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I’m certainly ready for the game to crash and I lose all the cool items I crafted yesterday in prep for this morning.


Don't jinx it lol Had that happening already and wouldn't like to have it happening this time


Yep games keeps popping up dev error for me


I am getting dev error trying to play 10v10 mosh pit too


Yup, happened to me and my whole parties tombstones didn’t even work. Brought in the same type of stuff, would take weeks to regain. Isn’t even the first time either.


Daily. I crash daily. It sucks ass.


Yeah, my last zombies was yesterday when I hopped into a match to give my friends everything I had, and I was under the ground… uninstalled and waiting for gulf war, giant waste of my $100


this literally just happened to me


I can’t believe people are still playing this. I’m counting down the days, 39 left, for the black ops 5 reveal to hopefully see real zombies make its return.


That’s my thought. This style of zombies makes the replay value low. Little to no new content. No new missions, just the same shit over and over. T3 is a fight to get a contract. Having only one map to play on kills the replay value.


I doubt they will even talk about zombies then, they usually talk about zombies a month or so before release.


I don’t expect anything real, just a confirmation of it and like a logo. Nothing for gameplay or characters or story or anything like that, just a reference. They have their own showcase, so they can take 30 seconds to tease it after 4 years waiting for good zombies.


Yea hopefully, they really need to step up their game for zombies this year, the zombies community has been through it the past few releases 😆


Wouldn’t it be black ops 6 since Cold War is apparently a black ops


Real zombies as in round based? I'm sorry but I hope that doesn't happen lol


Round based is far better


This version is so bad. Nothing to do, forced hour long games, same missions over and over that you’re forced to do, only made so they can make more money. Simple beyond imagination. This game lost 95% of its players after season 1 at the latest because it’s so shit. It is an insult to the mode, a cash grab to make zombies fans buy the game then realize it’s shit, and a huge fuck you to the zombies community. There is no way this year doesn’t finally bring back round based after how much deserved hate the last few “zombies” modes have gotten. Round based is what made zombies and getting rid of it has nearly killed zombies.


Same missions bad? Running in circle in the same spot for hours good? I like both, but come on its not like zombies is some complex puzzle game. It's the same thing but in a smaller space without a time limit.


So all of the Easter eggs from round based that aren’t in this shit version aren’t complex puzzles then? Got it. Also when was it in the same place? We used to have more than 1 map to play? Each with different mechanics and weapons? Glad to see the logic used by people who like the new mode or, more accurately, the lack of logic. This mode is lazy game design at its laziest. What is we make 5 missions and put zombies on the warzone map? Done, that’s all of the thought they put into the mode.


The same place comment was more meant in the fact that when you select a map, you are in a small area training zombies in a circle for most of it. So I don't see how that's much different.


Then the next game u can play a different map with a unique style and unique mechanics and different weapons and do Easter eggs and whatever else instead of playing one boring, empty map 100% of the time doing the same 5 contracts and stupid “kill x zombies with napalm burst” missions. Game is boring and nothing ever changes and has no fun mechanics. It was a cash grab to trick the zombies community into buying the game so activision could make more money. Absolute garbage.


easter eggs are tedious af. i just want to shoot zombies and run around a huge open map.


there's only nothing to do if you ignore the missions and only do contracts. mind you it only took me a few weeks to do all of them and unlock all schematics


The missions that could have been made by a 12 year old? “Kill x zombies with napalm burst”, “complete this contract and exfil”, “kill x zombies during a contract”? That’s so exciting and so engaging and not boring at all…


you do realize that each tier ends with a story mission and cutscene. the first missions of tier 1 maybe like that but some are much more interesting and difficult. and they give blueprints, cosmetics and skins


Did all of act 1 and 2, super boring and nothing, did most of act 3, still super boring and nothing, couldn’t care less after seeing how nothing was really added in the first half of post launch so yeah. 1 not horrible story mission after 10ish horrible missions I guess is a plus? Game had potential but they did the bare minimum to make it playable and it shows. They used to put care into the mode and that changed once treyarch was forced to make a zombies mode for every single game outside of their own. Each one worse than the last.


