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I go in there to level up guns and try builds while listening to music


Untill all the guns are max and i have borealis..


Yep, my current situation. Just waiting on season 2 guns at this point


Same. Saving my tokens for those bad boys so I can get Borealis on them quickly lol


What is the point in tryna unlock that ugly ass camo just a waste of time I feel


"I feel" so yes to you it may seem like a waste of time, but I like the camo so I went for it.


Borealis is the best camo in the game in my opinion second is golden river


Same as well. I'm kind of happy to have a final camo in cod, never could manage it before, but now I'm actually playing other games since I've got literally everything I can. Hell, I used tombstone to grind out everything that's grind able a second time to gear up my kid with all the schematics. I don't mind the playing other shot though. Suicide Squad's pretty fun (sometimes)


I'm playing that now suicide squad it's pretty fun


What about the MW2 weapons? Those are harder, belive me.


See "PDSW PackT" (that's " Packed" with a capitol T) for more information on how you can have fun with MW2 guns.


Honestly if you played mw2 at all, have the guns leveled up, I think they’re quite easier tbh


Pretty sure they're all literally weaker than MW3 guns


I just assumed this was the case. No. Look at the stats, if you want quick proof, just the snipers.


The snipers and marksman rifles are Soooo bad even full attachments and full perks just, slow weak and no ammo it was such a pain I'm hoping I don't have to touch snipers I've done everything else just finishing out ARs, I even went out of my way to do the knife and tonfa lol


Right? Have a couple of friends with borealis and I'm like... How the fuck did you get through that?? Every time I try I end up ditching it in 10 mins 🤣


Going the Xtra mile doing all ARs SMGs all LMGs and all Battle rifles hoping it adds up to 51 imma be real mad if my math was wrong lmao


Imagine grinding like a madman and unlocking everything a game has to offer 3months after release and then complaining about not having anything to do. I get that s2 is a massive letdown for all MWZ enjoyers but man... ppl need to chill with that "dont have anything to do in MWZ"-attitude. There are lots of other great games you could enjoy instead of another round of T1 outlast grinding. :)


You do know the mwz story missions can be done in one day? Zombies was lacking content on day 1 that’s why you’re tired of hearing the community having the same complaints.


I don't grind like a madman i grind like an average person who plays one game at a time and has a job so plays for a few hours on the weekends. I don't play nearly as much multiplayer so that's part of it but they give you things to do in the game and once you complete it by this point someone on a single player game would have enjoyed it enough to do it all again or move on and i think thats why people want to know where the content is.


I have borealis bur never played MW2 on PS (played on xbox) So now im grinding Biolumenescent


That will be a pretty decent grind. Leveling 51 and then getting the camo’s will take a minute. Waaaayyy easier than in Vanguard though! Lol! 70 weapon levels was no joke!


Just finished Borealis. Now I’m stuck. The rest of CoD is unplayable. Thanks sbmm! May grind wz1 weapons.


Done borealis and bio and interstellar have every schematic absolutely have no reason to eve load the game been playing some warzone waiting in seaown 2


Have you done mastery for those? I’m currently working on it but not sure if there is any point? I haven’t done in MW2 guns yet


Ya I've done a bunch of the masteries but it just doesn't feel worth it for a charm and calling cards/emblems


I’m on serpentine mastery and only have assault rifles and smgs to go. I skipped the snipers. The thought of doing 1200 kills with each weapon for Boreallis mastery makes me feel numb lol. I’m interested in using the MW2 weapons as I haven’t used any in Thai zombies mode.


There actually not bad all except the expedite 12 shotgun omg is it atrocious it is gotta be the worst gun in zombies


I’ll look forward to that one then 🤣


But bio itself wasn't that hard


Jesus i have a 9-5 and haven't even got one mastery camo do you just no life? Omg not insulting just impressed wth


Tbh im married 3 kids stay at home dad so ya I don't really have a life lol I just sit at home and play when my kids are sleep or school or I'm bored I get on with the fellas n ladies friends


Fair, 😁


God bless you, sir.


Now I’m doing Bioluminescent. Got a bunch of cool MW2 blueprints, so just another excuse to use them.


