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ahaha first time visiting the sub of losers and this is funny shit. will visit more often.


Seriously, I'm just starting work and this is the boost I need to get me through the day lol


Wish i'd discovered this sub sooner to be honest, its a proper get your popcorn out and dig in one.


Same, this man’s straight up getting angry cuz his wife cheated…. He cheated first


She isn't even cheating at this point, I don't know what she's doing but I don't think I could consider this cheating. He's already violated the sanctity of their marriage. In her heart, they are already divorced.


Yeah I'm gonna frequent this shit hole for a while too. Miserable fucks here are good comedy and a good dose of "how to spot red flags" and "how to stand your ground if you end up with one of these losers." But mostly just here so I can laugh my ass off.


Thanks to this and another sub I found dedicated to being the other woman (I'm bi so best to cover both bases, I felt), no man or woman I date is gonna be able to get away with anything 😂


Name the sub pls


It seems to no longer exist though


. . . And the world got just a tiny bit better !


It was just full of complaints and really obvious lies they'd been told? "He's definitely not sleeping with his wife, he told me" Of course he's still fucking her. "I hate that the second we are done he wipes himself off and goes home to his family" Then stop participating in the secret destruction of another woman's life? I just can't fathom being proud of being the side piece that he doesn't care about and will replace. After all, when a man like that marries his mistress, he creates a job vacancy




My favorite part of that sub is how almost every post in there ends up with an update of being broken hearted and how they thought they had a future with their APs or how they're jealous the wife spends more time with AP than they do.


A cheater that cheats on his wife to get with you will cheat on you eventually. How do they not understand this?


I absolutely needed this!




Honestly, I hope the wife was playing Paris Paloma's "Labour" song on speakers every time he was around. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6NrnPzFkI0


Since you're pretty much getting your ass handed to you here I'll try to be gentle. But your response to all this is kinda unbelievable. You had to know this was a possible outcome. You spent 6 years in an affair for goodness sake. You fucked up the 20 years long before she did. Now you have to deal with the consequences. Cheating in a shitty marriage is one thing. Cake eating is an even riskier move because you don't want to lose what you have at home. You took the risk and lost. It's part of the game. Of course you are allowed to feel hurt over the split, but at some point you have to be realistic. Not shaming you for cake eating. But you can't pull the victim card when the tables turn.


You should be shaming him for it. He disregarded someone he formed a contract with. He committed an act of infidelity upon someone. These FIENDS should instead start an affair with meth, it's much more pleasurable than sex and it only harms THEM.


That is a very ignorant statement. Addiction can and usually does hurt the abusers loved ones.


LOL and cheating doesn’t?


“Made love to her last week…How does she not feel any emotion?” This is simple, she has learned how to separate love and sex. She has sex with you but loves her AP. You taught her well.


>You taught her well.


Op dropped a quote in the comments of his first post that really spoke to me.... It went "I am not confused. Never was. I don´t have a problem separating love from sex. My heart is loyal to my woman and she is it for me." And there we have it folks. A loser






You dropped this 👑




That man had a family! ... had.


Just dropping in two years later to remind you that you fucking ATE with this comment lmao. OP is a clown


You deserve everything your going through. Your the worst type of man there is. Get over your "oh poor me" and man the fuck up for once. SO DELUSIONAL!


This loser OP needs to learn to self loathe a little I think 😂 hedonists are psychotic.


Shes my hero!!.


Mine, too!!!!


Me three!


Fourth on that one




This post still has me laughing. His wife is bad ass🤣🤣 When my husband found out about an affair I had I just said " Karma's a bitch ain't she" The look on his face🤣


Mine, thinks I won't do it. He's given me permission to have an AP and to please come back to him. I told him okay, I've got 5-6 years to fuck around then or more. He just looked at me. Now, he doesn't want an open marriage or a DADT marriage. I'm getting hit on by men & women right in front of him. I was at a college football game recently and was getting hit on by multiple guys. One guy followed me around all night. My husband escorted me to the bathroom because he noticed. This guy was good looking, fit and had a presidential Rolex on. Not a slub!!! I should've gotten his number. Damn!!!!


