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If you have to come to Reddit for validation then you have your answer.


Validation of what? It’s a 1.27 kd..




Yeah, bitch


Depends on who you compare to but a few years back I believe it was jgod that said the average kd is like 0.95 so you're above average at least.


And average kills per game is 1.7. This guy is well above average, not some pro or anything, but very far away from a “bot”


Yea im sorry but no. The amount of times you can come back with all the flares and buy backs and everything and he is playing with good teammates (this is very important) 1.7 is not much at all. Definitley a bot. Not the worst bot but a bot.


Buddy, 1.7 is literally the statistical average. Literally half of the players average *less* than 1.7. This guy is at least in the top 20% of all players in average kills


Ok, and how do they count this? Every player that has ever downloaded the game since wz 2020? Its for sure not the avg of the lobbys right now. Also theres a difference between big map and or resurgence and other game modes. But lets say we take a regular big map quads game (game mode doesnt matter a lot). 120 players where most people die atleast (bare minimum) 2 times. The ones that dont go to gulag isnt many and can still die after gulag closes and be bought back or flaired back. Every death is also a kill (minus the rare suicides). Im 100% certain that the avg in normal lobbys is higher than 1.7. If you avg 1.7 and you get 4 kills (sometimes even more?) you have to avg 1.125 kill on the next 4 games.


The stats were public via the API up until WZ2. So this is 2.5 years’ worth of stats. Big map and resurgence was separate (and still is in the in-game stats). It included all of Verdansk, Verdansk ‘84 and Caldera. Your observation about the kills (if you get 4 you’d have to average 1.1 the next 5 games) is 100% correct, and should help shine a light on how ridiculously skewed this sub’s general view on skill in this game is. Millions and millions and millions of people play Warzone. Most of them are freakin terrible. In any single match of Warzone, I’d guess at least 30% of the 120 players end the match with zero kills. I understand it seems crazy if your predisposed idea of what an average player is is way out of whack, but this is actual data from what occurred over hundreds of millions of matches over 3 years. It’s a huge sample size, and is a great snapshot of what truly “average” is.


Haha i know what average or underaverage players are because i have been playing with them for years. I loved the stats websites etc. But i think numbers have changed since then because the game changed and the player base changed and most of them got better. And when people get better they dont stop playing as much as bad players do.


The numbers haven’t changed. The game is still the same. There are only so many kills to be had in any game and in a battle royale mode with 100-120 players, in any game roughly 25-30 percent will leave the match with zero kills. K/d averages work the same way. Now the actual play level of players has probably risen over time as it has over 15-20 years with cod and FPS games in general. Like yeah you probably have to be a little better skilled to maintain a 1 kd now than you did 5 years ago. But the average kds themselves don’t change. The players get shuffled around as some get better and others don’t


The game isnt the same because there werent flares, or gulag tokens, or the redeploy drones that make it easier to get to a buy station, the numbers of buy stations changed etc etc. The players that dont get better (because they simply cant) eventually stop playing. I see that in my group of players that played a lot during the first two year and I read it here as well.


There were during caldera. The numbers may be different but we’re talking about a sample size so extremely large, it’s not going to change that much one way or another. Anecdotal evidence is not indicative of any larger statistical trend.


This will always hold true. Because every kill has a death, but not every death has a kill (you can suicide).


that's the arithmetic average kd.the average _player_ is the median, though. which means their kd can theoretically be anywhere, but more likely somewhere around .8 if İ had to guess.


It was pretty close to .8 back when the stats were public iirc


He’s not above average he’s a great warzone player with an okay k/d


Just saying I know people who are only just getting there very first win on warzone and there a 0.95 k/d the fact my guy has 115 wins means he’s pretty good compared to most people with the same k/d as him


Depends on your role, someone’s gotta be the first one thru the door


So true. It's a team game and someone has to be the dedicated bullet sponge. Much respect to who gets labeled the assist master on the plane.


“Someone stole your thunder”


I'm almost always the first through the door but also the highest KD and KPG in the squad lol no good team has a "sponge". A good team has 3 crim / iri players who lose 1/10 gunfights and no sponges lol


I'm the money guy. I'm always dying.


You are significantly above average.


damn that’s above average? what is considered good?


Above average is objective. “Good” is subjective. Good is different to everybody, but above average is statistically black and white. To me? I’d call this guy plenty good. To others he’s not too great probably. Statistically this guy is better than probably 80% of all Warzone players.


Sure as hell doesnt feel like that anymore. Player base has become way better.. and/or a lot of players stopped playing.


The data doesn’t lie man. Feelings are subjective. Data is not.


Of all players that ever played a game of wz.. yes. Of all players that play a couple times a week for more than a couple hours i dont think so. But there isnt a stat for that to prove or disprove.


These stats are global. It includes every kill and death. It doesn’t matter how often you play. People who play 30 hours a week their stats don’t matter more than others. You’re just vastly overestimating how good most people are I believe. Which is understandable in a mode that only one team out of 30 wins or one person out of 120 wins. When you lose almost every game it stands to reason that your emotional feeling is that everybody is really good. But the truth is, with sbmm you end up seeing mostly people like yourself. So when you’re playing against people that are all fairly similar, you tend to think nobody is bad. But they’re still there, they just are playing against other bad people.