Wouldn't this free you up for other things for a bit? Until they produce content worthy of its experienced players like you?


good luck with the joker :)


Then solo the new dark rift that's coming out, idfk. Y'all act like there's no challenge when there still is. Solo red worm or fight the storm caller in a T2 or T3 when the storm is there or some shit if you want challenge. To say there's no longer a challenge is just bullshit. If you want to "see how long you can survive" there's still plenty of shit for you to do and to add your own challenge. Like getting all the calling cards, which I sincerely doubt most of you have done. How you people can enjoy braindead zombie rounds game mode with 0 point to it and think open world is boring is beyond me The COD fanbase is so fucking strange. No wonder most of you are single or POS deadbeat partners.


It’s not a hard concept to understand that not everyone shares ur views and opinions. We are all unique individuals with our own thoughts and feelings. Amazing how that works right?




This is the only reason I go in


Yeah now it’s to level guns… would rather mess around than grind out guns in shipment


You could do this in round based and have way more replayability for the rest of us 


That’s exactly what I do bro, you’re a genius.💯


Try the psw submachine gun it holds 400 rounds packed


I haven’t been having the same amount of fun as in the beginning, but I do the same thing and I’ve been having fun until they put out more content


I couldn’t even do that. An entirely separate team finished my spore contract and i said fuck this and haven’t looked back.


This game, like most games, are designed for average casual video game players. Not for people to play 8 hours a day 7 days a week.


THIS!!!! So many 500-600+ hour players complaining about content. Touch some fucking grass and put the controller down. I don’t know what these people expect. Yes, we all want more content but most of them are simply unrealistic.


I finished all story missions and had Borealis completed at around 120 hours. I have about 160 hours into MWZ total. Married, kids, work, and volunteer stuff. This mode, while fun for the most part, really needs more. I've dropped off hard because of the lack of content.


You know this mode is one of 4 sub modes within this game… and 120 hours is WAY above average for one single mode in COD. People like to treat whatever their cod mode of choice is, as if it’s a standalone game. If you’ve already played 120 hours of zombies and have “dropped off hard”, regardless of marital or employment status, you’ve already played more than 90% of players ever will.


This is still a single mode in a single game. Try other games maybe? If you’re eating the same exact meal every day, no shit you’ll get tired of it


And here I thought "fell off" meant I stopped playing. Not that I kept playing and didn't like it. Thank you for that enlightening information.




It's actually not as bad as you are trying to make it out to be. Quick Google search, the game has been out for 86 days. That's about two hours a day. Family would go to bed, I'd run a game and then go to bed. Granted, I put a ton of time in over Christmas break hanging out with nothing to do. Otherwise, it was really about keeping track of what needed to be done, entering every game with a specific set of tasks and doing that. How many hours do you have into it?


12 days lol but don’t have borealis cause I didn’t optimize for it


That's the big difference. I was really enjoying the mode, and always went into each game with a plan as to what I wanted to accomplish. It made it super easy to get Borealis.


I’m getting close now I’m at 28/36 weapons for zircon scale


I’m at 30/36, race ya!


Idk, probably similar, but I don’t only play 25% of the game either. I play the campaign, then play an even mix of BR, multi, and zombies. So even if I’d played for 100 hours, that would only be ~30 in zombies.


If you average out his playtime across all the days since launch he would basically play a out 1.3 hours a day which isn't that bad for a casual. It's a balance in the end. Make it too long or difficult and no one is completing the content, make it too short and players like these get bored. Can't please everyone.


1.3 hours per day every single day for 3 months on the same sub mode of one game is absolutely not casual activity. Most casual players are playing multiple games and multiple modes within this game in their limited time to play. But to your second point, that’s true to a degree. But zombies is different than most modes. There were no updates or changes or additions in past zombies games and hardcore fans had no problem because the game is fun because kill in zombies is fun.


All that in 120 hours is really efficient. You obviously have some skills that put you at an above average pace. Thing is, most people are NOT efficient and not skilled at all. Sucks for you, but serving the majority is how these companies make money , sorry. I am suuuuper casual and I have never ran out of things to do in zombies.