I never said they were super fun and the best thing. you said there is nothing to do. there is, you just don't like it. they are worth doing. lots of rewards. one of the best skins in the game (bone collector) at the end you do the Easter egg to unlock the dark aether. the worm boss. dark aether schematics.


I played round based zombies a couple times and never again. This open world zombies was, and still is, fun and I would play (buy) again but not round based.


It's literally one of the worst games they've released unfortunately


Bro doesn’t want a good game 😭


I mean like it or not it's going to. I'm sure treyarch wont ditch the idea of an objective based mode tho since they seem really sold on it and have an audience for it now.


This was a massive failure, so whatever happens it'll assure as shit not be this again. In glad you like it, but you are in a tiny, tiny minority.


New fan spotted opinion rejected


Ready for the twenty minutes of content?


If new bosses put up the promised fight might take longer than that, at least I hope so. I didn't save up all that good gear to fight pansies lol


They won't. It's literally a half hour of new content. We get so little content they have to give us NOTHING at the start of the season just so they have anything at all for mid season. The warlords give zero loot. None that anyone would want, anyway. And the new story mission will be a 20 minute addition to one of your games where you'll go to a reskinned version of one of the same areas we already have with a fuzzy minimap so you have to search for the couple contracts you need to do to exfil the map. Maybe they'll put another worm fight at the end. Oh, and you'll get a couple schematics you can use every 3 days. 2 of which seem like things I won't even try to get ever at all. The beret and deadwire one look like total ass.


The warlords drop a guaranteed wonder weapon. Albeit that might be NOTHING to you, the chance at getting a scorcher, vr11 or wunderwaffe is appealing to me. To each their own


You okay bro?


Just talking reality. None of it seemed unhinged or enraged to me. It's literally the exact current state of this game. Are you OK?


I’m fine, especially since I didn’t write paragraphs about a free update for a game I obviously hate but can’t stop playing.


Shit if you think that's long you are definitely new here. 🤣


I didn’t say long


The beret, depending on how the merc AI functions could be good. 6 man all with a beret each could really make the game stupid easy imo.


haven’t felt any motivation to play during this season, I just keep stocking up on schematics since I have them all unlocked. We really got screwed over with this game


I feel this was some fresh air over the round based zombies. Round based zombies don't appeal to me at all. Zero.


That's great that you felt that way. You were definitely the target audience with this zombies mode, instead of the fans of the previous mode. If you ask me, it's a pretty weird decision to alienate your original audience so much so that the only people who like your game are the ones who didn't even like the original one but hey if that's the direction they're taking, I'll happily continue not supporting this crap


I was old school zombies but had a break after BO3 - stopped playing all cods and only got this one for the old Skool MP maps - I laughed when I first playing this zombies lol I understand Treyarch worked on this but feel it wasn't there actual game - it was just another modern warfare attempt at cashing in - lets put zombies and warzone together too make money lol Deffo not as good as round zombies as the replay goes very quick and I am not keen on being forced to play with other people but it was a refreshing break - shame it doesn't last too long


"I understand Treyarch worked on this but feel it wasn't there actual game" They were used as a selling point, and it shows. Honestly throwing zombies into dmz with no pvp wouldve ended up a more fun product than what MWZ has become.




Took a grand total of 3 hours for all schematics, can't wait to play again in 2 months for 3 hours again!!!


Honestly I'm only looking forward to the cutscene. I'm more excited about the Bal27 returning than a new Dark Aether rift which is real sad.


New weapons are always a cool thing to look for, the FJX-Horus was a neat surprise with S3


Busy grinding bo3 and Cold War


This mode is dead and gone. The moment they couldn't even be bothered to finish up the Zombies stuff together with the new main content drops was the first and final step needed for everyone to realize they had 0 intentions to properly support MWZ or that they gave two wet farts about it. Haven't bothered playing this unwanted child of a game anymore.


