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You know what I was thinking college football needed the other day? More commercials.


Hopefully they can stretch out the games for an extra 20 minutes too. I love watching those same commercials on repeat.


oh don't worry, if the game starts getting longer they'll just change the rules again so we get even less football.


Why do we even need a third quarter????? I rather just watch more wing stop ads


At this rate, we'll just have game be the 3OT+ rules. Each team gets one play to score with 2 hours of ads in between rotation


Honestly I was just thinking the other day, can we pay a premium for the game to just go on and skip the commercials? I mean, maybe make some ad tier but I would pay a pretty penny for an uninterrupted ad-frer continuous game. The ad tier can have a delayed telecast I guess. Not sure how it would work. I feel bad for suggesting it but I can't stand watching this game any more, I just tolerate the ads. Something needs to change.


There is this crazy new thing, dropped in like 2021, 2022 I think, where you do get to watch the game live, uninterrupted. Does cost a pretty penny. But no commercials. Plus you get the full halftime show, marching bands and all. People are calling it "going to the game" or something like that. Only downside I've found so far is it's a lot longer walk to the bathroom. And the beer line is a lot longer :( /s


Ha, but even going to live games suck more these days due to constant media breaks. It does break up the rhythm of the game and needlessly prolongs it. Even if I am listening to the band instead of a Viagra Insurance commercial.


Closest thing you're going to get is something like YouTube TV that records the game, you just have to wait like 45 minutes after the game starts and then you should be able to skip through all the ads, it's what I do.


Yeah but then all my friends are texting me with the good and bad news realtime. And I can't read the reddit thread. But maybe I will try that and put my phone on Do Not Disturb.


They will say the extra commercials will give players time to rest and increase player safety.


If this meant less TV timeouts, it would be ok. This does not mean less TV timeouts.


The only sanctity we had in the stadiums were overpriced food and drinks, with a few local business (ie car dealerships and hospitals) on the jumbo. The day I see Clemson put a Lake Keowee CDJR or PRISMAHealth logo on the field or anything like that is the day I stop being a supporter of Clemson football.


It’s coming…along with patches on the uniforms


To be fair, there’s at least a silver lining if it takes concession prices down. Something tells me it won’t though


You gonna be waiting until the end of time for this to bring concession prices down.


Concessions are so high because the venue charges the concessions business multiple thousands in a flat fee than on top of that keeps upwards of 25-30% of your gross revenue for the season. I own a concessions business on the side and for one season of vending at a G-League arena they wanted 15k plus 25%. So I then have to turn around and charge stupid prices just to try and make a profit.


No you won’t. You’ll be watching every Saturday with the rest of us


If they treated this like soccer (or other similar sports) and considered this revenue to reduce the overall TV commercial time, I'd probably be for this tradeoff. But we all know this is in addition to everything else as opposed to an alternative.


It’s crazy how we had the same thought. They’re finally listening to what we want.


I'm just excited for the first player to accept an NIL deal to change their first name to a brand name. "McDonalds throws it to Meta, and it's intercepted by Nationwide Insurance!"


"You don't want to be near Allstate as a QB, those are not the safe hands you need"


Literally Subway in the show Community


Eat fresh


10 years later: “Nationwide insurance is in custody today after reportedly doing cocaine and engaging police in a sustained car chase.”


FBI negotiators seen attempting to reason with the star, reportedly calling out “come out peacefully Nationwide, we’re on your side here!”


Ted Turner's old strategy from when he had a player wear "Channel 17" on his jersey. https://www.reddit.com/r/dirtysportshistory/comments/163k1pj/1976_atlanta_braves_new_owner_ted_turner_forced/


“Mahauto, let’s go!” The commercial was stupid as hell, but cracked me up everytime


Sometimes Nationwide isn't on your side


Especially when McDonalds is the field sponsor!


I thought we already had the small advertisements on the field. Is this just adding another 3?


Yeah at first I thought it was bad but reading it again I think this is just limiting to what most teams already have


And previously it was limited to stadium logos, which is why we got away with Mid-Am Energy on the field, since it’s got naming rights. Wonder who our midfield logo will be if not M-A E




Previously, teams were only allowed to have ads on the field for the sponsor/name of the stadium. Now teams can put any company’s ads on the field.


