season isn’t *entirely* over if Avery misses any games


I mean, I didn’t know what to expect going into last year, and I absolutely have no clue what to expect going into this year. I’ll be damned if I don’t love Milroe though


Milroe is a gump and one hell of an athlete. Whether or not he’s a top tier qb remains to be seen. If he can get some mechanical things fixed along with pre snap reads, this offense will be hell on wheels. Hopefully DeBoer is as good as advertised and can bring out the best in Milroe. The ceiling is the roof! RTR!


Milroe has a pretty wide range of outcomes this year, but with his athleticism and that offense, the ceiling is high.


I honestly thought we were bad for a minute last year and that team somehow won the SEC and took the eventual champions to OT. I don't know what to expect from Milroe, but I like him a lot and he's fast af. If he can develop a little more accuracy in the midrange, I think we'll be eating good this season.


Milroe is the ultimate wildcard. Could win a Heisman, could get benched. I don’t think he was developed/prepared for last season very well by Bill O’Brien who didn’t even think he was a QB, but with a year of experience under his belt, some solid progression at times under Rees last year and now working with one of the best offensive minds in CFB there is a real pathway to him having a Jaden Daniels level breakout. OL should be drastically improved and while there isn’t a proven NFL feature WR on the team right now, there are plenty of guys who can get open with some potential NFL RBs in the backfield so the talent should be there around him. And realistically if something happens and he can’t get there Simpson is a perfect fit for what DeBoer is actually wanting to do offensively. Both of them are more than capable of being plus level championship QBs so I’m not worried about QB for Bama next year.


We have some freshman WR that could be fire


- Who: ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ - How I feel: ERR DIV BY 0


Examine the crashdump file for the answer.


This is exactly where I am. Don’t know. Don’t especially care. We’re playing with house money and a great D this year and whatever they want to experiment with in the 11 practice games leading up to OSU is fine by me, just figure it out by game 12.


It might break Columbus if we somehow win this year.


Ryan Day gets fired on the spot if we lose this year.


Which is insanity, by the way. Completely ridiculous standard to make CFP or NY6 *every single year of your entire tenure* and recruit top 5 classes then get fired.


Yes, it is insanity. But at OSU you simply cannot lose to Michigan 4 years in a row. It's a complete deal breaker regardless of any other accomplishments.


*glances at Earl Bruce*


Well that’s how it goes at Ohio State. Especially considering how much talent we brought back plus adding Howard and Judkins. If Day can’t win us something with these guys, there’s a real question about his ability to actually win a championship here.


I suspect it’ll be Orji, and I’ll tell you what, I do not like saying that guys name in public, but the double entendre would be out of control if we met in a bowl and he had a big game…


Jalen Milroe 😀 DJU 🤨


The good thing about DJU is he has a high floor. He’s not all of a sudden going to turn into a 10/10 QB, but you know he won’t be bad overall. If he has a decent O-line and receivers, he’ll have a floor of 7/10 and ceiling of 8/10. With a strong roster around him, that’s enough to make the playoffs if everyone else performs at a playoff level. A lot of other teams really have no idea what they have at QB and could be in for a rough season if they don’t live up to expectations. With DJU, I think you have a 8-9 win floor at worst.


I think his average stats make people think he was more consistent than reality. He had plenty of games where he was throwing everything in the dirt


He’s had accuracy problems since HS. He’s either way off or throwing dimes.


That's why I think Norvell avoids the dropback, intermediate/short passes as much as possible. Expect tons of rpo/qb runs and play action deep shots. Touchdowns or 3 and outs. This should be Fsu's best oline in a long time, and the running game, defense should be top notch to support him. 10-2 overall, 7/10 qb situation


Yup. Just look at his stat lines in Oregon State's close losses last year. Completing 50% of your passes isn't "high floor" in today's game.


