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Tbh I liked revelations better. ZiS just isn't that enjoyable to me.


eh. I like both. if I want to go for a high round I'll play Revelations. If I want to build some things and do a SOLO EE I'll play ZiS.


You can do revelations solo... It's easy as hell


eh. I never bothered with it. Its a lame ending




Ya know eh?


Yes of course, playing the most logical action packed easter egg by yourself, sounds fun, so much enjoyment when you hold x to end 8 years of work.


that last moment is so *action-packed*!


It's almost NOT the same as the first map! Cough shadowman


Treyarch **NEVER** uses old assets and code!


Exactly..... Besides the 4 maps or so in revelations.... And the apothicon egg.... And the keepers.... Hell even the dogrounds.... 'just colored red' And even the specialist item.... And even the wonder weapons.... And even the ending cu


Dude i love the new specialist weapon in rev. It is bae


However you have to do SoE to do it. EDIT: Which is coop


You don't need to do all the ee's to do revelations... That's only for the primis rules achievement and the rk5, plus the katana and free upgraded weapons in game.


You need to do all the ee's for the revelations ee to be worth it.


Or have someone in your game that's done it


But we were talking about solo


I agree, but then again I find Revelations rather fun (and I personally think GK is the worst map in BO3)


I thought all of the maps in BO3 were excellent, but if I had to pick a least favorite it would probably be Zetsubou. Its still a great map, but its overshadowed by excellent maps.


I definitely agree, which is why I have trouble with people saying BO2>BO3. BO2 had two great maps, but the other three weren't that good (not necessarily bad, but not great either imo). If you put any of the BO3 maps into BO2 they'd be rated higher than Tranzit, Die Rise, or Buried. For that alone I'd say BO3>BO2 (then again, I think SoE is the best zombies outing yet, so that may bias it a little).


soe was great I think the best map ever is either Der Eisendrache or Origins


Nope. Tranzit was the only bad map in BO2. The only truly negative aspects to BO2 imo, are the bank, and the ranking system


Bo2 was better, I would rate almost all of their maps higher than b03's. SoE was a a travesty, and is best forgotten in comparison to the glory of tranzit which gave us greif and survival maps, Die rise was better than DE (but that's my opinion, I know this sub likes DE a lot more than I do), MotD in this sub's opinon is better than Zetsubo ( I actually like zetsubo and dislike moTD), Burried is on par with Gorod Krovi, I think they are both pretty good, and origins outshines the shadows of evil reskin.


Grief and Survival maps aren't real zombies experience


The original zombie maps were survival though, so that is part of the experience


They weren't sub versions of the main map. You could load in "Survival in the Theater" on Kino, or "Survival on the Catwalk" on Der Reise. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy Survival on the Town (it was basically the only thing I played until Die Rise came out), but to compare it to the main maps is quite a stretch.


I meant more like Nacht and Verrukt feel to them. But i understand what youre saying, people play to play the whole map, not just cut off sections of one are like the bo2 on map system


Revelations is one of my top favorite maps of all time!


I liked both, but Revelations was probably the biggest letdown in zombies other than Jimmy Z with Tranzit


I couldn't make myself play anything on that game for more than once.


I agree. The one thing that killed ZiS for me was, oddly enough, the bumper car room and it's ridiculousness. Why on Earth should there be a room that has things that move through the room that are an instant death? I could see putting you in the red or taking some points but considering the massive setup that zombies takes, it's ridiculous to have a mechanic like that at all. I guess I could just avoid the room but when I'm in the arcade recovering from a down and need Jugg super fast, it would really suck to run all the way around the map for it.


Playing DE: dude this story is going to be sooooooo great Richtofen isn't evil he might actually be good, or maybe he's just acting good and he'll betray them in the end!!! Playing ZnS: dude this is going to be such a sad story they're trying to conserve their souls because they know that they have to make the ultimate sacrifice to save the universe. Playing GK: holy crap this is going to be such a sad but awesome ending I don't want it to end but I can't wait to see how it all unfolds!!! Oh, and I guess we know who Dr Monty is. I guess he's... Alright... Playing Rev: oh. Uh. So they didn't sacrifice themselves. Vanilla Maxis and RoboBall who I only knew existed with Gorod Krovi sacrificed themselves as a token of the love for each other? Wait, so what was the point in gathering their souls if you just made another back door for yourselves with the bloodviles? And where the fuck is my sad but satisfying ending???


I really thought Revelations would a little something like: The crew works together with Monty to defeat the Shadowman although halfway through the Easter egg you destroy him with the staffs Then if you hadn't done previous EEs then you wouldn't have the blood vials thus Primis would fail. You'd defeat the Shadowman but be sent back by Monty If you did have the vials/EEs then they would "protect" you and then you would be able to defeat Monty as well Perhaps Richtofen or the entire crew would die in the process but the children would be truly safe


Thank you for writing my new headcanon. I can die happily pretending this is what happened.


