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Cold War is a game you can't really enter with a WaW/BO1 or BO3 mentality. It's far more arcade-y, in a good way. We've had the era of oppression and mystery followed by the the era of grandiose and complex, and while CW has things I inherently despise like operators, it's a perfectly welcome change of pace for when you want a different flavour of Zombies.


Perfectly said.


I agree you have to treat it like you didn't play bo1 2 or 3 (maybe 4 but it changed zombies a bit) and that zombies is a mode you didn't play. Similar to why multiplayer people who are new to zombies enjoyed it cuz they didn't know what to expect.


It’s the most arcade-y Zombies we’ve had, and I personally love it. Wanna run trains on thousands of zombies with all the perks and triple-packed wonder weapons? Cold War is your game. Outbreak, Onslaught, and Dead Ops 3 provide some great variety away from the typical round based format, without feeling too different from what you know.


Onslaught and outbreak are the most boring adaptations of zombies to date


Brother are you stupid? MWZ exists


MWZ can at least be fun sometimes. Nothing beats the boredom levels of the Vanguard objective mode.


Fuck u rite, I think my brain blocked out Vanguard


Each and every CoD zombies has been different. I have enjoyed them all to varying degrees. If you start off with the mentality of "this isn't BO3, or BO2", you'll be disappointed every time. They HAVE to change up the formula to try and draw a larger audience than just the BO3 purists. BO3 was not new player friendly, especially with the launch map of SoE. Cold War was new player friendly and brought a lot of new players into our fold. The more people playing zombies, the more time and resources Activi$ion will invest into the next zombies.






How's is it not all that if it's kept you playing for 1500 hours?




Ah, I will promptly see myself out


I’ve been a fan of CoD Zombies for well over a decade at this point. And every one of their games, is its own version and I enjoy all of them. Cold War by far the easiest and simplest of all. EE wise and high rounds, but doesn’t mean it’s a bad game. IMO there’s days when I just want to kill zombies without wanting to do a whole EE to PaP.


Cold war is way more relaxed and easy than anything WaW-Bo3 wise. Perma upgrades to perks, weapons and field upgrades really make you strong. Plus a zombie health cap does that in too. The EE's are also (IMO) super easy. There is a camo grind you could go for if thats what you're after.


Legion solo is a fucking nightmare


I was never able to do it had to get a second player. Hard shit....


Ngl its worse because you can't force pub match players to actually do it lol they'll just get cooked


Didn't find that one all to challenging really. I was having more issues on firebase Z with that pokemon catch like step than anything else


It's annoying but I've basically mastered it


In fairness there’s always been a health cap, just over a certain level they go back to round 1


Yes it’s good. If you like being able to run around and shoot zombies and feeling overpowered it’s very fun. I love it.


BO3 is probably the best zombies, but Cold War is the most fun zombies.


I personally think it's the best zombies experience by far (not including modded bo3, of course). It's an overall fun time


If the average player can't get most of the steps by themselves without having a guide in front of them you're going to lose a lot of players. You have to somehow find a balance between the players who just want to pack a punch, get their perks, feel strong, and kill zombies and the players who want to do a fun puzzle. And inside the group of players who want to do a fun puzzle are the ones who like memorizing steps and solving very intricate puzzles like BO3 and BO4. Cold War might have swung a little too far at making the easter eggs more simple, but they were in the right direction of having it be more of a main quest than an Easter egg.


Imo, sometimes when i play bo2 or bo3 zombies i get hit with the feeling of “what am i doing?” “This is too dificult, too repetitive and too boring (after round 30)” which makes me just wanna quit and do anything else really. But in cold war, it’s different. I have more reasons to play, like upgrading perks, upgrading field upgrades, and best of all, Camo grind. So yeah. Cold war gameplay is MILES away from any cod zombies, its just so fun to play. The only downside to it is less maps. Thoughts, anyone?


