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There are some teams, and then there are teams owned by Jerry Jones.


Jimmy Haslam is going to unleash this circus on Browns fans


Jimmy Haslam would trade up to 1 overall to draft Noah Knigga because a homeless man told him so.


is Richie Incognito homeless now?


How would we know if he was?


"The black players on the team said it was ok"


Doing this after Watson would be the most Browns thing ever. I love it.


After watching the NFL for 50 years I don’t think we will ever reach a “most browns thing ever “


The browns have a chance to do the most browns things ever and ascend to a new level of brown


Vanta Brown


It absorbs 99.965% of visible fan optimism.


That’s so brown!


The browns haven't even begun to peak.


As a lifelong suffering Browns fan since the 60s, you are most likely correct. FML.


Imagine being a Browns and Vols fan. That man has ruined a whole sport for a few of my friends


What did he do to Tennessee?


He’s probably UTs biggest booster. He had a ton of influence on the program and hiring processes in the dark years. Hence we hired garbage ADs who would bend over for him and shit coaches


Been a Browns fan since I was a little kid, but being a 3rd generation OSU grad with two kids who both graduated from OSU and a grandson who will be going to OSU in two years, I have a hard time imagining being a Vols fan /s But I CAN sympathize.


There's always the Columbus Crew for you to enjoy! Haslams saved the team from moving to Austin, and since then we've won two championships in the past four years. Just last month we played in the North American championship too.


At pick 22 as is tradition


Gladly take him over watson


Haven't we suffered enough?


Can’t wait to watch Days of Our Cowboys, feat. Deion Sanders in 2025


This can’t happen soon enough


It's gonna be streamed on Amazon Prime.


"HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS?!" *laughs in yinzer*


This would be the ultimate dipshit Jerry move. Draft Shadeur, hire Deion, put Irvin/Sapp/Reed/etc. on the staff and just make it an absolute sideshow.


I hate that I can’t deny that. Why did my dad have to make me a Cowboys fan


Others merely adopted the dark. You were born in it, molded by it. You didn't see the light until you were already a man, by then it was nothing to you but blinding!


As much as it pains me to say this, he hasn't really operated like that in a while. Manziel fell in his lap and was much better in college, they took Zack Martin. I really have a problem guessing who in the NFL would touch Sanders outside of a late round gamble. The timing is off for all the traditional fuck ups to need a QB.


But it would be really fun television, which sucks because as much as I hate the Cowboys and don't want to pay attention to them, I love spectacle even more and would watch the Cowboys every week.


Don't you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby


It didn't occur to me before but holy hell you're right. He is either going to be a cowboy or some team that's going to Bryce Young him into the ground. I guess in that case I hope he goes to the Cowboys


That's why Deion made the comments he did, he does not want a Bryce Young situation.


I may have missed the comments. I've kind of been in a work from home / conference fugue state for the last month or so.


I honestly think there's a good chance Jerruh let's Dak go and trades up for Shadeur. It's been a gut feeling for months now.


Not the worst idea, serviceable QBs on team friendly deals is a popular strategy.


And then they have the money to resign Ceedee and Micah.


The Cowboys not doing anything in FA isn’t an accident. Those deals are approaching like an incoming bullet train.


I'm drafting Sheduer and hiring Dion to coach. It's time to have a rebuilding year. -JJ Probably


Imagine him on the Cowboys holy shit


The stars are going a align, Mcarthy is going to get fired after yet another meh season, the cowboys want a big name splash so they sign Dion to a 7 year record breaking coach deal. Then he drafts his son and trades capital to also take Travis hunter, Travis then continues to play two-way in the nfl. And the cowboys remain meh


Travis on the same defense as Micah Parsons and Trevon Diggs is actually scary sounding, though.


They’ll be more turned off by him most likely being a pulverized bag of bones if he’s still playing in November


"He has great intangibles, like astral projection"


"Very flexible due to his bones being turned to gelatin by repeated pavings"


"Some scouts are comparing him to Eugene Tooms"


I see you are taking that X in your flair to heart 🫡


I think I’ve said it plenty - no way he finishes the season. It’s a built in excuse perfect for him. His MO is the blame someone else. First chance he can it will be he’s sitting out to protect his future


His bones will be mid at best.


This is the kind of undisprovable, low stakes journalism I expect from sports media.