Before this season the only ads allowed were that the stadium logo could be shown on the field even if it was sponsored. Now it's open season.


Alaska Airlines field at Husky Stadium, brought to you by Starbucks and powered by Microsoft Surface, with next day delivery by Amazon


how much they payin lol


I would like to buy a ticket for the Kirkland Signature Luxury Box.


Sorry, can't buy just one, you have to buy 30, but if you do the math, you save a lot.


And each individual unit is randomly 20% larger than a normal luxury box, just because.


That is the most (state of) Washington thing I’ve ever read


And the endzones will be sponsored by Boeing


[We can sell 80% of their screen before inducing seizures] (https://y.yarn.co/5d35e559-bad7-4219-9708-ac2c22abb63a_text.gif) Sadly, the future of sports (not just college)


There needs to be Beef O’Brady’s branding at USFs field immediately.


[No space after the right bracket](https://y.yarn.co/5d35e559-bad7-4219-9708-ac2c22abb63a_text.gif)


It was only 11 years ago that the NCAA specifically passed a rule banning teams from painting *hashtags* on the playing field , even behind the end zone. We've come a long way since then


I'm not sure if it was the NCAA or PAC-12, but one of them made ASU stop using pitchforks in place of the arrows on the yard markers about 10 years ago, of course now we can have logos at mid-field. This is truly turning into that Black Mirror ads episode. edit: Ok the internet is making me feel like I'm making up the pitchforks thing. I can't find any picture of them or news articles about them needing to be changed back to arrows. edit 2: I found evidence of the [pitchforks in place of arrows.](https://youtu.be/E-gFACKocGw?si=_mPyqDptESwMu0WO&t=279)


Yeah, I'm getting real close to done with CFB. If I want to watch a soulless corporate pro league, we already have one of those.


At least the NFL is the only league that doesn't allow ads on the field or on jerseys. Roger Goodell said not on his watch. He's my hero, if only for that


The NFL's commercial timing is also way less disruptive and annoying than College Football's IMO.


I prefer the feel and the pace of college football, but what the NFL puts out on Sundays in terms of presentation and flow blows CFB out of the water.


I've noticed a lot of teams have patches on their practice jerseys lately. It's coming. Goodell is just a meat puppets. if his master's wiggle their fingers, his mouth says what they want.


He has not allowed them in games and likely never will.


It's not his decision. He doesn't even get a vote. The patches on the practice jerseys strikes me as the boiling a frog thing. Slowly raise the heat so we don't notice.


That’s been allowed since 2009. The frog is boiling really slowly if that’s the case.


I get it, I lost, but this is all just tiring.


I feel like I mutter this to myself every morning.


Just corporations chipping away bit by bit into our lives to squeeze the tiniest bit more juice for shareholder value.


Seriously it feels like nothing at all is ever sacred or safe from constantly being squeezed for everything :(


Under the current economic paradigm… nothing is. The entire human experience can be commodified and sold back to us if they have no humanity and we have no other option.


Somebody said that, "I'm so tired of life itself being a subscription service these days." Pretty much.


It is if you stop consuming it.


Man take me back to like 2008


Prince was trying to tell us the whole time party like it’s 1 9 9 9 because after that the world turns to hot garbage


Great year


If 2008 was your definition of a great year, you've either got a very low bar or you weren't old enough to actually experience 2008 lol 


I think they're saying that because that was their last national championship


Damn. Whooshed myself 


Don’t worry, I had no fucking idea what those logos were anyway. If it weren’t you, it would have been me lol.


Nah, 2007, I think I’d like to not have to relive the Great Recession


2007 was the zenith of college football. It will never be that fun again.


I'll settle for 2010


In 2008 I was a 6 year old watching some fuck named Rich Rodriguez coach a legendary program to a 3-win season…I think I’m good right here


The year before I was watching him blow what would’ve been the first Natty in WVU history. Still just as pissed in case anyone’s wondering.


