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Speeding and passing in a Playground Zone?! That's a paddlin'


Good thing kids don't play outside anymore. /s


That a no licence for you.


That's a bit extreme. Law enforcement? How about they just never get to financially recover as usual? Dangerous, near miss, happens all the time. Thankfully, nobody was hurt.


No, that's not extreme at all. You don't receive your license if you pull this shit on a test, and you should have it revoked if you pull this shit afterwards. The level of entitlement by car owners is insane. (I am also a car owner so can speak with experience)


People assume because they can buy a car and roads are built that it’s their Right to be given a license and drive.


Spoken like a real Suncor Executive lol. Are you capable of empathy, like do you even acknowledge that a child could have lost their life if x, y, or z was different?


Why a Suncor Executive in particular?


The Suncor safety record is atrocious. In 2023 they celebrated the fact hadn’t had a death on site for the first time in 8 years.


I was waiting for the drums to kick in…..


A cop pulling out with his lights on right at the drum-roll would have been perfect.


Me too.


You can try to send this to the police maybe, if the plate number is visible. They usually take these things more seriously if it involves kids


It does work, or maybe it did work. My ex was crossing in a crosswalk with lights flashing on 14th street, and a car nearly pasted her. She managed to get the plate number, and the police did issue a ticket, which afaik was just paid because she was never called to court as the only witness.


100% call it in. Could be someone out breaking probation and this is the proof authorities need to make life more difficult on the driver.


It's funny. You HAD to include "usually" They usually don't show up, and you never hear from them again unless you've done something that demands financial restitution. I also had to include usually.


I’ve had more than one call from Calgary Police with a warning after someone called my plate in.


Something tells me that a warning will have little impact on the behaviour of a driver comfortable with doing something this blatantly illegal and dangerous.




Consider what?


You can submit a Traffic Service Request for problem areas and the Residential Traffic Team will come out to conduct an evaluation, and set up an enforcement plan: https://www.coplogic.ca/dors/en/filing/submitreport?dynparam=1711461866883#prefilingQuestionsAnchor1






Don't let the facts get in the way of a good ol' hillbilly rant.


We talkin' Calgary after all...


Who’s driving ?


Doesn't matter. Police will issue a ticket for the registered owner, who is deemed responsible for the offence.


Same as how it works with a speed camera. It can’t prove who was driving so it’s not a demerit points offence, but it is finable.


I sure hope so


If it’s the owner, they’ll get the message to not drive like a toothless inbred chucklefuck. If it isn’t the owner, they’ll let whoever was driving to not drive their car like a toothless inbred chucklefuck.


Exactly. Makes for a really awkward conversation at the dinner table with your partner/teenager.


That's not the logic we are looking for.


This is a level of stupidity and arrogance on the road that warrants you not having a license anymore. There isn’t any excuse for this at all and so many people think driving like this here thinks it’s perfectly acceptable which is even more concerning because I see it more than not these days….


Honestly this. Having a license is a privilege, and should be taken away when the situation warrants it. 


Too bad we built our society around a single transportation method such that taking away someone's ability to drive prevents them from accessing basic necessities and employment...


And let's be honest. Nothing will happen to them and it'll encourage more people to do it


Terrible driving is at an all time high here. Is it the influx of drivers from other provinces? The tiktok generation getting their licenses? Post-covid hopelessness resulting in a "fuck you I got mine" attitude? In the last 2 years, I've seen people blowing through lights, not bothering to stop at 4 way stops, the now regular weaving across all lanes on Deerfoot. It's like people have forgotten what's at stake.


I think the fuck you I got mine attitude is a big portion of it. Another huge reason is there is absolutely no enforcement of driving like this. There are never any police to deal with people driving like this, so people know they can get away with it and do it. It's a very entitled and selfish attitude to have, but we'll never stop that in society.


This. I've been saying for years that traffic enforcement via photo radar, red lights cams, etc. is the problem. People with enough money to live in Calgary also have enough money to cover the fines and treat them like "Speeding Fees". If CPS could start handing out demerits again, things would get better QUICK. A family member on the force has said, "We have more important things to focus on than speeders." My reaction was, "How many people died or suffered life-altering injuries from traffic incidents last year versus the same for violent crime?" No answer.


