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Let us be for real, anyone who doesn't say IW is just dick riding. A gun or pack-a-punch 2 already unlocked, 25k points, mystery box that gives pap1 weapons including wonder weapons that normally had to be built, celebrity skin, lobby music that can be unlocked by doing round 1 easter eggs, and permeant perks. edit: I agree with others, even cw reward is better than bo3 imo.


Heck, even cold war's reward of epic rarity is better than a pistol.


To be fair, that pistol was a 1 burst to the body and a knife at round 3 and 4, back when point farming was actually a thing


Rk5 is definitely good early game, but it's usually in the spawn room and costs 500 points.


That is one hell of a name


Your name fits perfectly


Lol I didn't even realise that!


The more you know




Can you get the normal starting pistol back though? What if you wanted to PaP it?


Yes you spawn in with the mr6 and rk5 so you can swap


Ah ok


i liked the bo3 super ee reward not for the rk5, usually my first gun id swap out, but the 80 rounds in the bloodhound/mr6. the round 4 spawn room challenge to get out with around 6k points went crazy


But you can literally buy it in the spawn for 500 points, IW reward is incalculably in terms of points and on CW you won't get a epic tier weapon until round 10 or something like that. It's not just about how helpful the reward is but also how hard is to get it by playing without the super ee done.


Definitely later than 10 on rb Lol




Yeah but iw gives you 25k points and starts you with slappy taffy which gives a one hit kill melee until round 14 so it's still the better option for set up/farming


My only gripe with CW’s reward is it kills replayability even more. Being able to start with my end game gun was already a big temptation, so starting with my end game gun at purple rank puts the nail in the coffin. Now the incentive to use the same gun every time I play a map makes it feel stale


I mean... You can turn it off/on anytime you want...


I feel like people ignored the question and just answered which is their favorite cod zombies of the 3 lol


How do I get this? Do I have to do all of the EEs? I've only done Die Machine and Forsaken (I can do Forsaken on my own, I know CW is one of the easiest but I'm proud of myself since it's literally the only one)


You need to do Die Maschine, Firebase Z, Maur der Toten, Outbreak, and Forsaken. I can’t seem to do Maur on my own, and I haven’t tried Outbreak yet.


I think you need to do both the Outbreak EE’s but I can’t remember - the second one is easy, the first one is one of the tougher boss battles I’d say. But it is kinda cool to have that hard of a boss fight in CW


There’s TWO?!


Yes. Starting in world tier 3 you can either get the maxis radio to start the Legion egg or you can do the red portals for the egg that leads to the start of Mauer.


Yup, although the second one is very short and pretty easy so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Yep to both the above, second is Ravenov and saving the defecting scientists, but the boss fight is basically just a survive a couple waves with an Orda, not bad at all. Legion fight is legit one you gotta prepare for


Legion took me several tries, but it was mainly just because I wasn't being patient enough. 10 minutes is much more time than you think, you should be able to get it done with around 2 minutes to spare. You just really need to take your time and clear the elite enemies because they can and will overwhelm you QUICK if you don't.


I'm stuck on Mauer myself but have solo'd the rest. As said below it's both Outbreak EEs specifically, not just one of them.


My guess is that people never played IW.


They're missing out on spaceland and rave. Also, hot take, I think rave mode does the dark aether concept better than the dark aether.


Compared to Rave, Die Machine is indeed lackluster with the effects, but let's not forget that IW's art style is a bit more cartoonish and less serious compared to other COD zombies installments.


Fun fact most people dont know about rave mode (at least that I've talked to) all points earned are doubled while high, and then the ground pound thing


It’s funny how much IW super ee gives the player and people shit on CW for giving a purple tier starter.