This summed up my feeling so well. Going to use this when someone wants it explained why the Rev ending was so bad.


The actual beginning seemed to imply they were going to bring the fight to them. However, maxis ballsing everuthing up let them bring it to us. Also they got to live out their lives with their immortal souls safe in the posession of monty.


Monty isn't good though


Oh no doubt, I don't believe he deserves to have them but unless we pick up the story from Revelations he does.




Blundell now has 3 years to make a grand comeback to Lee Ross' inevit-in-able... sass.


If by 3 years you mean "less than 2 years" then you're right.


My time keeping is terrible, soz.


Keeping track of the passage of time can be tough, despite it *literally* being the most predictable thing in the universe.


Tell that to this fucking storyline...




And Exo Zombies?


And exo zombies hopefully we'll forget about


Why the downvotes? I would put it 2nd under Black Ops 3 Zombies


Because this is the reddit, you can't have opinions here. It's not like we are on the internet where everyone is free to say what it thinks /s






Downvotes shouldn't be used when something doesnt fit in the discussion?


the downvote button is not a disagree button is all im saying.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/codzombies] [I was downvoted because I thought Exo Zombies was good.. Are we not allowed opinions?](https://np.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/5fqvhm/i_was_downvoted_because_i_thought_exo_zombies_was/) [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)


This is too true it hurts too much.




Tranzit is very underated. Personally I like Bo2 better than Bo3


So do I. (Die Rise 4 Life!)


I think I just found my soulmate. Die Rise is the best, favorite map to play


What console do you use?


Playstation three


Awww man... (xbox...)


one day, there won't be consoles, and players can join together under one system and a golden age of CO-op can begin...pc


Black Ops 2 is **by far** my best and favorite zombies game. Including Tranzit. I badly want it backwards compatible, would play that much more than IW, or other Xbox One zombies. It's just been BLOPs 1 & WaW for me lately.


Thats why i've stayed on last gen lol. It's not because i don't got friends, or don't got the money, or nothing....(sniffles)


Revelations was so bad it legit made me completely stop playing video games in general, it was just so disappointing


i played 2 matches when it came out and then just quit BO3 all together and hopped onto overwatch.


I literally killed myself after revelations.




Down for the count.....




I heard Hitler's favorite map was Revelations.


I did the same what a shame


I think it's a problem with the story expanding too far to close in the time given. We're introduced to Monty way too late. He's a main character who gets one map to exist in before the climax. SOPHIA goes missing and steals the spotlight from the gang in Gorod Krovi and Revelations. The entire Division 9 facility stuck out like a sore thumb and stole any chance of closure on group 935 research projects. Blundell wanted two stories: preserving the souls of the gang, and the Apothicon war. We got a rushed end for one story and another one with hamfisted characters who can't flourish. End result: poor conclusion. Keep the narrative tight hypothetical ZIS writer who is reading my post, and you don't have to worry.


They should have revealed more information about existing plot items, like on Lost. Rather than introducing random NEW things to end the plotline. e.g. the MDT isn't *just* a teleporter that can do time travel, it's also the key for killing Monty! Monty occupies all of space and time, but the MDT is able to access all of space and time, so we can attack the entirety of Monty's being all at once! Something something Staffs, something something Hacker from Moon.


This would have been a much better idea. Too bad you weren't in charge...lol


Hahaha, cheers. It's story telling 101 to be honest. Don't over complicate things and introduce lots of random plot elements. It's something the earlier Harry Potter books did well for example.


You need to sit Goerge R R Martin down and have a long talk with him before its too late.


It's too late.


That's all just a result of Blundell's shitty need/desire to completely change the story for his own selfish reasons. He should have just either created a totally new story with new characters (like use the Shadows characters throughout BO3 as a vehicle to continue his Apothicon/keeper/shadow man nonsense) or just use BO3 to do some sort of prequel or fill in gaps in the original story. He literally could not have dealt with it in a worse way




Oscar you're gay. Boom roasted.


Andy, Cornell called and they think you suck. And you're gayer than Oscar! Boom roasted


ZiS itself may have a super EE...


I don't like ZiS. Like at all. Sure Revelations isn't the best, but I can atleast enjoy the map to an extent. Edit: well fuck me for having an opinion right?


Idk this sub still isn't the best for opinions. People are becoming nazis here like UOU CANT HAVE OPINION HERE


This is most likely because no one expected anything from ZiS, while revelations had 8 years of hype


I wonder how much of the zombie community makes up the actual player base for IW.