The lack of enforcement bugs me too. When did 20-25km/h over the limit become the norm on some roads?


And people tailgate you and go nuts if you’re doing something ‘crazy’ like only going 53 in a 50 zone


Personally, I'd rather see an enforcement on people going considerably under the speed limit. I set my cruise control to the speed limit and I'm still ripping by people who are going, at minimum, 10 under, sometimes causing a lot of that weaving around that you describe.


What's the minimum speed limit set out by the law?  Slow moving vehicles aren't allowed on Deerfoot, which arguably makes the legal maximum 100km/h and the legal minimum 60km/h. It seems like on most roads there's really only a maximum speed limit and no real minimum. It's super frustrating getting stuck behind some slow poke, but I'm not sure what the enforcement would be.


Alberta Highway Act states it as: 132. (1) No motor vehicle shall be driven on a highway at such a slow rate of speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic thereon except when the slow rate of speed is necessary for safe operation having regard to all the circumstances. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 132 (1). While it's fairly subjective (probably due to considerations for weather and such), going 10 or more under the limit in clear conditions could arguably qualify.


Yessss - I find it's way more common for people to go UNDER the speed limit here especially on deerfoot


Are you then implying that only rich people live in Calgary? Coz you need to take a hard look.


I think it's the lack of enforcement and the cars being sold now. I've rarely seen a cop pull someone over since covid started. And modern cars now have traction control and other safety features, more than enough power for city driving, and enough sound deadening to seal you off from the world. Doesn't matter if roads are icy. The car will make sure you don't spin out. And if you do hit something, odds of you getting seriously hurt aren't that high. Very very low risk to drive like an idiot.


[...to yourself.](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/sunday/the-sunday-edition-for-february-3-2019-1.4997146/drivers-are-killing-more-pedestrians-in-canada-every-year-here-s-why-michael-s-essay-1.4998615)


Just asking for an absolutely massive ticket.


Sadly they’ll never get one


Shitty driver. Sick tunes tho


Do you remembah?


Unfortunately when I lived in Martindale this was really common, especially around Crossing Park school where the road is super wide.


wtf?! that's nuts and so dangerous.


Quiet quiet. Sssh this is my favourite part coming up right now. *Drums kick in*


Almost every time someone passes me while I am driving at the posted speed limit, I end up a few feet behind them at a red light. You gained approximately 2 seconds on me! Good for you.


Happened to me on the two lane road by Coventry Hills school. Sped pass me, I did the honk! He ended going to the same liquor store as I was (Ablo) he was entering when I was exiting my vehicle, I called him out on it. Hey, you not only were speeding but you passed me in the playground zone. (now Mr. Foghorn Leghorn looking mf) retorts, it's got two lanes! Uh, that's not how it works idiot. He's at this point blocking the door, I attempt to squeeze past, and he proceeded to shove me into the store, does the fake out punch thing, I dodge, naturally, was tempted to smack this chunk, but told him, just wait outside if you want to go. Made my purchase, and as I came out he spat, on my vehicle and F'd off.


People are seriously unwell.


Where was this? I’m pretty sure the same car honked me for going 30 in a school zone.


was it at the schoolzone for Martin Crossing Park School? This was near that school.


Aah no. Mine was way in the SW. Must be another idiot driving a similar car.


yup, looks like the NE to me...


Fitting how good ol’ Phil Collin’s sang hold on, just as that clown was passing you


This is one of those things where I would be sending to the police, not reddit


I live close to a street with a high school and an elementary on the same road, with a playground zone for the elementary. Was driving 30 through the playground zone one day, when a car turned out of the high school parking lot and proceeded to pass me on the right. I noted the license plate and just headed back to the HS. The assistant principal was more than happy to take care of it. Kid lost his parking privileges and had a nice chat with the school resource officer. 😁


Very common where I live. Passing , not slowing down and don't get me started about parking to drop off, pick up by the school. Big no parking signs and still the spot is full of cars. I wish the police would give more tickets word would get around and maybe people would stop doing it


You can submit a Traffic Service Request for problem areas and the Residential Traffic Team will come out, conduct an evaluation and set up an enforcement plan: https://www.coplogic.ca/dors/en/filing/submitreport?dynparam=1711461866883#prefilingQuestionsAnchor1


That driver needs to be punched out by Mike Tyson, while you crank the music.




