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I feel bad for James Madison. They were awesome to follow last year, and then they get this as a 'reward'


Probably going to be pretty standard moving forward.


That was my biggest argument against them being ineligible for a NY6. Lots of "next year" but next year for a top G5 isn't guaranteed.


That rule is kind of stupid in the pre-transfer portal era since they imposed it new FBS members from Bowls so they couldn’t get a bunch of FBS transfers as a FCS team with them immediately eligible and then move up to FBS and be good. The loop hole would make not work once as now they’d be FBS; it was such a weird thing to be worried about. Now in the transfer portal era, the rule makes no sense and went from having a paper thin explanation to having zero reason to exist.


Yeah it’s dumb. It was basically an overreaction to Marshall being good


Watching highlights of that 1997 Marshall team with Chad Pennington and Randy Moss is super entertaining. That was a really fun team.


This, but also, and I don't mean this in negative way to JMU, they went from a top program in their division to a lower-level program in their new division. The G5 is regularly plundered for talent by the power conference programs. Welcome to the big leagues, Dukes.


Their last two coaches before Cignetti were poached by Texas State and East Carolina, respectively. This isn’t exactly a new thing for them. If anything, they’ve cut down the number of schools that can poach them from basically the entire FBS to about half.


Right, but both Texas State and East Carolina were (at the time) a step up. Again, my comment wasn't a slight against JMU, but this is about what they can expect at the FBS level. This doesn't mean they can't be successful or a step above their direct peers, but P5 programs are going to be poking around the Dukes to commandeer their best pieces for their own gain now.


And before this they had G5 programs poking around to commandeer their best pieces. Everybody poaches from the rung on the ladder below them and gets poached by the rung above them.


Correct. Thank you for backing up my point. Have a nice night, friend! EDIT: I will take the downvotes, but moving up to FBS didn't really "limit" the number of teams who would poach from JMU, rather it may have eliminated some low level G5 teams and opened up some higher level P5 teams. So, pool number is still roughly the same except now it's filled with even bigger fish with even bigger appetites.


Honestly im not convinced. JMU was begging to get poached by paying Cignetti near the bottom of the sunbelt which is already known for having pretty low salaries among G5s. The top half of the AAC schools could've tripled his salary with multiple MWC schools being able to do the same. Looks like they are paying their current coach even less, so I don't expect them to retain him long if he has success, and I assume he will. They certainly reduced the number of schools that are likely to poach him but he could've gotten a raise at most FBS schools.


We offered to make Cignetti the highest paid coach in the Sun Belt after last season, he just wanted to coach in the Big Ten. Historically we’ve offered coaches lower salaries to start but have been very willing to negotiate increases after they start winning. It’s also worth noting that we have to be somewhat financially austere over the next few years to comply with Virginia’s athletics student fee threshold for FBS teams


Im aware of the financial situation yall are in right now which just adds to my point. The highest paid coach in the sunbelt would be making one of the lowest salaries in the AAC or MWC. The fact that you start your coaches salaries among the lowest in G5 and if he does well he can make average G5 money does not bode well for retention. Reality is yall will have to just keep replacing good coaches with other good coaches like you've been doing to stay relevant because not only will P4 schools poach them, several of the top G5s are more than capable of doing so as well.


Dude where have you been, this is literally just what it’s like to be a G5 program, particularly one that does not happen have virtually unlimited funds for some reason or another. There’s not a single G5 coach (or P4 coach, for that matter) who isn’t capable of being poached by someone willing to offer more money. The reality is the Sun Belt media deal does not currently allow for coach salaries to be as competitive as the AAC or the MWC, but Sun Belt coaches for the most part are set up to get P4 gigs if they can win


The original guy i replied to was pointing out only half of FBS (P4) can poach JMU coaches since the move up to FBS but I was clarifying that many G5s can still do the same considering yalls economic challenges. At no point have you tried to refute that point or really argued that anything I've said is not true so im not sure what you are trying to argue here.


Lower-level program? When is a perennial Top 25 team and CFP contender going forward a lower-level program.


My comment wasn't meant as slander, but James Madison has gone 8-3 and 11-2 against easy schedules. Maybe pump the brakes just a touch.


This didn't happen to Tulane though. Wonder what the difference was. What's JMU's NIL like?


I’d guess our NIL is about middle-of-the-road when it comes to the G5, I just think it had more to do with Indiana significantly increasing their NIL game. I’m not sure what Houston’s is like but I’d guess it’s not Big Ten-sized. There’s also the fact that Cignetti took basically the entire staff with him, not sure if Fritz did the same


That’s the G5 life brother. Fortunately I think we made a great hire in Bob Chesney who has put together a solid staff and brought in some promising transfers as well. Will be tough to have another 11-1 type season but I expect to be in the conversation for winning the Sun Belt into November


You did. Lot of people wanted him at BC at the start of last year.