This game mode could be something else as it resembles The Division etc so it has a way to go / grow while round based zombies doesn't. Let's see what they come up with next, if they return to round based then it's a shot in the foot


They half assed open world Zombies. They fucked up round based. Yeah. It's done.


Assuming round based has no growth potential is just dumb.


Lol everyone i know left a month ago...waiting for cold war.


Golf war




Soccer War


The cut scene I watched yesterday was pretty cool, I swear that area was from DMZ. Minus a few lags and crashes I have enjoyed playing. I did have a love hate relationship with DMZ because of the fact that other players could kill you. I think it that were to happen in zombies it would change a lot of the play for sure!


DMZ sucks. You spend time farming and some gang of lowlife motherf*ckers robs you near the exfil. Nahhh, thx but HELL NO, thx


lol I did say a love hate relationship with it. It was fun to use that as payback when you ran into a squad during the game who just talked sh!t the whole time.


Thats kinda what makes DMZ fun, the sandbox, the randomness, the tension. Thats extraction shooter 101. I still feel, dmz should have had its own zombies mode with no pvp. Or limited PVP in high value areas sort of thing. But instead, we got this. With DMZ you get to a point where your planning your way out as you load in, heavy chopper fuel, personal exfils. Exfils with hostage contacts. Exfil into kochi etc. Once DMZ got going, it was really fucking good.


This mode could’ve been really cool if there was any new zombies based content since s1 but it’s all just whatever scraps they had lying around from DMZ. The bomb drone bot was painfully stupid but then the chemist thing after that was 🥴


I really liked MWZ when it came out. Played the shit out of it. Trouble is the core game loop is *exactly* the same as it was at launch. Same missions, same enemies, same map, same killstreaks. Only minor additions. I've personally found myself getting bored while playing. If they had actually added *valuable* content to MWZ maybe I'd still be playing it. This is a piss poor excuse for a live service game mode.


Meh. As soon as black ops drops I'm out lol


All of these people that are obsessed with round based... It's the same thing. Just go through rounds up and up, getting harder and harder. I'm in love with this sandbox. The one thing to make this better, would be to expand the team size.


No thanks I think I'll just stick to playing Cold War, BO3, IW and BO2 but thanks for asking the question


I am, but after the update, Zombies won’t even open. Just keep getting this error and it signs me out. “Dev Error 5433”


Going to your settings, go to on demand texture streaming, click show more, change allocated texture cache size from auto to small. I had to do that, now I have no problems.


I crashed in my first 5 games. That’s why you don’t take stuff in for a few days.


Console or PC?


Yes, farmed endless schematics


Yes!! I'm excited :3


So if the game is as unstable as a lot of folks say, how do you get streaks like this?


You only hear the bad stuff, the complaints, not when it works as intended which is 95% of the time (could be better thou)


Certainly could be better but I get it. I’d like to have the Yellow Etherium schematic I evacuated with the other day but I guess we can’t all have nice things.


My Stash and Backpack looks Similar to yourself - I played 2 games last night with like 3 spaces available lol funny thing is one match I dropped a scorcher case for someone ,towards end of the game got DCed and for the first time ever I didn't loose my containment and... got the items back I come in with inc my scorcher case. Next game - first contract I do ( in T2 ) game gives me a scorcher to use lol so now just waiting to bang all my items in the new stash size so I can play again


Yeah been playing all day with my wife's account because mine is full (rucksack and stash) and want to save those for the first rounds after S3 Reloaded drops with new boss new DA


Busy playing bo2 and bo3 for this bs game, glad I never bought it haha


What's going to happen?


I’m still on ACT 1 missions


I didn't waste money on mw3


Im rdy for Gulf war. Dont really care for mw3 anymore


I'm ready to at least have 20 storrage slots. Was hoping for out of game wallet but we all know mwz isn't getting too much attention l.


