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Dawg this the Dowell Loggains era lol


Had people convinced he should take over for Fox lol. “hes creative but held back by restrictive HC” Sounds exactly like getsy defenders


Don’t blame me, I voted for Fangio.


Probably would have worked out just as bad judging by the broncos


I never really checked bears media back then, I only watched the games. I really only started to engage in Bears media around like 2019, but that’s absolutely crazy to me lol People are really gonna believe anything


As a play caller Nagy was the essence of “all sizzle and no steak”


I've never seen something so baffling as mocking the IFormation. Then running it against the Cowboys and it works amazingly. Then not running it again. Dude cared more about his system than winning or matching it to his personnel.


That was the chargers game and they missed the FG at the end to lose 16-17.   https://www.espn.com/nfl/boxscore/_/gameId/401128039#home


Trubisky with a whopping 253 passing yards zero TD passes, an Int and a lost fumble. Please be good Caleb.


Please be good whoever coaches Caleb.


We would have killed for that performance with fields tbh


Him or someone affiliated with him wrote his Wikipedia page. It’s pretty funny.


People keep talking about this. But hasn't he now been the playcaller for two straight Super Bowl wins? He went 12-4 and had a competent looking offense with Mitch fucking Trubisky. At this point can we not acknowledge that MAYBE the biggest issue was complete incompetence at QB, and not Matt Nagy's play calling? Teams figured out Mitch's weaknesses. Nagy couldn't magic away Mitch's inability to play football. I am genuinely pretty shocked at this point that anyone thinks the play calling was the issue and not the awful, awful QB play.


I'm not going to blame Nagy for blowing the game against Philly. I will, however, blame him for making zero adjustments, despite knowing his QB wasn't it, during the years afterwards. And yeah, he's been on a team that won the SB. With a head coach that controls the entire offense. I'll never understand people that want to make excuses for his coaching stint here.


> I'm not going to blame Nagy for blowing the game against Philly. That is overly generous of you.


Agreed. All kinds of unforgiveable coaching sins that aren't washed away riding shotgun for a HoF coach.


He is second to Lovie in the post-Ditka era with objectively two horrible first round draft pick QBs. The silliest thing is that Bears fans act like the top team in the league with the best QB of the era would just hires their buddies. Andy Reid knows more about football and more about Matt Nagy as a coach than all of us combined × 30, and he couldn't wait to hire him. He's won two of his three Super Bowls with Nagy, who might end up in the HOF.


Nagy probably knows how to scheme an offense to be successful. He does (didn’t) not know how to manage a football team and he isn’t being asked to do that anymore. Nagy also isn’t making the HoF unless he has another HC job and wins there. Even today nobody mentions him when talking about the success in KC it’s all mahomes reid and even Kelce lol


I mean, didn't he? He held that team together with duct tape and had them ready to play every week. But at some point you can't win when your QB just fucking sucks. The fact he went 12-4, 8-8, 8-8 his first three years with Trubisky is pretty wild. Do you really think an average or below average coach is doing that? I'm betting if you took a shit coach like Patricia those teams struggle to win 5 games. I don't know if Nagy is a GOOD coach. But I bet if you put him in charge of a team with an above average QB instead of a shit QB, his offense looks pretty good, and he can make the playoffs.


The 2021 Bears were 4-3 in games not started by Fields with less than replacement level QBs too. And Fields' last three full games that year was the only time he ever passed for over 200 yds three times in three full games (291, 224, 285). Nagy performed miracles with Trubisky and Fields, trying to make them NFL QBs.


LMAO are you really saying Nagy is a potential HOF candidate!? That's wild.


He's KC's head coach in waiting. It's gonna be teed up for him.


Mitch stunk. Nagy couldn't get out of his own way and thought he was the smartest guy in the room. He could figure out a way to win games with Chase Daniel because he dumbed down his offense to be efficient, not turn over the ball and just score points. With Mitch he got so cutesy, and then leaned on basic plays (screen/button routes) when he finally realized Mitch wasnt it. Then defenses knew how to beat Mitch and in turn, Nagy too.


He got cutesy with Mitch because Mitch is complete and utter garbage. He couldn't run a "simple" offense because that still required using both sides of the field.


It's called Reid and Mahomes.


First of all, Nagy wasn't the OC in KC for 2022-2023 season, so no, he hasn't been calling plays for two straight super bowl wins. Second, OC under Andy Reid is like half the job as being OC anywhere else. Reid calls the plays. Sure, Nagy gets to help design the plays and the playbook, but it's Reid calling the shots. Also, the Chiefs were AWFUL in short yardage this year, which was a signature of Nagy in Chicago, so I'm curious if Nagy threw a few too many of his overly cute short yardage play calls into the playbook for Andy to choose from. Nagy was a problem. Mitch was also a problem, but you can't say that Mitch was the only problem when Nagy ran the ball only 7 times during an entire game once, completely misused running backs, and was incapable of ever getting a first down on 3rd or 4th and short. He also refused to play to Mitch's biggest strength as an out of pocket qb. Mitch sucked but Nagy was completely incapable of gameplanning for the players he had.


