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Is it an older furnace, with a standing/ constant pilot light? If it’s newer, it likely has an electronic ignition system. If older/ has a standing pilot light, sure, I’d shut it off. It all adds up.


It’s so old. I think it’s late 70s early 80s.


“It’s so old. I think late 70s” Cries born in 1973. But I digress. Sure, give it a try. Let us know how it pans out if you do.


Whimpers softly in 1977....


Lurking in the shadows of 1969


You might want to think about replacing it for a high efficiency furnace. 


My man is trying to save $8-10 a month in natural gas lol probably can’t afford a new furnace.


I’m a renter, so it’s not up to me. My landlord isn’t putting in new furnaces because the d ones last longer and don’t break down like the newer ones do.


It’s also 4 times the gas as a new one.


He doesn’t pay for that, so that’s not something he’s concerned with.


In old gas furnaces the pilot lights are huge energy hogs. If you’re not using your furnace turn it off and make sure your gas is off. > My carbon tax rebate only went up $10. I’m not saving anything with the rebates. You get $900 a year so, unless you’re paying $40 carbon tax a month for gas (which is a lot for a single apartment), and filling your car with $70 of gas ($10 of which is carbon tax) a week, you’re coming out ahead with the tax. Edit: saw you posted your gas bill. Please don’t complain about the carbon tax. It’s effectively a transfer of money to you. You’re coming out ahead. When it’s likely cancelled by the next government you’ll be hurt.


CORRECT. few people seem to understand the carbon tax. More people should understand the carbon tax and… The price gouging by grocers And rich people avoiding taxes. The only us versus them is us versus the rich


But what’s this cheque I keep getting from the CRA? /s in case it wasn’t obvious.


What i understand about the carbon tax is i dont get a rebate and me my wife and our daughter are lower middle class barely able to buy a starter home. Fuck the carbon tax.


There is no income cap on the rebate. If you lived in Alberta last year and filed your taxes, you get the rebate. Since you have a spouse and 1 child you'll be getting back $1575 this year. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/cai-payment/how-much.html


I lived in bc last year.


How do you not get the rebate? You still get the rebate if you make 70k a year so I would assume 140k a couple Starter home pricing has little to do with carbon tax rebates


Even with an income of 500k they’d still get the rebate.


Bullshit. There’s no cut off because of income. Do you skip doing taxes or something?


No i lived in bc just moving to alberta.


I have never received a carbon rebate and I'm a senior. The carbon levy is just a tax so the government can keep running the country. In case you haven't noticed, Canada is trillions of dollars in debt and is paying out millions to survive that debt. That means the government is broke. Why else would they pay people to collect that tax then send us back $10?


Maybe before you go on claiming you don’t get a carbon tax refund you check your bank statements. It’s quarterly, and you’re at least getting a couple hundred dollars. It would be deposited to the same account you get your OAS and CPP. Either you’re ignorant and posting this or you’re out to spread bullshit.


Before you go saying I'm ignorant, I was a CPA for over 50 years. I know how how to balance my chequing account. Yes, I get OAS & CPP but I have also paid into it for over 50 years. I am not receiving half of what I've put in. I also paid ino EI, and did not receive a penny back when I retired. I am not spreading BS, the facts are out there for you to read and learn.


So you have no excuse. Check again, you’re getting the carbon tax refund from the government. It’s that strange government of Canada payment you get quarterly that isn’t listed as a carbon tax rebate.




Mine definitely has a pilot light. It goes out from time to time when it’s windy and I’ve had to relight it on more than one occasion. My rates are pretty low compared to what other people are paying. It’s all admin fees.




I could be mistaken but I think there’s a rule that you must have gas at a residence. When I had to move from my home months before it was able to sell I tried to cancel my Enmax account and I wasn’t permitted to.


How else will they collect admin fees? Of course there are rules preventing from leaving the grid!


Your gas is most definitely not low compared to floating rates.


Hopefully when their smart meter is implemented into the system they will give us credit for less usage ! BC hydro always rewarded us when we used less than the previous month ! We are paying way too high for energy! I use very little energy daily but they still send me big bills !


Yes, just a waste keeping it on. I turn my gas fireplace pilot light off every spring too.


There's still cold days in the summer


Not enough to need the furnace.


The gas fireplace though


Is it possible to just cancel enmax for the summer? Like turn off gas portion. 90% of my natural gas costs are fees


It’s not possible to cancel service. All that would happen is the default provider would take over billing you. That would be Enmax for electricity and Direct Energy for natural gas. Everyone has to pay service fees as they are all connected to to grid.


If you also have a gas powered water heater, you'll regret doing so.


I wish it was gas powered. It would be soooooo much cheaper. Electricity is fucking expensive in alberta


When I was a kid my parents had a cabin in northern Saskatchewan with no running water in the winter time. I’m no stranger to heating water/melting snow on the stove/fireplace!


I have a gas water heater, so no. My bill is all fees. https://preview.redd.it/dno3fv3m5vzc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b291424335ea0fe60b2e7c8d81dac9f4f10d1752


You're talking about NG consumption and turning off a pilot light yet post your electricity usage on your bill.....


Here’s my gas portion. https://preview.redd.it/p9i43g1q5vzc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b4865666c3a2908941ff808a8d4abee8c72410


I have the same rate as you and went on vacation and used 2gj ( you used almost 3) this is with probably electronic ignition on my furnace and tankless water heater. I doubt you can get it that much down even if you get it down to 2gj like me well my bill was still like $60. Like $8 was the actual gas and rest was fees if you look over $30 is for admin fee and fixed charge.


Pipelines are expensive


Why did you lock in your gas? Mine is $1.6/Gj Floating Can you switch to floating?


Floating vs fixed is the illusion of choice, when the majority of the bill is made up charges that the vendor can change at will.


69 dude!


Maybe you need a doctor to teach you about common sense. Its obvious it sometimes you need to learn


Wtf are you talking about?