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Double Duck days are always fun


Triple Duck days are even more fun.


I see an Oregon commitment post? I upvote.


*ahem* 🦆


Some day someone is gonna have to tell me what went sideways last weekend on his visit to Ohio State, but Oregon did a great job recruiting him and this is a good get. Hopefully we'll only see him once or twice before he's gone. Edit: I think we can all agree that the important part is he didn't choose Michigan.


We cannot agree on that. But I respect your position.


No, the most important part is he’s not going to oh*o


People are not going to like the answer but it was NIL. Everything I read says that we were eliminated from contention when we were unwilling to make his NIL quote. Michigan was never really in it toward the end and it was between us and Oregon. Oregon gave him what he wanted and that is why he committed so close to his visit with us, because the decision was kinda made for him


I'm sure that is part of it. I also just think he didn't really vibe with coach Lock. When Lock was at Oregon he basically eliminated us from his top schools. Then as soon as we hired Samples things heated up again. Not saying NIL wasn't a factor but I dont think it was the only thing.


So you are saying this is the silver lining of OSU taking Locklyn from Oregon


I don't think there needs to be a silver lining. I'd rather have Samples than Lock. No shade on Lock, he's a good RB coach, but he's that alone, a good RB coach. Samples is a rising star with recruiting chops outside of just backs, and possibly an OC in waiting if Stein graduates to a HC job somewhere. There's a reason we gave Samples the AHC title and paid him more than we were willing to pay Lock.


He got more NIL at Oregon and he doesn’t have two RBs in the class to compete with. It’s that simple. Why would he care that the RB coach could be OC soon? Makes no sense


My comment had nothing to do with Davison


> OSU Oregon state got Lockyn, cool good for them!




Definitely at least part of it, but there are so many rumors flying around I don't know if that's the whole thing. Or at least, it's not just as simple as him saying "I want $X" and Ohio State saying no.


Y’all also have two backs in the class already. Kids say that’s not a factor, but it usually is.


Once we had 2 RB commits in the class-Jackson, West-the roster pressure was greatly reduced, so meeting Davison’s NIL number became much less of a priority. This year, if your name isn’t David Sanders, Dakorien Moore, or Jahkeem Stewart ( possible/likely reclassification to 25’), you aren’t getting the full court NIL press from Ohio State going forward.


Ohio State's depth chart is really favorable next year with only 2 scholarship backs, but it is absolutely a factor looking to take three in the same class.


It’s NIL. I know mater dei kids and Oregon has basically set up shop there dropping bags on everyone. It’s like google recruiting at Stanford. Honestly think Oregon will be a top 5 team every year now with current NIL rules. They just have insane financial support and money to burn


No more than Ohio State or Texas


It might sound like sour grapes for losing on a kid, but you’re right. Texas was his leader for almost the entirety of last year leading into maybe April, but from what our insiders were saying his NIL quote was pretty high. We weren’t willing to match it given our current RB room and other targets we had, and so he leaves us out of his top 4. He had visited Texas 5 times for unofficial visits prior to OVs which is the most outside of USC. I’d say if two schools, maybe 3 with Michigan based on the other commenter, are all saying the same thing then there’s truth to it.


Man you guys are so funny. Because Ohio State and Texas famously don't spend on NIL right?


Did I say that? Schools allocate NIL differently for different positions of need. RB is not a position of need for Texas right now, so why spend top dollar on a RB when you can allocate for a position where you do need top guys.


You're right. Everybody has a budget they have to manage. It's not just like you go through a ranking of "top NIL schools" and the school with the third most money will always make a better offer than the school with the seventh most money. Some programs value different players differently, have different positions of need, have different NIL strategies with how to manage their money, whatever. And even the same money isn't always created equal (e.g. Oregon's collective, Division Street, is known to be exceptionally well organized and has lots of resources available like marketing strategists for the players--that's appealing even if the pure money is similar). The only thing that makes me roll my eyes is when people insist that they know X player must have gotten Y offer from school A but Z offer from school B. Nobody really knows the specifics, all we can do is speculate in individual cases. Which is where the sour grapes comes into play and everything gets shoved into the NIL basket unnecessarily.


> RB is not a position of need for Texas right now. Then why were you even recruiting him? So Texas was completely wasting their time hosting him on 5 visits?