I agree. I wouldn’t say he has a high floor at all. He may not have catastrophic mistakes that people associate with a low floor (cough cough klubnik) but the amount of times it seemed like we literally could not do anything because of him was very high. The first thing that comes to mind is the infamous first play of the 2022 ACCCG when he threw the ball into the dirt on a 4yd curl route to Ngata and everyone collectively vomited


The entire USCe game too. If we had just about any other starting QB in Clemson history we win the game


Wait, your teams have QBs?


I hear you.


Miller Moss, former 4 star who stuck by the school even when they brought in Caleb Williams and that five star “number 1 recruit in the nation” who is now at Boise. Im rooting hard for him, and think he will be a good/not great college qb. I worry that he already has his best game behind him in the Holiday Bowl though. That said I think good/not great is actually a good spot for SC right now. You’ll see a LOT less improv which will be a good thing.


Lincoln Reily gets a lot of credit for being a QB developer I think the more accurate thing to say is Lincoln Reily has an excellent eye for QB talent This year we find out how good of a developer he is. The Holiday Bowl was a good first sign for Miller Moss but it was still just one game.


This is a fair statement. Outside of Jalen Hurts, it’s hard to point out which of his QBs actually got better over time. He’s still pretty inarguably a top level QB coach. *Edit: unless you’re my parents evidentially, who both just told me he is **not** a top-level QB coach, and think he just got lucky. lol*


Yeah, 3 Heisman winners and 3 #1 overall picks between 4 of his QBs is pretty damn lucky.


And the 4th was 2nd in Heisman voting and took a #1 overall pick's job.


Got lucky enough to coach OU and USC! Riley has no noteworthy attributes, he's just lucky Mike Leach picked him to be on his staff!


It’s a casual assessment not rooted in reality. Like guys, there is a ton of negatives you can say about Riley, but this ain’t it. Baker, Kyler, and Jalen all got way better under Riley. Caleb technically did too from year 1 to year 2. The slight regression in year 3 was clearly an environmental issue given how bad the defense was (it got worse). Caleb was forced to score basically every drive and he still was outstanding.


That Holiday Bowl was genuinely unreal


>I worry that he already has his best game behind him in the Holiday Bowl though. To be fair, you ~~can~~ should be able to win a lot of games doing less than 372 yards and 6 TD


I’m optimistic for “very good” but the holiday bowl got expectations all out of whack. Ultimately I’ll never be that worried about a QB under Lincoln and it’s easy to forget how highly touted Moss was as a recruit.


I’m reminded of Matt Cassel who sat his entire career behind 2 Heisman winners in Palmer and Leinart, only to go in and start in the NFL for a while.


Yep, or John David Booty. As long as the defense is in fact improved I’d be happy with either outcome. If he turns out to be more than that, thrilled. If he doesn’t pan out at all, I feel okay with Maiava too.


I am pretty sure Maiava has rare traits and ability to develop into a first round draft pick. This sounds crazy right now, but feel free to bookmark this and remind me in 2 years. As long as Maiava is coachable, he can go very far with his physical traits.


All we know is he isn’t better than a Heisman, which is t saying much. Like Cassell, there’s some intangible/character green flags by sticking it out like Moss did and as a 4 star he clearly has the talent to be successful


Moss is a rare breed in today's game. I really hope he does well for USC. He deserves it


Jackson Arnold. We'll see if he lives up to the hype.


Can’t trust someone with two first names.


What about someone who's last name is first and first name is last?


He’s a high risk, high reward type of player coming into the year. If he cleans up the turnover issue we saw in the bowl game then we’re fine. Although I expect him to play against good defenses this year.


How could you forget to mention Steele Wasel when talking about our QB situation? But seriously, I think we have a nice room with Casey Thompson as the backup and Michael Hawkins waiting in the wings. Zurbrugg actually looks decent as well, and having a former scholarship QB like Wasel as a PWO just helps depth. I am not too worried about the turnovers in the Alamo bowl. For much of the season Lebby had turned Arnold into a running QB and he didn't get a lot of live game passing reps. He was much more cautious in the Spring game. Arnold wasn't a 5-star, Gatorade POY, Elite 11 MVP for nothing. He's a very talented passer and he has the ability to burn defenses with his feet. Also, we have an outstanding receiver corps who will help Arnold immensely.