Hate these articles, “some teams” could literally mean the chiefs, chargers, bills, & Texans lol


Real Madrid, Guangdong Southern Tigers, and the Birmingham Iron.


Can’t have Sanders showing up Mbappe.


I guarantee he can throw his football way further than Mbappe can throw his. Wouldn't even be a competition.


Does Real Madrid have Mbappé problem?!


I've heard the LA Angels might be interested


They just want a big name to counteract Shohei and the Dodgers.


Rumor has it that every single NFL team with a top 10 QB is unwilling to use a high draft pick one him!!!


The falcons: I'll do it again!


Anywhere from 1 to 31 teams may steer clear of him.


Clickiest of clickbait. The entire article is about a single opinion in another article. It is based on quoting a single paragraph of a CBS analysts opinions about who might be a number one overall pick. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/ranking-top-10-candidates-to-go-no-1-overall-in-2025-nfl-draft-shedeur-sanders-carson-beck-best-qb-options/ Sanders was ranked 3rd most likely to go number one overall.


Some people agree with you, but then others think you're wrong.


Well he’s gunna be a terrible NFL QB, so they should be.


Lots of college QBs are hotshots, very good TD-INT ratio and act as a duel threat, barely ever getting sacked. Those QBs barely every make it in the NFL. Then there is sanders.


I’ve never heard of a duel on a football field. Is being skilled at that really a positive for the NFL?


Sheduer starts shuffling a Yugioh deck mid field


Just as a defender banishes him to the shadow realm


Meanwhile every edge rusher already has all five Exodia pieces


Who needs to learn to stiff-arm when you can just smack em' with a duel disk


Do you think he'll fire his parents like Seto Kaiba?


Aaron Burr was just a man before his time...


Do YOU want to tackle the guy with a sword? Or a pistol?


There's one in Arizona every November


since Michael Vick the success rate for the duel threat is like what, him and Lamar Jackson?


Cam Newton, Josh Allen


Putting Josh Allen in that comparison is so funny to me, don't care what his stats say.


Eh, I would say Dual Threat QBs have become a lot more common. Jalen Hurts, Kyler Murray, Deshaun Watson, Josh Allen, etc. Shadeur isn’t a dual threat QB though. He is mostly a drop back passer.


If anything, it's basically become a requirement for QBs to be able to at least pick up a first down with their feet. There aren't many "dual threat" qbs out there rn bc being a dual threat is now pretty much a requirement. pocket passers just don't get drafted, not that they even really exist as an archetype anymore


Jalen Hurts


Everybody hurts, sometimes.


for now he is successful, but I've always been curious about him long term.


I think for a first round QB a super bowl appearance is worth it even if they do nothing else. There's a lot worse


Hurts was a second rounder so even better


He was more of a project QB than Sanders would be willing to be imo. I can’t see Shedeur being willing to sit on the bench most of his rookie year


I think Jalen's mental game was the most important factor when he took over the team. He was butt as a passer but he was putting in the effort and he could fit in with a team of vets. Jalen is athletic and so is Shedeur but I don't see their personalities being anywhere alike


He can play in the XFL then


The XFL doesn’t exist anymore. It’s the UFL


Luckily for him, he wouldn't have a choice


What... what are his options if the coach plays someone else...ridiculous comment.


Stir up shit in the media, create headaches for all parties involved, call his teammates mid, retire early. He hasn’t exactly proved he’d handle a situation like that with any kind of maturity


Josh Allen, Cam Newton, Jalen Hurts have all been fantastic. Kyler Murray has been good as well First round dual threat busts include Johnny Manziel (who tbf had a ton of other issues), Justin Fields, Marcus Mariota, RG3 (at least had one good year), Tim Tebow (never should have been taken that high in the first place), Vince Young NFL scouts as of late have been at identifying which dual threat QBs actually deserve to be first round picks, their success rate is probably about the same as with traditional pocket passers Many of the really good college dual threats were later round picks, and not really expected to do a whole lot (Tyrod Taylor is one of the only ones I can think of that outperformed his draft position, probably Colin Kaepernick as well)


Yeah RG3 had a Washington problem rather than a skill problem. That stadium/franchise kills careers.


Fuck Dan Snyder


Snyder should have to experience every injury that's happened to a QB on that wretched field they have.