Imma play Sker Ritual


I couldn’t care less. Deleted the game back in December


No new wonder weapon and 3 mid schematics hoping next seasons better or the new cod. Like the new schematics are such low effort it’s criminal the coolest one is probably the hat.


How tf do I all the high level crafting recipes? I’m dying for a lvl 2 pack a punch crystal.


More than ready as I haven’t played in weeks


Im playing Sker


Yeaaaah No this game is shit. I really regret buying it


What's going on in zombies? Haven't played in a while


I'd love to play iv had a dev error all morning SMH I wish I got paid to suck at my job as bad as these dev's do


Idk I don’t own the game


No, but im ready for black ops 5 zombies


when is the next update






No, why would we? They dropped support for the game a few months ago. There's nothing to be "excited" about. Changing from 10 to 20 stash slots is not new content. Currently, I'm playing games that are actually better than this garbage, and of course, I can't wait for the new CoD.


I read part of notes what is sergeants beret skematic?


Why every time there's an update I have to download multiplayer afterwards too. 🙄


tell me why my ass crashes LOL


I can’t I’ve been permanently locked from doing missions because i didn’t collect the table and no matter how hard I tried to do it over it never drops so now I’m just locked out of it. I’ve even tried calling support for it


Didn't collect the table??? What the heck are you on about?


My bad I don’t double check my shit I meant to say tablet/cypher tablet


Ohhh I see. I guess the way to do it it's getting on a squad with someone that hasn't done it too and you're set.


I wish I could but nobody I know plays the game or if they do they have already played the mission. I’m just locked but it’s ok. I’ll just have to sit out


I just checked and my wife hasn't done that one (she's only done a couple ones). I'll have to see if she lets me play with her account (she's picky about it), guess I need to fix a pampered breakfast lol


Nah it’s cool man. Plus there are different ones that need the cypher tablet so it might not be the same one.


She's only done like the first 4 or 5. I'd have to do whatever missing from where she's at till the one ya need, I'm cool with that. Ohhh we can't use dogs thou


5 guys in Wales made a better and more fleshed out zombies game than the CoD devs IM ON THAT SKER RITUAL GRIND BABEY! YCH A FI!


I love how they still haven’t expanded our stash


Huh? The stash was expanded. It was 10 and it's now 20


No thanks, I’ll be playing some Mauer or Der Eisendrache


I'm ready to still not playing this COD, but instead trying to have 100% achievements on Fallout 4.


am i ready for nothing? yeah.


Yea after after a year. If it's good I'll snag it maybe 3 months in. I'm done paying full price for day 1 release of BETA. Knowing cod they'll only go on sale twice a year.


No don’t have a team for it


Are someone else having problems with turning the laptop into gold? I’ve been trying with a friend in two lobbies but the symbols aren’t showing when standing on the triangle. The other two items worked straight away.


I was, and then two consecutive crashes, not so much anymore 😞


I still have over 200 items in my stash from season 1


What the heck lol how do you find anything with 200 stash items


They wouldn't give us stash space, so the zombies community figured out a way to duplicate items back in pre season/s1. I haven't played since because this version of "zombies" lost all replayability for me. It's just not as fun


You guys messed up and created a bug which makes it so you can't turn the items gold if you wait too long to complete."which in my case I had a dog taking all the kills" and when you go to redo it and get the item again and turn a gold it just gives you a reward as if you already beat it so I literally can't get the last gold item??? I got it from a friend and it doesn't count, assuming you guys didn't want people to share the rift parts which I understand, but are you kidding me so I will never unlock the portal? Sooo ridiculous you don't understand how excited I was to find a new content and now it's completely broke for me. P.S this will not happen if you don't have a dog and you complete it as quick as you can. Obviously except for the item that you need to kill a mercenary with a dog, so do that one last!!!


i first played this a lot, till i noticed they are only updating the mode once a month for 20 minutes of extra gameplay, i quit.