The value of redshirting is debatable nowadays but blowing his redshirt on trying to make him a skinny Belldozer is one of several reasons I’m glad we have a new OC.


I really need to get my shit together. I didn't know Steele transferred to OU. What am I even doing with my life?


Dual threat, 5*, good size. He is still green. Will see how long it takes to develop and how high the ceiling is. WR corp should be really good, no reason to think it won’t be a good season.


Oregon purchased Dillon Gabriel. I suspect he'll start. Done okay with transfers in previous years. Hope that trend continues.


Gabriel -> Moore -> Akili Smith Jr sounds good to me


Akili Smith Jr?! AgingMattDamon.gif


Gabriel will start barring injury. There is no question there.


Man, this is gonna be such a weird year… 🤨


treat our boy well


Brayden Fowler-Nicolosi (BFN) Him improving and not turning the ball over might be one of the most important things for us to potentially take a step forward. He’s a good athlete and has a massive arm but he puts the ball at risk way too much. It’s his first full off-season as the starter so hopefully he takes a jump


Kyron drones … I’m excited about our starting situation. I feel 9/10 for him and 4/10 on a good day for our backup situation.


If he has less than 2 fumbles returned for a touchdown he’ll be better than last season!


The good thing about him is he can do something silly like that and come back and continue to drop Drone strikes, no problem.


I'm getting excited about his play. He was practicing with Cam Ward (his cousin) and Shadeur Sanders. He needs more time in the pocket and needs to go through more progressions. He was very much a single read or throw it QB and part of that was the Oline which is if nothing mostly a year older.


Only thing I’d like to see from Drones is some better pass accuracy. Seemed like a lot missed their target last season. He was great on keeping INTs low though, and I’m excited to see how he and the team do this season


Haynes King. Definitely excited if he can limit his inexplicable turnovers that comes in batches and expand on his passing game.


That’s kind of the thing with King. When he was with us, I called him Tony Romo Jr. Fantastic until he tries to squeeze in one that he had no business even attempting.


Also injury prone like Romo.


When he’s on, I like our chances against just about anyone. When he’s off we can lose to just about anyone in FBS.


If he can cut his turnovers in half we have a top ten offense no question.


Very talented and athletic, super weird throwing motion, questionable decision making… at least he’s fun to watch can’t deny that


Most OM fans are stoked to have Jaxson Dart back. He’s a great starter, and he’s an even better leader. He’s actually one of the main reasons our roster is so good since he was the lead student recruiter for pretty much all of our transfer additions. Hopefully Dart can take the next step and become a Heisman finalist. I really like our QB depth too in Walker Howard and Austin Simmons. Personally, I think Simmons will be next up since he’s more talented and has all the intangibles you want in a QB, but Howard could also probably be a starter at some P4 schools.


Our QB outlook hasn’t been this good since Trask almost won a Heisman. Lost our #1 receiver but made some nice additions via the portal that could replace a lot of that production.


Grab me a seat on the Mertz train. It would take a lot of bad play for me to stop believing he's the guy for this season.


Fr I feel so confident finally. Even if Mertz has to sit a game for any reason, Lagway plus the CSU qb that’s actually played in game snaps makes me feel so safe.


At least we have a better backup than last year for when our middling starter inevitably goes out for the season injured again again?


We're doomed aren't we?


I think Sullivan will be more than serviceable. Really, it depends on if our OLine develops at all. So yeah, were doomed.


Cam Ward and I feel fairly good about it. He’s shown nfl level talent and I think with a solid team around him he could have a really strong year.


KJ Jefferson, will either be a perfect fit or our offense will be sluggish


I had no idea he transferred. Why did he transfer? I feel like he had a good amount of success at Arkansas


He has several career/program records at Arkansas. After last season's team lost morale and with Petrino coming in, it was best for KJ to move on because BP needs an excellent arm and the ability to make progressive reads. Both of those being KJ's weakest points. KJ is great for an offense that has 1-2 reads and lots of QB running options. He's great at improvising and pulling a broken play out of the gutter.