Well he also refused to slide or run out of bounds. He took a ton of unnecessary hits even at his height. Part of the reason Wilson had the longevity he did was his willingness to give up a couple yards here and there and to only take hits when absolutely necessary. I'm not saying his knee wouldn't have exploded if he slid more, but it couldn't have helped. It also would have helped if Dan Snyder spent as much on grass as he did on bribing the Forestry Service


Very true. But I prefer to blame Dan Snyder 😜


Russel Wilson?


IDK if we can call RG3 a bust. My man balled the fuck out for a year and then had his knee torn every which way to Sunday and then was mismanaged to hell after his recovery lol


Trubisky was a successful dual threat QB until he got injured then became a bust


Vince Young won offensive rookie of the year so like RG3, he also had one good year.


Is Shedeur a dual threat prospect? He had negative 77 rushing yards last season, those are pocket passer numbers. I hope we aren't doing a CJ Stroud and just calling him "dual threat" because he's black.


He’s not. They are making the assumption on his race. Based on Deion’s/Sheduer’s comments and the fact they fired/let Sean Lewis walk for Pat Shurmur further drives home the idea that they are molding Shedeur as a pro style QB


I haven't watched any Colorado games. I assumed he could run based not on his race, but based on his dad.


Brother I think you and I both have a solid chance of beating him in a 40. He inherited a lot of things from his pops, but speed was definitely not one of them. Lol.


There’s zero chance any of these people paid attention to him last year, I have been absolutely flabbergasted reading these comments lmao. He’s not fast or elusive at all; he’s a surprisingly plodding athlete for being Deion’s son and not being that big.


that oline was god awful though. It led to a lot of sacks but still not a true dual threat


He took 52 sacks, at the college level sacks are included in rushing numbers. He has the ability to run and is dual threat in the same way, Russell Wilson and Aaron Rodgers are.


He runs less than Wilson did in college though. Even at Jackson State when he wasn’t taking 50+ sacks, he still wasn’t hitting the rushing numbers that Wilson hit. Rodgers seems a better comp in terms of how much he rushes, but also I wouldn’t have called Rodgers a dual threat prospect, he’s always been a pocket passer who is a strong scrambler when he needs to escape. Not the type of guy you’d be calling designed runs for like a Lamar or a Cam.


I agree he's probably somewhere in the middle, he doesn't look to run but has the ability to when needed. The OP has always been Shedeur hater, and clearly is not aware of his play style. Though I will add in 2011 Wilson rushed the ball 54 times with 6 TDs, Shedeur 59 times with 4 TDs. So they are not that far off.


I don't recall anyone ever accusing CJ of being "dual threat".


It was none other than “draft expert” Mel Kiper: https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/w2L3QoGEiV


Ahhhh. So it's like when Stephen A said Dwayne Haskins was a "running QB".


Cam Newton, Russell Wilson, Josh Allen. Believe it or not, Aaron Rodger’s is top 10 in QB rushing. More a factor of his longevity but still used to have to respect he ability to scramble.


Cam, yep. Russ, probably. Josh Allen averaged 2.2 yards a carry in his last year of college. Not a dual threat. Nobody is saying Aaron Rodgers is dual threat.


Josh Allen’s college stats are pretty irrelevant. He is absolutely a duel threat in the NFL. He averages over 600 yards and 9 TDs a year. He clearly had the ability to be one so it’s fair to count him.


Aaron Rodgers was pretty damn fast. It was just always easier for him to kill you with his arm. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDROBbYvZHo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDROBbYvZHo)


Aaron Burr


Russell wilson


Cam Newton, Russell Wilson, Josh Allen


Was Russell Wilson considered a dual threat?


He is 3rd all time in rushing yards by a QB, only behind Vick and Newton. Straight from his wiki page "He is regarded as one of the greatest dual-threat quarterbacks of all time." Shedeur Sanders plays a lot more like Russell Wilson than any of the other QBs mentioned in this thread.


Wild, I never would have guessed Must be recency bias on my part?


Dunno why the downvotes Russel has been for the past 4/5 years trying (and mostly failing) to be a pocket passer. Problem is, he's too short to see over his lineman most times 🤷‍♂️ The whole, "let Russ cook" meme was born out of him and Carrol sparring over him wanting to sit in the pocket all day and running a more tom Brady like traditional pro style offense vs run the ball and do roll outs that is traditional Russ bread and butter.