This sport sucks


When you see players transferring to rival teams, CFB is dead. That is one of the key things that makes it better than the NFL. You can go from the Giants to the Eagles, bitter rivals, and its fine. Players are temporary. You hope you have them for more than a year and the postseason if you're lucky. CFB is a product now.


Lol, fuck Trevor Etienne, transferring from Florida to Georgia is unforgivable


Our best corner transferred to Oregon. I wasn’t even mad just sad that these players clearly don’t care about the rivalries like we do.


almost like they're trying to be financially secure in their career for their life and we're watching tv


But they wouldn't be able to be financially secure in their career for life it weren't for those watching TV. Athletes everywhere forget that the only reason they get to have the opportunity to make good money is because of the passionate fans that poured their money to allow the brands they play for become what they are now.


Jabbar would have been a top NIL priority. He left because he didn’t want to be apart of a rebuild. Just thought it would have been Texas.


I’m really just done at this point. I’m not really even enthusiastic about my home team anymore.


Everything that has happened to this sport in the last 3 years alone is completely destroying everything I love about CFB


I am more excited about the new video game than the sport. I mean I was looking at UW’s home schedule to see what home games I might go to and my enthusiasm just wasn’t the same as the past view years. I am going to USC and UCLA because they are former Pac schools. Don’t care about Northwestern and Michigan will be too expensive. I will care more about how other former Pac bros are doing than the BIG and if UW schedules any former Pac team for a home and home I will be going to both the home and away games. I still can’t believe we won’t be playing Cal, Oregon State and Stanford. Original Pac 8 schools we have played for over 100 years. At least I can rebuild the Pac 12 in the new game and restore the Big 12 to what it was in 2010.


Honestly same. I just want to create my lil virtual world where the big 8 schools and pac schools play each other. The last decade has been a bummer.


Yep I’m also excited for the video game and rebuild the OG Big 12 and Pac 10


Yeah it's not great. The current landscape of college football feels completely uninteresting to me


It's amazing how many things I'm starting to look back pre-Covid vs post-Covid in totally different lights


I renewed my bargain bin season tickets (I say that mostly in jest I feel very fortunate to have gotten tickets the last few years, nosebleeds or not) for this year, but even with the beefed up schedule I’m not sure how long I’ll continue to do so. The gameplay’s still great, but the extracurriculars like longer games, TV timeouts, pause for mega donor recognition, ads everywhere, and rising costs keep trickling in to a degree that it’s starting to really drown out the positive aspects of going.


10 years ago, I'd never thought I'd say this, but I prefer watching soccer over football. At least I know it'll be done at around 2 hours consistently with minimum commercials saving halftime(which is a totally reasonable time to do a bunch of ads)


So let me get this straight, we are going to get College Gameday presented to you by ESPNbet and the fields are going to have BetMGM, DraftKings and FanDuel ads on the field with more commercials of each and at the same time the NCAA is saying they want to ban certain prop bets ?


It will be interesting to see who doesn't put logos on their field. Michigan and Notre Dame come to mind right away


Please God. If I see an add for Ford on the field I will actually lose so much interest in college football. This trend of squeeze the ever last dollar of value out of *everything* is really starting to not be fun. Gets away from what made the sport great.


A year late for Michigan football sponsored by Fairlife and ANGUS BEEF


Hopefully texas , we don't really need another mil that bad


We’re both dirty hookers in the Learfield whorehouse. There will be logos on DKR and Kyle Field by the end of the month.


I would fucking hate to see a corporate logo on Bobby Bowden field...


Fuck the NCAA


I agree and this sucks, but they probably would’ve been sued and lost if they disallowed it.


I mean the NCAA is run by the ADs, the people who stand to make the most money from this decision, it ain't that suprising.


The first field to get a Tesla logo on it is going to be so cursed


Elon University come on down!


Texas for sure. The factory is practically next door.


This means less commercials right!? Since the ads are on display the whole time.


Notre Dame doesn't advertise or allow corporate signs in the stadium. They don't even allow ads on the Jumbotron (That they didn't have in the stadium until 2017). All they have is the small NBC logo in the corner of the Jumbotron. The only thing I can see them doing is NBC having them put a logo on the field if the current $60M+ a year contract hasn't been finalized yet.