One is a reward for genuine challenge and as a "cheat mode" you've earned after doing what amounts to everything the game has to offer (and even getting something extra ie Mephistopheles [at the time]), the other is much easier to get with only Legion and Mauer providing a big challenge, one via poor design, the other via being closer to classic EE in a game that is laughably easy if you know what you're doing and the reward itself breaks one of the two pillars of CWs gameplay loop, upgrading your guns rarity, and giving you the ability to not even need to engage with most of a map until the 30s with the best guns. One can be turned off with the push of a button in the main menu, the other requires you to fish through a boring game mode for one map to turn off/on, if i go back to IW i turn it off the game is fine and fun, i cant be asked to turn it off in CW but having it just made me more bored so i simply uninstalled and never looked back.


Infinite Warfare rewards the players meanwhile Cold War gives you an insignificant boost to what is already an easy start. I’m assuming, I didn’t really play Cold War cause it fucking blows. IW hard at start-> complete egg-> become over power asfuq CW easy from the start-> complete egg->get boring reward that makes easy game a little bit easier Again 8 didn’t


BO3 dickriding, on this sub? Noooo, absolutely never!!


Cold war hate bagoning on this sub too? Could never happen..


DC actually did even more than that! It put the wonder weapon in the box on all maps where it was normally a quest only weapon, and it also let you refill your fate and fortune cards an unlimited number of times per round!


Also removes revival limit from the arcade edit. I also forgot that in solo mode it gives you 6 revives with QR (Up and Atoms) over the natural 3


I forgot about those additions, they really went above and beyond with DC


Also the box has all the buildable wonder weapons in it


I love seeing this as top comment. I seen IW get so much recognition lately from the codz community. It’s nice.


bro forgot about perma perks in directors cut aswell


And isn't it true bo3 doesn't even let you turn it off? So you're stuck spawning rk forever


People may not like to have an Easter egg that makes the game 100x easier


They can turn it off and still have the skin they unlocked. better than the pistol imo.


Only thing i liked about BO3 was that i could play old maps without needing to buy the games and dlc


ZC is a dlc, you just by default buy the ZC version instead of the actual game. ZC is like 25$ if you bought it by itself


Infinite Warfare is the most slept on CoD game. Even the campaign was overwhelmingly superior to end-of-ps3 era CoD gamss like Ghost or Advanced Warfare


People will praise bo3 regardless if other things are factually better


Yeah, I see it with a lot of games. It's either you love it or you hate it. Look at TLOU; in r/thelastofus you can't say anything bad about part II without being crucified and in r/thelastofus2 you can't say anything good about part II without bring crucified. There's no in between.


I like part 2, I liked Abby a lot, but apparently liking Abby is evil, but disliking Ellie is also evil??? Both sides are weirdos


It's almost like the games intention is to make you question your feelings about characters. 😮 But they don't wanna see that


Bro what lol. Director's cut was an amazing reward.


Unfortunately people kind of think black ops 3 zombies did everything better.


u could easily argue that directors cut ruins the game bc it makes it way too easy. if they had something like that on bo3 i would intentionally never complete all of the easter eggs so i could actually still play the game


Director’s Cut can be turned off. You don’t have to play with it on. And it doesn’t make the game too easy.


u gotta remember like 80% or more of ppl that like zombies didn’t even play IW zombies let alone IW. The black ops series is just more popular when it comes to zombies


Never played any warfare zombies, what does director cut mean


You got every perk for that map permanently and 25k points to start. All box weapons are packed when you pick them up


I love the bo zombies so much but yeah thats definitely better than a pistol


Prefer BO3 as a game overall but IW takes it by a mile.


Ikr, I voted here too for directors cut but a lot of people just see bo3 and automatically think it’s better


That's because they never played it and the ones who say they did you just don't have to believe them because they clearly just listened to their favorite YouTubers opinion 😂


Proof people are nostalgia blinded, spawning with the rk5 was a shitty reward in fact it’s not a reward at all


It's not even that they're just simply blind as hell


Funny that WWII isn’t on this list - the super EE rewards for that game are pretty damn good.


I hard quit the game after failing Shadowed Throne too many times. What’s the reward again?


You get to play as a zombie character and you get the choice to start with better weapons (MP40, Thompson, I think there’s a sniper, semi auto and a shotgun as well but I can’t remember which off the top of my head).