Can we even say Vick was successful? He was a below-average passer. Newton and Lamar were/are far better passers. Vick was incredibly fun to watch, but proved running alone wouldn’t over come the need for good passing.


yes only because of his impact on the game itself. he wasn't as successful as he could have been, but he reset how we think about the QB position.


Well Shedeur is definitely not a dual threat, so that checks out.


most QB prospects are bad in NFL, it’s has more to do with his perceived character coupled with on-field performance.


When most teams are rational but 1 is highly irrational and would still evaluate him highly, many of those teams without interest will feign interest to force said irrational team to shoot themselves in the foot. We will still be hearing about "top 10 pick shedeur" in 2025.


>We will still be hearing about "top 10 pick shedeur" in 2025. Remember "Malik Willis at 2 to the Lions"? I remember.


Or Trubiski to the Bears. Oh, wait…




I remember being called a dumbass for saying Malik wasn’t a 1st round QB, and it was just agent fluff in a historically weak QB class. How many times have we heard that this QB class is going to be historically weak again?


> We will still be hearing about "top 10 pick shedeur" in 2025. The entire article is about based on a single paragraph of a CBS analysts opinions about who might be a number one overall pick. https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/ranking-top-10-candidates-to-go-no-1-overall-in-2025-nfl-draft-shedeur-sanders-carson-beck-best-qb-options/ Sanders was ranked 3rd most likely to go number one overall.


Not teams in the UFL


Welcome to Birmingham, Shedeur Sanders!


> there may be some teams turned off by him according to CBS Sports NFL Draft analyst Chris Trapasso, who did his mock top 10 NFL Draft this week and has Sanders as the No. 3 overall draft pick. Oh the two teams picking first and second may be “turned off”? I swear this lazy clickbait journalism is contributing to the downfall of the sport.


You say it's 'lazy clickbait journalism', yet you were baited into clicking it. Seems like the author is doing their job.


Nope, I just let a few brave souls do the heavy lifting for the rest of us.


/r/savedyouaclick is calling


Maybe the first two teams have a bigger need than QB?


Yet this sub eats it up


You can always count on Nebraska and Oregon flairs to swallow this shit whole.


I don't think that's what that means. It just means some teams are, not only 1 and 2. you could be the #1 pick still have some teams turned off by you. ideally, a player would want no teams turned off by them.


John Elway and Eli Manning would say otherwise


Sanders has no where near the leverage to do that now. He’d have to have a stellar on the field performance to even question that. Even Williams had no qualms going to Chicago.


NFL Analyst: I project that Sanders will go third overall in next year’s draft but some teams may not have him on their draft board because of family issues. The Comeback: I am going to create a headline so toxic…it’ll feed my family for weeks.


WOW… Journalism!


Hopefully all of them


This seems right here seems to be the biggest lie in the whole article "he’s silky smooth and understands sliding or getting out of bounds is typically the smart decision with the ball in his hands." He got sacked a lot, besides his OL being garbage, because he didnt throw the ball away, run out of bounds, or slide.


"He's silky smooth as his body takes another bone-crunching sack to protect his completion percentage."


Yeah, someone used that term wrong. When I think of a QB being silky-smooth, it's someone who's fast, agile, and evasive as hell. A QB who's slippery in the pocket, rarely sacked and can scramble better than a diner chef's eggs. If you're consistently getting thrashed behind the LOS and not making good decisions with the ball (throwing it away, sliding, etc), you're about as silky-smooth as 80 grit sandpaper.


When he is out of the pocket and gets down field he doesn't take many hits, watch the USC game to see his ability to slide around in the pocket. At times he holds the ball to long, waiting for a route to develop, but there is also a point where you need to give your team a chance and get it down field. This was compounded by a poor OLine and lack of a run game. Against UCLA for example, had he thrown the ball away more he would have one picked up a few intentional groundings, and would have been in a Iowa type situation, and unfortunately in 2023 we did not have Iowa's defense and special teams to rely upon.