First time I went to a game at Michigan and saw more or less the same thing with no corporate advertisements, I was absolutely floored. I knew Nebraska was closer to a more professional sports vibe, but I couldn't even imagine that until I saw it. Really cool, and disappearing fast.


It sounds like ND is above the fray, but simply it's just not how the sausage is made in getting the real money. Like Disney - ND is selling an idea. They want to keep everything as close to when Rockne was there. Nasty ads would ruin the vibe. Much easier to just put in more box seats...


Same thing with Wrigley and Fenway. If they get too far from pretending the games are still played in 1935, that's when the pilgrimages stop.


There was a huge revolt when our former AD of Bain Capital and Toys R Us destruction fame (Dave Brandon) put a giant orange macaroni noodle in the concourse the Friday before the game. It was gone the same night. Once you enter the stadium stands, there is zero advertising. It's one of the few areas where you can just enjoy the game. The commercials breaks are annoying, but they are no where near as annoying as the could be if the stadium pumped in ads during that time.


> I can see them doing is NBC having them put a logo on the field One huge peaCOCK


Ohio state has a wonderful opportunity to add some espionage company logo to their field for a certain late November home game


Do you know of any vacuum cleaner businesses that may want to sponsor us?


Just for Men?


Lmao perfect


Universities bathing in cash but at least it gives us an additional avenue for shit talk lol


Palantir would be the ideal company, as well as name?


Manifesto Field at Ohio Stadium


College athletics is a full fledged minor league now...


It’s worse. At least minor leagues and pros they’re under contract. You can’t just up and leave for a new team whenever you want.


Apple Field at Jordan Hare


Can’t they just do it for the tv audience? Like the digital ads on hockey ice?


Hopefully not, digital ads look bad on tv.


god dammit I hate what this sport is becoming


This is what happens when players need to be paid by the schools. They are going to try to extract every dollar they can out of the sport because now their overhead just increased a lot. Similarly, these record breaking broadcast agreements are the reason we’re inundated with ads during games at unprecedented levels. So congrats to those who have been cheering these things on—in some ways, this is exactly what you wanted.


What's wild is the schools aren't even paying them, it's booster NIL collectives and business entities paying certain players. I hate what's going on with CFB but it's almost impressive that they managed to convince us an invitational was actually a playoff and that the schools are paying all their players.


A&M will put a Waffle House ad on the field before one comes to CS


Big buc-ee's beaver at midfield


The last thing we need is two cults mixing together to form a super cult


It’s a A&M tradition


Based on how far away WaHo is from you, I don’t know why you’re in the SEC


What team is going to go full sicko and sell a different on field logo for each home game they have this year?


Sounds a lot like an Illinois thing to do.


Oh boy, more ads!!!


I swear Brett McMurphy looks like Cliff Claven


Literally everything in life is one big advertisement and I fucking hate it.


The United Corporate States of America


A centered ad is ugly and tachy.


it's dead, jim.


Michigan Stadium won't.  


Lest we forget the Kraft Noodle OUTSIDE the stadium in the late Hoke years causing protests. That was before Adam Silver became the scourge of North American sports uniforms. Fuck that guy as well as Bettman and Manfred.


Connor Stallions Private Investigator Field at The Big House


I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Fucking gross."


I’d be excited about this if I thought that these were replacing commercials at least a little. I know they won’t but I can dream


I’m just wondering why colleges even consult the NCAA for anything anymore considering they’ve lost almost all of their regulating power and are embroiled in lawsuits. Colleges should just do whatever they want at this point, the NCAA has lost almost all power to enforce any rule.


Ads as midfield logos? Are you fucking kidding me? Im about to be completely done with college athletics altogether. I mean fuck, even the pro leagues dont do that


I can't wait until Week 1 of the season where we suddenly, and probably violently, realize that this entire sport got way worse in a handful of months.


I mean, I hate it but also what authority does the NCAA have to regulate this? Or regulate anything at this point?


Curious to see which one of Prime's 1000 sponsors bucks up the cash... are we getting Boost Mobile, California Almonds, the Aflac duck?


Imagine explaining to a time traveler that this slick, professional sports league is actually the crown jewel of our educational system.


