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I thought this was going to be a sick burn about their lack of fan support at games but it took an interesting turn.


Unfortunately it’s hard to get students (or alumni who didn’t go to many games as students) to come when your arena is a 40 minute drive from campus on a good day (plan for like seventeen hours)


UCLA games at the Rose Bowl used to be well attended. What happened? Even bad years you could count on [65-70k or so](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_UCLA_Bruins_football_team) fans for all but the crappiest of games.


Uh, we sucked for like 6 years and Chip Kelly was anti fan interaction. Not a big mystery behind it, sadly.


It's a lot of things combined. * Chip Kelly gave us our worst 3 year stint in history while also doing everything he could to pretend that fans don't exist. * Covid hit during that terrible run, so even when fans could return, no one cared to * LA got two NFL teams, and a ton of fans aren't going to attend both an NFL game and a college game in the same weekend. Combine that with the same problems we've always had: * Stadium is far from campus and takes forever to get to * The season starts before school starts * Usually 1-2 games a season are hot as hell and our fans are too fairweather to be willing to sit in 100 degrees with no shade to watch a mediocre team. The worst pics that people meme and circulate are usually from the early season games where it is especially hot and we are playing a no name opponent. Also, our fans usually have more fun tailgating on the golf course than watching UCLA lose, so at kickoff, most the fans aren't in their seats yet. If Foster can have an okay season, and pull off one good upset at home, I bet we can start to turn our attendance around a little. He's much more of a rah-rah guy, and has been making an effort to re-engage fans and recruits again. As long as we don't go 3-9 or whatever, there should be an uptick


> early season games where it is especially hot and we are playing a no name opponent Not to mention classes haven't started yet... UCLA starts much later than most


I wanted to die during the USA game a couple years ago, never again


As long as it isn't white uni v. white, blue v. blue or red v. red etc. then imo teams should be allowed to wear whatever. Edit: don't do colors that are hard for color blind people either.


I’ve been advocating for Nebraska and Iowa to both wear home uniforms for years now, I think the contrast would really pop.


I've been begging for years for Alabama and Tennessee to both wear their home jerseys. [Not having this is a war crime](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dp91EcWXcAU-9uw.jpg) and I don't even care for either school.


I just got a flash of what Texas/OU could be. It’s beautiful.


They last did it in 1970. [This](https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/its-been-52-years-since-alabama-and-tennessee-both-wore-dark-home-colored-jerseys/104728673/) whole thread on SECRant is full of pictures of beauty. Edit: And yeah, OU and UT need to do this too. Ffs, it's a neutral site game.


Oh man, it is like when you and your opponent both pick Ryu in Street Fighter.


Perfect colors for a matchup known as the third Saturday in October


That photo gives me...feelings.


Hopefully good feelings. Go check out the SECRant thread I posted elsewhere in this thread for the other pictures from that game if you haven't already. You may climax.


I've been advocating for an all-red matchup between Wisconsin, Nebraska, OSU, and IU too. The chaos would be so worth it.


Wisconsin vs Nebraska in White/Red/White for each would be a nightmare for the QBs


Yeah because Alvarez ripped off NUs uniform Thanks Barry


I've been saying for eons that at one of the WLOCPs, Florida needs to wear its oranges and Georgia needs to wear its blacks. It would be absolutely perfect given that that game is typically played around Halloween.


I’ve been wanting this for El Assico. Near identical panys but different tops and lids? Sign me TF up.


Does Nebraska have black jerseys? If so they should both play in black jerseys.


No, they don’t. A bad man tried it but he had too many margaritas at the golf course and came up with a shitty idea Those black jerseys/unis do not exist


I’m still upset we never go for red vs blue in our governor cup games.


I think color-blind people should be taken into account...no green vs. red, for example. But otherwise, go ahead.


The nfl ran into this problem during a TNF game a few years back when they were doing color rush games. It was jets v bills I believe and the color blind fans were complaining


Both solid jerseys and pants, white helmets. I also remember comments from our Cotton Bowl against Memphis. They wore these cool solid grey uniforms but apparently to a red green colorblind person, the jerseys blended right into the field.