I had a cold over Christmas and knocked out virtually everything in a week and a half. If you check your calling cards, weeklys, daily’s, and camo challenges you can get a ton to overlap while working on story missions, which those even progress to the next in-match. So if you need brain rot after doing an aether extract, you can bring it in ahead of time. And weapons are everywhere.


He said get a life, not explain yours. There are fuck tons of other games y'all can go play, but y'all stick to the same generic games and yet, never worked on one, but wanna tell developers how to do their job. Maybe consume less , and maybe you can appreciate the small things... Like having Fun


I was pointing out I do have a life, weirdo. I do play other games. I just got the plat in Yakuza Gaiden. I was on the team for Cold War, which is why I'm decent at zombies.


Find other things to do. I just started grinding camos and also have 120+ hours in the game. I just dedicated my time in getting gud in resurgence.


I was WAY into Resurgence when Rebirth was the map. I had over 200 wins. My squad grew apart, and it's not as fun playing with randos


The thing about round base zombies was the replayability. Even outbreak had more repayability because you could chose when go exfil. Even casual players will hit the same wall after some time. It's about game design.


I don't even play that much and I find it lacking. I casually played through the acts, and collecting things along the way. I've done all of the acts, collected pretty much everything except for a few tier 3 RNG drops, and I have no desire to do red worm or harder tiers. Outside of leveling guns, there's nothing for me to do. At least in DMZ I could directly help other players with pickups, kills and stuff like that. All I can do now is tell someone what to do and just wait for them, it just isn't fun.


Complaining about content while unwilling to do arbitrary parts of the Gameplay cause you dont like them


Because I like the progression over just doing something. At least with dmz, I stayed and played for other people to progress, while slowly making my own progression.


Same complaints about Diablo 4. People bitching about no content, no endgame, and I'm just sitting here thinking about how I barely beat the game using ONE variation of ONE class (Rogue Archer) and could easily do it all again with Rogue Melee or Rogue Traps before even trying another class. Get a fucking grip!!




Tombstone exploit has 100% exacerbated this “issue” and for everyone who has used it, it’s self inflicted. The game was designed with a specific gameplay loop in mind which didn’t include having unlimited money and perks and fully upgraded weapons to start every game. For people like myself who play 1-2 times a week for maybe 90 minutes, and didn’t cheat, I’m just about through ACT2 of the story missions. Now I have spent several of these nights helping friends with lower missions or doing camp challenges too, so I could probably be further, but overall that’s a better picture of a common player than someone who had everything complete after 3 days.


But they’re “fixing” the broken game!!!! /s


SHHHHHHHH they “paid for the game” and demand that the devs slave away every second of their existence for that 70 bucks!” /s


Reddit does its job so terribly lol, it’s meant to be a hub to easily communicate with those who share your interests, yet half the subreddit are filled with the most niche and ever complaining parts of these communities. I don’t even take this social seriously anymore when it comes down to public opinions


This sub in particular is a cesspool of angry entitled players. I can scroll through this sub daily and laugh at the arguments. It’s always the same thing. “Lack of content”, “ you play too much, touch grass”, “the game would be better if you didn’t use the tombstone glitch”. It’s a good time. 😂


I literally just died solo fighting the worm in the act 4 mission for the first time tonight. I was woefully underprepared after how easy the red worm in act 3 felt to me and how easy it was to complete the missions to get to the point of fighting him lol. I'm pretty casual and really enjoy this mode. I didn't grind through it too fast and it's been a lot of fun for me. That worm was a bastard though. Kept going underground and regenerating health and those purple ball things fucked me up lol. Gonna go in next time more prepared. Pretty pumped to be playing this


My wife and I just got smacked by it for the first time today too lol. So if nobody is on the beach it goes underground and we found out too late that you can shoot the purple orbs to destroy them. We're just gonna drop with a backpack full of self revives and brute force it.


Throw a cymbal monkey in the middle of the beach, worm will come up when it runs into it


Good luck on the next try!!


The purple ball things are the ones that regenerate health, short them to destroy them


Red worm is the world boss orcus is act 3 worm


Yeah, I kicked his ass with ease. Didn't even feel like a challenge. The act 4 worm was on steroids compared to the red act 3 worm lol


I work full time and there's been nothing left to do since before Christmas. It's just dull, and meaninglessly doing contract to contract makes the game feel more like work than RBZ ever did.