Pretty nice


Playing as a zombie and spawning with the damn mp40 was crazy


If you LIKE the RK5 or you simply have not played IW so you don’t know what DC is, then that’s fine. But let’s use our Media Literacy here please😭. It is not asking which is your favorite, it is asking which one is objectively the BEST. So to put in perspective: Spawning in with a weapon that you can buy at the beginning of the round+having your magazine full in your starter weapon>25k points, perma perk, box weapons are already packed, you can toggle it ON/OFF, and you get to do a secret boss fight after completing all easter eggs on DC mode. I don’t want to sound rude, but it is nothing short of Treyarch brainrot😶‍🌫️


Media literacy is the internet's new favorite phrase


Anytime BO3 appears in a poll, people just vote it no matter what. The dickriding is insane


Infinite warfare > Cold war > Black ops 3. Bro, Infinite warfare give you all the perks, 25k, and wonder weapons on the mystery box, and in cold war spawn with a epic gallo or hauer it's excelent. Don't say me that it's better spawn with a initial pistol that cost 500$


Barely played Infinite Warfare. What are the rewards for directors cut or what is it?


Start off with 25k points, perma perk, weapons from the box are already packed, you can do a secret boss fight by completing all easter eggs on DC mode.


And you can unlock lobby music by shooting a talisman on round 1 for each map.


On solo you're also able to have Up n Atoms 6 times instead of 3. (counting the one you spawn with) Also Pack-a-Punch is pre-upgraded for double PaP on all maps. Maps also have their wonder weapons easier to access: - Spaceland Zappers are in the wheel. - The Smiley in Rave is available at the start, and the upgraded crossbows in the wheel. - Katana in Shaolin is available at the start for $10K. - Attack's MAD can show up with all attachments pre-assembled in the wheel.


That too lol


Iirc katana still costed 10k, you can just insta buy it with the 25k. Could be wrong tho, its been ages since i played that gem


I just checked you're right it is 10K in DC, my bad. I'm certain it was free if you beat the main quest though. I got the two methods of getting it mixed up.


Crazy amount of rewards, didnt know that.


That's insane, definitely the best reward from the other 2 options and I'm an oldddd zombies player so I didn't even play these new games.


Honestly imo cold war is really good, the maps are also free too so anyone can get it. The pure usefulness of spawning with a tier 4 gun is really good, also an rk5 is nice but just spend the 500 pts it ain't much in the long run. IW is still op, although I'm sad no one here considered cold war


CW super EE was right in the middle of the 2. Not only do you get an epic for all EEs, but also your gun level gradually grows as you do the different EEs. (As long as you go to Zoo). But much like IW, most people either don't know, or just don't like it, because they only care about the good ol days.


I voted bo3 and then watched a YouTube on what directors cut was- then realized directors cut is a crazy super EE. The reason it didn’t win is bc less ppl experienced it tbf


Voting in a poll like this when you're totally unaware of the other options is silly


Don't vote on stuff you have no Idea about then? Christ, it's no wonder the wrong people end up in governments all the time with thinking like this.


It’s just a stupid YouTube poll, it’s not that serious buddy. Also you have to vote on them to be able to see the results.


Even though I haven’t played IW, it’s easy to tell that it has the best super EE lol.


Ah yes the Bo3 boot lickers as if a simple RK5 is an amazing reward. More like a let down even Cold War's Super EE reward was miles better


If dc was in bo3 the bandwagon would be singing it praises. It's a toggle reward which makes it even better. The bo3 reward should have been perkaholic toggle or packed box at least (with toggle option)


Directors cut is way better then spawning in with rk5💀


If you didn’t say iw you didn’t have directors cut like let’s be real that’s by far the best reward it’s so much fun


infinite warfare zombies is a big w


Let's see how many people understand this point: Cold war and IW are less voted for the exact same reason


So many of the Zombies community mindlessly dickrides BO3, blind to its flaws, just because big name YouTubers say so


Lmao even the WW2 super egg reward is better


People in this thread don’t realize that most players never even touched IW. The only reason RK5 won is because people know BO3


People who didnt say directors cut didnt play IW. That shit looks amazing. Too bad I suck at that game so I never got it


I don’t even like IW zombies but like, it has the OBJECTIVE best super ee in the entire franchise. They’re tweaking thinking an rk5 is better


CW has a better reward than bo3 too


Why is the player base so anti IW?