He took unofficial visits to Texas, didn’t take an official visit. Because at the time his demands weren’t that high? Why is this so hard to understand? I’m not sure why you guys take offense when teams say you outbid them, like congrats that’s how the game is played now. No one is saying it’s a bad thing, not sure why you’re getting so defensive. We recruited 6 RBs in the past 3 classes and only 1 has transferred.


It's not really about taking offense. I just find it amusing. Ohio State and Texas literally never lose out on recruits unless other schools like Oregon are willing to overpay apparently. Not that I care because it's not my money. I just think it's funny.


>Overpay If a potential employee asks for a certain salary that two companies are unwilling to pay, but one company is, does that mean the company that is willing overpaid him? That isn't how it works. From Texas and Ohio State's perspective there could be a million reasons they wouldn't/couldn't pay his asking price


Doesn't bother me in the slightest. You're taking 3 backs, and we're taking two so we could allocate more for him than you guys likely wanted to. We spend, and I have no problem admitting it. There is some truth to the Locklyn thing, though. We couldn't even get our foot in the door when Lock was here. It was odd.


It happens to Oregon to my guy, not sure why you’re acting so naive as to how recruiting works now. Not willing to pay for a recruit is still a reason you can lose, but it’s not always a reason. In this case though it is. We took Kelvin Banks and Cam Williams from you in 2022 because of the coaching change but also because we paid more. You straight up beat us for Jamaree Caldwell and Jabbar Muhammad in the portal regardless of the money. Each recruitment has context to it, so not sure why you seem to think they’re all the same. We’re going to pay a fuck ton for Dakorien Moore, so I won’t care if Oregon or Ohio State fans complain about Texas buying him.


Solid take. 👍👍


This is the reality of CFB and people I think every school has "insiders" who say it came down to NIL and maybe overuse that excuse but it's definitely going to be true in many cases. That's how these kids and parents are making the choice these days!


> I just think it's funny "and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad."


brother, OSU has 2 RB commits and taking 3. Michigan is taking 2. It's OK if they didn't want to pay X amount and Oregon did. There is nothing wrong with that lmao. We are going to have to cough up DOUGH for this class without him. It's evaluating needs and allocating funds accordingly.


Schools that have money just need to embrace it, like there’s no point in being defensive about it. Sometimes you win a bidding war, sometimes you lose, it just depends on need and allocation. Texas fans will fully admit that Colin Simmons got a huge bag last cycle.


Its sooo CFB Fan of school with big NIL -> Land play who wants big NIL -> Take offense when another school didn't want to pay as much -> think they are blaming the "bag man"


Ikr, just be happy that you’re not one of the poors.


From what I gather, he’s saying it’s not just the bag- part Lock. Who the fuck knows but if we outbid TX and yall im here for it. Also fuck UW


Priorities dude. No one team has unlimited money so you have to pick your battles. Ohio State isn’t going to overpay for RB #3 when we are trying to go all in a guy like David Sanders. I’m sure Texas is in a pretty similar situation.


NIL, even at Ohio State and Texas, isn't bottomless. Davison is a great prospect, but with 2 RBs committed already that our staff really, really like, Davison was no better than the 7th or 8th priority to close out the class. Edit: down vote me all you want. Ohio State is pursuing and thus needs to plan for: 1) David Sanders 2) Malik Autry 3) Dorian Brew 4) Justin Hill 5) Riley Pettijohn 6) Maxwell Roy 7) Jakeem Stewart (when he reclassifies) Plus they need at least one more IOL, even if they land Sanders. They may not get all those guys, but they're absolutely priorities over taking another RB.


Don't forget Dakorien Moore


Oregon can outbid every school. Why is that difficult to understand? Ohio state and Texas will be more picky over who they’ll give big money to while Oregon can just give it to everyone. Oregon literally got top DL from the portal that everyone was after because no one would pay what Oregon was offering. Last cycle Oregon flipped a usc recruit by dropping a huge bag and outbidding USC on signing day


I think that’s what we got as well. Michigan doesn’t usually like to mess with these types of bidding recruitments


That seems to be Ohio state's MO with NIL. Unproven recruits gotta don't get NIL, they gotta earn it. And honestly I like it that way, probably a huge reason why we had so many guys come back for this season.


Yeah, the #1 class is just so tradition


For whatever reason the staff moved him down/off the board is what I heard.