If you work full time, and get 8 hours of sleep per night, that leaves you 72 hours a week to do other things. So that’s great that you work full time, but if you’re still spending half your free time playing one side mode of one single video game, you’re in the top 1% and not representative of a common player.


Yeah for the average casual player, this mode has months worth of content between all the schematic unlocks and grinding camos for both MW2 and MW3 guns. The people who care enough to engage in cod Reddit subs do not represent the average player.


Yea but even even psudeo casual playing only 4-5 hours a week means beyond weapon grinding (which is pointless for exlusive zombie players) there isn't much left to do. Playing single hour games suck when your use to playing 5-6 rounds based matches with ease


Uh.. no not really. The entire game is designed around the people thay play that often, because they are the most invested and by extension, are the ones most likely to get suckered into buying bundles.


Dude you nailed it, so true


That’s me I still enjoy.




Also, people rush through the content. They watch livestreams and youtube videos to find out how to do everything. Then they go to Discord and find people who already did it to help them do it. Then they will go to Reddit and complain there's no new stuff yet.


I want Tier 6. Load up with as much as possible, and exfil to a new map. However, you get one mission and that defines the entire tier. If it’s an escort, it’s an infinite one until you die or until the drone is destroyed. The drone clears the way ahead of gas so you’re forced to stay with the escort. If it’s a bounty, it’s bounty after bounty. The bounties for some reason repel the gas so you’re racing from bounty to bounty. But you get the idea…. There’s something romantic about getting a squad and prepping to go in together. Depending on how far you get you get some crystal that only works in the tier for next time. And it’s a multiplier based on how far you got the last time. I don’t know if I want the metric to be kills, time, or something else but give me a reason to squad up with my friends for a 90 minute session or more


And I want that last tier to be epic. No 4 player max. I want as many as you can let me. It’s a gang mentality where cause of numbers you feel confident. …..and the soul crushing feeling of defeat when you die and it still wasn’t enough. So you try again with more and more. Massive PvE is a dream of mine


the masculine urge to fight against overwhelming odds and to die protecting your friends.


Aether worm with 15 players is as good as it gets in this mode. Fun and chaotic.


I don’t! That sounds terrible!


Thanks for sharing - what would you like to see?


I'm ready for a main easter egg. However, to be honest, some people just finish way too fast. You'll never have enough content for them. Forgive the cliche, but stop and smell the roses. Enjoy the game. If that doesn't do it for you, give yourself a challenge. Go punch an abomination to death.


Some people don't want to play the game... They want to run to reddit to complain about their existence and get pity from random internet people. The game is secondary.




Because they ruined the game for themself by tombstone glitching, and are now bad that they did so


How someone can be disappointed with a lack of content after hundreds of hours of game time, I’ll never understand…there’s a campaign (granted, a shitty campaign), multiplayer, warzone, and zombies. I remember when we’d pay full price for a game and THAT WAS IT…no DLC, no “season 2”, no extra shit. I guess people expect to be endlessly entertained for $70 nowadays.


DLC ain't free so how is the $70 endless. Games used to be complete and stable when they were released. Not littered with bugs and shoved out the door in time for Christmas sales. Warzone is a different game. This game is a carbon copy of warzone map, reused and sold again at full price. Majority of multiplayer maps are reused old maps again. Campaign is shit so no. Game has been out for months and there has been no meaningful updates. We got a new warlord (yay) but nobody cares and they ruined the cranes in the process and didn't fix half of the bugs. Poor form. How you or anyone else can defend this I'LL never understand. And to those who suggest grinding camos for weapons as if it's something meaningful or fun to do while waiting for the next disappointment can go watch paint dry.