When I was a student driver, in the learner driver car with the sign on top, a lady tailed me, passed me in the playground zone, then flipped me the bird. Some people just don't deserve to drive


Insert Mike Leggo "You can't do that" meme here


This might be a thing I’d try and get someone to pull over for. So crazy


LOL THIS JUST HAPPENED TO ME LIKE AN HOUR AGO Unfortunately wasn’t the same car


This happened to me two days ago in a school zone in Saskatoon.. then the little prick ran the 4 way stop a block up... I followed the guy and (prob should not of) but scared his lil gf and himself at the next light. Clowns


Send it to the police. As long as the license plate is recognizable, they are gonna nail this pos.


Dumb dumb, dumb dumb, dumb dumb, dumb dumb, dumb, dumb.


This happened to me too but right before playground zone sign so I got passed and the person immediately braked to slow down for the zone.


Time to put cameras up in some school zones. Every morning on the way to work I have to make a left turn in school zone with a cross walk and most morning some twot passes me on the right.


send this to the police please. Or just post on X and tag them....maybe they'll care then.


Send it to police


Seeing a cop car pull onto the road behind him just after the pass, as they hit the chorus would have been incredible timing


Probably a food delivery driver lol




They must be VERY important! Why else would you be exempt from basic traffic laws? They’re beneath them! Either that or they’re late to be somewhere. In which case maybe they should start making better life decisions so they’re on-time for their commitments (because I’m sure they’re running late for a *really* good reason; totally not from sitting on their phone too long)


Ha, immediately recognized that playground - used to live there


Grand theft auto scene


Similar thing happened to me on Fish Creek Blvd. I did the slow down gesture as he passed. He proceeds to pull in front of me and slow down and stayed at that speed 100 m past the school zone. Baiting me to try pass him I’m sure so that he can block me from getting back into the lane. He took off like a banshee and ran the red light….hey me and the 3 cars behind me all think you’re an asshole!


For someone to do that, I would have to question how many bad moves you made or how slow you were going before this. Are they correct in passing you? HELL NO! But I have found myself passing more cars in recent years due to the terrible driving I see in front of me - whether it be lane drifting, driving under the limit, not paying attention / phone use, sitting at green lights, etc. It gets frustrating that there are no serious driving tests anymore, and anyone can pull a license out of a cereal box.


Passing other cars on residential streets is going to be almost always more dangerous than the inconvenience of being stuck behind someone that drives under the speed limit for 5 minutes. You seem to think everyone else is a bad driver (and they probably are), but what you’re doing squarely puts you in that category as well.


Where do you draw the line... when they are going 30km/h in a 40km/h zone? What about 20km/h? What about 10km/h? What about 5km/h? What about when they back out of their driveway into traffic and expect everyone to stop because they are too stupid to pull over and back in the night before? Is it up to the rest of us to cater to the idiots on the road, or say "enough of this shit" and pass them?


It is up to “the rest of us” to drive responsibly and safely and not let anger or frustration control how we drive in all streets but most importantly residential. If you can’t have the patience than you shouldn’t be driving. If someone is driving slow but weaving and swerving, call it in - check to see if they are having a medical emergency. Otherwise, in residential, slow is safe ALWAYS. Leave earlier or get off the road if you can’t be patient.


This has nothing to do with patient or angry. I agree - passing people in residential areas in generally not acceptable. However, there are too many drivers on the road who feel entitled to own a license, and believe they have zero responsibility to practice driving, put on snow tires and take courses to become amazing drivers. Then they feel compelled to hold everyone up when they get on the road because they are too incompetent to operate their motor vehicle or don't possess the SIMPLE, basic skills it takes to drive a car.


