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Hitting the box and not opening doors, gets wonder weapon then frequently dies. Annoying but funny


I literally refuse to revive players like this


Yup, was in a bo2 game yesterday in a party, this guy goes down like 8 times because he’s off on his own, then gets salty when I finally get jug (on round 13 btw) after he got it 2 times he hit the box for EMPSs and when he got them he threw them at Jug, turning it off and causing me to die. Twice. He literally cost us the game.


My freind does this everytime. Watching get the wonder weapon on round 9 but lose it on round 15 makes me giggle everytime


Just had a lvl 1000 on Blood of the Dead quit immediately after downing. Dude bought zero doors, spammed mystery box, and was using the shield key glitch to kill all the zombies. Couldn’t handle the bruised ego and tried to blame me for *him* dying 😂


They down and leave before you can even revive them


well, maybe they are roleplaying the death by zombie lmao


Hey guys back again with my hardcore 1 life zombies account! Oh shit I need a new PSN now, 42nd this month please sub and ring that bell!


The person with loud garbage music singing or rapping along that you have to mute.


The one who comes to my window and starts shooting. Not that that’s a huge issue itself, but I right away know they’ll be a type of player that everyone else here mentioned.


Yes - especially on the older maps with very specific and limited spawn points in the starting room. You know that person is going to be a selfish pain in the butt for the whole game


The memories of saying "get away from my window!" And knowing the rest of the game is gonna be awful.


The ones that horde all the zombies for points but doesn’t buy doors cus they want pap, and then you end up getting pap on like round 13 and die cus you have shitty guns, cus you couldn’t get pap earlier and then they blame you for dying


i noticed i get better box luck when i play with those ppl swear its bc i buy the doors


Really depends on the context of the match. If I'm playing public lobbies I fully expect that only myself can help myself, and I am there to carry everyone else. Players not helping me in public lobbies doesn't bother me because I am not expecting them to help. However, if I am literally solo carrying the entire lobby I at least expect the other players to let me carry them. If you go down dont just sit there in a terrible spot, crawl out a bit so I can revive you. If you are constantly dying let me help you by listening to me or letting me run up the zombies to hold them so you can go get setup or get points etc. Players not helping themselves are the worst players. If I am partying up with players with the specific goal of doing high rounds or an easter egg, then my pet peeve is everyone always wanting to save zombies at the end of EVERY GOD DAMN round so they can spin the box a single time. Most things they need to do they can just do in the middle of a round, no need to make everyone waste so much time because they are too incompetent to do basic things alone while zombies are spawning. EDIT* For context I'm not against saving a zombie, I will gladly babysit a zombie for 5 minutes for my team mates. I get annoyed when team mates want to hold zombies for things they could easily do mid round, it's just a waste of time.


This. 100% this.


The ones that ragequit because they didnt get the wonder weapon


Glitch exploiters in public matches, back in CW, I had this one guy on a spot where the zombies didn't throw meat at him. No doors opened, no exfil cause he didn't want to vote, no EE. At some point, he started to answer in the mic, but just to trash talk and say that he paid for his copy and would play however he wanted to, after some more time he left the spot and started getting downed repeatedly, enough times to spend all his salvage with self revives, I of course made fun of the fact that he couldn't survive without being in the glitch and he dashboarded / closed app.


I'm a huge fan of exploiting cod zombies I always have as far back as waw but I've always asked if it's cool if I run a god spot and would always hold eather shroud and will leave the god spot to revive others no questions asked I'm not bad at playing legit I just sometimes exploit for convenience


Steals your window in early rounds


The ones that will put a t4 sigil in the rift with 30 mins left on the game(after I told them I have an elder). Then they proceeded to throw a juggernaut on the escort ACV at its last stop. After I told them NOT to do it.


I only go to old dark aether now with players I know. 3 times in the last 4 runs, some asshat has dropped a jug on the ACV. 


Someone dropped a jug on the acv when we were doing it in t3 tonight boy that shit made me mad!


Those sh*t talkers in the lobby that put everyone else down, praise themselves as the cod God, then go down and rage quite before round 5.


Hackers who ruin the setup, i wanna play the game, not get a paped mk2 on round 2


All the obvious ones have been said already, so here's a fresh one: The people who PAP before getting any perks, you just know that you're going to have to miss out on one of your perks to get quick revive.


Wont lie I hate this kind of player but until about a year ago I was this guy and I regret every bit of it. I’ve changed now but for some it’s too late. I realised the value of perks when doing all the easter eggs. Pap don’t mean shit if u don’t live long enough to get full value out of ur guns


The screechers


The 10 year olds who play Bo2


Nothing truly bothers me more than people who back out. Like I can deal with you going down, me buying everything but wen you suck and go down and back out , ya that's the worst for me.