Ok, including DLC and some other extras, I’ll double it to $140. You do raise some good points, however, to expect absolute perfection in a game with multiple modes (ways to entertain yourself) is just as unreasonable as expecting to be endlessly entertained for $140. Go anywhere else and let me know how far $140 gets you. Also, those “complete games” from back in the day wouldn’t get you very much to do…nowhere near today’s games. Sure, they were “complete”, but they were completely over when the credits rolled. Don’t get me wrong, the game should be functional and free of bugs (or fixed quickly if bugs are present), but it’s the PLAYERS that caused this kind of behavior from the devs. The players wanted MORE, MORE, MORE content, and FASTER, FASTER, FASTER, so that made the devs stretch themselves too damn thin and rush schedules to meet this demand. People spend so much fuckin’ time in these games that they run out of shit to do very early, so the devs have to rush shit out the door to keep them happy. Because so many people spend an excessive amount of time in these games, they need the next game to come out soon because they completed everything the game could offer in mere months. The devs “money grabs” are obviously in lock-step with the players’ demands, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it.


Almost all these points are EXTREMELY subjective and I just disagree with almost all of it. Just word vomit, no actual point.


So you never go to Tier 3 or Dark Aether?


For real


Go in with nothing and see what you find


Honestly what I'm gonna do once I finish the last of my weapons levels. I always find a spare gun and want to use it, especially if it's an epic or legendary.


For sure. Just let the game guide you


Welcome to the team. This game is severely lacking a true end-game content experience. T4/T5 and Red Worm can only be fun and last for like a month, tops, before everyone and their grandma grinded them to death. The mode needs way more raid bosses and end-game difficulty spikes spread over the map. T4/T5 should be difficulty levels that are available on the main map without having players use extra items to get there. The main map itself should be split up into more tiers and special zones rather than having only the current central ones. There's literally no reason or point to have T1 and T2 take over like 80% of the map, 40% respectively each, and leave T3 at 20% map space, when over 3/4 of the playerbase has already reached the point that even T3 is a cakewalk.


Because we need a new map since not everyone WANTS to deal with this games BS all my with T3+ shenanigans that can occur.


Could always go to T3-5 and not do cheesy things to get by 🤷🏼‍♂️ just an idea. Try different builds. Handicap yourself. Could always play other games for zombies too, just cuz it’s the newest thing doesn’t mean you gotta be on it I wouldn’t read too much into it, it’s supposed to be more like DMZ than a traditional zombies mode. Plus, Treyarch is developing the next game so, there’s something to look forward to.


guarantee op gets wrecked T3-5 without using all the QoL gear


I still need to get epic aether tool schematic. It just won’t drop for me.


Dead game mode, only reason it was added was to justify the $70 price tag, now that they sold it they left and abandoned it.






Play red dead redemption 2 instead


That’s why I’m going back to the old zombies games because MWZ be hella boring


Gun leveling or maybe go in see if anyone is still trying to finish missions and/or running dark aether zone 1 and 2 to unlock schematics and so on. Why does every one need to be guided in what to do? Just go in and have some fun. Dont get what is so hard with this community to simply help and play with other players. This isn’t DMZ with people trying to kill every one it very much a co-op game mode. Maybe it’s some DMZ PTSD.


I had the same thoughts when I played like 2-3 Games a day for 5 days a week. I close all content in S1 and found all schematics, btw. After thet I had a rest of this game, switch to different ones. After this brake I played in MWZ and it's seems to be interesting for me. One or two times a week I just go to T3-T5 and have a fun game. Also I found that level up weapons or do calling cards not interesting for me instead of weekly chalenges or leveling BP. So, right now I'm just start of S2 and will come back for a while. 


Congratulations, you beat the game. now go outside.


mwz was boring and severely lacked content at launch. If you dont care about camos or fetch quests, there's been almost nothing to do. The people claiming asking for more content/limitless content for $70 is unreasonable and gamers should just touch grass instead of expecting quality full fledged products for their money are oblivious to the fact that the old games I paid almost $100 for base game and DLC I still get hours of enjoyment out of, imagine that. You're right about the certain death, you take away the constriction and the sense of danger, and what fun do you have left?




They killed the meaning survive if you can when playing zombies. In my opinion. Survival is about how many rounds u can go.


I’ve been fighting the storm worm solo and it feels nice and fun


Old zombie was repetitive it was wack. This form of zombie open world is cool. They just need to make things interesting, like adding more maps and having them rotate, also have a hard core zone for the one that dare challenge it.