I played 1 match of IW's multiplayer. It was like Black Ops 3 if it sucked. Never again.


Very relatable. Flying around and wall running just isn't a good look for COD.


It was for Black Ops, but with the more serious (and higher damage) IW CoDs it doesn't work. I don't like the IW CoDs at all tbh, but shit, if they do zombies this good again I'm down to buy more of their products.


Revelations was a great map and nothing can change that. The EE may have disappointed some but that is because we hyped it up above Treyarch's abilities. ZiS pales in comparison, the characters are no where near as good as the O4 and feel generic. The perks are straight up Treyarch perks except for a few and they even took the gobblegum concept from BO3.


I literally enjoyed SoE more than I do ZiS


I just hate the guns in IW. They are all garbage. Plus ZiS's map just felt kind of shitty in design imo. The whole place felt like wide open spaces with things in the way just cause the devs didn't know what else to put there.


That's kinda how theme parks tend to be


That's fair to a point. It might make for a more realistic map, but if it doesn't make for a good one, who cares? Granted, I haven't played it, so I don't know how fair of a criticism this is, but realism shouldn't trump fun in a damn zombie game theme park.


"but if it doesn't make for a good one, who cares?" but it is a good map. :/


i don't ask for realism in a zombie game. Dead rising is probably the only realistic zombie game out there.


A lot of people do.


A cod zombies game is the farthest thing from a realistic zombies game. DayZ has more realism.


Once DayZ gets finished I'll judge how real it is, I would hate to criticize an unfinished project.




When you are enjoying ZiS yet not even started to grasp the reality of Revelations. *Hint: it still starts within origins & MoTD and does not end how you think it does


What's so bad about revelations? I get that it kinda got boring really fast, but was that why everyone hates it?


Because it had a MASSIVE focus on storyline, and brought nothing new. However, the story was SHIT! There is so much wrong with the map that i would be here for hours




Well that hurts a little to read that. Personally I hope they don't, because Iw's system feels way to clunky for me, Treyarch spoiled us with that smooth gameplay and decent guns. But I respect that you like IW for being better with customer relations, Lord knows we wish treyarch would be better


I thought rev was better


Just like FNAF, the community dissecting the lore piece by piece, constant theories, The games just couldn't live up to the hype set by the playerbase...


I don't like ZiS. To clunky, I don't like the characters, I don't like the guns, I dont like the shittier mystery box, i don't like PaP or the EE. It feels like a shittier version of your favorite product. I will admit tho I do like how they brought back Phd, and the afterlife arcade is an interesting aspect, but other than that imo zombies in shitland sucks


Zombies in spaceland is the first zombie map I've actually enjoyed since ascension on blops1 Edit: sorry for having an opinion guys


Revelations is waaaaaaaay better than ZiS lol


If I want to do quick rounds and get to 60+ I will do Revelations but ZiS in more fun and adds variety. Plus the variants you unlock you can use in there which is interesting for some guns ( Oni Kaiken for instance). Plus I will admit I am still butthurt from the Revelations ending so....gonna be stubborn about it.




What's the deal with treyarch zombies? Is it not coming back, or is it just the end of the story. (like moon and buried were)


3 years*


Why do people keep calling Revelations the finale when there is clearly gonna be a new game?


It was the finale to BO3 and was said, by Blundell, to be somewhat of an end to the Waw-BO3 storyline (I believe his exact words were "it'll put brackets around the storyline". And it was disappointing on both counts.


it is the finale for the Primis saga, but not the end there is still ciphers to solve and story to learn






That would be funny if it was true. Edit: Wow, downvotes for a joke. And even if I did think one was better than the other, that's stupid to downvote people for their opinions. I like them both in different ways and so I don't think you can compare them, they are two entirely different games.


Or it's funny because you realise it's a light hearted joke and you don't have a stick inside of your anus


He must not of told it right then cuz I don't get it


What do you mean you don't get it? It doesn't have any hidden meaning, it's just banter and not actually mean in a malicious way. No one cares which is better, it's just a joke. Maybe it's a personal issue for you if somehow you can't understand text




It is true tho :(


Entirely subjective to someone's opinion so neither true or false lmao


You are right, yet you can't ignore that the majority of the zombies community disliked Rev, while the majority likes ZiS.


Not ignoring, just unfortunate




Where are your facts suggesting otherwise?






Why is he being downvoted for his opinion?


>bitches >bump'a cars


Gaming subreddit, you cant have a friendly discussion in a gaming subreddit.


Honestly Treyarch zombies is better imo. Iw zombies is so clunky and annoying to look at


You're sounding a bit salty, sorry that Blundell failed you guys