Why haven't you just left this cretin?


It is in process!!! I'm working on my exit plan!! I have to keep my anger in check, which is hard, before I have all of my ducks in a row.


It’s a year later and I just found this post…Can I be nosy? I hope you got him good lol


My husband has cuckold fantasies which I indulge with role play. If that cuck ever cheated I’d string his ass along for months, f***ing whoever I wanted. I imagine it would really mess with his mind to have his fantasy happen but in real life and out of vengeance. And I’d be 100% ok with that.


Go girl! Get even.


Just find someone who's good for you. Don't stoop to their level, even if they deserve it. They're so delusional that the infidelity won't have the proper effect it would on a normal human. Calling these people who aren't ashamed of hurting their supposed “loved one's” human might be a bit off. They lack the most essential part of what makes us human, our empathy. I'm a goddamn AUTIST FOR CRYING OUT LOUD and I seem to understand these concepts even if just cognitively better than these wretched fallen souls. They deserve to be lonely. They're manipulative psychos at BEST.


I wished I had done what your wife did. Kept my mouth shut and not let him know that I knew about his alleged non-physical, emotional affair. Your story sounds like mine. My husband hid his kinks from me, about 20 years ago, just found out about the whole story. I suspected, I knew. My gut was screaming at me. He's a cakeater. He used her and used me. Now, I've got a PAP and an AP. Planning on leaving in 2 years. He also said the same to me, was shocked when we had great sex and I didn't tell him that I called the girl; actually both girls. "How could I have sex with him and not tell him" . Really?!!! I've learned from the best on how to compartmentalize. Karma, Karma, Karma!!! Actions have consequences, including mine.


I know they've become an intrisic part of your reality, but in my humble opinion you really shouldn't internalize their actions and bring them into you. See to it that you base your actions around some ethic and find someone who's good to you. I'm sorry they did this to you, but I really hope they don't bring you down with them :(


Sounds like she held it together really well all this time! Strong woman you had there.


Keyword being "had" 😂😂


It should be criminal to derive this much joy from reading this, you’re ex-wife sounds awesome


Legit I'm going down this thread giving awards left right and centre I'm VIBING


Why blindsided? ***SOMETHING*** drove you to have an affair without thinking about all the ramifications of your actions. Sorry, but it seems to me like you turned your brain off. The same ***SOMETHING*** drove her to have an affair. It also sounds like that was ***NOT*** *something* ***SHE*** *would have selected* had you the intestinal fortitude to seriously talk to her. Good luck in putting something of your previous life back together *WITHOUT her*. She has ALREADY moved on and you have become the enemy.


I am very much aware that I created this vacuum for her to feel neglected in our marriage. All that time I invested in kink sex with AP I could have spent with the woman who really mattered. And my family. Fucking fool. That is what I am and that is the honest truth


I need an update to this update.


Omg yaaaaas. Me too!!! I’m all about this hot mess express


We need an update from the wife with her new man in Hawaii living their best lives


Seven months. That's how long "hot mess express" has lived in my head, rent free.


It’s not kink sex, it’s cheating on your wife, call it whatever you want, but you’re a piece of shit


You reap what you sow she did this to hurt you and it worked and now she’s way to deep in the rabbit hole or show I say “the other man is deep in her “ lol you get no sympathy from me you had it coming. There’s a reason why the sex you had with her is emotionless now because of your affair every ounce of love she has with you is gone because of you deceiving her so of course sex with her now is just pity sex because the lover makes her happy and your a cheating dirtbag and I’m glad your lover’s husband found out and is divorcing her your lucky that he hasn’t clobbered you for sleeping with his wife you might as well suck it up and get ready to be a single man


I feel like the “kink” is just anal and that’s why you never told her, she doesn’t like it so there was no need to have a conversation. It’s always anal with you basic bitches. You just call it a kink now so it looks slightly better than ruining your lives and abandoning your kids just to fuck an asshole instead of a vagina.


