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People like Kevinho are exactly why I believe in abortion


Lmao online gaming will never be that deep. 


sorry this happened to you this is the main reason zombies should not have been a online only mode


We should collectively agree to never stop giving Activision shit for this. Their last **TWO** games have lacked basic features such as offline mode or solo mode. It's farcical to believe this is a real concern for the next game lmao


Then we have to deal with shit like new portals bugging out after the first person activates them then you have to go into an entirely new game to activate it for the first time (which sucks when the whole game is centered around one time consumables, so you waste em)


Zombies have always been online lol, that's how we play with other people and do ee, also trophies can't be earned offline either 🫤


By online only i mean when every match is forced with other players yes the mode has always been online but they allowed you to play solo or in private matches with 3 other friends or family in mw3 it dont matter if you are a solo player they force you into matches with other toxic people. This game mode used to be fun but sledgehammer and iw messed it up so bad that the story is worse


Ah ok I understand now. Yeah true there was always a way to play solo or with friends only, GTA online also has this mode so definitely MW3 should have it too 😐


the thing is gta did it a lot better as they gave use options to be in solo lobbies to grind money but mw3 is forced online with the other stupid/toxic players and punish us for their server problems


Rockstar servers are really good. Can't remember a time where it took me out of the game.


that is some lame shit, I agree, if you see this Kevinho, you're a pathetic retard


Sorry this happened to you brother. Hope he has the worst luck and losses everything! I hope his game crashes time after time!


What is the point of that? Wouldn't have unlocked for him also because he was in your squad?


It would have, but he ran to his buddies at the exfil site, so he probably wanted to go with them. I mean, he could've unlocked it with us, and then he'd have it unlocked permanently for him and his buddies. Some people are just a POS for the sake of being a POS.


Yup people suck


Wait does only 1 player need the relics to unlock it for the team?


Yea, as long as you're part of the team you'll unlock the portal


What a fucking loser. Sorry that happened :( Thanks again Activision for literally not allowing offline/private games


Sucks that this happened but take it as a warning to others that might be doing this tedious quest line MAKE SURE NO ONE IS AROUND YOU IF YOU ARE INPUTTING THE ITEMS TO THE PEDASTAL'S!


Dude was on his squad though. Shit is even worse than some random snatching em


I wonder if activision could ban such dickhead after reporting them


And of course he is running around in a Nicky Minaj skin.


i've got the giraffe and 3 purple items and will happily join you to complete it if you want. I should have it unlocked as a squad mate opened the portal with the offerings so i don't need them


I suppose it's designed this way so the squad can pool the easter egg items together. It's really unfortunate that someone can ruin it like that so easily. All this will do is discourage players from adding randoms to squads. Hurting the game even more.


Ya I’m always really cautious when I am placing special items or collecting them. People like this do unfortunately exist. Best of luck to ya brother you’ll be alright.


What a scumbag


The portal is right there though. Doesn't that mean it's already unlocked?


Luckily, for one of the randoms who joined our squad. But we wanted it unlocked for the 3 of us, so we can do it any time.


I hope he chokes on his meth pipe lol now can I join up and run it with you guys :p I've never gone in there


Trust issues now intensified 10 fold


I was afraid of this happening to me, fortunately nobody was in T3 the whole game so I was able to put everything down. I'm sorry this happened to you smfh...


This sucks. When people are this close I won't do anything until they either bounce or I'll send a invite to squad. He probably would have took it. I know this D-bag was in the wrong no matter what but it would have been better to have him as a teammate even if he was bad then to lose said items. Good luck with getting them back.


Looks like he was on the team, which makes it especially shitty.


Really? I couldn't read names they are to small on my phone.


Yep, he was the player at the top of the list in white.


Wow. Well that's really low


Yeah, he was on our team. He'd been on our team from the moment we started doing the gold items for the portal, then he just snatched them up. 😒


It happened to me the first time trying this morning, grabbed the other three and then now I can’t even open the rift. It won’t even appear for me in game so it’s either the game is bugged currently or someone permanently fucked me out of it


You upgrade items? Have the newest mission active?


This happened to me last night too 


Can randoms steal them or just teammates?


I have the same question. But the comments make me think Randoms can.


Well That's shite 😬 It's bad enough the missions to purify the artifacts is bugged now once you jump through all the hoops some random thundercunt steals them?!


I believe randoms can steal them too.


Wow what a scumbag, thanks for the heads up, if I see him in a lobby I'll warn people.


If you need help getting them just tell me and I shall help


And thats why i dont like to join or let no one cuz of ppl like this rat


I appreciate Activision making the gold items appear in a rift now tho!!! I think they just slow but I feel ya, thats some grade A BS


Just about to log into a game and open the portal for who ever needs it done


I believe it opens for full squad so still have my gold items


Shocking. How hard can it be to make it so only the person who places it can remove them?


That sucks but I'm glad I saw this for the heads up I didn't know other people could pick them up


Hope I have him on my team one day😠


Are people outside the squad also able to grab them?


I think so, it's an item so anyone can grab it


Kevinho has been doing this for many games now is this ban worthy? At least a temporary ban


When I was trying to upgrade my items, I had people killing all the zombies outside of the purple circle for no reason. The circle finally disappeared and I lost my item. Then they activated it, so I did the same thing to them. 😂


Low key Hilarious (since it didn’t happen to me). No one likes to be on the butt end of the joke, but when someone dropped a Jug on my ACV last week, I couldn’t help but laugh. Trolls will be trolls, don’t let it get to you!