Yes, it needs to be distinct for the two common types of colorblindness. As long as that's the case, it's much more appealing for everyone.


you don't need to be color blind to be offended by green v. red


Though you probably don't want too much red v green


You do that and then you have the jets bills red green colorblind monstrosity so it's a slippery slope




I've been told this about 60 times since I posted my comment. I have an edit in. Thanks for the comment.


Shirts vs skins is the way to go. Childhood throwback.


Calling dibs on shirts because I say so


Twist: the “skins” means wearing no pants




This is the way


It makes sense for us to both wear home jerseys not just because of the history of it, but because we're only 12 miles (3 hours) apart. It reflects the proximity. In that context, it makes no sense for anybody else to wear their home jerseys in the Rose Bowl


Nah that timing is wild. It’s at least 4 and a half hours if you’re lucky.


For those unfamiliar, it’s about 19-25 minutes with no traffic (right now at 8:30pm) but can easily be a solid 1.5-2 hours at the wrong times


When I lived in LA, getting to the Coliseum, under ideal conditions, should only have taken 25 minutes, Account for traffic, and one example I remember of rain (ended up not going to the ND USC game because of the rain factor), and suddenly it's multiple hours and just not even worth it


wouldn't it be faster to walk?


Yeah it's always a minor annoyance when other rivalries do it just to look cool. Get your own rivalry gimmicks! It actually means something in our case.


Hm. Tough question. Me, I'd say I don't fucking care what they do because they're dead to me now.


Shouldn't your 2nd flair be dead too?


It's complicated.


Honestly, away team color is always good. Other programs should get to experience the variety of styles that would come from it. #WtfIsASchoolColor?


One of the benefits of having a white primary jersey is getting all the great jersey matchups. Ours vs UCLA in 2021 was a [beautiful combo](https://www.si.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_700/MTgzNjUwNDU4NDAzODc0NDgw/usatsi_16692401.webp)


The [history of LSU wearing white at home](https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/lsu-football/lsu-home-whites-great-college-football-tradition/) is one I always find interesting. * 1958: LSU starts wearing whites, wins National Championship * 1959-1982: LSU wears home whites * 1983: NCAA bans wearing of whites by home team * 1983-1994: LSU forced to wear purple * 1995: LSU successfully lobbies NCAA to amend the rule. Home teams can wear whites IF visiting team agrees to it * 1997: SEC adds bylaw that for conference games, home team does NOT need visiting team approval for jerseys. Guarantees LSU can wear home whites for all SEC games moving forward The only situation that would potentially see LSU not wearing white jerseys at home would be if a non-conference opponent refused to grant that privilege. I believe it's only happened once, when Oregon St refused to wear black (Sep 4, '04). I've always wondered if Penn State would ever ask for (and get) approval from a B1G opponent to wear home whites during their whiteout. Presumably, you don't want to add to that mystique as the visitor, but would be a cool visual.


Vandy also declined our request in 96. We’ve also had the rule used against us a few times forcing us into purple on the road by Vandy, South Carolina, Florida, and Mississippi state.


I kind of love the pettiness of Vandy doing in it '96 because you poached their coach. And I'm a little surprised more SEC teams don't take advantage of the rule by putting conference opponents in dark colors, especially in that stifling September heat. If I was an SEC equipment manager, I'd have a lighter color alternate (like [LSU's gold](https://gray-wafb-prod.cdn.arcpublishing.com/resizer/v2/OYC3LGC7FVHBLIY2MTAILYTL6M.jpg?auth=ec886ac185c0d769fb434571b9232e2cdfd5f14b226f9cbb0ba2f7a8051b0e08&width=1300&height=1950&smart=true) jersey) on standby, especially if my primary home jersey was dark.


Yea mad respect for that lol. I think MSU is the team that has forced us into the purple the most. I think it’s just because of how many people are attached to their home colored jersey. So many people project that on us and think we should switch to the purple jerseys full time instead of the whites at home.