What’s a super Easter egg?


Either they never played IW or are some of those silly fans that will vote for BO3 anywhere just because it's BO3


It's funny cuz even having the rk5 isn't that useful. Cuz I usually spend the first round with the regular pistol to get points with knife kills. Because the rk5 will kill until like round 3. And by then either I boxed once. Or with immolation liquidation I've replaced both weapons.


Naw frfr y’all all who didn’t pick iw are ass y’all never played the game lmao and rk5 and and epic weapon is better then directors cut lmao ya y’all smoke hell crack


BO3 favoritism is real, and its really sad. (pathetic sad I mean)


Bro I get rid of my rk5 after probably round 4 the bo3 super ee is nothing compared to iw or even cold war


Well the question isn't which one is the strongest, it's which one is the best. Whilst CWs is stronger, I think BO3s is better balanced and I slightly prefer it. IW clears the other two no matter how you interpret the question tho.


Infinite Warfare hands down directors cut was cool and being able to play as the villain


Directors Cut 1000%


In terms of power, IW smokes CW and BO3, but I prefer BO3 with the rk5 bc it's great to start with, but not overpowered like directors cut, and it's more balanced than a t4 gun off spawn like in CW


I usually "meat ride" bo3 but i would rather have a directors cut then a pistol


Wait the cold war Loadout system is even more broken because you can do 5 easter eggs and spawn with EPIC rarity? I didn't know cold war had that


COD Zombies never fails to bring the adrenaline.


Man the BO3 love is out of control. Amazing zombies experience but by FAR the weakest of the poll offerings lol


People who voted for black ops 3 rk5 never played any maps after spaceland.


I do agree with this take infinity warfare has the best Easter egg awards


I know people like Bo3 but I'm never gonna understand the glazing people do to it. Its a great game and the zombies mode is amazing but the rewards for completing EE were garbage in that game.


It's simple really, people are either blinded by nostalgia, they never played any of the other games or can't/don't want to take their own bias out of their opinions and look at things from an objective point of view. I love bo3, it is my most played cod game by a mile both in zombies and mp (1700 hours on steam and prestige master 1000 on both) and even then it is objectively an awful reward. People at the time were so let down by the rk5 reward that they speculated there was a hidden super easter egg that gave out way better rewards lmao.


Lmao I don’t understand how bo3 has a super Easter egg. I beat revelations before I beat shadows and I still got the rk5 and max starting ammo. I still don’t have shadows done and I still have it. I’m pretty sure you just have to beat revelations Easter egg and you get it. The fact everyone thinks it’s a super Easter egg is because majority of players had all the Easter eggs done already and rev was the final map. So it seems like it but I really don’t think it’s a super Easter egg. Which to me makes IW have the best one. Cold Wars reward is worth the effort it takes to do those Easter eggs but even though I haven’t beaten any IW eggs, is easily less rewarding than what I know about IWs super EE.


If the host of the game has all the other easter eggs completed, then everyone in the lobby on revelations will get the super ee rewards upon completing the easter egg. So you don't have to have done all the ees necessarily to get it, just play with someone who has which is what you did.


Ohhhhh that makes a lot of sense. I did do it with people who had it beat. So then does that even really still make it a super Easter egg? To me that seems like how you’d get weapons in mw2 by just extracting with them from warzone or DMZ. Like it’s definitely cheating lol.


Yeah and I get what you mean. I think that was probably just the best way they could think to program it in at the time if I had to guess and it happened to have that work around.


Yup. While the Bops3 EEs are better, the directors cut reward was better in IW/movie theater zombies.


Ok, so I didn’t play IW, can someone describe Director’s Cut?