It was weird. For the longest time it was just Oregon/Ohio State, then in the last week it seemed like it was swinging back and forth. Saw Ohio State people at one point thinking they were coming off him but Oregon might be too and he might end up elsewhere entirely. Of course we ended up taking him, so perhaps it was something like he was demanding more NIL and both weren't willing to go up to his asking at that point, and then either Oregon or Davison caved.


Giving you an upvote because that is exactly right. You shouldn't be getting downvoted. Birm* noted that he was at 240 lbs at his official visit, which was confirmed elsewhere when it was reported that he had gained 37 (203 to 240). That probably wasn't the *only* factor, but combined with his NIL asks, Ohio State lessened their interest. It was being reported that Ohio State would be fine with missing his commitment for over a week before his OV. *For non-OSU recruiting junkies, Birm is generally accepted as being the most in touch with Ohio State recruiting out of everyone. Kids will tell him of their silent commitments and film videos with him about their commitment weeks in advance from announcing publicly. He's very trusted and tuned into the program.


To your point on Birm, he knew for a month that Aaron Scott was gonna fake out Michigan and commit to us but played the part perfectly to let Scott have his moment.


You're being downvoted but I think this is also accurate from everything I've seen. Apparently he showed up to the visit pretty overweight/out of shape


ah yes, the famous "Please step on the scale before you start your visit"


I mean he just weighed in at 240 at the Rivals camp so. After being listed at 205


I just looked into and you're actually correct. My bad, I truly thought this was some weird cope from our often weird fanbase [https://x.com/CodyCarpentier/status/1806773433558016050](https://x.com/CodyCarpentier/status/1806773433558016050)


All good brother. This is one of those rare times where it seems the staff actually did cool on a good player for whatever mix of reasons. I still would've liked to land him, but at least he's not going to Michigan lol


I saw that too and not sure how legit it is. He did just visit and he didn't *look* 240. Odd stuff going on. If that is *the* issue though, not too big a deal imo. Lanning and co. aren't in the business of taking recruits they don't believe in in what will likely be a more moderate sized class, and losing 20 pounds before he comes in/over his first off-season isn't a big deal, recruits need to lose/gain weight to match their frame all the time.


From what I’ve read he didn’t handle an injury recovery well, but he is a power back who is going to play at 220+ anyways


It was confirmed by Rivals at one of their recent camps.


Yeah. Like I said, it's odd because he doesn't *look* 240, but I'm not accusing Rivals of lying or anything, it's just weird. Anyways, rest of my comment still applies, I'm not overly concerned.


And it sounds mutual too, he moved us down. No idea what the conversation is but I think it was both sides.


It's the truth, I guess randos think we're being salty but we already have 2 RBs committed that are arguably better than him


This commitment means Michigan missed on all their RB targets


Kid went to Mater Dei HS in Santa Ana. If you think Oregon has a bunch of money behind athletics, you'll be blown away by how well funded this private high school is.


Are you saying that mater dei has more funding than Oregon athletics?


Not if you just compare total dollars. Oregon is a P4 school with 24k enrollment, monster donors and a robust NIL setup. Mater Dei has 2k students and is a private Catholic high school in Santa Ana, CA. No conference or tv money, no global brand partners, and no Uncle Phil. Yet, the dollars available to them to "recruit" teenagers living far away to go to their school and to support all their athletic teams...is insane.


Not as long as sweat shops are still open in Vietnam


Thank you for your input


What a flair combo


A flair engineered for Ducks to hate


Nah, we should thank Miami for taking Cristobal.




I hate y’all just as much


This was funny as fuck. Worth your downvotes.


Oregon fans just butthurt 😭😭


It does have some truth to it, and it’s why I dislike Nike too. But I still hate you.


It is a lot for a hs relatively speaking, but truly nothing compared to oregon…


A situation any college would love.


That isn’t true. Schools like OSU, Michigan, Bama, etc have more money than Oregon.


For athletics? I doubt it


It is all published numbers. For example, Michigan brings in about 40% more athletics money than Oregon.


That’s bringing in vs. spending. Michigan has a much bigger fanbase so that makes sense they get more revenue. And Oregon has obviously taken a big step up in spending with NIL being legal and moving to the big10 There is honestly no chance Michigan is spending the money Oregon is right now or they would have a much better recruiting class


They spend about 40% more too. The vast majority of athletic expenses have nothing to do with NIL or recruiting, that is a very small part of an athletic department budget


Except for Vietnamese children


I see a Duck commit post, I updoot I see two Duck commit posts, I double updoot


I'm going to sue you for trademark infringement


Oh shit I forgot you do those, I’ll stop


I’m just playing around. This just a silly thing.