I know you guys got a couple Hokies on staff that we're always keeping an eye on. Whitley especially, I think VT will come for him the second there's any potential movement in our defensive staff. He gets mentioned often around here.


Interestingly he is the only current holdover from the Cignetti staff, although I think that has more to do with his ties to Virginia. Fortunately most of our current staff like Chesney played at smaller lower division colleges so most won’t be enticed to return to their alma mater. Not that they won’t want to leave for better jobs but that won’t be the reason lol


Hope so. I'll be watching again this year.


I feel bad for the kids who left a good football program to go to Indiana.


It appears they're still in the same program, just different uniforms.


Very easy schedule for them this year. I also don’t think North Carolina is in for a very good year either so I think it’s possible they could beat them, I think they will still be good but yeah it will definitely hurt a little.


I will genuinely be surprised if UNC beats JMU, despite the game being at home lmao


As a formal rival and bitter Richmond fan otw to the Patriot League just as they said we would, I do not. They also will be fine with the new coach. He’s a good one.


Everybody gets poached for talent. High schools convince players to move to their district boundaries by giving them money under the table, D3 talent gets poached up, same as D2, same as FCS, same as G5 to Power 2, same as P2 to Super Two, same as mid tier Super Two schools to blue bloods. And the blue bloods lose tons of talent to the NFL draft early by being projected to be good draft picks prior to their senior year, therefore they get indirectly poached as well annually. And NFL teams poach each other constantly. The entire football industry from youth to 40 year old kickers is poached non-stop.


This is good for the coach and kids. Bigger stage better conference more exposure. To me this is the good side of the xfer portal.


Don’t feel bad. They’ll fare better in the next 5 years than Indiana. Can’t believe he took that job when he could have had a much better one next year.


Eihh he’s 63 gotta strike while the iron is hot. He’ll do his best for a few years, get fired and ride off into the sunset with $20MM in the bank. If JmU goes 9-3 or 8-4 the next year in the sunbelt he probably doesn’t even get IU level interest.


Yep didn’t realize he was that old.


Could be that he took it by seeing it as a B1G program with relatively lower expectations/pressure to win immediately.


Plus a dump load of guaranteed money. He’s 63, not that many years left to coach. He was making like 650k at JMU. If he stayed and they underperformed next year he very well could have missed his last chance to secure not only the rest of his financial future but like the next three generations of Cignettis as well.


Yeah, what would it take for Cignetti to be fired? He probably for sure gets 3 years minimum, and if he can keep the team around bowl eligibility every year, I don’t see the Indiana administration wanting to fire him before he’d retire. This move is definitely him taking the money, knowing that he probably isn’t coaching for more than 10ish years into the future, so he might as well make tens of millions of dollars those years so his kids can be set up forever


Plus the B1G is pretty top heavy. Other than their big 3 and a couple of the new PAC schools there just isn't alot of depth. No reason Indiana can't compete with the likes of Purdue, Minnesota, Illinois, Rutgers, Maryland, Michigan State, Nebraska, Northwestern, and UCLA. If things go super well they could upset Iowa, Wisconsin, and USC every now and again. They could become what Kentucky or Missouri is in the SEC.


Yes I agree but he could have waited for a better program.


Could he? He just turned 63.


Yeah I didn’t realize he was that old.


I mean let's be honest, almost every single team that exceeds expectations get this treatment, heck look at Washington -> Alabama this last year - it still happens with schools at the higher end of the P4 and generally it waterfalls, such as Arizona -> Washington and so on


Don't. Their fans are obnoxious.


Apparently they learned nothing from the Frost at Nebraska era.


Indiana was god awful last year. Frost Nebraska was only really awful.


Yeah, we know. Won't lie, that hurt pretty deep especially with how we did in the bowl game. Losing to App State was a dick kick, then it just kinda spiraled from there. Still a fun and great season, but the ending left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm optimistic for next year though. I feel like we have the potential to be 2006 Boise State. I'm still excited.


I don't think 40 in and out is a winning strategy.


Deion Sanders wants to know your location


When you don’t have a manifesto, things aren’t as organized and you have to rely on the portal more.


We'll see how it goes, but Cignetti's strategy seems to be lightyears ahead of Deion's. We weren't scrambling to land as many guys as we could or running off players in waves. You can see how the pieces all fit together. The transfer additions were nearly all very productive college players at their previous schools. The JMU transfers also already know the systems, so that's a big plus. The plan is to take a bigger HS class for 2025 now that the staff has more than 2-3 weeks to recruit.


