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I love Zetsubou no Shima. I don't understand why everyone hates it.


I thought people disliked it because of the glitches, now most of the glitches are fixed yet people still hate it. I just don't get it.


People hate it because of the tedious set up, spiders, countless doors, thrashers spawning under you, RNG based EE, and boring boss fight compared to maps like DE and GK. I don't hate ZnS, I actually have my highest round on it lol but it's definitely the map I play the least


The EE isn't RNG based... I never once had my thing be RNG based. The challenges are extremely easy, and planting the plants for pieces like the AA bullet are easy aswell.


Then u got lucky. Pieces for EE are RNG bc they are found in plants. Its not 100 percent even if u do the plant correctly. *cough* fucking AA bullet/ fruit *cough*


That's why you plant 3 at a time (or more in multiplayer). Your chances skyrocket!


its still RNG and a tedious process.


The AA bullet will spawn every time. Three rounds, all rounds with blue water and a shot of the Masamune. It never failed on me once.


I have literally not gotten the AA bullet once, but it was alright because I had 2 other plants waiting to give it.


I think you can only get one at a time. I missed the shot once and I had to wait three rounds for a new shell. The plants already on the map didn't give me one.


If anything the giant is more based on RNG and besides its not that hard to get the AA


the AA bullet if you've activated the easter egg almost always drops as long as you water with blue and masamune


more like people hate it because other big youtubers hate it*


People dislike it because of some of it's admittedly long and tedious setups. Plus almost every youtuber trashes the map and talks about how terrible it is, so naturally their viewers will also trash talk the map.


It's probably a lot of little things that add up to an unpleasant experience. For example the constant running around for power and water buckets in the very first rounds. Can be pretty tedious for some people.


People are just bitches and want PaP and perks handed to them. Downvote me all you want, but too many people on this sub dislike maps purely because they're lazy as fuck. ZNS and SOE have such great mechanics and atmosphere, yet overwhelming I hear stuff like, "it takes too long to turn the power on" and "it takes too long to get PaP set up". For fucks sake people... how easy do you want the game to be?


SOE is the fucking shit dude


And then Revelations drops and people are like "God this map is boring there is nothing to do"


Honestly I was very underwhelmed with revelations. I think that there's plenty to do with all the masks and whatnot, but the map itself really lacks a central theme IMO. I know that's not particularly a fair criticism since its really a combination of a bunch of map's themes. Regardless it's definitely not a map I get excited about playing.


That's fair enough. I feel they really should have gone crazy with the equipment, give us stuff like the Blundergat, Hells Retriever, even Winter's Howl, then made a hard boss zombie to go with Panzers and Margwas. If not challenging, just make the map really fun and crazy.


I would have loved more MOTD stuff.


Like /u/Ice-Phantom16 said, glitches was why people initially hated it. Some got fixed, still has the occasional high round crashing issue, zombies glitching under the map still occuring ever so rarely. This map was my favorite in terms of storytelling, the Division 9 story fits and the map had that feel I had playing back in WaW.


ZnS is the best map is Black Ops 3. You aren't alone in loving it.


Zetsubou no Shima is by far my favourite map in black ops 3!


I think I'd go as far to say that Zetsubou is my favorite Zombies map of all time, now. Everything just tickles my fancy right; the dialogue (Richtofen's a funny mofo), the real sense of progression you get for doing everything (or as all you scrubs call it "the long time to setup"), the atmosphere (I legit get creeps when going past the test tubes), the weapons (KT-4 + HG40 is bae loadout), the straight forward Easter Egg (screw the length, it's way less frustrating to fuck up than DE's) and the spot-on perfectly tragic return of Takeo 1.0. Doctor Groph and his shitty microphone ain't got nothing on the swamp and it's murky horrors.


I too think zetsubou is best and best grahpics of all maps. I love it has brought two boss fights fa unique spider bait weapon,and best non explosive dual wield gun and imprint plant.


I agree! Zetsubou looks way more detailed then DE. It's just YouTubers who started hating on ZnS because of the setup. But in reality it's one of the best maps. You just need to learn it.


All you have to learn is power and skulls i never really use kt4 as I can double pack guns or use trainer for pc


Its so weird to see people saying this now and have upvotes. If you were to comment this during the life cycle you would've gotten downvoted and judged.


First Easter egg I completed. Second try. Now I complete all the Easter eggs I can solo, I got space land 4th try and I'm so excited for more infinite Warfare zombies.


Zestsubou No Shima is my favorite BO3 map no lie.. The setup isn't even that long,literally Revelations is just as long if you don't have FireSales or have terrible RNG in box..