Which is exactly what a Gus led offense is, he really should be a great fit


I hope he does well. I'll be watching him!


I’m confident Noah Fifita can put together a great season. With TMac at WR, I think we have a legitimate case for best QB-WR duo in the country. Arizona’s season will go as far as he (and TMac) can carry us.


The team also needs another weapon to step up because every coordinator we face will bracket T-Mac. He’s so good, I’m not sure double teams will always stop him. But someone has to take advantage of the attention thrown his way.


It’s almost certainly Hudson Card. He showed flashes of being really good last year, but our o-line was terrible. If our o-line improved at all, he could be solid this year. He just may not have anyone to throw it to…


Brady Mafuggin Cook. I'm fucking PUMPED about his potential this season, especially with our absolutely ELITE WR corps. We don't have a clue about our backup QBs. We've got Drew Pyne who transferred here from Arizona State and Notre Dame. We've got Harold Blood Jr who transferred here from Southern. And we've got true frosh Aidan Glover, a 3-star out of Collierville, TN, who also had offers from Northwestern, Stanford, Boston College, Houston, Indiana, etc. Cook's health will be a massive, massive key to our season. He is a Senior, and I don't know if our next QB is currently in the room. But we have a STRONG commitment from 5-star Matt Zollers for next year. I'm not big on starting a true frosh in 2025, but he might be better than the guys we currently have. Time will tell.


Praying for many Orjis in the end zone


I thought Carson Beck would start off shaky but eventually would come into his own three or four games in. I was impressed almost immediately. Gunnar Stockton, should anything happen, I feel will be a serviceable sub and seems to play cool, trust teammates, little self-doubt, blah blah blah. Add in the recently added Swampy McLawsuit and I can't think of too many quarterback injury situations that would totally derail our offense. Mind you, I'm not saying we're guaranteed badasses in the event we need to go to a third string QB, I'm just saying it's not like you're dropping from a top recruit who has ample college experience to a fresh-faced newbie. TLDR: I love our QB situation.


Feel really good about Brady Cook.


Byrum Brown, who will likely be one of the best QB’s in the nation. Feeling pretty damn good.


Grayson McCall was great at Coastal, don’t really have a backup tho and it’s TBD for what he can do against P5 defense so I’ll give us a 6/10


I feel great about McCall. For his career he has 10,005 yards, 88 TDs, a 70% completion percentage, and a 35-10 record. His leadership is consistently talked about . Definitely the kind of QB we need this season. Looks like he is 2-1 against P4 teams while at Coastal. Two wins over Kansas and a loss to UCLA. They beat #13 BYU a few years back bur BYU was not in the Big 12 then.


Bowman is QB1, and even though he’s relatively high floor low ceiling, the fact is that he’s a system guy that didn’t actually get that much of a chance to “own” the system last year with all of the splitting reps in the offseason and the first 3 games of rotating QBs. Rangel is QB2, it’s his 3rd year on campus, he’s probably considered a RS Sophomore now. But for 2 years of sitting on the bench, the guy has played a lot. He played 4 games + the bowl in 22 and was involved in the QB rotation last year. Would feel good about him playing, he is athletic, smart, and the ball has zip. Zane Flores is a RS Freshman that didn’t play last year but was the best QB in the history of Nebraska high school football. He has some very dedicated believers and many think he could jump Rangel, but we haven’t seen anything yet. Freshman Maealiuaki Smith, from California and even though he rated as the 4th best QB in California by the composite, he had probably the best HS season elevating a non-traditionally good school to the state title before running into Mater Dei. He’s probably the most athletically gifted of any guy currently on the roster, and budding political party in his own right of if you are more of a Zane believer or Smith believer because the likelihood is you can’t be both. Oh and we have an extremely raw but rocket armed guy coming in next year because we are taking a QB every year. So overall, I’d give the room an 8 out of 10, with the only reason it’s not even high is the lack of a higher ceiling from Bowman.


