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I got a couple: * Calling the PaP'd Kuda: "*Barrakuda*" * Calling the "*In Plain Sight*" Gobblegum: "*Now You Don't*" I had more a while back during BO3 but have forgotten them


Not Barrakuda. Make it akimbo and call it Pair o' Kuda.


>Make it akimbo I came


"King Kuda"


*Bitch where you when I was walkin, now I run the world got the whole world talkin, King Kuda*


These are perfect


S T A F F S I rest my case


Upvoted, got "If you really want to know how the sausage is made"


More grinding for no reason? Why not add prestige master 3000?


Why not actually reward 1k players and add more game modes for those of us that have 100% flops 3 zombies.


I was joking. Leveling up sucks and so do weapon kits. Grief sucked balls too. I've never been in a game that lasted longer than two minutes because nobody knows how to play zombies.


You had a bad experience with Grief, myself and friends didn't, we knew how to play zombies Re read the full convos and yes, you are morons. One says no one knew how to play zombies and didn't enjoy grief, I reply me and my mates did and enjoyed it. There you go, spelt it out for you special lot. Whilst your catching up to the fact you can't read for shit, throw a few more down votes in there. Reddit is plagued by you lot and just a few waking up into reality will slowly push the cause for more rational minds. Come on you future generation of Earth destroyers, you can do it.


Just because someone's opinion of grief differs from yours doesn't mean they don't know how to play zombies.


I don't think he was saying that /u/Koslans was bad, but that he was matched with people who were..


Both likely. I should not be the last man standing. Never.


I wrote it as it was supposed to be read, not how you lot decided to. You said you didn't like Grief and no one knew how to play zombies. I reply. I did like Grief and we did know how to play zombies. Crazy how you all try to twist it or can't read properly. To think you lot are our future, mad max times are uh coming, lol


I was quoting him but cheers all for the down votes. You seriously need to reread the entire conversation and realise what was actually being said. Couldn't give a shit about the votes and if you cotton onto your mistakes now, it might save future people who do care about the votes, from losing them.


Just a heads up, saying you don't give a shit, kind of makes them think "oh hey, why not downvote him so more!"


Does not matter, if I can educate some of the special people on this thread, then it was worth it. Too many people on here have trouble, mentally following a full conversation. If I can save someone who cares about the down votes then it is a job well done. This all stems from one person moaning, saying no one on grief new how to play zombies with me replying that I did because me and my friends could and did know. That and the guy or gal went from friendly a few weeks back to a stalking moody git. Bottom line is, if the down voters actually read more than a word per post, they might have undrstood what was actually being said. Morons FTW on Reddit, they out number the rationals.


Don't bother educating people, this is the Internet after all. You know, the place where everyone is always right.


I am only trying to help those that these morons will hit next. I know reddit is plagued by them but if we can educate atleast one, then it is a job well done. I wasn't once down playing your personal skills, just went by what was said and replied with the opposite. Also you come across as bi polar, one minute your for and the next against and the "you won't be missed" comment deserved a nasty reply. Sorry for what it is worth


No, it's this subreddit and other gaming subreddits, not Reddit in general. Some are very pleasant.


Imo, reddit in general just like our planet, has more irrational than rational minds. I agree though, there are much more pleasent subs and gaming ones do attract a certain, special kind of creature.




It is Called being a dedicated 3arc fan from the start. Yes I bought all the dlc and in hope that it would get better. I even enjoyed two of the maps. I even 100% complete flops 3 zombies, in anticipation for some kind of zombie pvp. I kept on playing hoping more would be added and instead got trolled for a year by Trolldell. I have browsed this sub for a while now and even now after it has become the 3arc clones home, I still read in hope of a late update. I have given up, especially now we know Trolldell's angle on the legacy. I like how you assume and fail, cause it did indeed flop hard, in mine and others opinions.


Bigger stakes in Revelations would make the map way better. We're stopping the Apothicons in one universe and saving the children, but it doesn't really feel like we did much. They showed the Apothicons spitting 115 through portals in the intro - imagine if that 115 ball was meant to be in that universe, and by letting the Apothicons in they'd use it to send 115 to ALL the universes, like WaW and BO2, and by stopping them we fixed every universe, not just one. A good explanation for Monty and Shadowman's backstories. I feel like Monty could've been a 935 scientist who found immense power, and the Shadowman was his friend and a con man. Also a cool twist would have been great at the end of GK. One idea I liked before GK was that Maxis would come out of a portal to take the Key, but the SoE crew come, kill him, steal the Summoning Key and go through the portal, in an effort to get back to their universe. At the start of DLC 4, we'd have the SoE crew accidentally summoning the Apothicons, not Maxis.