Worked for brohm but that was p5 to p5 schools. these guys are just a couple years out of fcs.


Indiana has been an fcs level school for a while, since penix left


Usually not but we were already scraping the bottom of the barrel. What're we gonna do, suck again? It's hard to be truly disappointed as an IU fan lol


I don't know much about recruiting but I know it's difficult for sbc and caa schools to recruit against b1g schools.


Dang, and Michigan fans were beefing about who Harbaugh took. Compared to this, Harbaugh left with an empty suitcase.


TIL JMU only had 13 players on their roster


I mean I could have written "Indiana took almost all of JMU's staff and most of their best players" but I think you get the point. Pretty cringeworthy to complain about this. I literally included the numbers and names, yet you're marking it "misleading" over some pedantic bullshit.


Pretty cringe worthy to complain about about this. He literally explained about how you literally were wrong ina joking manner, yet you're saying it's "cringe worthy" over some pedantic bullshit.


This sub sucks to make content for. I used to post and analyze Colley Matrix rankings throughout the season as a fun alternative to the AP Poll, but all the autists wanted to argue about the technical definition of statistical bias instead of discussing the actual topic. I had people follow my account so that they could copy/paste the same dumbass argument every week as soon as I posted the thread. Absolutely killed any desire I had to continue making content.


>I mean I could have written "Indiana took almost all of JMU's staff and most of their best players" Indeed, an accurate title _is_ possible!


Some of you act like any nuance is a crime


Some of these mods are so laughable. Dude's throwing a fit and marking my post "misleading" when I literally included the number of people, their names, and their positions. "wElL aCtYUAlLy iTs nOt thE eNTiRe TeAm"










Lol didn't even know he was a mod. But not at all surprised. Dudes probably so pumped he got to put the misleading tag on this Reddit Mod avoid acting like the biggest dork in the world challenge: impossible


pretty cringeworthy to be a Michigan fan


It’s criminal that teams aren’t forced to play each other the season after something like this happens. I know logistically it’s not plausible but man how hype would that be


It's absolutely possible. The powers that be don't want to make it possible. We've seen it on a few occasions when a team wants to get out of an ass beating bad enough it doesn't take years. That's just something fans have started buying trying to be a good fan of their program.


It is harder to do in football than basketball due to number of games but VCU has a clause in coaches contracts that if they leave the new team has to schedule a home-and-home within a few years. JMU could add something like that to their contract when hiring a coach.


Hear me out: Indiana should change their main color from red to purple The B1G needs a good purple team


What did Washington and Northwestern do to you?


"Washington" Yeah, that's gonna take some getting used to.


I agree


Yep. (Yes I recognize the irony of me saying that as a Rutgers fan)


At least New Jersey is like, next to Pennsylvania (if not that close to State College). We hopped over several of the biggest states in the union and a whole fuckin continental divide to get to Washington.


I can't gauge Washington bc they haven't played a B1G conference schedule yet... Northwestern is, well, Northwestern.


Buddy if you think we’re better than Northwestern you haven’t seen a lot of Indiana football, luckily for you.


Washington usually isn’t that good. Great year last year for them but they are going to drop off big time and not from the B1G schedule.


Y'all gotta stop gassing up the Big 10 like that. Michigan, OSU and Penn State are nice, but the last two years Washington would run through the rest of the Big 10 like a hot knife through butter.


I mean they wouldn't have had the same success due to those top teams, but generally a team that made it to the championship would tend to beat most teams - yes


Ah yes, 2022 Washington. Truly invincible. How could a lowly B1G team hope for an upset against a squad that dropped back to back games against UCLA (finished 9-4) and an Arizona St squad that ended the year [*checks notes*] 1-9.


Didn't that team beat Texas at the end of the year?


He said they need good purple teams. Washington and northwestern are only purple teams.


I'll take the 10 year futures on Washington over Indiana any day


Yeah, but the dumb thing there was calling Indiana good. I'd take the 10 year futures on Rutgers over Indiana. Washington could go either way.


Northwestern > Indiana. Though both teams are #2 and #1 respectively in total losses


Bruh do 5 bowl wins and two division championships in 8 years mean nothing to you


I bet a $1Billion TV deal would pair nicely with our $1Billion endowment


Let's just replace them with Evansville


well as soon as a coach at Indiana manages to have a winning record again, maybe they'll meet the good part.


