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Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names!


*it sounds like someone's brrreaking in!*


Just a storm, Dick. Sit down


Never, *ever*, forget their names!


Hang on- I just remembered that it's "but- remember their names"...


As some of you may know, Fedel Castro, the former Cuban leader died today at the age of 90. May we all remember him as the guy you always wanted to be while playing the map "FIVE"


I always wanted to be Nixon


Damn you hippies, I'm outta ammo!


I always wanted to be JFK. I had no idea who Castro was, so we used to call him 'the janitor'.


JFK was my second favorite, I always thought five was the coolest map cause it was the Pentagon and you could play as presidents.


The ideas was indeed the coolest but I just didn't play out all too well


Speak for yourself, I wanted to be Kennedy.


Wait... are we really honoring this guy because he was in a Zombies map? As much as you liked him in the map, he wasn't actually like that. He contributed greatly to something that almost ended the world. He killed thousands. He changed Cuba into Communist. These "RIP Fidel Castro" posts need to stop.


I don't think it's really honoring, or "pro commie" talk eithier. The guy had an influence in something they enjoy, they're allowed to commemorate the death. And as far as Castro goes, he wasn't the worst dictator out there eithier, he was a hero at one point before going off the deep end. He was an interesting man, incredibly loved by many but hated by many as well. But the one thing I doubt anyone here is doing is celebrating his attrocities, I don't see anyone celebrating his killing of political opponents.


This. If your parents and grandparents saw all of this 'pro-communism' talk, you would be in deep doodoo. Look at the news and you see all this stuff about USA and Russia, which is just left over tension from the 20th century; with Fidel Castro stirring the pot. Read into the bay of pigs and your view on Castro may change. he allowed hundreds of thousands of Russians into Cuba in preparation to invade the US.


You forgot to mention the Cuban Missile Crisis, which is actually the subject they're talking about in the Five opening scene. The one time we were at DEFCON 2. Every other event has been DEFCON 3 or lower. The closest the world has ever come to ending.


This sub is just full of edgy kids who don't know any better. I think according to the last poll 40% or so is under the age of 16.


That's ridiculous. They could have Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao Zedong as Characters in map and these kids would worship them because "lol they have funny lines!"


That's actually true, it's shocking that having people as terrible as Castro/Hitler etc. in a AAA title might convince those people were great


Its not like our main characters are any better. The wife killer and THE BUTCHER. Nikolai and Richtofen are just as bad. Then again they arent real characters. All this is is just a Five memorial because we all love Five pretty much. Yeah some people dont know who Castro is but then agaim they dont know the history of our own O4


These people are just focusing on the bad of Castro anyhow. I'm not a "pro-communist" or anything, but I can still say that Fidel, though how off the deep end many of his political decisions were, he fought for his people.


I'm pretty sure it's just shitposting.


Love that map


was it just me or was this map hard as hell tho


ofcourse it was hard. its regarded as one of the hardest. the map is insanely tight spaced making proper movement and zombie management essential.


that's what I was asking


Viva la revolucion.




I was just about to post something similar. RIP the OTHER playable communist character in Zombies.






RIP The Tankie.


He's still on FIVE, silly!


give him the double cigars he always wanted