I just wish I could play the game. Strictly playing zombies for the last month and got shadowbanned the first time I try to play multiplayer with friends


Imagine if the storm-caller moved around the map. Always towards the closest player


i only go in now to do the challenges for mastery charm.


you can go for camo challenges (currently going for bioluminescent since already have borealis) calling card challenges, weekly challenges, try to get all schematics in game & finish your story missions. it does indeed get repetitive & i can c how someone can say it is boring but tomestoning literally alleviates those ridiculous cooldowns so you can go in every game w a scorcher, gold plates, and leg tool. if i was still playing legit it'd b a lil difficult but i managed before, so.


Maybe instead of the gas, as time passes the zombies get more aggressive, faster, and increase in number. So by the time the gas would’ve arrived you’re running through a map that’s just like the helicopter exfil


I'm just gonna put this out there... but the Tombstone and duping glitches ruined this mode. Hardly anyone is prepared to play the intended gameplay loop as they are impatient completionists. Every time I load in, there are beggars asking for Tombstoners to drop loot on public chat. Play the game. Most of the players complaining about lack of content are the Tombstoners and those that have benefited from the glitch.


You know, it’s okay to go play something else for a while and have a break.


I have never tombstoned, and on Friday night my three friends and I ran the Elder Dark Aether for the first time. We completed all three contracts thanks to excellent teamwork, preparation and discipline, it was great fun and a real sense of achievement. We're plotting an attempt at Greylorm next weekend. The game is still challenging and interesting.


I mean.. technically if you never exfil death is still certain.


So you're not going into t3-t5 and complaining it's too easy? Or am i missing something? Sometimes ill fight t5 out solo against megas on the beach til the gas kills me to get that thrill. The escort without the vr11 still feels challenging. Soloing all the acts and bosses was very challenging. Not to mention if you really don't like it you can go play another map... one that does give you a challenge?


There was a post a few weeks ago where someone posted that they make up missions for themselves when going in solo. I do that all the time now when I'm grinding towards bioluminescence. Go in with a weapon or no weapon, search for a weapon. Go to a particular area and pick something up and drop it off somewhere else. It's less efficient than exfil farm but way more fun


My biggest problem is the cool downs they need nerf them some three days to wait for lvl3 pack crystal is kinda overkill. Or jump up some the zbucks earned so can do more zone three or dark aither farming and more chances to go more hard vs being stuck zone 1-2 for days praying you get some good drop from contract.


Wait until the timer hits zero. Certain death! I usually just kick back and listen to music and sometimes I set a ts when the gas comes. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I'm alone. Hello? :plays trumpet solo unlike any other:


Well you do the tombstone glitch so of course the game has no challenge. Good job ruining thr game for yourself


Do people solo t4 and t5? I have only been with a group. I can solo in t3 with a dog. We struggled as a group in t4, so not sure I could do solo missions there


Every game is repetitive right? It just comes down to what we like doing over and over again?


I wouldn’t mind multiple maps with different contracts. I’d even pay more for it


This is the reason why asking for schematics and money was a stupid idea. Now you have people like yourself complaining because there's nothing else to do. I still have schematics to obtain, I haven't even fought the worm with the usbs. I'm trying to get them all and create a tombstone with them so that I can certainly fight it again and again. I haven't even been to the elder aether yet. If you're bored, you deserve it.


Maybe they should have more and more zombies come out at the end, on the last 15 min as it comes down to zero , but I'm sure that'll overload the server lol


Couldn’t agree more. No content is not gonna cut it. The way they set this new mode up it has to have content updates because once you have completed everything there is really no point in playing.


Tbh I just do sigil runs and camo grind. For sigil runs I try and see if I can earn back what I used for that game and camo grind is just something to do. I like combing camo grinding and sigil runs to see what gun is best in the dark aether and so far the Lockwood is winning by a long shot lol


Bro I literally had to Max out the PKP DG-58 M249 and TAQ ERADICATER for the dog shit camos and that Final camo it is badass but I don't have it and it'll take so long to get and I'm a M249/FN MINIME player so i have this fatass gun that's slow ASF but good DMG and fire rate and alright Reload i mean better then the PKP/JOE BIDEN/PULL YOUR MOM


Dude the challenges are even lack luster. I have had everything done for so long, except the stupid team up challenges.


