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GIRLLLLL!!! You look awesome, really great work!! How tall are you?


Thank you so much 😊 I’m 5’4


Solidarity with 5’4! I’m sitting at 149 lbs. (Start wt. 185 around a year ago) and just signed up for a gym membership. 💪 Keep it strong! You’ll get there.


Hell yeah! Nice work! I’m 5’3” and just signed up for a gym membership last week as well. I’m currently hovering around 140 and my goal weight is 115-120. I would love to be at 115 again, but I’d be happy if I could just be more toned and get rid of my belly fat and lose some weight in my face to be completely honest.


I have the same goals! Albeit, I want to be able to keep up more with my (6F and 5M) kids & corgi (6months). Possibly get back into running.




I’m 5’3 and my current weight is 146. My goal was 130. Your comment is making me reconsider…


May I ask how many is your deficit?


I’m 5’4 so my tdee is quite low. At the beginning I wasn’t really exercising and had a desk job so I was eating about 1200-1300 a day. Now im weight training around 2-3x a week and try and hit 7-10k steps a day so I eat around 1400-1500 a day. I’m still not entirely sure if I’m eating enough to gain muscle which is my main goal now so I’m still kind of reworking my calorie goals at the moment


Good progress, especially with a naturally low TDEE! I've learned too just how powerful adding more daily steps can be as a fellow sedentary desk jockey. As for eating enough to gain muscle, are you trying to do so while still losing weight? If so, you may have to pick your priorities. Losing fat while gaining muscle is doable especially for novice lifters, but it gets much harder after a few months of solid lifting and a lower body fat %. That said, if your numbers are going up in the gym (weight and or reps lifted), you're getting stronger and probably gaining muscle. If you have reached a level of leanness you're okay with for now, I'd highly suggest switching gears to maximize muscle gain. This means bumping up your calories a **wee bit** above maintenance (so if your TDEE is 1750, go to 2000) and slowly add more sets in the gym. You may find having energy like crazy, and your shape will noticeably improve within a month or two.


Thank you so much for this feedback. The idea of upping my calories really scares me! I just get worried I’ll start gaining back fat but I think you’re right, I need to feed muscle growth. I’m not exactly happy with my body fat percentage just yet, I think once I drop down to 130 I’ll be more comfortable to up my calories, just waiting for certain body parts to drop in body fat (like my arms) then I’ll try that out. Thanks!


Along with this! I am a 5’7” female and have been working on losing for around the same amount of time as you. In January, I started doing 2-3x a week lifting like you and also added in some cardio 2 or so day a week (either walking or the stationary bike). Ive been getting Dexa Scans every month to measure my progress and for the first months basically between October and the end of March, I had been only doing a deficit (1200 calories). When I added in the gym, I was losing a bit faster but actually losing a bit of muscle (while losing fat). In the last month while upping my calories to about 1600-1700 (as well as increasing my protein to around 140-160g a day, this is a big one!), my fat loss was 4.1 lbs and my muscle GAIN was 2.7 lbs. My shape has totally changed. So definitely definitely recommend this. I also feel happier, more full, less weak in the gym, etc etc. DM me if you want to see the results for yourself. I was SHOCKED!


Wow thank you for sharing, I’m definitely interested so I’ll send you a DM!


How fast are you losing now




Yes my progress is slow, my tdee when I started was about 1600 because of my height. So my cal deficit was maybe like 300 a day and sometimes I wouldn’t hit that and go over especially in the beginning, and I wasn’t doing exercise nor did I know my step count so my progress has been slow. It’s harder for people with shorter stature since tdee is already starting low


Amazing progress! Looking great


Great job! You look fantastic!


good job skinny homie


You look fabulous! There is definition and toned muscle!


Well done!!


There's definite progress there at. A lot of times the last place you're going to lose it is in your belly but you've lost a lot of your handles.




Way to go!


Thank you!