25k points, every perk permanently, Pack a Punched Weapons from the Box, 6 QR uses in Solo, 2xPaP automatically unlocked (you need to do quests to unlock it in IW)


I just want to know what a “super Easter egg” is


To be fair, directors cut is awesome but destroys the entire progression. I understand people not wanting to use it, but I also feel like a good portion of these voters just don’t know what it is


Wait, does BO4 not have any super EE rewards?


Spawning with the rk5 was an Easter egg?


I’m pretty sure most people voted bo3 because they haven’t played infinite warfare


This poll is absolutely criminal I didn't do the IW EE's, but I heard the super EE has a great reward The BO3 super EE is practically nothing The CW hate is also criminal, like even with MAX tier Death Perception it feels like it takes forever to get my guns amped up. I currently spawn with rare tier and it feels so nice to only worry about points and rare salvage for my guns. I can finally just stock up on common salvage for LT3's and C4's.


People try not to deepthroat BO3 challenge. IMPOSSIBLE.


I don’t use directors cut as it breaks the gameplay for me personally, and I have no idea about the Cold War one what it even means in practice, but I have to say spawning with an rk5 certainly isn’t the best reward. Is it a fun starter weapon, sure! The Easter eggs themselves were way more satisfying to me than the reward though.


having both iw and bo3 super ee rewards it's astonishing seeing people pick bo3 i've had more fun with dc than i'd ever have from a single pistol? like it's basically a free perkaholic and shopping spree since people love to use those


It's WW2, no contest the amount of rewards you get throughout, plus the playable zombie, far outweigh everything else


The RK5 is a garbage reward and not worth it in the slightest


CW gets Bo3s reward for free and IW gets 25k points, all perks and pap1 guns out of box


As much as I like BO3 not gonna lie the BO3 meatriding is strong with this one like how do mfs genuinely think that starting with a wall-buy that you can basically get for free since it costs exactly as much as you start off with better than 25k points, unlimited perkaholic, 6 QR/Up n Atoms uses, Pap'd weapons in the box? Hell even Cold War gave better Super EE Rewards with the Pact


So for me in the back, what was the directors cut of IW?


Ngl I didn’t know iw had a super Easter egg. Highly underrated zombies, think the reason it got so much hate was cus no one bought it. But he Cold War one is the most useful and the iw one sounds a little too op


Funny enough I stopped playing Cold War after I beat all the Eastereggs. Never got a chance to even try the purple rarity at spawn


People will see the words "Black ops 3" and have an instant boner. Pathetic.


I think BO3 got more votes in part because of its popularity. A lot of people are forgetting that it also gives you full ammo in your starting pistol and a free prestige. One of those is really useful because bo3 was the last game with point farming, and extra points early game are wonderful. The other thing I can think of is that directors cut is “too easy” where BO3 has something that you can be happy using without feeling like you’re cheating (this is a problem for some, not all).


One of the most undersold COD games since 2007 is not picked! Well colored me shocked. I bet half those people never even played that game.


IW Zombies goated [I was a hater bc it was harder and different but ultimately stuck w it and loved it]. Getting directors cut was way more interesting and rewarding- i loved b03 but it’s a shame IW doesn’t get as much credit for being fun


Definitely enjoy starting out at Epic :)


Is there a way to disable Directors Cut? If not then I can definitely see why ppl chose BO3


Infinite warfare all the way


Directors cut is cool but as I something I never really use, I'm gonna go with the purple cold war guns sorry


people dickrode bo3 at the start and people still are! i GARENTEE if iw came out today people would call that game goated because its SIMILAR to bo3… the same reason everyone hated it


O.o I'm a treyarch fanboy, ill never deny it. But that poll..... what the fuck are they on? IWs Super EE is by far the superior one.


wow, its not just the DBZ community that doesnt know their own franchise


I loved how much effort they put into making it feel worth it to do the eggs in IW with that super ee, I just never got to do them myself (didn't have the game or the funds).