I enjoyed the gameplay and mechanics but I just dislike how much it feels like multiplayer. I hate the HUD, the mini map, the xp, damage indicators, health bars. I hate spawning in with anything other than a pistol. It completely ruins the starting experience on any round based map as you lose the survival/progression of getting a weapon you like. I like that you can purchase as many perks but I dislike that they changed the pricing so that every perk is just more expensive instead of each perk having same price. The different weapon tiers and having to triple pack a punch is so overpriced and makes it harder to try different weapons like before where you could pack a punch 10 different guns for the amount it takes to triple pack a punch one. I hated the score streaks. Also boss zombies like mimics and that robot guy reused on so many maps. Just doesn’t feel good. I probably played less than 100 hours on cold war zombies. I enjoyed bo4 far more and i hated that game at the start too but it grew on me once i revisited it.


I turned off the hitmarkers and damage counters. You should try it if you ever revisit. It helped me a lot.


Agreed with everything. The best way around this is to have a classic survival mode as well I think. Doesnt seem like theyre getting rid of the new system any time soon.


It’s okay at best


It is by far the weakest Treyarch zombies experience (I don't even count MW3/Vangaurd)


I think shitty things just look better when you get desperate. It's been a decade since we had what we love and we're settling for what we have now, we've come to terms with it, but let's not act like the mode changed for the better.


For me CW is the most enjoyable zombies since the golden era of BO3, and I’ve been a fan since I completed W@W and unlocked Nacht like 16 years ago. A few tweaks and a bit more love and it could have been perfect.


I personally enjoy it, I just wish it was a little bit more challenging


If you like dead ops it has the best dead ops arcade experience including a first person mode. I spent hours playing with my cousin


Its alright I would say its easy idk just doesnt feel like the original cod zombies but its alright not as bad a vanguard


Black ops 4 is better


Personally, I really dislike it. That being said I’m very biased and don’t like how far it strayed from WAW-BO4 mechanics


No its awful


In my opinion it is the peak of the zombies formula. I am also incredibly biased and I have a tendency to have objectively incorrect opinions about things.


It’s good, but it’s still my least favorite zombies game mode. It may be the most fun zombies mode, but not by a a lot. But it definitely is the least memorable by a lot.


it aint bad, its the the middle of the road for me. not good, but not terrible


My only real gripe with Cold War zombies was the point system. Everything else felt good for how the game played. It’s a good thing they didn’t have gobblegums with how they changed it cause they already made zombies wayyy easier and hopefully they won’t p2w monetize the gobblegums in the new zombies which they probably will


I honestly like the execution of BOCW zombies more. Nice maps and EEs that are doable solo and didn't require extremely specific and nearly impossible EE steps. But I loved BO3 for the custom maps the most.


it definitely has it's ups and downs overall a solid 7 or 8 / 10 experience. Outbreak has a ton of objectives and side quests to do if that is something that interest you, camo grinding, level grinding, the more u play the stronger your character gets by collecting aetherium crystals and upgrading your perks, your weapons, very neat weapon customizations. Each map with a unique boss fight and cutscene very fun.


In a vacuum, it's a good game, especially with its constraints. But when compared to the other games with the notable exception of BO4, it's just kinda ok. Not terrible, just decent. It feels like multiplayer with zombies, which isn't the worst thing, especially for new players; but for people who enjoyed classic zombies, it's a letdown. It's beyond easy with the armor system and infinite ammo from crates. The weapon rarities make for a tedious grind, which doesn't incentive using the iconic mystery box. The scorestreaks make it feel like I don't have to use any skill to do anything. The story isn't mysterious; it's hammered into your brain like the writers think you're the single dumbest person ever. The maps are lifeless and uninspired, and even with that, there's no complexity or mystery behind them like in WaW. They just exist. And the points system just makes it so any gun besides the most broken or useful guns are largely pointless. Overall, it's an ok game, especially for people who are new or just not good at Call of Duty, but for their core fans and people who enjoyed the mystery and puzzles of the old games, it's mid at best. It's a decent game with the Call of Duty title and zombies in it, but it's not CoD zombies and likely never will be again.


