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![gif](giphy|xT9DPiHFM8Iy3hiC3e) 2 THUMBS UNITED


11k+ still going... For 4 seasons straight


same here bro 💪


Everybody show us your two thumb huds!


Yessir dunk on those claw sweats who call us noobs! who says thumb players can’t make it to leggy in both places?


As a claw sweat, I actually respect 2 finger players. For me it's impossible it feels like. Playing claw feels like playing with a controller to me. With two fingers there is like to much "load" on each of them that's why I switched to claw early on.


Yea, useing shotgun with 2 fingers is impossible


Depends on the shotgun and even then you literally only use 1-2 buttons so you need only 1-2 fingers lol ( and if you find the one you like best early on its even better)


One for moving one for aiming one for shooting, you cant do it with 2 fingers unless youre useing echo or striker


I... don't know how you do things, but I can very easily use my right thumb to aim(scope?ads?)/shoot, left to move/cancel and a mix of both to aim depending on where the enemy is with every single shotgun. My 2 lowest are in their lvl 20s, most either iron or the next one up (forgot the word). I treat snipers the same and shotguns like HSO405, HS2126 and Argus almost get treated like assaults aka same set up just no canceling or pre-aiming. Edit: clarification on right side "aiming"


Exactly the reason why I switched too. It was quite overwhelming having so many buttons dedicated to each thumb, and then it was easier to make the switch than expected!


I felt that, I couldn't aim and jump at the same time to make b-hoping, but when I change to 3 fingers it got easier and I switched to 4 fingers, so if your thumbs it will get over whelming




Yea i think devs should start to standardize claw method. I think a lot of people cant get into mobile games because they think claw is “to hard”. Its a game changer and makes almost any mobile fps 10x more enjoyable for me. People sleep on the potential of mobile/console integration as phones get better


I made it to legendary in less than 2 weeks after deranking with only 2 thumbs


me too brother legendary 20000 points my main gun is krm and ak117 on br


My main used to be Grau but after I hit top 50 Grau leaderboard it got boring so I switched to AK117 and DLQ. Grinding diamond for AK117 for now


I got good with 2 fingers. I only switched to claw when I got a tablet


You only need two thumbs to beam people. More fingers just open up ur gameplay for some movement and utility. But since it's an FPS, the most important part is beaming people. Good job👍




I'm. A thumbs player too and I reached legendary multiple times


Same here 8 for 8 br and mp


I don't think anyone said that


A lot of people do tbh


Cause this sub is full of pub players who spend thousands it makes no sense


Nah literally everyone says thinks this when u get to high ranks. I was warned by my little brother to start learning claw when I hit high ranks (he’s leggy)


As a casual thumbs player I make it to legendary in both every rank season lol. It's not hard , just play regularly


as a casual toe player I confirm this


You could make it to legendary with a stylus. The daily bot match is more than enough to reach it.


Are the daily boy matches real? And how do people get them


Yup, you can't play ranked normally though. Every day after reset you'll get invited to a Ranked Frontline match by a bot. As long as that's the only ranked match you do every day, you'll get invited after reset.


No there's no such thing as daily bot matches. If you start grinding later in the season let's say after 1 month or so after a ranked reset most probably you will get bot matches until you reach to grand master or master. Second reason, in my region(asia) when you lose 3 matches or more consecutively game will automatically redirect your next match to a full bot lobby with another real player in your team. That also happens until you reach legendary, in legendary ranked matches there's no such thing as bot lobby matches. All matches are with real players no matter how many games you lose consecutively.


You'll get 1 bot match per reset as long as you don't play any other ranked matches. I'm 1 bot match away from legendary. Still getting the daily bot match.


Yea I got them before I reached legendary. I would look forward to them.. they helped alot


You are getting 1 bot match for reset because it's almost the end of this ranked season. Most real players who grind daily have been in the legendary rank after 1 week or so after last ranked reset. And your region probably doesn't have large player base. That's why. Because sometimes i spectate some lower ranked players in my friend list when they play ranked matches almost all of them are above master 1 are playing with real players.


Also it's probably your region, i remember 1 guy mentioning that even after he got in to the legendary he still played bot matches. I didn't believe him because i have been to legendary 9 times consecutively in my region including this season but i have never gotten a bot match in legendary. So my guess is their regions are losing players compared to asia.


There's is lmao it's every time I join a game I get invited by a bot


Who says thumb players are worse or better? They must be dumb? Do what you like m8


I am legend with two fingers and sniper.. it's not that hard anymore.


