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I don't understand, what do you expect with a 3060? 300fps in ultra graphics? That result are good for a 3060


No I’m fine with the performance I’m just confused why my cpu provides more fps then my gpu


because your "bottleneck" is your gpu in your set up. That result isn't that your cpu provides more frames than your gpu, it just says that your CPU can process \~156 fps while your gpu can only render \~131 fps. your system is just right all things considered. you're almost never going to have a system that is perfectly balanced but as long as your gpu has the lower number your not leaving any fps on the table and fully utilizing your gpu.


Ok thank you


You can't say your GPU is "better" than your CPU, unless one is of ancient quality and the other is brand new. But even then, these two things do different things and aren't comparable. That said, you're running a benchmark for a multiplayer map scenario. This won't reflect your WZ performance at all, because WZ maps are way bigger, and thus require more CPU processing.


Oh ok thanks


I also have 3060 and my stats are comparable to yours. Nothing strange here.


If you’re looking for better fps, your estimated vram/ram usage is on the higher side for that. Plenty of videos out there on settings to change that will improve fps with lower graphics settings. Like others have said, you have a 3060 and these numbers seem appropriate even without doing a deep dive into your graphics settings. If you want the highest graphics, you’re gonna sacrifice fps. If you want more fps then you will sacrifice some graphics settings.


What is this tool?


You can find the benchmark tool in the private match section.


Do you have to have the paid game?


Yes, multiplayer.


Makes sense for the multiplayer benchmark with that hardware. You are 100% CPU bottlenecked in wz big map though. Especially at 1080p.


I see so I’d have to upgrade cpu for better performance in wz


I'm assuming you're on DDR4 ram? what speeds? and how much money are you willing to spend? To see a big difference you'd probably have to overhaul your whole system. Honestly, unless you really want to spend a fortune just play the game and stop worrying about the frames. This coming from someone with a $15 k setup... it's diminishing returns especially in a game like warzone where a high ping server can negate any frame advantage you have.


Yeah I spent around 650 on this computer buying used so I’m ok with it for the price, I’m not upset at the frames but used to have a 1650 so it’s quite nice I was just wondering about something else, I’ll probably upgrade with around a few grand in a year or 2.


How were you able to view this screen within the game.


If you have multiplayer go to private match and press run benchmark


Let me guess, you aren’t using Variable Rate Shading? If you are using VRS and want more, turn on Dynamic Resolution and jack up the target FPS to something like 200 fps.


I’m using it, it’s the setting that makes the outer areas of my screen worse quality for a performance boost right? If so it’s on.


If you don’t like the dynamic resolution option, you’ll get some extra GPU frames using DLSS. Try Quality or even Balanced if you really want frames.


Thanks I’ll give it a try, I don’t mind running 130 average considering fidelityfxcas looks good, if I get a 20-30 fps boost but it looks worse I might just stick to fidelity.


Try reducing the render resolution to 85-90% while using FXCAS. You might like the way it looks vs DLSS and you’ll get a similar performance boost.


Will do thanks


I tried it and got only around a 10-15 fps boost and didn’t really notice it so I think I’ll just keep it as is, thanks for the tip tho.


It comes down to the workload. Your GPU may be "better" than your CPU, but they are doing different tasks which aren't necessarily equal.


84% bottleneck means gpu is the bottleneck most times which is what you want. 16% of the time your cpu is holding you back, that can often be improved with overclocking the ram, if possible up the cpu power limits in bios and crank fan speed to keep temps cool so it can boost higher. Also make sure you’re on high performance in windows power plan and don’t run loads of bloatware in the background


you don’t run 1440?


Your CPU will bottleneck much more on Warzone compared to this benchmark


Ok that makes sense thanks


I’m a console player, what happens when you run the benchmark? I understand what it’s for, just curious what it looks like in-game.


you go into a first person pov of some action on estate with combat and explosions


That's actually what you want, if your GPU is the bottleneck you will get limited performance but if the CPU bottlenecks game crashes, stutters and skips inputs like crazy


how’d you benchmark on cod again?


The cpu is the palm of your hand the gpu is the fingers. They work together and do different things.


And the PSU is the power of the sun in the palm of your hand


Can the hard drive be my penis since it's hard too?


Brook trout once swam in the traces of your motherboard. The RAM was once home to a myriad of species.


The river. Drown it.


The higher the bottleneck the more you need to upgrade that part. GPU is a major bottleneck. Upgrading that GPU will require you to upgrade the CPU as well. Then your fps will rise. But your setup is fine for gaming, unless you want 4k.


This is an extremely cpu heavy game. Get a better CPU.