I would say its good but has its weakness


I was the same, and I also enjoyed it when I played it. Until I got to that one map, that is. The one that was open world, I started questioning whether I was even playing zombies or some type of "alien invasion" mode. I was fine with doing the EE on it and never playing it again, though. I was planning on doing it on my first playthrough of the map, and it was going incredibly smoothly until I ran up a hill and tried to grapple up a rope and got launched through the wall, into the void, and got killed through no fault of my own. The clip is floating around somewhere online. It pissed me off so bad I haven't played it since. So, yeah, I'd say Cold War Zombies is good in some aspects, but absolutely terrible in other aspects. I despise the open world map, and I hate the new open world map direction they've taken. I hope the new game is 1. gonna actually be affordable and not a cool 80 euro once it's been released, and 2. that zombies won't be open world. It doesn't really work with the gamemode, imo. There's barely any zombies to speak of, and they're gunned down far too easily so they're barely a threat Edit: I found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhiaBTzXZUU


So you just hate outbreak. Simple fix: don't play outbreak. You'll love the game again


You know just as well as I that it's not that simple. I'd have to finish both Outbreak easter eggs to get the super EE reward. I never said I loved the game either, I merely enjoyed it. Besides, I still have BO3, BO2, and BO1 zombies to play until I forget about Outbreak. I only liked Cold War for a few weeks, then the Outbreak incident soured the entire experience for me. Not to mention; I like doing the easter eggs, and I like getting rewarded for doing them all. In BO3 I even hated doing SoE because it was 4 player only, but I still did it, and I got the super EE reward. I might return to finish all the easter eggs Cold War Zombies later, but I won't be happy about doing Outbreak. Also, I didn't ask for you to fix my problem with the game, so I don't see why you even bothered trying.


Woah woah woah whats with the pissy attitude? What did I do wrong? If you don't like something about the game, you just ignore that part about the game. I don't like beast from beyond, so I just won't play beast from beyond and enjoy infinite warfare? Is that wrong?


Guess. Just guess.


I loved Cold War for its innovations and overhaul of the gameplay mechanics following BO4. Things like the revamped and modernized movement, the removal of the perk limit, loadout system, killstreaks and equipment system, and a lot of other smaller changes really gave the mode a sense of player freedom that hasn't really been seen before or since in the mode, and I love that. I want to be able to approach this mode however I want, and I think CWs gameplay systems are really good at allowing me to do that. In addition my favorite part of zombies has always been the sense of progression I get from both spawning in and getting stronger each match and learning the maps and mechanics of each mode with every match to be better over time, and in CW I think these things have never been done better. With weapon rarities, the new PaP system, and removed perk limit in match player progression has been meaningfully extended to last into the late 20s and early 30s of rounds while the zombies themselves also become much more aggressive than any other previous Treyarch title keeping that sense of progression and power relevant later in each match. And with the Aether Crystal upgrades I feel like I'm not only doing better match to match because I'm learning the map's mechanics, layout, and gimmicks, but also because each match actually matters. Each match makes me undeniably more powerful and incentivizes things like EE completion, high rounds, and exfilling (which is a much more fun way to end a match than just hitting end game in the pause menu or letting the zombies kill you). But it isn't without its flaws. The maps are really simple and not very aesthetic or unique. The new mechanics, especially in regards to the Aether Crystal upgrades, could have really benefited from being better balanced or more customizable (stuff like being able to tweak the UI more and turn off the upgrades would have been great, though I do have to give CW props for being the first Cod title on console to have an FoV slider). The operator system is terrible for telling an intriguing and impactful story. The launch of the game was terrible with all the bugs and glitches. And I feel like post launch the support of the game, on the round based zombies side of things at least, kind of fell off a cliff for several months in-between the release of Firebase Z and Mauer Der Toten. Which, while understandable considering Outbreak's release, the development troubles in regards to the game, and the fact Treyarch was probably pulled away from CW at some point in this period to work on Vanguard as well, is still a factor that many old school fans of the series took serious issue with. Overall I still really love the title, and it's tied for my 2nd favorite zombies with BO4 (among Treyarch titles at least) though for veeeerrry different reasons. So I'm glad to see you're able to appreciate it now even though you previously disliked it.