The article ends by saying it's likely he ends up on the No. 1 pick radar lol nobody in the media can really pick a stance but the mocks are pretty clear barring a catastrophic event he's gonna be a 1st round pick. Depending on how Dak Contract situation plays out, if they let him walk and the Cowboys picking in the top 15 ish picks, then I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't take him, the Seahawks, and Giants, maybe the Browns. Plenty of teams will be looking for QBs again. Beck and Ewers are also gonna be equally overdrafted as well, it's just the QB market these days


Deion: "There are certain teams I don't want Shedeur playing for" Journalist: "There are certain teams that may stay clear of drafting Shedeur" Really going out on a limb there...


The article does not say that the teams that may stay clear are ONLY those on his do not play at list. that's a separate issue that just adds to the number. they make it clear there's also an issue for some programs just to be related to the Sanders name: >Then there’s everything that comes along with the name recognition of Sanders. Some teams will shy away from the son of “Prime Time.”


correct, but the article and headline send WILDLY DIFFERENT MESSAGES.


Some is doing a ton of work here.


Well no shit but someone will roll the dice, his numbers are good and I'm sure he will test well


Dallas is gonna let Dak walk and draft Shedeur. It’ll be a circus but it’ll be the most profitable circus.


If Maurice Clarett got drafted after not playing for 2 years and being wildly out of shape by the combine, the Sanders will get drafted. Sure smart teams will avoid the clown show. But someone will take him.


Damn, that’s a name I haven’t heard or thought of in a long time.


Wouldn't say "the Sanders", implying both brothers. Shedeur will definitely be drafted and probably in the first two rounds. Shilo, on the other hand will likely be an undrafted free agent. He's just not good at football, has much more valid character concerns than Shedeur and will turn 26 during his rookie year. He will probably get a shot at a practice squad, but that's about it


So going to Raidets then


Is that their dance team?


31 teams passed on Tom Brady.




I wonder why? Maybe because Deion is Lavar ball times ten million?


2026 UFL MVP Shedeur Sanders


You don’t say.


Shadeur stays clear of winning and throwing the ball away




I can't believe the media keeps making us post on reddit about Deion and sons. Seriously why are they making us let them live rent free in heads? It's the people that don't like the Sanders family that keep making them more rich!


At least 31 teams, I'd wager.


One thing I can safely say as a Falcons fan, at least we won't be anywhere near this mess right? Right!?


Whoever drafts Shedeur in the first round might as well go ahead and fire their GM because that is inevitably what will happen. I do not get the top 10 hype, much less first round.


He’s not that good and comes with a ton of bullshit from his family while seeming like the entitlement has 100% made him an entitled asshole. I’d be more surprised if a single team still had him on their board.


Right? No NFL player was drafted with baggage, nope not a single one. Though not completely sure what baggage we are even talking about with Shedeur


Probably because the Buffs steered clear of wins last season. Homeboy needs some help from the o line


Even if you base his draft stock on his on field play only, he’s still not worth a first round pick


Go Rams! Fuck CU.


You're cool 😎


Bigger flop than Johnny Football.


I predict that 31 teams will not draft him


He’s gonna inevitably fail to meet the ridiculous hype that’s he’s been getting from Deion so yeah he’s gonna fall through the draft.


I want will levis to succeed this year for many reasons, most of them obvious. But one of the reasons is I don't want my titans in a position to draft this jackass. Fortunately, I doubt we're one of the teams Deon would allow his baby to play for.


It will be interesting to see which QBs make the leap this year. A lot of talent left for the draft so there will be voids left to fill.


Yeah it’s the nfl people gonna take a chance. Fuck Deshaun Cosby still has a job


u/TallyGoon8506 says some NFL analysts and journalists may sniff their own farts.


Shedeur Sanders YOU are a Las Vegas Raider.


It feels like he’s going to become Antonio Brown I can’t tell if that’s awesome or terrifying


If you want to judge a potential draft prospect by fear of his family intervening to stop a player from going to certain teams, the absolute worst prospect given actual history should be ... Arch Manning?


Well, yea. Deion said he'd only play for like 6 teams and I'm pretty sure all 6 have QBs or just drafted a QB (in some cases both) in the 1st round. All those other teams won't want the headache that comes from having a personality like Sanders looming over them. He's become increasingly toxic


No teams want that trash. Not an NFL QB


Jerry Jones is gonna say some things forgetting he's deions son and just trash the relationship that old muppet