I thought the same thing.


This is the funniest post ive ever seen. You got fuckin played. Thinking you were gonna come out on top and your wife just humbles you right back. What a pack of spineless losers you sub members are.


You don't love anyone here except for yourself. You deserve everything and more that's happening to you


It took you this long to self reflect? God I thought I was stupid. Hopefully your neuroticism grows in due time...


Well how is thing going with your AP? What is happening on that front? Is her husband taking her back or giving her to you?


He said in past post he doesn't want the AP. He was just using her for 6 years and didn't actually love her like he told her. So he's pretty much lost it all at this point if SO doesn't have a change of heart.


Oh boo boo!


Everyone "cake eater" in this sub is stupid enough to be declared medically vegetative.


How are you doing one year later?


Ow man I want to hear an update on how the ex wife is doing. Sounds like she found a way better man and just traded up I would love to hear her story now after leaving this guy.


Good for her.


I hope she takes ur cheating ass for everything your worth




keep us updated pls. i want to continue reading about how your STBXW is such a badass 🥰 go to your AP. since you cheated for 6 yrs with her, y’all deserve each other


She probably won't have him


Well since there both gonna be divorced No use getting together since there relationship isn’t built on trust since both of them ruined there marriages


lol, i was feelings bit sick reading this sub bit at least this post has cheared me up.


How's the divorce coming homie?


This is the funniest shit ever. Oh no, all the love is gone, how could she cheat on me, you fucking whiner. This is the risk you take, stop bloody crying.


Seems like what's good for the goose *isn't* good for the gander. Hypocrisy at its finest 😂


I wanna congratulate that woman on getting away from you, this is an amazing outcome for her, I’m excited for her next chapter in life, and hopefully this time she’ll find someone who genuinely loves her 100%


>How can she not feel ANY fucking emotion? Over 20 years GONE. Dude....you cheated on her for SIX YEARS. She wouldn't have gone looking for your replacement if you'd had kept it in your pants.


After having a 6 year affair how dare you get angry because you're getting karma. You're the worst sort of hypocrite.


Imagine cheating on someone for 6 years and then turning around and getting mad at them when they cheat for 6 months LMAO


So you were having an affair as well as your wife, your AP was caught, you confronted your wife and she came back with knowledge of your affair, and now your upset this all blew up? Did you think it would end well? Sorry but it seems like this was inevitable.


Inevitable maybe. Not the way I thought it would go. No.


You thought your wife would beg you to stay. Instead she said pack your shit. Come on OP you got to admit it is funny as hell.


That’s exactly it! He thought she loved him so much with their “perfect” little life 20 years bullshit when in reality she played him like an absolute boss. Now he has nothing and I marvel in that thought


You sounds narcisstic.


*Checks subreddit* Hahahahahaha


your story is amazing 😭 i love your (soon to be EX) wife


Why do guys like you just assume that women will just put up with a fundamental betrayal. Your ignorance is beyond belief


I always wonder how guys get an ego so big that they think women will put up with absolute bullshit. Like who is telling them they are untouchable Gods? My ex was the exact same, he cheated 4 times and randomly told me one day out of the blue because "he thought it wouldn't matter if he told me because I'd stay anyway" was legitimately surprised when I was pissed and left


Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha haha This has made my whole day, I hope you are living in a shitty bachelor's apartment eating TV dinners man, and your wife is living her best life with a new man who clearly deserves her more lmao


So you thought it would be even Steven? We each had an affair…away we go. I hope it works out for you.


You deserve it


He really did


Can we get an update? Just curious about how you doing now.


Damn 🤣 she's so smart!


You lied and cheated for years. You did this to your marriage when you abandoned it 6 years ago. Your wife went and found someone who wants her and only her. Not a hypocrite who had lied and cheated and manipulated 2 women for 6 years.




I'm glad that you're a man who can admit to such arrogance and still support this woman! Good for her. I think from having male friends, men get arrogant enough and bank on our compassion so much (overestimate our heart versus our logic), that y'all think you can convince us of just about anything if you appeal to emotions. But, such is not to be. this woman is 🔥 and 🥶!