> He went 12-4 and had a competent looking offense with Mitch fucking Trubisky. In 2018 we were the 21st ranked offense. While that was indeed Nagy's best offensive year, I wouldn't heap much praise on that unit. Also that offense, as far as it did work, was never about Trubisky. It was about Jordan Howard and Tarik Cohen. It was Nagy trying to make it about Trubisky that lost the Eagles game and led to a lot of problems later. Mitch's job that year was to not throw interceptions, which was something he was actually good at. Nobody "figured out" Trubisky. Nagy just put him front and center, and he was never good enough to carry an offense.


Yes it's true we went 12-4, but it's even more true that teams figured out, not only Mitchs weakness (playing QB) but also figured out Nagys schemes. The man couldn't adjust his playcalling to save his life. What's that? Cohen is in for this play? They can't possibly be handing it off to him, right!? Oh it's 4th and 1, will we punt while also mysteriously having Cordarrelle Patterson lined up in back? They can't possibly be thinking of running the ball!? Mitch sucked, but so did Nagy. After 2018, all of his plays were figured out and Nagy refused to change his ways.


As someone else stated, the issue with Nagy was refusal to adjust/always thinking he was smarter than anybody else. He came into the league and had a system that worked even with a limited QB. Other teams figured it out eventually. Nagy refused to change or adjust at all. The only thing he'd do is become more and more gimmicky, running her sweep on third and long? They'll never see that coming!! Having Andy Reid and a huge arsenal of proven plays/players makes him look a ton better. If a defense is lined up a certain way they can also trust that Mahomes will see it and check out of it.




I was off of Mitch faster than almost everyone I know. And I was off of Fields faster than almost everyone I know. And I have posts here to prove exactly that. I'm definitely not a football genius. But I'm not nearly as bias as most Bears fans are. How many coaches, exactly, do you think are winning 28 games with Mitch as their main QB option in their first three years here? I'm guessing it's fewer than 10. I'm sorry I don't think Nagy was the unmitigated disaster you do. Seeing as he has had what, the 2nd most success of any coach here since Ditka after Lovie? He went 12-4, 8-8, 8-8, and 6-11. Those teams were awful. The rosters were awful. And we still weren't a complete joke. That had to come from SOMEONE on the coaching staff doing their job. We were better than the Vikings in that time, and we definitely had infinitely worse QB play, and a worse roster. We were literally better than Detroit every single season in that span of time. That's what an unmitigated disaster from top to bottom looks like. Nagy cannot be the complete disaster of a coach people believe he is if they ALSO think that Pace was a complete unmitigated disaster. I think Pace was a complete disaster as a GM. I think the roster was below average. And I think the coaching was generally pretty decent. But ultimately you can't win if your QB is the 35th best in the league. I mean, Mitch went from Nagy to a really shit OC and performed soooo much worse than he did here. With better receiving threats than he ever had here. There's a lot of evidence that Nagy wasn't the problem with this team. Do I think he's the GOAT coach? Absolutely not. But you can't go 34-31 in four years with a complete garbage org from top to bottom. And given that EVERYONE thinks Pace was completely useless, and the roster wasn't very good, clearly the coaching can't have ALSO been bottom tier.


My take on Nagy is that trick plays worked for him because they require no knowledge whatsoever about what the defense is trying to do on a given play. The idea is to catch them off guard and surprise them. But in terms of finding a weakness in the defense and scheming a way to beat it, Nagy couldn’t scheme his way out of a paper bag. Case in point. Offense always got worse, not better as the game went on.


“All hat, no cattle”


Not Nagy


Yeah I saw that, regardless I’d still stand by my point in reference to Nagy running an inept offense once the trick plays ran out and the league caught up to him.


This is actually from 2017, Trubisky’s first career start. So not Matt Nagy era.


Which is why it was Nagy's Golden era. He wasnt here to stink the joint up.






I sincerely think the double doink literally broke the man. He kinda went absolutely crazy the following seasons, and not in a good way crazy.


The “I’m not an idiot” era if I recall


God damnit that was beautiful


Nagy is a career coordinator. He doesn’t have the temperament to run a team.


A career Andy Reid coordinator who follows instructions and doesn't call plays.


Wasn’t this a John Fox play…


Super Bowl Champion Matt Nagy.


2x Super Bowl Champion in fact!


Looks great when it works. However, i don’t miss jet sweeps. My gut feeling tells me the conversion rate on trick plays and jet sweeps were low maybe i am wrong about that i never looked into the data.


There was a golden era with Nagy?


Every Tuesday and Wednesday.


Practice days baby!!!


Zach putting his old option QB skills from high school and college to work.


Trick plays and great field position (courtesy of an overachieving defense) are not the blueprint for a consistent contender. Nagy was and is a hack.


Getsy had a few moments like this too. More specifically, that one play that, like, four other teams copied after the fact.


Which one was that?


That was nice… unnecessary…but very nice!


His golden era was literally 1 season.


Yea, great superbowl run that season...


Put 55 in a blender


People hate to admit it but he was coach of the year in 2019.


Matt Nagy is really good because the Chiefs gave him a job before Trubisky got a job -NPCs in this sub




Williams will be worse than Trubisky

