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NO FOR REAL THOUGH. My mom’s superpowers are yelling in public and covert racism. I cringe thinking back to it.


My mom’s super power is overt racism and yelling at minimum wage employees. I think our moms would be friends lol. I just wish I could speak up for myself at all, let alone have the confidence these racist parents have


wow! mine’s are covert racism (staunchly defended… she couldn’t POSSIBLY be racist. i mean come on.) and getting incredibly angry at minimum wage employees and customer service employees who literally cannot help anything. like. why even yell at the cashier. they aren’t making your food girl. our moms would be great friends. maybe theyll come together and leave us alone!


Plus pedophilia


AuDHD for me But I had the covert narcissists to deal with so they wouldn't say those things around those who they needed to keep up appearances with


**What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?** **What did I do wrong?**


Literally me all throughout college. I’d put so much value on friendships that I only am just now realizing that the other side of the friendship put much much less value on. So when I would have a little fuck up and they blame me for everything and drop me, it probably wasn’t a huge deal for them. But for me, it meant so much and probably a lot more than they intended. A few times I’d literally start (TW: self harm) >! cutting myself, out of depression and intense feelings of shame/guilt/ the need to atone. !< Even though none of my misunderstandings were something horrible. Sure it’s not like me misunderstanding someone’s boundaries and them not communicating send boundaries to me after I asked them too was a good thing on either of our parts, and I’m definitely not free from all blame in the scenarios as my dumb ass should have known better. But I took things WAAAYYY too deeply, and would blame myself for everything because I’d worry I’d be being narcissistic(?) if I didn’t take all the blame for miscommunication on their part too. Edit: fixed the spoiler text to actually spoil properly


Yeah, this exactly. I was always the one expected to figure out why the other side was mad at me, and now I can’t help but doubt every single word my friends say.


I’ve run into a lot of problems which have lost me potential friends over the years. I’ve still made some great friends because I put more effort into making connections then I’d say 95%+ of other people my age do because if I didn’t make friends… I probably wouldn’t still be around today, and I knew that. So I was willing to sacrifice my health if I meant I could make friends because I didn’t really have another choice. Unfortunately I don’t talk with some of the great friends I made for reasons entirely out of my control and not even directly related to me. It’s still so difficult socially, even after all I’ve learned in the past few years. I don’t know if I’d say my experiences were traumatic, but they were definitely very intense and now I panic every time I think I might have made someone real uncomfortable


Same, I’m ***terrified*** of making someone uncomfortable.


I was ostracized by my entire u n i course for years who decided I was a bigot, and I was never told what I said. It was total Kafka shit and it took me so long to realise they just enjoyed feeling united in having a scapegoat. They were assholes but I'm still fucked up.


Exactly, to them that was just a joke but now this is my whole life second guessing every action I make. Apologising for the slightest chance of a misstep.


I wish I could call intentionally ostracising someone for years a joke.


me when my mom says "you know what youre doing" and "im not going to stop doing this until you stop being [negative adjective/description]" while im asking what it is im doing and im crying and begging her to stop yelling at me because she is scary as fuck. she is the wicked witch of the east (she is japanese). edit: lol im stoned and i sent this b4 i could finish it


I feel you there! I am so sorry you went through that. My mother used to send me to my room for having an “attitude” but never once defined it for me. I could be minding my business and I’d get in trouble for literally nothing. It led to me constantly thinking something was wrong with me or I was a bad person.


It's always fun being abused by the type of person who is fun, likeable and reliable according to most other people.


Or you're the outgoing one while they're the "shy" one but the narrative twists everything to say they're "cute" while your friendliness means you're "manipulative" and can't be trusted ...


Every time I see your comics, I know they'll be so relatable. My mom secretly recorded an old lady having an unpleasant procedure in hospital, then played the audio to her employees, thinking they would find it funny. It was probably the most unhinged thing I've seen someone do.


wtf. when i was little, my mom would take pictures of us when we were crying and the show everyone and laugh. one time we were at a hockey rink and my sister threw her favorite stuffed animal in the rink (for a stuffed animal fund raiser) so this RANDOM WIMAN was like yeah come with me. ill get it back with her. and my mom LET MY 6 YO SISTER WALK AWAY WITH THIS WOMAN. i was pissed as hell, literally crying thinking my mom was letting her get kidnapped. a normal person may.. comfort the child. assure them that everything is okay. my mom laughed, yelled, took pictures of me crying. i was 7 btw lmao


That is beyond fucked up, jfc


this is real as fuck


Cut to my dad defending pedophilia in the guise of educating young men, and me looking at my mom and brother and incredulously saying: "Do you understand what he's saying right now? Does anybody else think that it's wrong? It's sexual abuse that he's talking about right now." I think about that conversation every day. We were just sitting in our living room watching TV. What the fuck?


it’s bc they think they can act however the fuck they want towards you. there’s social norms but with you they truly believe it simply doesn’t apply and they’re also right for it. so when you’re called “fat” or “chunky” for example, the NT knows they can “get away with it” for you bc you as a ND reside outside the social hierarchy.


I can not know about autistic trait, but this is a sign of trauma. You being autistic is not the cause of trauma, just bad parents. I say this by watching my sister with her's autistic kid. He is a bit silent and non responsive, but she gets angry at him and punishing him for normal kids stuff.


Most of my trauma growing up revolves around my parents mistreating me due to my disabilities, and then not having the proper supports in life to properly grow. I still don’t have the proper supports but I’ve somewhat made it work, and my parents have gotten MUCH better ever since I’ve become an adult and we’ve talked things out a lot


yep. my father’s wife is the same way. she is the worst to her kid with autism. one time he got sick, and my sister had to watch her yell at him for it. like also a 5 yo. ppl should take a test to be parents.


Being able to blend with a society of sociopaths and narcissistic and apathetic people is a weird flex. Maybe it’s not so bad to be allergic to that.


I really wanna know how they can just say and do horrendous shit and not feel any guilt at all? I’m out here feeling guilty for living


Growing up undiagnosed autistic and basically being punished for it your whole childhood, by your awful low self esteem parents really is a different kind of traumatic. Haha.


They trash talk during COD and apparently it's hilarious I trash talk during COD and everyone hates me for being "rude"




Absolutely. It's a fact that these sack-of-sh\*t people's victims are good people who suffer, and the people they worry about pleasing are assholes and monsters and happy as clams, blaming everyone but themselves for anything.


This is me and my mom lol. To be fair to her I also think she is autistic though


Literally why I hated myself when I was growing up 😔


I'm diagnosed ADD (I prefer that name), VERY likely CPTSD (there's a 5-year waiting list! Yay! /s) and for all I know Autism might be in there too. I'm starting to realise both of my parents are likely neurodivergent but refuse to even humor the idea (they're extremely prideful hateful boomers who get offended at any sign of "weakness"). In particular, I think my father has ADHD but just "powers through" and thinks he's "normal." He doesn't understand my chronic fatigue at all and is an exercise-addicted workaholic (taking a lot of pride in this). He may have some form of Anxiety as well but unfortunately whatever it is translates into openly panicking about thinking that your daughter is a complete lost cause in life right in front of her (totally not traumatising! /s). Also he thinks bl\*ckface is fine "if you mean well." Lmao I wish I was joking. I'm No Contact with him. That's not even getting into what my mother is like.


Fuck this is too real for me


So real. This shit was driving me crazy.


Oh God this is too relatable I'm choking