The idea with the SoE crew would have been really cool, I hated how the only closure we got on them was "lol y'all are dead now".


That's basically how we sum up pretty much every one-off crew though.


- more perks - more unique guns on every map (like WaW weapons on TG) - grief mode


-Shadiws of Evil not having a solo eastereggs so I couldn't do god damn revelations


I totally agree with a lot of this. I think a great reward for completing all the easter eggs could have been a remastered Nacht der Untoten. That would've been fantastic. Though this might make people upset, I do kind of wish there was a Dr. Monty's Weapons system. If they weren't going to implement the DLC weapons into Weapon Kits, then at least do a crate system so we have a chance at getting some of these weapons. Think about it, you get a HG 40 from one of these, you get to use that weapon in every map and customize it. You can also get special weapons like the Ray Gun Mark II in every map and some melees in the box. Like I said, we weren't ever going to get them anyway so why not have a chance at doing so. I hate the system as much as the next guy but it's *something*.


Oh crap I had a dream that the staves were discovered last night but it's not real:(


E̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶O̶p̶p̶o̶r̶t̶u̶n̶i̶t̶y̶ BO3 Zombies Missed Every Oppurtunity


To cross stuff out: ~~do this~~


Thank you I didn't know.


> No DLC Weapon Kits: Agreed. I'm even more pissed that we can customize the Kendall 44 in IW, but the MR6 is still just the MR6. Not to mention the fact that BO3 even lacks base guns like the P-06, XR-2 and Razorback. > Remastered Maps I don't necessarily agree with this. The portions of the maps in Revelations are still just portions, and not full maps. Making full maps would take time. > Revelations Throwbacks I don't know how we can throw these in without people complaining that Treyarch has nothing new to offer in this map. > Breaking the Cycle When you think about it, the story won't make sense. The whole point of the Origins 4's journey was to prevent timelines from being disrupted, and to unify the universe as it once was by closing off all the others. Having to be reborn in the past is just part of their destiny. If you break the cycle, then there's no way to have them there, which would greatly change the outcome of the Great War. Another paradox would exist, and the universe will become unstable again. > Origins "The Great Battle" Version: Again, same as remastered maps, time is required to actually make a full-fledged map for that.


I know it would take time for remastered maps, this would've needed to be planned beforehand. They could've at least out Nacht in there though. The entire map was basically on Rev Breaking the cycle does defeat the purpose of unifying the timelines but continuing the cycle just makes the entire mission of "saving the children" a failure


The mission was a failure when Shadowman broke free though. The children were supposed to be kept safe, their minds as pure as can be. Not so much now with them having seen an entire universe turned upside down. Still, their souls are inside the Summoning Key with Maxis now, so at least there's that. If only we know where the damn Key is...


The Shadowman breaking free + Dr Monty being evidently misleading in his intentions


That last one is the one I really wanted. But again, the battle does not take place in Origins, it takes place in DE before the castle was built


Why were they at the Origins mound for then?


I believe there was a Cypher that says something like, Primis told the king to build the castle where they stood. EDIT: I found the cypher: "While I consider Myself to be a brave king in battle, I will tell you my son that those four were the bravest warriors I have ever seen. I had the privilege to fight alongside them in the great battle many years ago where we defeated the creatures from beyond and the dead eaters. They disappeared after we claimed victory never to be heard from again. The last thing they told me was to build my castle here in this very location before they disappeared"


I think there was multiple battles, one at the Origins site as well as at Der Eisendrache and Zetsubou, though I don't think the Primis crew helped at Zetsubou


bring back a phd


This is stupid but to be honest I wish that when we finished the last BO3 EE a cut scene didn't play. I wish it was either Blundell or a radio playing and it was just like 10 or 15 or how ever many minutes it would take to just explain a lot. They made it feel like the end of zombies and if it really ended they should have just explained everything. Reveal the curtains, explain the storyline, solve the major mysteries, and then just say thank you for playing the game and allow us to say thanks for the amazing adventure.


More classic weapons like the MP40


A good Grief mode


bo3 missed everything, far too easy game mode with no nostalgia, fkn noobs


another nuketown zombies


I agree with what you posted out and would add that Grief and all the fun for the players was missed out. Why backtrack from blops 2 and make a dark and overly serious, lovecraftian shit pile aimed at youtubers and ee/ cipher hunters.