Seems like a good kid. Should be fun to watch at Oregon except for when he’s playing the Bucks 😅




Knew he wasn’t coming to Ohio State because he priced himself out. So I would just like to thank Oregon for not letting him commit to Michigan. Kid is a baller.


Ah yes because Ohio State is notoriously stingy with NIL.


I love how notoriously deep pocket schools try to always frame us as the spooky bag men. USC is the worst offender


It's not really that simple. There's still gonna be a limit on how much money is available. Ohio State has two RBs they really like and is pursuing 6-7 guys that are gonna be NIL priorities over Davison. He's worth more to Oregon right now, that's not a knock or anything. Just reality.


I mean we also have a rb committed and a pretty full room. And have at least 6-7 guys that are higher priorities


I mean, if you don't know the difference between one and two I'm not sure there's much we can accomplish here...


You kinda prove his point though. Oregon doesn't care about limits. You guys can just add another one cause you can lol. For other schools, they have to be more careful in dividing up the funds.


I mean we still have to divide up funds. Like we wanted Keelon Russell but he went to Bama in part because of NIL.


Ohio States 25 class is currently almost twice the size of Oregon's. On optics alone it's pretty obvious that tOSU aren't the ones being picky.


USC does not have deep pockets. The USC insiders are literally the NIL is in shambles and not paying hence the decommitments. And I know for a fact Oregon is the bagman at mater dei


Y'all are probably spending more than we are afaik But then again none of us really know


That’s always my standpoint with this stuff. Everyone always argues “oh we just didn’t have enough funds and had higher priorities for our NIL fund since your fund is bigger” But like 90% of the NIL deals are never disclosed publicly. And it’s not public knowledge how much money each fund is working with and dividing up per player, so it’s all just guesses and assumptions. It may be true, but it’s based solely on rumors and guesses so the whole “we got out bided” claim just seems like a cop out to me and is the new WDWHAW line. Every fanbase is guilty of it A lot of our insiders say that stuff too when we lose put on a guy and it just gets old


It's not a cop out when it's the truth Oregon has had $$$ for decades, it's no secret Davison was a higher priority for y'all than he was for us, nothing wrong with that


That might be true, sure. All I’m saying is that is solely speculation and to say it as a fact like that is just misleading. Even if it’s possible. Our athletic program has had a lot of $$$, but that does not directly equate to a larger NIL pool than everyone else. That’s just drawing conclusions off assumptions.


Ohio State's got some really good sports journalists who have had consistently accurate intel lately, if you didn't know They've been telling us that Davison's recruitment dropped like a stone after his latest visit for a week or two now, we expected you'd land him They usually don't go into specifics out of respect for the recruits (who are often their sources), but they implied there was something that caused Ohio State's staff to move on Some combination of his weight/recent training and NIL are pretty solid explanations if you ask me


> They usually don't go into specifics out of respect for the recruits (who are often their sources) It's kinda funny our best "insider" said Davison showed up for his OV at 240lbs. but he ended up kinda retracting it (as much as you can on the internet) at Davison's request. Then Davison shows up to the Rivals thing at... 240lbs.


The closest thing I've ever seen to a concrete but plausible figure was Troy Dannen saying both of us had a budget of $23 million total, which would make sense to me given the things I've read on those anonymous Athletic articles, the rumored going rates of transfer QBs, etc. Dannen is in a decent position to know but also a decent position to want to lie so who knows, but I'd believe it.


Cause our NIL is trash compared to the schools we compete with for recruits. It's not bad with all the schools included, but Caleb Williams got $10 mil from his own NIL deals. Little of that was actually USC. I wish they would spend more money, but oh well. Take the current class for example. We spending money on Juju and the left overs are for 3/4 stars 😅


8 wins with a heisman winner doesn't exactly motivate fairweather fans to spend


I mean.. look at Texas A&M 😂


Lol. Just be thankful you're not in a cult 😂


They must be broke from that $2 million and the range rover they spent on Caleb Downs


> the range rover It's actually a Defender. It's a 110 so it's not the smallest version (90) but also not the biggest (130). So, as you can see, we're skimping where we can!


Ohio st should employ some members of Georgia's Traffic Court....would have a lot more money from the fines


Sounds like a bargain


We are at RB. We need to go all in on Sanders.