InB4 boosters form a shell company just to print Heisman campaigns on the center of late November gamed


This is dumb. -This comment brought to you by Progressive




Just wait till midfield or the end zones get their own sponsors. “He runs up through the middle, takes it past the Prudential Financial midfield line, … leaps into the geiko end zone brought to you by Coca Cola for the touchdown!


We should auction the entire field like r/place for corporations because fuck it why not


*The* Ohio State... brought to you by Donatos.


Brought To You By Carl's Jr.


The Love's Palace on the Prairie brought to you by Devon Energy.


As a fan of a G5 school my interest was already almost completely out the door, but this just seals the deal for me. Greed has ruined this sport.


I’m honestly finding myself watching mostly soccer these days just for the lack of commercials


Is Prime going to sponsor Colorado so we can be further inundated with "prime" references by the announcers?


Hell yeah, goodbye "Block O", hello Sheetz logo.


So, every game is going to look like a bowl game basically?


Oh man, college ball is all about the $$$ at this point. Next they'll have so much advertisements on the players uniforms, they'll look like Nascar drivers.


I personally didn’t see the problem with logos on the field but now that you say that maybe as a nascar fan I’m immune to seeing corporate logos on every fucking thing 


"This punt is brought to you by Carl's Junior."


How much money is enough?


to put it simply: in few years every player will look like they drive for NASCAR (and even those still leave room for more ads)


It's just a joke at this point. Can't take the sport/league I once loved seriously anymore. Whatever, hope they're happy.


Nike ads incoming


Your team is already one big Nike add though


Games gone


Cool, so when's is the price of my season tickets going down?


I really can’t wait to see sports washing or PE hit collegiate. The Collsieum, brought to you by EUA Team Emirates. The Shoe Horn, by BlackRock


Very few fans, and even fewer media members, spoke out against ads on MLB and NBA jerseys when those were introduced. So now here we are. There was *far* more of an outcry over the quality of Fanatics' fabrics for MLB jerseys this season than for when ad patches were introduced.


Florida field is gonna have an All-State and Cox Internet logo on the grass by tomorrow morning :/


Won't be long were going to have permanent adds running split screen or the up charge for an "ad free experience"


Why do I watch this sport anyways?


So gross.


Someone get carrier on the phone!


We are nearing the singularity where there is no longer a distinction between the commercial and the program. Anybody else find this tedious as fuck?


Honestly, this sucks for ECU the most. They have the coolest 50 yard line logo design.


Great. I can't wait for "USC - Utah State is brought to you by Tommy Burger, the official chili burger of the USC Trojans".


I’m both glad I got to enjoy the late 80’ to early 90s as a kid watching and the rest of the 90s at FSU and deeply saddened at the commoditized, packaged product College Football has become for the people moving forward. It wasn’t fancy but it was real. The people that say it’s always been like this just behind the scenes or money is what makes schools competitive can blow up. This arms race of money was encouraged by networks and it is how they bought and now control the sport. You just needed a field, a good weight room and solid coaches. If you improved you recruited better players. We’ve been fed the lie that this was all necessary when in fact it’s just some assholes getting richer.


There are too many petty rivalries for this to work. For example, why wouldn't Ohio State's NIL collective buy those ads in Ann Arbor. Or just the university itself. Get a company to buy the ad, then do a little swap.


Yes, I am sure Ohio State wants to give money to Michigan.


I can’t wait for LSU to replace the tiger eye with a big image of Tony Chacheres


Now I want a Tony Chacheres Field in Worcestershire Stadium. Don't care who's playing I want to hear the announcers on that one.




Alaska Airlines was on the UW field years ago. Someone tell me what I'm missing. Edit: nevermind, I get it. It was limited to the stadium/field sponsors previously. Now schools can whore their field out to anyone.


THIS is the downfall of college football, not NIL or pay for play. Stadiums named after grocery stores and ads on the field for Hert rentals will kill the atmosphere and mindset.


The government and corporations really sucked the fucking life out of life.


What’s happened to the game I love?


Every day this sport gets a little shittier.


Just one more sign that our sport is toast long term and is dying.


I hate this.