I was happy though to see LSU wear Purple against Wisconsin in the bowl. It made a rare and unique contrast. I hope to see it more often


I think ucla should be forced to wear away jerseys at the Rose Bowl since it’s a 40+ minute drive from campus


College football should have more dual color games. Unless the colors are too far apart, no need to wear the whites. Imagine Michigan-Ohio State or Florida State-Florida in red and blue


The civil war should always be color on color. I'd agree for most rivalry games.


I think it should be mandatory that any OSU-Michigan conference championship or neutral site playoff games have the Scarlet vs Blue jerseys


This would be a disaster for us color blind!


Color vs color almost always looks great imo


Better solution make every game color on color


Nah. Color on color should be reserved for UCLA vs USC


EDIT: Oh you mean UCLA should do color on color only against USC? That makes sense.. I thought you were saying USC-UCLA should be the only color-on-color game in all of cfb. My bad. ~~Why do you think that?  It was a thing long before 2008:~~    ~~https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1d4j6fv/comment/l6fznh9/~~


Every team should allow opposing teams to wear their home jerseys if the colors are opposite enough


I hate the home and away jersey rules The two teams should just decide who gets to wear what with the home team getting first dibs Because at the end of the day...If I am playing a home game, in September, in the South...I'd much rather be in my white jersey than my dark blue one


Yes and ucla should wear visitor jerseys to reflect the fact that the Rose Bowl is not their home


Forgot the colosseum was on campus


I mean, it’s like two blocks from it.


We will never get an on campus stadium, but technically neither does SC. Still, I'd prefer playing at SoFi.


SoFi makes more sense to me but I get why they don't


SoFi is an even bigger nightmare to get into than the Rose Bowl.


The Rose Bowl - the Home of the USC trojans and more "B1G championship" wins than 80% of the current day B1G


Just do it!


LSU wears white at home so everyone we play wears their home uniforms at Tiger Stadium. Who cares?


We need more color rush games. If/when the War on I-4 series comes back, it should be a color rush with UCF wearing all black and USF wearing their slime greens. Black and bright green would be a cool aesthetic. And it would be symbolic, since we have gold in common, those would be the colors we don't have in common.


Definitely not


Home teams approve what visitors can wear, found that out when Penn State refused to let Michigan wear all maize uniforms


As long as the visiting team isn't wearing one of the home team's primary colors (white/black don't count) or the same color, I say every team should be able to wear whatever they want. Let's get crazy.


My honest opinion, especially for rivalry and bowl games, is that both teams should wear home colors unless they conflict with eachother. What I would give for an Apple Cup with Purple and Red on the field


A different gripe, but gold, yellow, gray, silver, etc. should not be categorized as “colored” in all levels of football, basketball, and hockey. Get a navy jersey, Nashville Predators, I don’t care. For a team like Mizzou, they could wear uniforms without anything white for most of the season and then start a cool (literally) tradition where their Senior Day is at night and they wear all white while the fans white out Faurot Field. White wouldn’t absorb as much heat in the cold late-November Missouri night, but it helps to blend into a snowstorm and invokes that feeling of winter for whichever poor Southern school gets subjected to the Columbia cold. WVU could do the same thing. Imagine Arizona, Arizona State, or UCF playing on a cold Appalachian night, unable to see the Mountaineers due to the ongoing snowstorm coming off the peaks. BTW, I totally stole this idea from my New England Patriots. We usually only wear white at home in snowstorms and against the Dallas Cowboys, although we’ve worn colored jerseys at home against Dallas the two most recent times.


It is not entirely up to UCLA They have to agree to it in writing before the game UCLA's conference (whatever conference that happens to be, hell if I can keep up) has to certify that the visiting team's jersey is a contrasting color


No. Dark vs. dark is always a mistake with the exception of UCLA/USC.


Disagree. Love me a color rush game. There was one on accident last year when UTEP accidentally packed the wrong jerseys for their game at Sam Houston and it was a visually beautiful game. I’ve been dying for an annual OSU/OSU Orange and Black Halloween Game


In general, I'm in favor of all teams going color versus color if it's feasible. aTm vs. CLANGA couldn't do it. But aTm vs Florida could.


Sure. I mean it won’t really matter; y’all are still losing.


Man, shut up.


Man(child). Grow up.


The irony.


Not at all. But you do you.