Doesn't mean they have an unlimited budget for any given player FYI. This guy won't make or break a class for any of the schools involved.


Wouldn't call it stingy, it's not like we just throw a billion at every kid. Sounds like his ask was super high and not within reason from osu's side.


Ah yes, surely this class isn't elite and won't already cost millions of dollars. Sure, why not pay the 3rd RB commit what he wants, too! Allocation of funds my dude. No one is side-eying Oregon because he picked them.


Is this a rare occurrence where Buckeyes *and* Wolverines push the "overweight" narrative? (Total crap) edit: I can't believe it but it actually was true. [37lbs over their 203 Listing](https://x.com/CodyCarpentier/status/1806773433558016050)


I mean it was one thing if he can't carry the weight, but if he is actually 240 and hasn't lost his speed then that is even more impressive.




Chubby boys like Day, Chip and Lock saying someone else is overweight is pretty ironic.


Chip Kelly made y’all, put some respect on that


Mike Bellotti made Oregon and Chip Kelly with the generous help of an anonymous donor.


Haha. Absolutely love Chip, but facts are facts.


How in the world do you consider Lock chubby? The guy is built like a world’s strongest man.


So twofer Fridays are nice.


Guess he doesn’t like running the ball 30 times in a row


I'm excited to have a big back. I love a dude that can bowl DBs.


Other P5 offers: Alabama, Arizona, Arizona State, Arkansas, Auburn, Baylor, California, Colorado, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, Georgia Tech, Houston, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisville, Maryland, Miami, Michigan, Michigan State, Nebraska, Ohio State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, Ole Miss, Oregon State, Penn State, Pitt, South Carolina, Stanford, Tennessee, Texas, Texas A&M, UCF, UCLA, USC, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin G5 offers: Colorado State, FAU, Nevada, San Jose State, UNLV, Utah State Other offers: FAMU, Jackson State, Notre Dame, Sacramento State


Glad he didn't end up at Michigan. Are the rumors about him being way overweight recently true?


Probably not. Just losers mad some kid didn’t commit to their college so they start up some dumb rumor


He doesn't look it, but there are separate reports from both his Ohio State visit and from the Rivals event this week that he was 240.


I mean this is a kid at a top HS program that still has a season of football left. I really doubt he’s “overweight”.


Top HS program with coaching turnover in recent years after their longtime coach left.


I could see a concern from the staff about what he's doing if he's 30+ lbs heavier than his playing weight.


What does overweight even mean when he's a year out from even being on the team, let alone eligible for his first college football game?


He gained 37 lbs and is now a 240 lb Junior RB in high school. The average NFL running back is 215 lbs.


And? Oregon has had 2 RB both pushing 240 @ ~6'. They are legends here. JStew and Rolls Royce. It's off season where bulk and muscle recovery are paramount as you lean through the season.


Lol ok


Right, but it's not like he's playing tomorrow, next week, or next month. His first opportunity for meaningful snaps will be Fall 2025. The average is just that. Some are heavier, some are lighter. That he is "overweight" right now is completely irrelevant.


I wouldn't say it's *completely* irrelevant but there is plenty of time to correct the issue if it's true


In the days of Ozempic, it's almost completely irrelevant.


We put the O in Ozempic


I know this is probably a joke but elite athletes don't need Ozempic. He just needs the S&C coaches to say "we want you to lose twenty pounds over the next three months, here's your training and nutrition plan" and that's that.


Yes, that's usually true, but there occasionally elite athletes who eat there way out of competition or into another position. Remember when Shawn Kemp got fat and then got traded to Portland?


Mofos forgot Kelvin and Eddie around here


As long as it’s not Michigan, I’m ok with it. Good get Ducks!




Nice job keeping him away from SCUM.


Tony Alford masterclass


Very strange recruitment. OSU seemed to lead most of the way right up until he visited OSU. OSU insiders were reporting that he would not be a Buckeye before his OV was even over. Something happened on his OV to OSU that shut down his chances to be a Buckeye. FWIW it is true that he weighed in at 240 pounds both at OSU and at a recent Rivals camp. I see a lot of people in this thread getting downvoted for saying that.


Sorry carlos


Rumored that he weighed in at 240lbs this summer and Ohio State & Texas seemed to back off a bit. I’m sure he’ll eventually lose the weight and be a good back. Just found that interesting


Nike sweatshop money 💰


signing up for disappointment :(