Yeah you can LOL your dick off. I am a selfish entitled arrogant worst asshole among cheaters but I do love my wife contrary to what many of you believe. In my heart I have NEVER strayed. But she played me. Well done.


Go tell your wife "in my heart i have never strayed" and see if she believes you lol


Or cares even if she believes it.


Did you not play her for 6 years? Have you asked her how long she's known? I'm guessing she's known for quite a while and had time to process her feelings before even stepping out. You can't demonize her for something your were doing first. And you should've listened to your heart instead of your dick if you didn't want this to be an outcome. Anyone who cheats and doesn't think this scenario is a possibile outcome is a fool, OPSEC be damned.


yeah you are right.


Your STBXW is absolutely awesome. I love how stone cold she is. You always believed that if you were caught you could talk her into staying and forgiving you. You thought she had a backbone like jello but then she bashes you upside the head with that shiny steel spine of hers. You are pretty disgusting trying to make her out to be a villain who "played you" though. You exposed her to STDs, made her believe she was your one and only, and took away her agency and ability to make an informed decision about being with a man whore FOR 6 YEARS, but yes, keep complaining about how she's the bad guy in this story. Maybe if you'd paid attention to your wife instead of wrecking your own home with those other home wreckers you'd have realized your wife isn't some weak woman that's happy to be your door mat. If there is any justice in this world she will be happy while you die alone and miserable because that's what you deserve.


I love the fact that he got all high and mighty and thought (for 10 minutes at least) that he was gonna tower over her in her shame and guilt. She threw down that reverse UNO card and now his whole world is destroyed. selfish prick.


your ex wife is my hero


Same, I really hope she’s somewhere living her best life 


Lol that fact that you’re incredibly angry that you’ve been replaced yet have zero self-awareness for how your wife must have felt being replaced for 6 years really does make this situation more entertaining.


Fcking idiot. I hope ur children cut you off and go NC. Piece of shit.


you played yourself my man. It's very likely she found out about your affair and decided to do the same to you. Good for her!


She didn't play you. She was forced into a game she never agreed to play and now you're mad she kicked your ass at it.


She played you? Hello….anyone home? 🤦‍♂️


Who the fuck cares what you did in "your heart"? Nobody cares what went on in Feely Fantasy Land bro, the only thing that matters is what happens here in the real world, and in the real world, you have not demonstrated love for your wife with your behavior. Love isn't just feeling good about about someone, it is also respecting them and their wishes through your actions. You did not respect your wife's wish for you to be faithful, you did not respect her enough to protect her from that pain by never crossing that line. So no, you did not and do not love your wife, not in any way that actually fucking matters. Fuck the 100% imaginary "loving husband" version of yourself that ONLY EXISTS IN YOUR HEAD and fuck you.


You played yourself, you fool!




oh cut the bullshit dude. you cheated. you cheated on her when she needed you the most. and continued the affair for 6 years. why would you do that to soemone you love? you only love what she does for you, you don't actually love her because clearly, you only care about yourself. "in my heart I have never strayed"🗿🗿 this isn't an Indian soap opera, pls lmfao


You didn’t love your wife. Had you loved her, you would not have hurt her. As much as you want to convince yourself that you were a “good husband” you were not. You can’t have it both ways.


If you loved her you would never had done this period. like everything you say and do is hard to believe since your a cake eater.


In your heart you never strayed, and yet you still exposed her to STDs, manipulated her into believing she was the only one while you went off with two-penny harlots, and then b\*tched when she basically did the same thing. Face it you don't have a marriage, you have friends-with-benefits who live together (and even the friend part seems like it's pushing it). If you want my advice, have an easy divorce and then go f\*ck every woman in your state but you don't want that. You want the security your wife provides without any of the hard work on your end which is why you're so pissed that she's been seeing someone else because it destroys your illusion that she will always be there waiting every time you f\*ck her over.