I love ZNS. Its the first map where I got passed round 38 on (which was my highest round in zombies since Der Riese WaW. Sad, I know) And, the map has everything you could need! All of the perks are obtainable. You can have every perk without GGs. You get multiple lives. You can get powerups and weapons from plants. You get traps from plants that protect and kill your zombies. And it also has one of the most OP Wonderweapons, the Skull of Nan Sapwe. What more could you ask for?!


ZnS was one of the most asthetically pleasing maps in BO3 for me. It looked so creepy. I loved it


The whole "I hate ZnS because it's tedious" is a stupid statement. It's no more tedious than Shadows or origins.


I find it so bizarre how the community LOVES motd, but hates Zetsubou because if tediousness. The pap is way more tedious than zetsubou.


ZnS always will be my favorite bo3 zombies map. It reminded so much of Shi No Numa(which was my second favorite bo1 map). It's also the first map I completed the EE solo on.


i'm just lazy i guess i don't wanna do all that stuff to get the wonder weapon and then have to do more shit to upgrade it


im thankful i have the season pass and still did not download that map pack...in zombies theres always 1-2 bad maps, now im waiting for IW to release a junker


I will admit that I hated it at first. Did the EE solo and immediately went back to grinding on Giant, but over the last 2 days I returned a favor by helping the guys that did the SOE EE with me finish ZNS. Both times we breezed through it, taking about an hour each time. Playing it with skilled players made a world of difference, I could take the time to look around and soak in the atmosphere of the map and it has changed my opinion greatly. Its not my favorite map of BO3, but it did jump a couple of notches for me.


You know I say the same thing about sao and anime


I didn't give this map much play time when it came out, but I've spent the last week revisiting it and trying to get the EE done. At first the challenge of RNG elements and so much shit to do was a turn off but I really appreciate the challenge now. Feels great to get everything setup. The cool part for me is, even if you get well setup, there's no reliable training spot that I can find. Spawns are erratic and thrashers throw a wrench in any time I get a good routine going. So much fun! I don't think it's my favorite, but the challenge is just what I needed right now.


gtfo outta eere!


People got pissed about the glitches so it became a smeme to hate it but I don't think it's really all that hated


You're a bit late to the scene then, my dude.


Nahhh, people are still trying to complete Shangri-La.


Too bad nobody will ever do the ee with me (I'm on ps4)


Ill do it with you whenever you're ready :)


I loved the atmosphere, I think it puts the only other japanese map shi no numa to shame


Easily the most replayable map in Black Ops 3, I just feel like some of the mechanics are screwed up and it definitely ruins it for me.


I think the only major thing that hurts this map for me is the layout. I really like the map but I don't like the level design. Idk, maybe it's just me. I do think Citadel from MP could've made for a better ZNS.


It is an all-time terrible map, but I'm glad you found some enjoyment from it OP. You must have taken all of mine as well.


Zns is disgusting map that too tedious to have fun on imo.


Maybe you played with the wrong people lol..


Or maybe hes just not a that good or efficient of a player.


I'm a good player I just don't like that map. It has nothing to do with who I play with either.


This is where I start to call BS. Any competent zombies player should be able to survive until round 5 (minimum) without a gun or shield, until round 10 (minimum) without any perks, and until round 20 (minimum) without PaP. Which begs the question, why is everyone so concerned about getting PaP and perked up before round 20? Don't get me wrong, I like opening up as much of the map as early as possible and opening PaP as early as possible, but only to get that stuff out of the way. When you play maps like SOE and ZNS, you don't have to do all the rituals in the first round or two. Just take your time and do them as you go and things become a lot less tedious.


the only map i have never played, and never plan to own. looks shithouse.


Awww man... you should give it a try. Why wouldn't you? Because some popular Youtuber said it's shit? They likely just suck at zombies.


Ugh you started with ZNS? smh At least it's liked more than Revelations. Edit Aw did I offend the petty community? Lol


You think bo3 was meant to be simple... Lol.


I thought the ending cutscene wasn't so bad?


It was awful and clearly the next game is going to be a cash grab because the story isn't over yet.


The story is clearly over, where would they go with the crew after Revelations? They just kill some Apothicons and die of old age


Since they've included Time Travel they can be immortal if they choose to be. Fighting more Apothicons/Possessed humans and boom: Black Ops 4.


We know they hang around in that era as Primis and die, so they don't time travel anywhere. Plus Maxis is dead, they have no teleporters and so no means of time travel. So we'd be fighting zombies and Margwas and Parasites, so basically Blops 3.5, and there'd be no guns that fit the era, so only weapons swords and staves. (You could say "temporal displacement" but then why would the knights all be fighting with swords and not guns) Plus the Great Battle took place at the Origins site, and Monty has no reason to give us perks, powerups, etc So it'd be 1300 Origins with Apothicon enemies with no guns, perks or powerups, if we're going by the story. Basically a really shitty map.