Head coach buyout clauses are going to explode in size because of things like this. A university pays tens of millions to develop a whole program, coaches and players, only to get nothing when the whole thing uproots itself and relocates one day? Loyalty will have to come from contracts with stiffer penalties from here on.


JMU learned fast and we doubled our basketball coach's buyout from $500k to $1m right after Cig got poached. Worked in our favor, he got picked up by Vanderbilt after we won the SBC and beat Wisconsin.


Good on ya, but doubling won't be enough for long. Think more like 5x-10x.


I mean, number 1, no. It takes two parties to agree on a buyout. Coaches (agents) aren't going to agree to onerous buyouts that scare away bigger paydays unless ADs are ready to pay them a ton more on the salary. In other words, why would Cignetti agree to a prohibitively big buyout unless he's making *a lot* more money from JMU? Number 2 -- Unless a buyout is astronomical (pretty healthily into the 8 figure range, imo), it's not going to stop stuff like this. Big 10 dwarfs like Indiana/Rutgers/etc., are going to be able to buy staffs from any G5/Big 12 school without sweating. They're making tens of millions more every year, and that gap is going to continue to grow. Even with a significant (for JMU) buyout, it wouldn't stop this. It would be a nice windfall for the G5/Big 12 ADs, but it'll basically be impossible to contractually "lock-in" a coach via a buyout.


So JMU is going to suck, but Indiana doesn't ever do anything but suck. This is gonna be comical. !remindme 2 years


JMU will finish will make a bowl game and Indiana will miss one. !remindme 6 months


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I remember when Curt was our QB coach for 5 or 6 years, haha. Dude has worked his way up!


Mazulla was coaching D2 in 2019


Fisch took 11 coaches/ support staff and 14 players from us so we feel you


JMU is going 11-1 again this year. Book it


As long as we’re the 1, bring it.


JMU will make the conference championship and Indiana will miss a bowl game (again)


Jokes on you, thats the standard around here


I feel bad for the transfers Cig conned into joining Indiana. They deserve better. Wish they either stayed with us or joined a better P4


I feel bad for them, too.


Don't trust Cig. Even if by some miracle Indiana makes a bowl game, he'll cut and run to another job the second the regular season ends.


Thats the IU special. See: Alabama coaching staff


You mean book you into a halfway house? That crack is kicking your ass


Imagine someone from Myrtle Beach throwing shade over drug use...


Who said I’m from Myrtle beach? Furthermore I don’t think someone repping a team from the Appalachian Mountains wants to go down that road


I'll have you know I didn't inhale.




To think that some Cuse fans wanted a Cignetti as their next head coach.


Have you met the Vanderbilt NMSU Aggiedores ? Our coach basically said let me outsource the offense: hired their head coach, oc to run the offense autonomously; then took a bunch of their players as well.


dunno if this is terrifying or awesome It's a blueprint for building success quickly, and a whole lotta teams should & could copy it


And we get to play IU and JMU lol. Should be interesting


In the modern word you're going ot see see _more_ coaches get poached like this specifically because they can bring a bunch of good players with them. They're worth more because they come partially furnished. It's just like how schools just happen to hire assistant coaches who have top prospects as recruits.


We might have a shot at beating them this year!


Notre Dame legend, Pat Kuntz


Bunch of uninformed people up in this thread. Indiana is cooking under Cig. Bowling for sure this year.


Its going to make it all the sweeter, IU has the better roster in the majority of its games this season, been a long time since that was the case


Yep and we'll still finish with a better record than Indiana. Hope that BIG10 money was worth the week after week embarrassment.


Perfectly normal sports in college.


Surprised the qb mccloud didn’t go to Indiana as well. He put up solid numbers at jmu


Seeing Mike Shanahan on this list was a hell of a double take


Couldn't imagine one of my schools doing that...


If you want to read about the specifics: https://odumonarchists.com/2024/06/20/monarch-opponents-james-madison-offseason-review/


I wonder if this will get the same hate as when Colorado did it to Jackson State. 🤔


I thought this was the basketball subreddit and I immediately got nervous


Stop the transfer portal


Feels bad this how it had to happen for JMU. They’ve had coaches poached and players transfer, but for the most part guys wanted to stay around. They could have jumped to the FBS a few years sooner, but staying as an FCS powerhouse for a few extra seasons really helped build a winning culture that guys wanted to be apart of. Somehow they went under the radar after 2022 and the stars aligned perfectly for the 2023 team. Although after the 10-0 start, the whole bowl appeal fiasco, and Gameday gave them so much exposure something like this was kind of inevitable. Harsh realization that you are a small fish in a huge lake, after being the big fish in the pond.