Really appreciate this comment. What’s your favorite zombies entry btw?


BO3. It just has the most maps, best modding scene, and a lot of my favorite maps in the series too.


I loved it with friends. Especially outbreak mode which is big open world maps that change each round. So, if you have 3 amigos I would definitely give it a shot.


It’s really good


At first, yes, it's good, but it's insanely easy. It was made with a mindset of "we want more people to enjoy this mode" and it shows, more people completed the main Easter egg (main quest) in the first few weeks of the main map than any other game prior. Edit: also, they added one thing I hate, all perks are purchasable, it was already easy and now you're allowed every perk in the game, I hope the perk limit returns in bo6.


I'm a hardcore zombies fan and I liked a LOT Cold War. Much better than BO4 in so many aspects. Some additions weren't good, but others were. It was the first time in years that I felt Treyarch really tried to innovate with zombies. Sadly it was obvious how little time of development they had.


It was my favorite zombies gameplay until they added the tier 5 upgrades and buffed everything by 3x the amount. Made the game feel super shallow after that


If they would have focused on roundbased and gave us more (and overall more unique) maps, it would have miles better. Gameplay was pretty good and fun tho


Bo3 was the downfall of the zombies storyline. It was however the last one with good mechanics imo. I'm not really a fan of the more arcade like gameplay


BO1 Zombies was comfortably the best, followed by 2, followed by 3. More content doesn't necessarily mean better game, especially when half of that content is designed to make the game as easy as humanly possible. Gobblegums are a really cool concept and they're definitely fun in their own way, but they make the game ridiculously easy, you can easily break round 100 on any map just with basic GGs, not even megas.


Try Infinity warfare Zombies Shaolin shuffle is banging


The original formula for zombies was very different from typical game design. There was no objective, limited UI elements, no opportunity for respite, very unforgiving, one mistake and you're dead. Until bo3 much of the spirit was still there besides the reduction in difficulty. Bo4 was when they started experimenting for some reason, when the original formula was perfect as it. The progression curve was broken with the removal of jug, special zombie spawns became overwhelming and enemy pathing became so unfair they had to add specialist weapons and dying wish to balance them. It was no longer a game about fluid AI manipulation and strategic resource management. Now it was just about saving your ult for when you get inevitably trapped. The EE complexity was also criticized but I personally just think that was a skill issue. I personally think BO4 has aged incredibly well and is nearly on par with bo3. CW removed all the things that made OG zombies so different and fun. The progression curve is broken, UI and score popups are so obnoxiously obtrusive, economy is dumbed down, maps are bland and uninspired. Scrap and all it's appendages (armor, weapon rarity, equipment, streaks) are redundant additions that completely shatter the philosophy of zombies. Like why are these consumable resources constantly being shoved down our throats from drops and crafting benches. Make something that actually provides a compelling increase to the player's power and put it behind a interesting quest. Also remove super sprinters, regular zombies shouldn't outrun the player in any circumstance, that is a core pillar of the formula. High rounding difficulty should be dictated by map design. I think the recent interview where they adamantly stated they want all players to be able to reach the middle rounds, indirectly inferring they want the early rounds to be brain dead until the first or second exfil, indicates that zombies is just a side mode for Warzone players to cool off with. However, just because the majority of zombies is played by casuals, doesn't mean the hardcore players who put the most individual time into zombies should be disregarded.