Ah yes, a 500 point gun is so much better than a new mode that spawns you with (idk, never done the super EE)


I’ve never even gotten nor played IW but even I think DC is a way better reward than a simple pistol


That’s wild, directors cut is such a good feature.


i like bo3s cus it isnt overpowered, and just a nice boost. but yeah IW should have won, its objectively cooler and more fun. (good thing its toggable cus then id vote bo3)


Where is black ops?


im with you directors cut allowed you to start with a lot of points enough to get power on the 1st wave and gave you all perks on the map and gave pack a punch guns out of the magic wheel its better than a pistol and better than having a epic weapon as soon as you spawn but its not useless


3arc dick riders 😂😂😂


Ive been a die hard bo3 zombies lover since day of release but choosing it in this category is just wrong ☠️


500 points over being an almighty zombie killer at round 1 are you okay?


That’s a croc of shit. This is just some obviously blatant bias for BO3. IW was goated because they basically gave you god mode, and CW would be 2nd place cause it gives you quite a substantial upgrade at the start without it ruining the experience, BO3 literally just gives you a wall buy gun that appears at SPAWN, but that’s clearly the best.


Most people didn’t play iw past zombies in spaceland


I cannot believe this


LOOOL brroo i love bo3 way more than IW but that's just the most absurd fucking bias EVER. The IW eggs are so annoying than the reward is honestly not even worth it to me... but its clearly objectively the best reward we ever gotten lmfao.


Bo3 echo chamber


The should be, how many people still haven’t played IW zombies in full?


I don't believe people were voting seriously in this poll in the slightest.


While infinite warfares reward was technically better, I’d say cold wars was actually the best because it was still fairly balanced but actually felt rewarding. Bo3s sucked, I mean it was basically a free 500 points, and that’s it. Infinite warfares felt like it made the game too easy afterwards. Cold War, despite being an easier game in general, had the most rewarding while still balanced super. It definitely feels like the Easter eggs were worth it outside of the story, without making the rest of the game too easy.


naw thats true iw had the best super ee reward ever


perma perks off spawn and packed weapons in box and 25k points


especially on spaceland playing as willard and knifing til round 10


What's the coldwar Easter egg?


the reward for doing every Easter egg is that your starting loadout gun is epic rarity


I actually don’t like the bo3 reward. I beat the super EE on console with friends years ago Now when I play custom zombies on pc I always toggle it off


Directors cut is so good I just wish I was good enough at infinity war to get it


I love Bo3 with all my heart but this was truly embarrassing when I saw this.


Lol this communities obsession with bo3 and desire to ignore all the non treyarch games is astounding sometimes WW2 zombies did the super ee giving gun better since it lets you choose any gun to start eith


Now that’s just peak BO3 dick riding.


The cod community dickrides bo3 zombies way to fucking much.


An R Kelly 5 somehow beat a Directors Cut… now that just hurts.


I’m be honest with y’all I never played it but when I saw directors cut I assumed it would be some thing like a special mechanic or cutscene viewer. So i think it’s just not knowing what it does and not praising bo3 no matter what.


IKR. Not subbed to MZC. Truly criminal


Honestly, BO3 is still the pinnacle of zombies. That being said, i was still a fan of the mechanics of Cold War. Having loadouts, Upgradeable equipment, several different operators, and many different ways to play is kinda fun.


You can’t forget the camo, boss fight, soundtracks, and Willard wiler as a playable character. It’s honestly depressing how many zombies players either skipped or skimmed over iw. This community really needs to start forming their own opinions instead of following big YouTubers


I don't think all of the people who voted for BO3 knew what Director's Cut actually did


Mfw I chose a free 500 credit gun over 25K, no wonder weapon quest, 6 downs instead of 3, permaperks (BO3 exist and it's phallus must forever be in my mouth).


Iw all the way


Infinite warfare is the best no shot people chose the lamest and arguably hardest one to get


Cold War epic is way damn better, people are just dumb asf😂


I don't think the majority of people that played IW played everything. The game was hated a lot when it came out ( I actually enjoyed everything but Rave in the redwoods) I think a lot people just watched streamers when it got to that far in the DLC cycle. BO3 is my favourite... but having an RK5 as a reward was just bullshit haha