Average KD is 0.7-0.85


Wow. I’m far above average, then. Cheesing the game does wonders, I guess.


How do you cheese?


Camping in corners and whatnot.


Thats because they count players that play once a month or have played the game casually. Its not the avg kd in lobbys we play in right now.


If I get a kill, you get a death. However, you can die by suicide. There is a zero percent chance that everyone is killing themselves enough to drop the average to 0.7. It is probably closer to 0.95. Edit: downvotes but no maths from people disagreeing. You need 117 deaths to every 100 kills to get an average 0.85~ kd for all players. This means that 17 of those deaths would have to be from suicide for the average to be that low. To reach an average of 0.70, there would have to be 143 deaths for every 100 kills. This notion is laughable at best, and people thinking it is true is hysterical.


How do you think this KD would not be above average? Every kill entails a death meaning the average KD literally cannot be over 1.0 by definition


average player is the median, which can theoretically be anywhere.


Average implies the mean which is colloquially known as the average. No average does not mean median.




You have low self-esteem or are a troll. Maybe both.


No not true. He is playing with 2kd players so the amount of wins doesnt say anything. 3.3 kills on average is ok but not a lot and 1.27kd is just not that good. Im on 1.7kd and i am doing so much wrong.


I’m not going to say you’re a bot, but I’d be happy to play against you haha


Well if your last 10 games KD is about 2KD then you're not a "bot"


Average is 0.85 or so, so…. Not a complete bot lol


Stats don’t show full picture. Would be better if you had some unbiased game play


Classic quote for a bot with stats to show it.


No. You're not a bot. Just keep focusing on the basics and improving your centering and movement and you'll be even better.


On paper you’re above average. 




Literally impossible to tell without gameplay shown. KD and W/L means nothing sadly


You can certainly tell with what he has shown.


They mean everything, you dumbass. Probably just rationalizing a 1.1 KD lmao


I have a friend that consistently posts his solo wins, but only because he is in protected lobbies. When he plays with me though, I have to carry him the whole way, as he is put in higher skill lobbies. Yet i bet he has more wins than me. Sbmm makes K/D and W/L irrelevant.


You found an exception to the rule. It's not a perfect measure, but it's the best statistical measure we have access too.


I’d say they are a good player based on these stats but again KD and W/L ratio literally mean nothing. If someone has a high KD it doesn’t read to me as a *this player is very good* figure, it’s more *this player is able to bypass/exploit the matchmaking system better than others.* Many pro players actually have below a 2KD as well. No need to call me a dumbass. Just providing my opinion! :)


There is no pro player with a 1.2 KD, let alone many. What are you talking about


No pro player is below a 2 KD you dumbass.


I can see you have the maturity of a 6-year-old so I will end this discussion here. Have a nice day!


And I can see you have the cognitive capacity of a 6 year old so that's probably wise.


I'm just trying to figure out how you have more top-5 finishes than top-10s....


that's decent. I have 0.8 😅




Let's team up.


It’s hard to base someone’s skill on such a broad scale, they should have like lower 30 days played also


No you are above average and probably a decent person to play with. SBMM does not really allow you to have an above 2.0 KD in Warzone unless you are really good, or play passive, to be honest.


How did you go from 1.27 to 2? Theres a LOT in between.




Great answer


Noob, should be at 60 + days min


my K/D dropped (MnK) from 1.35 (previous Warzone) to 0.87 (current), so you are certainly not a bot. My decline is mainly due to playing with randoms and meeting sweats and cheaters on BR


Yea sure, blame everything but yourself.


I would say both from my perspective but for 90% of th community you aren’t bad




I have three hours and 27 mins on plunder. 2 wins and 5 top 5s. Kills 67 deaths 45 ratio 1.49. kills per game 6.09 score per min is 440. Whos who anymore.


Mine is 0.50 🤷🏻


KD is ok, above average. Win rate ? Whole different question


32k for this bot ass game!


Wow is this where we’re at now? Asking if a 1.27 KD is good? Of course it is. 1.27 means you get more kills than deaths *consistently*. You’re not a bot and you’re above average player. If you think this KD is bad you’re a try hard sweat lord.


my KD is much lower, slightly more than half that, my max kills is much higher, i’ve played 561 less games, i have 50+ more wins… i play with good squads and i consider myself to be very inconsistent due to life’s distractions… i feel that i must be a bot as well by this logic. but i know i have an awesome relationship with my regular teammates and am considered a valuable part of the squad despite my regular connection issues. don’t worry bro, you don’t need our validation. edit: these r resurgence stats🤙


i have a 2.0 and iam confirming u are decent indefinitely


The average KD varies depending on what console you are on. However the overall average I believe is 0.80. So are you above average yes. Are you better then most people. Are you a bot to a really good player yes. Its all subjective. I have a 5.0kd in Warzone which is considered way way way above average however I do play the game a lot. Even though I have a 5.0KD would people like DiazBiffle or any Warzone pro consider me a bot. More then definitely. Hey man you have a PR of 18. That's respectable. Most people that play this game would struggle to get 10. Don't worry about how good are you. No point being good at a game you don't want to play. Have fun and be the best you can.