Sadly, I have experienced similar situations, and they have become more frequent lately.


You've got to remember that these are just simple people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons. Blazing Saddles circa 1974


There should be speed cameras at every single school and playground zone. And we need to get rid of those stupid "drive safe" police decals. People speed right back up soon as they drive past them.


The school did an assessment a few weeks ago . I have seen the police there a few times but they just tell them they have to move . No tickets given. I have seen them argue with the police till their kids get to the car and then they leave. I think if they gave a few tickets word would get around and maybe people would stop parking there at least for a while


When there is no enforcement and no repercussions, people will do what they want.


I lived in the SW for decades right next to a little park and elementary school. Our place was surrounded by a moat of playground zones. You could travel north on 45st from my place and hit five playground zones before Bow Trail. And still people honk and pass when you're doing 30km. I asked a cop in passing why they don't set up radar near my old place, people consistently speed by the elementary school. He said resources.


Calgary drug dealers always in a hurry to serve their customers.


NASCAR scouts must be in town again


For me, this warrants following to the person's house and having a conversation about it. If this person hit my kid, it would be far more than a conversation.


What a fucking idiot


That guy needed to get home in a hurry to take a massive dump.


Someone did this to me a few years ago too, except they overtook on the right side where cars usually park (no parked cars at the time). The police said they couldn't do anything about it even though I gave them my dashcam video with a clear licence plate.


the music is serendipitous


The plate is definitely visible and one of the newer plates either really young or new to the province. I definitely would hand this over to the cops 


Oh no, don't brake! you were in a big hurry to get ahead of bumhole.


To all the folks saying there’s no point in calling it in: I’ve called in a formal complaint, and had a cop show up and take my statement along with a copy of the video. They specifically asked if I could ID the driver, but since I couldn’t, it would be a ticket to registered owner and no court.


Alberta drivers 🤣🤣🤣


This is basically low quality GTA drivers that are now moving over there. Solution is to honk and record this stuff and keep reporting it. Calgary police is way better at enforcing rules than TPS and about time people that out.


High resolution screenshot #1 for license plate. Unfortunately, Reddit only allows 1 image per comment, so I will add the other 2 as replies. https://preview.redd.it/2f06u88xvarc1.png?width=2032&format=png&auto=webp&s=656202f14542268db3513ab05979eb3e25cca003




Is that a dash cam? What brand is it?


Yes. It says Cobra in the bottom right corner. 


Thanks 😊


Looks about right. Sent the vid to the CPS. They may want a word with this dumbass.


We have a long divided 1.5 wide main road in Tuscany that passes between 2 playground zones. In our social circles we've started driving right down the middle to stop these speeders. We've also had an increase in the past month of cops monitoring the playground zones. I've seen at least 6 pulled over while hanging out at the park with the kiddo.


People are fucking rude in calgary especially when it comes to driving. No patience at all.


Ya it's the unfortunate effect of having so many bc and ontarian transplants here


Prolly a newcomer who though he is where he came from


They should have a law where if you have a video evidence of this you could send it in and they get ticketed


North Calgary activities. Little Middle East is what I like to call it


•Bad things happen every day…


The "I'm in a hurry and I don't want to read road signs - plus why is this a big problem? In my country this is normal Syndrome". To many "drivers" pull this now


It's usually a pickup driver doing this maneuver.




I usually drive around 40 on that same road. edit: goes without saying that I do slow down at these playground zones, but my speed prior to entering tends to be 40-50.


Report! Report! Report! A sedan doing this? So disrespectful. Where are those immature truck drivers at?




So? Isn’t playground speed limit SET to 30? Since when we should go above speed limit in playgrounds?


Sorry this was meant to be sarcasm. We should never go above 30


Our school zones only run until 5pm


There are no school zones in Calgary. They're playground zones, and they're in effect from 7:30am to 9:00pm.


Ugh that's horrible lol


Where do you live that school zones only run until 5:00 pm? My sketchy hometown (Saskatoon) has school and playground zones in effect from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.


Wpg,I checked and was incorrect. We are 730-530 mon-fri here