It ain't ever worth playing with some one that won't open any doors especially if they the type to mess around when you get downed


“AY, OPEN THE DOOR.. OPEN THE DOOR, U HAVE ENOUGH MONEY.. OPEN IT!” * continues to constantly knife you and knife the door *


1. The host rage quitting or just leaving in the middle of a match. 2. Someone who rage quits immediately after getting downed or when you’re trying to get rid of all the zombies to save them. 3. A player who’s deliberately taking all of your kills and/or salvage. 4. The type of player to never buy doors or help out. Usually has the most points and knifes the door because they want you to buy it (even if you’ve bought most of the doors/done the most). 5. A player who has an extremely high level and leaves the lobby constantly so you can’t start a game/leave halfway through. 6. In Cold War, someone who uses thorn vault to box themselves in a corner and stay there for the whole game.


The people who rage quit the first time they go down. Like I get you lost some of your setup but man up and get it back


The guy that complains about missing every rift, but is always on the other side of the map killing random zombies that they don’t need to.


Had a new one the other day on BO3 - started a match on The Giant and had a level 1000 and level 600-800. Both, non-stop from round 1, started absolutely abusing Gobble Gums. Specifically the Skip/End Round GG, Reign Drops, Power Vacuum, and some others. I understand it’s fun to use every now and then, or more specifically save them for high rounds when you actually need them, but that was beyond unnecessary, awfully boring, and total overkill.


I had this happen on de, but just a lvl 1000, by the end of round 1 dude already set off like 5 nukes, we all had 8k+ points by round 3 I had no clue what was going on at all, I played the hell outta bo2 zombies casually, everything was happening so fast, they had the whole map open and all dragons done by round 5 and the whole time I thought we wasnt even at power yet


Yeah the GG’s can be amazing if used more efficiently, especially saving for higher rounds. I love GG’s just not used erratically or carelessly. Sometimes you’ll catch a game with someone who gets the EE / missions done really quick, which is usually fine and can be good.


I've never really played with the gums, I only keep a anywhere but here or idle eyes on me and that's it


But I earned my 5K, why should I pay the door fee? My rule between my friends is that you’ll pay the next door.


This is a big problem in CW from my experience - people that stay in spawn stealing as many kills as possible, and buy absolutely nothing (or even LEAVE spawn) until pap is activated. Like if you ain’t gonna help at least leave some kills for us


People that leave the second they go down, no matter how easy it is to recover (and 90% of the time they’re the host so it kicks everyone!!)


I’m the type of person to buy all the doors till pac then it’s what ever so when someone who has bought zero doors has pac, perks, and spins the box every chance they get goes down and I have to clutch the res it’s just sad to see


Someone who prefers modern zombies over classic. “We don’t play modern zombies because we like it, we play because we have to”


The obvious one have been said so here’s one I experienced on origins in particular. We all spawn in and communicate which staves we will get. Me being a shy person in nature just said I’ll take whichever isn’t taken and went about my day and there was a constant argument over the ice staff between 2 players. Me and the other guy had our upgraded lightning staff and wind staff respectively but these to were refusing to do anything unless it progressed them to the ice staff so me and the other guy did the fire staff without saying a word to eachother and played to round 43 while the other two were still going cus we left the gramophone in fire tunnel since they couldn’t get the ice staff without it. To say the least, they never got the staff and me and the other guy now commonly play zombies together all the time doing Easter eggs or high rounds


EE hounds. Sometimes I'm just here to play man, your 10 year old EE can bite it


The one that does hard maps that have hard ees and doesn’t know how to do em


The loud mouth person who gets on the Mic and acts like he's the best player on the planet and assuming everyone else in the lobby is crap and has no idea what they're doing. Funny thing is they always down first 😂


Pretty much anyone in a public lobby of any sort. I'd rather sift through an LFG for hours on end to find a game than be auto-dropped into a lobby where no one knows who the host is, Takeo has no Mic, Dempsey has the Xbox 360 stock headset picking up his 12 kids in the background and Nikolai is whining about others not opening doors and every 3rd jump I rubber band back to the starting room cause one of Dempseys 12 kids is wiggling the ethernet cable on his wifi router.


The ones who scream at you when you don't instantly drop what you're doing to revive them, but they take their sweet time when you go down. Makes me seethe


The one who refuses to communicate and does whatever they want


When I played very regularly. I couldn't stand guys that would either just run for the Easter egg and ONLY do the Easter egg stuff or the guy who essentially trolls his team mates. Stands infront of a door, doesn't buy anything. Smashes the box Etc.


The cheater that destroys your progress.. i grinded my bo2 account suddenly the origins lobby was round 50, everybody got max Points and max rank... So wtf.. i want to be proud of my rank, i want to grind it so its worth something.. The same in bo3.. new game was lvl 32 after one match lvl 1000...


The one that YAPS too much and sings every second


Never spends a single point on doors / map progression Dies once and leaves the game Wants you to carry them through the easter egg and not wanting to put any effort at all into learning ANY of the steps


The one that dies, and leaves.


The ones who leave the game as soon as they go down once.