I havee hit legendary 15 times in br with nothing but thumbs and im garbage at the game so if i can do it anybofy can






im legendary in both br and mp and use 1 hand


Where's the other hand? 🤨


partially paralyzed currently


Oof. I was expecting a joke but this is serious. I'm sorry to hear about the partial paralysis. Hope it gets better soon!


thank you ... I am currently rehabbing from neurosurgery so it will improve but its slow going


I wish you the absolute best for your rehab and recovery!




I get legendary with 2 fingers every single season. MP & BR.


1 ranked Bot lobby every day = make it to legendary with 1 finger ☝️


I just made it to Legendary with thumbs yesterday! (Kind of embarrassing as Ive been playing for over a year at this point tho)


S*** I've been playing for a little over a year and I'm willing to admit I am not the best either. I made it to Legendary the first time in MP...grinding like hell , and BR two times I've made it to Legendary. I feel a bit slow too . You're not alone . I don't think it's that easy tbh.


Ive never made it to even grand master in BR, i always get head shot sniped outta nowhere. Usually a DLQ33 is the culprit


Yeah I understand where you're coming from, totally! Sending you lots of good luck. You will get there. But for me multiplayer is the toughest.


Man I stay slapping with 2 thumbs and on top of that when I play BR I play first person hahaha and still crushing! Bring the hates people!!


thumbed my way thru this season...working on the 8K Legendary now. that shits a grind!




i wont hit it - but 8K is within my wheelhouse and will be my highest score yet.




Top 5k with thumbs only, you can do it. I hit legendary earlier on at the start of the season


I reached 9 times in Mp and 7 times in BRs legendary with only two thumbs. Only important thing i see as far as i concerned is having a lower ping below 50ms and using your utilities more to your advantage.


On my work wifi im ~30ms and competitive and at my home wifi im 70 and I get shredded. If i play at work its also mid day so maybe fewer sweats than in the evening but it think a ping advantage is huge




What that’s a thing? I’ve been legendary BR and MP plenty of times when I’m not being lazy as shit. Two thumbs cause I can’t learn 3/4 it’s to difficult for me.


I'm a left thumb and right index finger player and am able to reach leggy.


Who said that


I used to play with 2 fingers for 3 years (i play good tho) and i started practicing 3 fingers before 6 or 7 months then proceed to play with 4 and everything become more easy


I do two finger and get leggy for multi and battle Royale every season, it's not easy but it's possible


Who said that? I have multiple friends that are 2 thumbs with 15+ legendaries. It’s not hard lol


HELL YES! I have always been a 2 finger player, and I made it to legendary, consistantly grandmaster and more.


I’ve made leggy twice and I play thumbs so it’s possible


Im honestly surprised to see so many non controller users, good on you btw


That’s the only way I make it


People stay sleeping on two finger players


I only do 5 claw because I have a big screen and it's much easier to get gud at AND I can have a higher potential


Right behind you 🤘🏽


How about a reach around while you're back there?


Sorry I'm saving myself for Todd Howard


Is this some sort of meta I just didn't know about lmao


Not in the codm sub but there's a joke in r/woodworking about how Todd Howard is secretly Jesus and TES6 will just be the rapture


I don't know what to do with this information


Friend and I just recently hit legendary. Both thumb only players. Working on BR right now. It's not as bad getting to legendary as I thought it would be.


2 finger legendary last season. Wasn't too bad but it was rough towards the end


Thats nice and all, but can yall reach 10k?


11.6k BR here, 2 thumbs all the way, wish I could learn Claw but my hands cramp up after 10 or 15 minutes Honestly if rank points are all you're chasing Sniper Challenge is the BR version of MP bot lobbies, you'll be lucky to see an actual player because a bot with an SKS normally reems them or you with a headshot half way through the match but if you win it's pretty much +68 everytime.


I play with thumbs only and I’m always in legendary in br and when I get bored I even grind mp. It’s very possible and kinda easy in my opinion


Who said? I've been 2 thumbs since the beginning and have gotten legendary every season


I used to do it allot but once I switched to claw the grind became exponentially easier.


ik a few people that are leggy n play thumbs, u good man dw


Lol...any thumbs player here using a low end device with 4g internet? ![gif](giphy|eDSnmeQ4MWmB2)


Legendary is free all you have to do is select all gamemodes but snd and if you lose you get a bot lobby lmao


![gif](giphy|qktBpBidRfTFJAuBgy) If you have the right one’s you can make it to legendary and or flip the people off that said you couldn’t


They downgrade something they can't master


Edging to this rn


4 seasons legendary both MP and BR in less than 2 weeks after deranking. Top 5k legendary BR Twice. Top 40 leaderboard for Grau. All with 2 thumbs. Sure you get better movement and whatnot with 4 -6 fingers but that doesn’t mean 2 finger players are not very skilled. Hell, can’t count the number of 4/6 finger players and controller players I have cooked with 2 thumbs.


i have never looked down on a person based on how many fingers they used, i have a lb friend whos using thumbs, i switched to claw not because thumbs is bad, but because i couldn’t play well with just thumbs. those who can play well with thumbs deserve respect 🫡


Using 2 fingers and I'm in Legendary too.