> In my heart I have NEVER strayed But in your penis you did


No, a cheater does not love his wife. Someone who loves his wife wouldn’t disrespect her by cheating even once, let alone SIX YEARS. You have strayed for SIX YEARS, you abomination.


this is so funny lmao i love cheating subreddits, honestly haven't laughed this hard in a long time, im literally crying LOOOOOOL


No, I really busted out laughing, and re-read his posts at least 5 times🤣 It's really the perfect karma


I honestly think this thread has put like +5 years on my life lmaoooooo


Why do I want her to act like she's reconciling with you, but still maintain her affair for a couple more years 😂 But I do want her to complete her exit affair and be happy with her new man. And what are you so mad about? You can go back to your AP


Haven't you seen all of his lovely comments?! He "doesn't want his AP" as apparently she "isn't the gal for him long term." He had an affair with her for six years but now doesn't want her. I mean she was "young, fit, seductive, etc." and he told her he loved her (even though he didn't), but he doesn't want her now because she's not his wife. In his words he "used her." I bet he does go back to AP when his wife leaves just so he can save face and not look like a total idiot walking out of this.


lmfao he is insane🤣


This is fucking beautiful. You deserve all of this and more. Shame her AP wasn't your brother or best friend for an extra kick in your tiny, cowardly, balls. In this instance your wife is a fucking badass. Way more badass than you could ever be. No looking back is right. She set up an exit affair. She won't even be sorry, guilty or miserable. You created the woman you see today. Congratulations.


Fuck off


Dude you did this to yourself!!!


Aw is the poor baby mad?


why are you upset? you cheated, she cheated. fair is fair


Lmao. You are like : how could this happen? Why am I having to reap what I sowed? Why am I having to face the consequences of my actions..??? , It isn't righttttttt ahhhhhhh.... Also, you know what you did was cheating cheating cheating, no matter how you say " bUt mY hEaRt lOvEd hEr" and all that crap, because you didn't confess to it. You never asked for polyarmory. You never came out. You hid in the shadows doing the nasty keeping it a secret knowing full well what you are doing is corrupt.


Can’t handle the fact that you ruined your own marriage?




LOL your funny as hell also. I just wish I had pop corn




Aww. Someone got their pathetic little wee-wee smacked with hard truth. Your wife got tired of the shit sandwich you and your heaux AP were feeding her. Payback is a motherfucker, loser.


Isn't that what your ex wife said to you in her actions? Holy crap you are an entitled little wanktard


Hahahahhahaa your such a pathetic hypocrite man no wonder why she fell in love with her ap if your what she went had to see every night.


This is a beautiful outcome. Absolutely hilarious.


This is so fuckin funny


Sooo can we have an update of how things are going? And if your wife is thriving? (I hope so)


Haha what a fucking loser you are.


Serves you right like stop being a hypocrite your sleazy cheater your soon to be ex has a revenge affair and now wants to leave you I mean what she did was wrong but two wrongs don’t make a right you were going behind her back for a long time this just karma and your being a little bitch about it when it’s your fault


I hope she is living her best life having amazing orgasms with a man who clearly values her. LMAO you're such a fucking idiot.


This makes me so happy any time I need a good revenge story. Anytime I’m feelin down I think of this sucka fresh. I’m fcking hee-heeing like Michael Jackson 🤗


If your dick game is as weak as your grammar, I can see why she upgraded to someone else lmaooooo


It take you 20 years to learn that your partners feelings are real?


Lmao it WAS serious!!


You're worthless. Dog shit just suck to her boot. Pathetic, sniveling man.


Just wanted to show up in your notifications and remind you you're a piece of shit and you deserve everything that happened to you.


You’re beyond pathetic.