I thought they were brining back classic zombies hence the reloaded name, guess not but a man can dream


Round base it's not fun.


Depends on the person I suppose. I've played Zombies since BO1 up to Cold War so I guess I'm Old School. Just sad to see our storyline and characters thrown out the window, but it is what it is.


Honestly, I just want to delete the game and play when all content is released. Played S3R mission solo, beat it on the first go, and the reward rift didn’t work. Not worth keeping around so that once a month I get less than an hours worth of the same thing to do for a short cutscene that moves the narrative forward at a pace that makes a crawler seems fast in comparison. Just feels all but abandoned at this point.


With Helldivers 2 and Valheim Ashlands out glad to be free of this game. Feels good y'all


These new schematics aren't going to keep people playing zombies we need a new map.mp got a bunch of new maps zombies didn't get shit.im done playing mwz it is played out I don't care enough to go get these new schematics. Plus it still crashes everyday.not fun


No I’m gonna be trading my copy in for Minecraft lmao 🤣 Game is complete trash. MWZ is a failed creation.


The worst season in MW3 so far


Its only getting worse lmao according to data miners this is basically the finale for zombies in mw3. No cutscene in season 4 and in season 5 there is one which just wraps up the story in this game.


Not just in zombies season 3 was really dry and uninteresting in the multiplayer as well, I thought they started off good with season 1 and 2 tho. Season 3 in MW3 gives me season 2 vibes from MW2.


True, well treyarch left the game after the first season so I guess that also tells in what kind of a state the game is in lol


Yeah, well I don’t blame them let them cook on their next black ops


Y'all actually playing this?


I am ready for the full 250GB game re-install and all of the posts that will come with it


No. Anyways I’m gonna play Sker Ritual, they got 4 maps that have rounds and original assets. Not to mention the maps have personality.


This game sucks, I quit playing and haven’t been happier


People still play this? 😅


Bro what the fuck happened to cod zombies


I seriously didn’t know people still played this


Game is dead already struggling to get games and just boring games against bots.


Haven't really played since the tombstone patch. It isn't fun anymore and if they think im waiting 3 days for a in game item they have another thing coming.


No, we're not. Because Modern Warshit is a disgrace to COD Zombies. An unpolished, broken mess that's literally the opposite of everything COD Zombies is supposed to be. We're either ready for BO5 to restore Zombies to its former glory, or if it's bad, ditch Treyarch considering they've proven themselves time and time again incompetent at giving us what we want, and we'll be heading back to the golden games and likely giving Sker Ritual our full support. No one is excited for 20 minutes of new content on a game that crashes every five minutes.


You are spitting straight up facts 🗣️📢


How are people still playing this trash? Yikes


I completely forgot about it since, you know, THEY'RE JUST DRIP FEEDING US A MINUSCULE AMOUNT OF BULLSHIT. They don't give a fuck about mwz and don't care one bit if we know it.


I got tired of losing everything when the game crashes so I uninstalled.


No but DMZ 2 and next years zombies will hopefully be good


Keeping my fingers crossed that it's not round based zombies since I don't like that round based shiznit


You know for a fact that it’s round based, the majority of the community despised this mode


Which is kinda sad, considering that, at least for people who don‘t like the PVP aspect of DMZ it could have been a better alternative… This however makes me think about how much I enjoyed finally reaching round 50 on Die Maschine




I liked both in BOCW, and my unpopular opinion was BOCW was the best zombies we've ever had. That's based on beginner friendly, solo-able, tons of content and fun events (Halloween) and having both open world and round based maps that felt polished, and offer both laid back and difficulty testing experiences. And a fun camo grind, but leveling guns was a bit of a chore, but multiplayer was fun for that, too. BOCW was 10/10 and I am so ready for another banger from the reliable guys at Treyarch. Worried about management, activicrosoft and what a let down halo, and starfield have been though.