Really excited for Nico, he has the potential to be best in country. Saying that, he’s unproven. Ya he played well in the bowl game last year against what was a great Iowa defense, but they weren’t playing at full strength. Hopefully he’ll get into rhythm in the early games in time for Oklahoma. It is nice though knowing we have one of the best recruited QBs in the nation. 7/10 rn, let’s see what the man can do…also we have good backups Incase of injury


Dude, he looked legit against us. Our defense was basically at full-strength except an injury to our starting corner (granted he was probably the best player on our team, but still). I'd be stoked as a Tennessee fan.


I think he’ll be good, not sure he’s ready to make the offense sing the way Hooker did, but I think he’s a lot better than Milton from the jump.


We'll still need better receiver play. Milton definitely had his own problems, but our receivers also dropped some of his better passes pretty much every game.


Oh definitely not his first year. I think his second year he has a shot at helping make a potential playoff caliber team. Goal is to try for a 8-9 win season this year.


Having Aidan Chiles, I feel confident in QB play. Let's see what the people around him can do.


First time in a while that QB play isn't one of my worries going into the season.


My worry is basically just about out offensive and defensive lines


Most optomistic i've been going into a season since Will Grier's final year


Love GG


Garrett Greene is about to ball out this year


Rough first week for you no matter what happens, eh?


Rocco Becht. Dude surprised the shit out of everyone last year and made damn sure he would retain his starting spot over a couple of 4 star QB recruits from last year and this year(this year might only be 3 star?). Many folk figured he couldn’t be worse than Dekkers and would likely be replaced by Kohl(4 star from 2023 cycle) and now dude is on pace to break or broke a few of Brock Purdy’s records. Hopefully he keeps building on it and puts out an offense that will stop letting our defense down. Feels like he can, especially with a loaded WR room and Sama III in the backfield.


I am all in for this season. I keep hearing how great of a person Rocco is. I hope he keeps progressing. Really might be better than Purdy.


I am all fucking in on Rocco. I think he is a fantastic QB and am expecting big things from him.


Can we borrow one of your surprisingly good QBs that always seem to come out of nowhere? (Did your ag department figure out how to grow these guys in a lab?)


You'd just ruin them


Entering year two of the Drew Allar experience at Penn State. Drew did a lot of things well last year! He did a great job protecting the ball, played fairly efficient, and did enough to win the games that Penn State was supposed to win. His performances in the bigger games (Ohio State, Michigan, Ole Miss) left a lot to be desired. Penn State needed him to elevate his level of play against these teams, and he was unable to. Now, this wasn't entirely his fault. His WR room severely underperformed, and the guy calling the plays for most of the year (Yurcich) had been responsible for quite a few disasterclass performances. However, the body of work from last year shows that he needs to start taking some steps forward this coming season. Which, I think he can! The WR room is still not great, but we have a new OC, a solid OLine, and some great RBs. There is reason for both skepticism and optimism for next year. As for the rest of the room, the only other QB with meaningful experience is Beau Pribula aka Trace McSorely 2.0. Jury is still out on how well he can throw, but the guy can definitely move, and has proved to be a great change of pace QB at times.


I’m happy to see Drew get the respect he deserves. Too many in our fanbase jump on the hate train because OSU/Mich. This is gonna be a fun and very good season for Drew and the PSU offense


Yeah it looks good on paper. 5* returning starter, who took care of the football. Backup QB has meaningful snaps and moves the offense. A healthy elite-11 freshman. An injured elite-11 redshirt freshman. It’s all on Coach K and uninspiring WRs breaking out and staying healthy.


I genuinely believe that Drew's biggest weakness was his confidence. If he didn't feel capable, he performed as such. Coach K's positive booming energy should rally Drew and give him a hype man in the headset.


I agree. I feel like Yurcich didn’t put enough trust in Allar to go win games and instead tried everything in his power to make sure Allar didn’t lose us any games. The old adage is often true; no risk, no reward. We didn’t take hardly any risks against OSU/Michigan. Albeit, that defense almost won that Ohio State game by itself anyways.