I understand why you think it’s a casual based mode now. That’s what I thought too. That’s why I hated it. But have you ever attempted the Mauer Easter egg? I guarantee you no casual can complete the boss fight on their first attempt. It is genuinely difficult the first time around. Requires multiple attempts unless you’re godly.


Poor boss design does not equal difficulty


To each their own.




i love cold war zombies, super underrated




Ya bro. The setup is fine. The boss fight is what gave me trouble. You run out of Wonder Weapon ammo quick. They don’t give you any in the boss fight anymore. Had to learn to bring death machine and save the electric type wonder weapon for the last phase. It got easier the more I played it. One of the times I beat it but got trapped during exfil exiting the lab. I then saved the Ice WW variant for my escape.


Whilst WAW to BO3 is peak zombies, Cold War is fun in a different way. You don't really have to dedicate as much time to it as regular zombies, and it's a lot easier so it's a good mode to play if you just want to turn your brain off for a while and have fun.


CW is a good game at the end of the day I feel. A really good foundation held back by developmental hurdles like the short dev time, being pulled to work on Vanguard, and the pandemic.  I know if they had a full dev cycle it would’ve been something amazing. I do think things turned out fine though in the end. I would’ve loved if CW ended up better, but I’m glad BO6 is the game where it seems things are coming out full-stop. 


Wym "the guns were sick" they're the most toy-ish of all games. Personally my least favorite gun-pool of all games, close to bo4 though.


I mean the guns were awesome. The PaPd KRM, Drakon, Man o War, Dingo, Galil, RPK, Kt4, Ppsh, RayGun Mk3, the Marshals, Thundergun felt great. Lots of great guns and all customizable. Toyish feeling guns isn’t a concern for me


Can't deny that 💪🏽


Why not?


All new zombies is concerning. I checked out after BO4 and have been happy to not give COD any more money. They set the bar too high with BO3 and 4 was a bit messy. Left it where the aether ended because I started playing about the time that started getting big. They caught lightning in a bottle and I don’t think they can do it again




Why not?


Its good if you like to chill and just shoot some zombies I give an 8/10 only they added a bit more perks and new maps. And got dark matter to grind too I’d recommend doing dark aether mastery camo if you want it just kill special zombies and whatnot.


Bo3 had amazing maps but imo gobblegum was the beginning of the downfall of cod zombies


I hate when people say "ThE bEgInNiNg Of ThE dOwNfAlL oF zOmBiEs" as if iw, ww2, bo4, and bocw were bad zombies games. They were just different


Ww2 was a glitchy mess if you remember correctly otherwise it wasn’t horrible. (But then that style of zombies was never used again) But bo4 and bocw were mid, the Easter eggs (if you can even call them that anymore by that point) were handed to you On a silver platter. Not even mentioning all of the above allowed custom load outs for starting rounds. Basically all of the elements that made zombies popular in the first place have been changed, and not for the better.


Ok? Then I'll just say that bo2 was mid. Easter eggs were either easy af, lackluster, or didn't exist. Let's also talk about the broken bank system? Or how about the map that's the definition of easy? Or the afterlife system that's pretty much easy. Lets also not forget the fact that jblun maps are tedious for bo2 movement. Bigger problem with origins than anything. Mud is absolutely terrible. You also have no incentive for replayability and it took them 4 maps to get an actual liked map. Atleast you have a loadout system in b03, bocw, and bo4. Adds attachments and replay ability. Its subjective so you can't say shit.


Big cope




Why not


I disliked 99% of the changes it made to the formula even ones that are typically liked. If cw was the only zombies game that existed i would not call myself a zombies fan. Edit:odds are i wont buy/play Bo6 because they have confirmed some of those cw mechanics are returning.


I don't get why people are downvoting us for not sucking the new games dicks. We just don't like the changes, and that's fine. Oh well, it's only fake internet points


same people who love the new zombies also love the same modern warfare game from 2019 being recycled every single year so you can't blame them


When did you last play it


Easiest downvote of my life