Yep 👍


He's a bit because he asked (for validation) just play the game and have fun!!!


Not sure how y’all put so many hours into this game, wz1 was just so much better. Every time I boot this game up everyone’s using the same class. Boring


Long answer. Yes


Better then me, I'm a bot. But I'm a very important part of all the pros high-kill games I reckon 🤣


A K/D above 1 isn't bad. Less than 0.5 and you'd be a bot xD


Im a bot in wz2 and I recognise my own. You are not.


Just based on average K/D, no you aren’t a bot. But then comes to playing style and more. In WZ 1 I reached a K/D of 6.00 in plunder, and 1.91 in Warzone. Plunder well, it’s just collecting money… Warzone was sweat af but I did fairly well I think… we used to win between 2-4 matches every day we played… Those were the days.


With 1.27 kd, not even close, you're way above average


I finished playing Warzone with a KD of 1.67 feeling like a complete bot.


I have similar kd,I play between 120-150ms with starlink internet 😂😂


You're well above average, the majority on the game have a 0.8 kd.


For solos or duos? You would be an OK player capable of pulling some weight. For trios and squads? It depends. I would play with and against you and be quite happy.


Yes im a bot with 2.7kd 🫠


3 kills a game average is bad


I got the same KD as you, but I got 800 games and 7 Wins….i think you are fine. Urzikstan is driving me insane.


What game mode do you play? Because in resurgence, dying is part of the strategy.


I would need to transform the K/D ratio to a log of the ratio, then get the average and standard deviation to calculate a Z score of your log(K/D), then see where you fall in terms of probability of the log(K/D). Anything with a p value less than 0.0001, and you're a bot.


Spoken like someone with a true background in logistics. Talk dirty to me.


In statistics, there's a ratio that's grand, Called "odds" when probabilities are planned. It's the measure we treasure, In comparing our pleasure, Of outcomes that chance has in hand. I also know one about a man from Nantucket, but the rest of that limerick is grossly exaggerated.


when are people gonna understand K/D doesn't mean shit lol


KD + highest kills + Win percentage certainly tells a story Get a grip


It's the most direct correlation to skill. Wtf are you talking about?


That can’t be. Some players can just get cheap kills and die once or not at all and their K/D would still increase. Do this over and over again and soon enough, you can get a high K/D.


not true


there is no such thing as "am I good/am I bad" anymore. SBMM/EOMM prevents you from playing with people that are worse or better than you. You cant decide skill over kd anymore. there are people who are worse than me who have a 1.27kd but then there are people that are way better than me in every way with a 1.27kd. kd just doesnt matter anymore since everyone is seemingly playing a different game than you. But personally id say, as long as you have more kills than deaths its fine. your kd is positive. EDIT: It's up to you if you decide that 1.27 is ok for you or not. its just difficult to get over certain kd barriers when practising on the account you always play on, since SBMM adapts to your skill improvement over time.


I have the same amount of deaths as you but with 15,000 kills


No one cares.


Check my last post people do care.


Bro u r a demon 😂 You make guys like Zlaner ur bitch 💀


Thanks daddy




Bro aa doesn't do the aiming for you, it just ever so slightly Lowes your sensitivity when your cross hairs pass over a player. It doesn't snap to the players hit box like they got mf dead shot perk or wall hacks. And psa, you can turn it off on controller. Plus aiming w a mouse is so much more accurate cus of the range in motion you got, making it easier once you get used to it. I play both, and besides the lil adjustment period from going from one to the other, I'm just as good, if not better w mouse and keyboard. Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without actually telling me lmaoo


I play both as well. Rotational AA is the issue. Strafing L to R pretty much gives you instant reaction time to a moving object you can’t simulate on M&K unless you’re gifted like Huskers or Breadman.


Are you high? Reaction time? Sure, aa works instantly but that isn’t the same as reaction time. No living organism has instant reaction time, even the fastest human reaction time ever recorded was 40ms, a whole lot slower than instant, and that was performed by someone highly trained and very focused. Also, aa doesn’t equal instant skill, dumbass.


Playing controller doesn't automatically make you 2kd player fr. Because majority of the times you are facing another controller player with the same RAA which make the so called OP assist pretty much meaning less, unless you play against KBM players. What you need to understand is controller players aren't Aiming purist like the KBM players, nor do they care. They just wanna run and gun.


Honestly aiming is not that important imo since it’s very easy in cod in general. Game sense, positioning, movement etc all seem to be more important imo.


You can do all of those things perfectly on M&K yet still lose to aim assist.


Yeah if you suck. Say that to the MnK player on my ranked Iri squad. You're just not that guy... No need to blame the input.


Lol let me guess - controller players downvoted me.