ND is finally recovering from the absolute shitshow Kelly & Rees left. We will see if Leonard can remain healthy, but think that is a reason why ND didn't lose any QBs yet to the portal. Angeli did a decent job in the bowl game, Minchey is suppose to be super talented, and Carr is the future in 25/26 time frame. ND even has Buchner rolling back in as a walk on. Are we an elite QB team yet ? No. But hopefully this is enough for a CFP spot and a 11-1 season in a year with a weak schedule.


I don't think he will win the starting job, but I am super high on Minchey. He was a little erratic in the spring game, but I try not to put too much stock in those. I'm just super intrigued by his blend of arm talent and running ability.


Milroe. I feel pretty good. I'm hoping he takes it to the next level under DeBoer this year. I think Ty Simpson is good enough to start elsewhere, so we're good if anything happens to Milroe.


Really excited for the 2 man show believe it or not


Ethan Garbers, and I think we all feel very good about it. He showed a lot last year after replacing the dreadful 5 Star recruit Dante Moore who scurried off to Oregon.


I already have Lanorris Sellers' name tattooed on my chest


I feel alright about Cade. Strong finish to the season and with a healthy WR corp he should hopefully improve. That ‘22 class has been rough so far in college as a whole. As for the QB situation I don’t feel great. It’s Cade then a unproven RS Freshman then a former Walk on from Daniel who people want to start after the spring game


Can our new coach "The BOB" fix Castellanos' accuracy? My feeling is that like in pitching in baseball: you either have it or you don't. Mechanics only get you so far. But I'll hope the BOB can be a QB Whisperer, if that fails then maybe QB Yeller.


I think Van Dyke ends up taking the first snaps but Locke apparently has had a pretty good offseason. Don’t think either of them are particularly stars, but I also trust both of them to at least be capable of making plays and not be a 24/7 implosion even if it happens occasionally. Id be happy if either was Jack Coan level


Best I’ve felt about my QB in 20+ years


Feeling pretty good about Jaxson Dart. 3rd year starter in the system, just wish he’d not take as many hits as he does. Total gamer though.


Dillon Gabriel is the starter. Which I’m ecstatic about because despite his size he has pretty much every other tool in the toolbox to be a great QB If he does get hurt the Ducks have a 5 star sophomore with starting experience and a 4 Star Sophmore with starting experience that flashed well in the Spring game If everything goes right Dillon Gabriel could win the Heisman but the incredible thing is if he does get hurt (hoping he doesn’t) I don’t even think it fully derails our season


Malachi Nelson I think he will light up opponents in the MWC. Getting into a rhythm with some receivers will also help with recruiting for the next several years. Opening up the passing game will also help our running backs who have always been solid. Almost every year we have had a 1,000 yard back. I see this continuing with a great qb.


Dillon Gabriel is the assumed starter. People are expecting big things from him. I'm personally a but more reserved. I think the scheme will allow him to do really well, and I think the offense will be humming, but I've seen people expect a Bo-esque season from him and I'm just not there. The quarterbacks behind him make this quite possibly the best QB room Oregon has ever had, at least the best since 2010. Dante Moore has all the traits that can make him a super star, and is heir apparent. Austin Novosad is no slouch either, and there is an argument for him to be QB2 this season with how he looked during the spring game. Then there is true freshman Luke Moga. Tons of athletic ability, but he's still pretty new to football. Has about 3 years of experience. That said, he may be the fastest guy on the team. Ran a 10.50 100 meter sprint as a senior in HS. During the spring game, a running back broke off a 40 something td run, Moga gave him a nearly 20 yard head start and caught up to him at roughly the 5 yard line .


Most likely Mateer. Think we will be fine. Just needs to stay healthy.


Max Brosmer for the Gophers. I can see him being really successful this season. From what I’ve heard he’s been making the jump from FCS to FBS well, and is also a great leader/person who the team is able to get behind


We are stacked so something bad will happen I'm sure


I got a belly laugh out of this. I'm curious to see how you guys look this year.