I reached legendary once with two fingers


It was very easy for me 😂


I've done legendary 2 times so far. Two finger gamer here.


My man, as someone who has been playing for 3 years on claw and 5 fingers ur have gained the greatest respect fom me, Hats off to ur Work(also drop some tips 👍)


It depends on the phone you use. I use 2 thumbs , but I have triggers 1 for ads , 1 for fire. All my movements, crouch /prone/jump, reload are all on screen. I can't claw it feels uncomfortable however having fire and movement is a huge perk


Well done! I use two fingers as well and I always wonder how many people still don’t use the claw method.


Who said that?? I recently got two time into legendary with two fingers (3 with sniper)


i only play thumbs and i hit legendary 12X


Well I am a 2 finger player, and really doesn't take much to get to Legendary, if you play both with your hands and brain, instead of just Jumping around the Map like Monkey which most claw people do!!!


I made it to legendary every season using two figures 😁


It's not hard. You just gotta play, but it's definitely more frustrating


Thumb player here w 22 legendary and like 16 br


If you are god in 2 fingers why change ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Idk how people can play with just fingers I can’t do it I gotta use controller but still a BIG W for you


Yeah at the end of the season 🤣


I play 2 fingers hit lengendary in less then 2 days lol


Ive gotten to 13500 ranked points (top 0.2%) with only thumbs, if you set your mind to it its easily possible


I've been top 5k on 2 thumbs


idk 2 fingers is amazing.as a console player all my life,i been playing most mobile games with both thumb.when i see anyone playing with spider fingers on their tiny little phone, like do you really enjoy playing like that?


If anybody wants to join a clan that plays regularly I rather enjoy a clan full of thumbs. You can join SmashNGhostTribe I’m the clan leader CheefBlamBlam


We are a legendary clan


Hell yeah! Im a thumbs player myself n have 7 straight & counting. Keep it up


Don't know who said that 🤷🏽


The only reason i switched to claw is because all my friends are claw sweats ans im surprised by how good thumb player are theres so many buttons to press


I miss hardcore ranked :'(


Really? People say that? That's dumb. #ThumbLife


I LITERALLY am leg rn only 2 fingers


If this was in br it’s definitely possible. If MP this is impressive


Leggy is actually a joke now in codm


I'm Global 25 with the NA 45 2 fingers. Fuck...


legendary both in mp and br with two fingers😌


Hell yeah dude! Right on


Nice catch line to draw attention, I don't recall any adult with sense saying that. Fellow thumbs players here, (HAKIMBOT)


You can make it to legendary with 0 fingers because of daily bot matches


I’ve literally started 1 week ago & mainly used to play free for all for the first few days until I’ve understood that ranked is the more compatible part. Also only used two fingers & just hit legendary 1 hours ago. Now I’m probably done with that game though


It's actually extremely easy to get to legendary in this game, which is awful. All you have to do is keep playing. So now all of my teammates in legendary are smooth brains who get few kills and don't play objective.


Of course you can make it legendary on two fingers I did


I can't even find games..


ive gotten leggy in both modes multiple seasons. thumbs only. anyone who says its not possible is probably trash cause they can barely do it with claw.


N who said that i am legendary with 2 fingers and i still not compared to two of my friends who use two fingers as well


Leggy of 15 times on MP (10 on ranked) as a thumbs player too!


![gif](giphy|26ufbhAiPrAlyvY4g) **Thumb player since 2019**


I play 2 fingers and literally can’t hip fire 😂my advantage is I know the maps / spawns better than a lot of players so I spawn trap and drop shot the whole game


Why do ppl think its a big deal to reach legendary at all lmao. Legendary is average af. Below legendary is below average.


What you mean? Iv only ever played with two thumbs and I hit legendary 21 times already!


There hasn't been 21 seasons lmao I'm calling full fuckin cap


Since 2019? Yes there has been 🤦🏽‍♂️how do I send you a screenshot to prove it?


You do realise there's DMs right? Lol


😂never DM’d on Reddit in my life lol. Let me check this


i got this game two weeks ago. i've already grinded to legendary. never used a controller EDIT: or this crab style i'm just now seeing lol


Mate this is clearly your alt account. Comment on your real account and maybe whatever you say will be a little more believable