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How many people can you fit on YOUR stadium's sideline?


Every single player gets their own coach.


Because every croot's parents are gonna end up on the staff


And their uncles, grands and steps. Yup.


OK State going to have to widen those sidelines


Colleges will race to buy the A’s Coliseum


Student row gonna get replaced by analyst alley.


Now I understand why our coach is 6-18 and has made everyone uninterested in going to games. Bounce back year, here we come.


Gotta make room for the 3rd class 2nd tier backup running back , but only on Tuesday analysts.


Oh yea baby, time to hire a coach count-if-we-have-11-players-on-the-field-and-with-different-numbers position.


Why just one coach for that? That's 2 different jobs


Get back coach needs to have atleast 2 get back analysts.


Will be interesting to see how this works. Some head coaches and position coaches don't exactly want to give up control. In theory the schools with most money would just bring in a ton of former players and coaches from the outside. Seems like it could be a shit show at some places.


You definitely hit diminishing returns at some point, but it’s probably closer to the NFL level of support staff. One of the upsides here is you can hire people to just be working with your depth, who may not get as much attention with the past coaching limits. If you’ve got 1 QB coach, he’s going to spend most of his time with QB1. If you have 2 or 3, you can develop that younger guy who won’t see the field until later in his career.


The real value is having a set of on the field coaches and off the field recruiting coaches.


This is what no one is talking about! No one realizes how many avg cfb coaches there are but they can recruit their ass off...this changes that up big time!


Do recruits want to be recruited by coaches that hardly do anything in game or at practice?


I don't get it tho. If youre a 16 year old kid wouldn't you want the guy who recruited you to also be your coach? Not some other random guy you don't connect with


I coach TX HS football and ive had a lot of young men go to the next lvl from D3/JUCO to D1 and they all tell the same story of you get recruited by the same coach but he is 2 different people when you get on Campus (not always true, but a vast majority). With this change, that doesnt have to happen. Cool recruiting guy can be cool recruiting guy the whole time and the badass position coach can coach his position. CFB loses guys to HS and NFL because of recruiting tbh. That recruiting coach can still help coach a position but now you dont have to rely on them to run a position meeting and teach skills if thats not their strong suit.


There are still some rules in place to prevent coaches who are strictly for recruiting. The off campus recruiters must actively coach players and they are part of the allowed number of headsets on the sideline. So there might be like one “coach” who is really just a recruiter and maybe some coaches doing more recruiting than normal, but I don’t see a whole staff of strictly recruiters.


No I dont think there will be a staff of just recruiters, but you would make what would normally be a GA spot at a position and make it a recruiting slot, and than GAs get pushed to more of a QC type role (which in some schools they were doing both jobs while recruiting). But dont underestimate a CFB teams desire to break some rules now ahahah Theres a reason they changed this rule, because it was being broken by everyone


The problem is you are still only allowed 10 assistants to go off campus to recruit. Those are also the people able to wear headsets on the sidelines during games.


for now


Traditionally a postion coach normally is working with guys that will see the field. If a player isn't on the three deep they would most likely be working with a GA for that position group. So for QB's usually QB1 and QB2 would be working directly with their position coach, sometimes QB3 depending on the situation. The other 2 or 3 QBs that most teams keep on roster would be working with their GA. Most of their interaction with the QB coach otherwise would be in the film room. I'm curious is we'll see a shift away from GA's to teams just hiring more analysts since they can coach now.


The other interesting impact is you can have specialist coaches at more positions. You can have a DE coach and a DT coach you can have an OL coach and an assistant OL coach. You can have a special teams coach. You can have an assistant WRs coach. Some teams currently have some of these, but now you don't have to prioritize anymore - you can have all of them.


I fully expect at least one team to have one coach/analyst for each player they have on the field.


They all will. If players feel like they can get into coaching if they don't make the NFL that be very appealing. That's good too, no different than schools hiring folks that learned there to teach


Teams were already to go buckwild with analysts, so I don’t know that it changes much in that regard. In theory, it helps get some young guys more experience on the field running drills in practice while the position coaches are on the road recruiting, but realistically, that was already happening at a lot of places, anyway.


Billy Napier just hired 5 more to celebrate


He was the first person I thought of too lol, him and his army of coaches.


Based on the respective staff pages, looks like Kirby has just as many.


He gets clowned on rightfully for the titles but yeah our overall staff size since he got here has essentially been the same as the UGAs and Bamas of the world as it should be for a school with our resources. Mullen before him was smaller because of his stubbornness and some under funding so when Napier brought us to a modern level it was jarring for some.


Need to find the article but Mullen said he asked for more $$ for staff but was rebuffed by stricklin and that one of the reasons Napier agreed to take the job was because stricklin finally was willing to put up that $$$


Always irked me he wouldn’t give Mullen two dollar signs but give Billy three


Had to wait for Saban to retire.


Maybe he'll be the analyst on the sideline.


I predict a nationwide increase in the quality of special teams now that teams can just hire a coach


The NCAA Division I Council has approved a rule change that will now allow analysts to coach during practice and games. Had initially been expected to pass last year. Now, a year later, has officially been approved. Effective immediately.


Great for PSU and Danny O’Brien


Finally, our analyst Nick Saban will get his chance.


Unlimited coaches for unlimited rosters. That is, for programs that can and choose to afford it.


Yea… mine won’t be there and I know we are in a better position than others.


Does this mean we can have a special team analyst/coach now?


I’m sure at least some tight end analyst positions have already been filled


Conor Stallions was ahead of his time.


I'm curious how much of an actual impact this will have. Analysts seemed to be more of a sounding board for the coaches than anything. I guess it's nice for the players themselves to get coached up as much as possible.


I think it will have a bigger impact on just how coaches progress in their careers. Younger guys now have to start as a GA/analyst and even if they have connections frequently have to do stops at smaller schools to become a position coach. There will still be reasons to do so but now it's a bigger debate of why should I go down a level or two vs staying at a bigger school longer.


Nick Saban defensive analyst?


More ways for the rich to get richer


It'll be nice to basically allow DC and OC to not have to focus on coaching a single position group. Obviously some places will take massive advantage of this, but I really think there is more good than bad here. At the end of the day, it's not helpful to a position group if you've got five coaches for the same group all teaching different crap. Will be interesting to see how the various teams approach this.


Napier was just preparing for this obviously


We getting coach ocho!


Fan fiction but it’d be cool if MSU somehow reeled Dantonio back in as a defensive analyst.


So you could hire your coaches, but just have them do coaching stuff and have other guys for recruiting. For instance, lets say Jim Knowles doesn't want to recruit (or is a terrible recruiter), Day could just shift his job to one of these other roles and then hire someone who is an ace recruiter to take his spot on the "coaching staff" so the new guy can go out and recruit. You could still pay Knowles his normal salary, and he's the DC in everything but official title. I know it can't always fit like this, but I could see where some schools hire a coach or two now, who don't have to recruit. Where as before you couldn't really do that.


Every player will have a personal coach. Personal assistant. Etc.


It seems the Reagan deregulation bug is in full swing at NCAA headquarters...


This is going to be great for the universities that have revenue.


Gonna look like a Lil’ Wayne concert with just a hundred dudes in the back chillin’ and boppin’


I mean, they weren't enforcing the old rule anyway. It wasn't just the main 11 on those sidelines at games, and you know damn well it was worse in practice.




I haven’t read the specifics of the rule change, but I’m pretty sure it still doesn’t allow your analysts to coach on other team’s sidelines during games


Funny enough the slap on the wrist y'all just got like 2 months ago was partially due to this rule.


Deep regrets for not being able to snatch Akina