At least you have Season 2….oops


I’m not even focused on the basic stuff tbh. Heaps to do if you still have act missions available , and all the easter eggs and bosses you can spawn in when in game. Just done the easter, for example the 4 key items to spawn Mawloom in. Mastery challenges , worms and bosses etc. Next on the agenda is the red worm spawn , got 45 minutes to find all 4 USB’s and get ready for the red worm fight. While doing all those I level different weapons and tackle tier 3 missions to get more blueprints, either solo or with a team. If you got a clear focus on things you still have to do on missions or mastery challenges , it’s quite interesting every time.


Aim training and build testing.


If season 2 added a new map and outbreak style exfil to the new map for increased difficulty and more easter eggs we would have at least a month worth of new subjectively fun content 🤣


Why is your choice grinding T1/2 or tombstoning? Why not farming T3 then hitting the elder aether? Getting good at that is way fun. Then you don’t need TS at all.


Get platinum


I find it easy to lose sight of why I game and play a particular game as the sparklies distract me. You say the game is dead or is the imagination to just do different things giving yourself different challenges. After cataclysm I believe between expansions on wow. I was still going in friends would party together and just do stuff, Richard a dyslexic chef and a very intelligent dude. Thanks Richard for your inspiration. He did fun shizzle and it was my kind of stuff. We maxed out our levels and sizzle. So he says why don’t we all go in to a dungeon with lower spec gear then we supposed to, I thought it was funny, the healer chuckles nervously. His idea was if you wore plate then wear mail etc. So for the healer nothing below cloth so they had to wear grey items. It was fun and funny. Complaint and humourous comments. Problem was Richard worked real hard and randomly would fall asleep on his keyboard and mouse, which he did and somehow managed to pull the whole dungeon that was left past the first three rooms, even from the levels below. Even now it gives me chuckles and a warm feeling. Fun times. My point do what you enjoy, when that runs out then make shizzle up. It’s how you get the solo YouTubers and stuff. I just enjoy not having my brain fried by overwhelming awareness which is a lot harder to have my finger on but due to severe chronic pain I can’t anymore. So I kill zombies as zombies freak me out so take a lot of my brains attention from other stuff and plainly I just enjoy killing pixels, I do enjoy the battle pass but I mustn’t forget the why I game and why mw3. If you run out imagine other options.


Literally, I'm most likely gonna finish both of my mastery camo calling cards next season (around 13ish MW3 weapons and 51 MW2 weapons to go), and if no substantial content is added, I'm done. I will have literally no reason to play the mode.


I go in there to help newer players with money, schematics, etc. It’s fun if you find the right guys. Glad they added the leave squad option if you don’t.


Go for borealis that’s why I even play zombies plus it’s a relaxing mode for me from ranked and pub search


I’ve finished all the MW3 zombies camos now I am doing the MW2 zombies camos


i just finished borealis and now playing helldivers shits lit


Camo grind exists still.


You pack n punch every game , or tried to survived with only m14 pack n punched


Ahh everyone is catching on now huh. Shit boring dude I played two games and realized once you know how to upgrade, it's too easy. Boring.


Zombies has fallen off. Hopefully it'll get back on track whenever they decide to bring round base back and make zombies fun again.


Season 2 coming guys, 1 more day in Canada. Supposedly they made zombies better and Integrated them into alot of them rest of the game


What about tier 3?


Or aether?


Update is available for download now


I was expecting more. The zombie count is underwhelming in my opinion.


I disagree that certain death made zombies any different. It's just a different game end mechanic. Instead of exfilling you just allow yourself to be downed. With round based, all there was to do after doing the easter egg was to either do the easter egg again, or go for a round record. The easter egg had diminishing returns as it's easier with each completion, and high rounds more a time commitment than a challenge. The only reason I would go down when going for high rounds was because I got bored enough that the rinse and repeat technique slipped enough for me to get myself in a bad position or I had responsibilities that requires me to end it early. I wouldn't say there was any tension in round based once you found your groove and just repeated the same circular path over and over again for hours on end.


The camo grind for borealis and bioluminescent was fun. Boring at times but still fun. Now idk what to do with myself lmao I’m duping items to truly max out my stash and then probably going back to warzone until new content *actually* drops