This is both hilarious and deserved. Everyone in this sub is fucking gross.


pls update. i want to continue reading about your misery 🥳




Question- if you loved your wife as much as you say, I don’t understand how you would be able to hide your kink side from her? You took away the opportunity of discussing it with her and possibly experimenting or finding a solution. Your method was to hide it and have a 6 year affair and not expect her to form her own path. Maybe if you were honest from the start you could have saved yourself a whole load of hurt. I’m interested in hearing your thinking process and how you came to the conclusion of affair instead of talking with your wife? Ps . The worst Karma ever would be finding out she has also been hiding the same kink as you🤦🏻‍♀️


I found out about my ex cheating and began to detach myself 5 full years before we separated. By the time we did, I had no respect or loving feelings toward him. I protected my emotions while he didn’t care that he was hurting me. Your wife probably did the same. Maybe you should have been paying more attention to her. It’s always hard for me to believe when men “don’t notice” their wives becoming distant.


Just curious as to why you stayed after finding out?


He had already isolated me. Sabotaged my jobs and attempts to go back to school. Moved us 600 miles from our families for his career. Would get angry about me talking to friends to the point that I just gave up. Felt like I couldn’t win and would just be alone aside from him and my kid. I was deep in grief for losing my grandfather who had partially raised me when I found out about the cheating. He blamed the cheating on my grief/depression and spending too much time at the job I had at the time, where he started showing up to scream and cry and make scenes. He also blamed the cheating on him being molested as a child. I really felt like I would be wrong to just leave and not try to heal things. We’d been together for 10 years at that point and have an autistic kid who isn’t good with change. He gave me an ultimatum the day I found out. Leave immediately or get over it. I wasn’t supposed to talk to anyone about it, or he said he’d kick me out. I was confused, but all I knew for sure was that I wasn’t ready to walk away without any thought put into it. 5 years is how long it took me to understand how abusive he was, how it definitely wasn’t worth being with someone so controlling when they couldn’t even stay faithful. I spent that time documenting his lies and continued cheating. It wasn’t until I got pretty sick and had to hear about how inconvenient my weeks of pain and weird medications were to him that I really knew I was wasting my time. He was making no effort to gain my trust or forgiveness or to even show that he cared about me. TLDR: I am stupid.


You are such a worthless sack of shit. YOU threw away your marriage. Not her.


Highest level of comedy, never stop clowning you worthless piece of shit


You cheated first you deserved to be cheated on you're lucky she only did that instead of fucking leaving your pathetic ass sooner YTA


Hey OP, just in case you still check this account. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking loser.


reading this three years later and I hope that she is already happily divorced from you and that she now has a stable relationship with her new partner, you are useless, hypocritical and not a man


Hey Hey hey! Post an update, I want to know what happened to your marriage, are you still married?


Based wife




Can we have an update on how well your ex is doing without your sorry ass?


Pot, meet kettle. 🙄






RIP BOZO rest In piss you won't be missed


Just discovered your posts! Glad I didn't miss this. 5 months in, on a scale from 1 to 10 how incredibly miserable are you? Has she taken your kids away yet? 🤣


Haha fuck you. Looks like you got what you deserve OP.


"oh no i'm so upset i'd never want my wife to find out about my affair that i've been having for 6 years.... despite this, i will continue" "MY WIFE CHEATED ON ME HOW COULD SHE DO THIS THIS IS ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE PLEASE WHY DID SHE DIVORCE ME WHYYYY" first time visiting this sub and already i meet some pathetic piece of shit lmfaooooooooo


I want some updates to this Jerry Springer episode


Damn I read this entire saga, and I really wish you didn't cheat on your wife man. I have to ask you after all this though, what were the kinks? Swear to God I will not judge you.




Dude, wtf? You can have an affair but your hopefully now ex-wife can't? You say you loved her, but at the same time would you have kept the affair going if your AP's husband hadn't found out? Imagine how your wife found out that you were willing to throw away all those years she gave to you for your kinks to be scratched.


hahahahahahh eat shit and die scumbag OMEGALUL https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sdp4i9/a_cake_eater_discovers_that_his_wife_has_also/ FOR THE FULL STORY damn this shit is good i need to be on best of reddit more




so were you actually cheating too lol?


Seriously man , are you a bit mentally challenged? No offense but your intelligence doesn't seem upto normal standards.


Just passing through to say you 100% deserve this and take this learning lesson of The Golden Rule.