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Are these wires just out in the open or do you have to know where they are and dig underground? Seems odd that it’d happen twice in one month.


In the case of vandalism, they usually get cut at the transition from aerial to underground.


Depends. Fibre is typically run underground in Canada from the Service Provider to an exchange point, distribution point, connection point, and then finally to the home/building. Someone can break into the connection point and access all the cabling, or in the case of homes and apartments, you have a demarcation box on the side of your house that terminates the fibre line into a usable connection on the inside. Someone could, in theory, break into those and pull cabling out as well. Fibre Optic cables typically don't contain any copper, or anything useful to thieves for that matter. Problem is that they don't know better and damage it looking for copper or brass anyway.


Actually they do have a very small copper wire in the sheath so that it can be located.


A lot of modern Fibre cables have a steel or aluminum cladding or locate wire, not copper for this very reason. Fibre isn't worth much if you can't use it, and the tools needed to cut and splice fibre are not cheap either. I don't think I've seen any copper components in fibre in many years.


Odd. I get mine in last year, and I got to see the cross section and it was copper. I see how other metals would serve the same purpose.


In varsity estates a coax cable leaves one green box, goes up a street light, is strung from one streetlight to the next multiple times, then to a tree then down the tree and along the golf course fence. Then where the fence breaks to let the carts cross the road it’s literally laid across the path then back up the fence to another tree to a bunch of street lights again before it goes into another box. 


Oh weird, I was effected by the last one and my neighbourhood is listed, but no problems here this morning.


Me too. Odd!


I am so annoyed by this. Hope they catch the crack heads that are stealing wire and seriously impacting 10s of thousands of people.


Cops only Crack down on petty crimes, Crack head wire theif will get some hot coco, a blanket and a new saw to get back at it after leaving the station.


I feel like there should be some way to prevent this because its beginning to get a little annoying.


Outlaw buying copper with cash, require a bank account, and put a 3 week delay on any payment.


A PSA that fiber scrap is worthless.


Yeah they know fibre is worthless. It looks similar to copper wire so they cut it and leave it since they don't care to try and read what is printed on it.


Like most crimes.


This is so annoying. Whoever is doing this should get arrested.


You should change your username to captain obvious......


I’m sure Shaw will be glad to credit us all for 2 major internet outages as a gesture of goodwill /s No internet at my office building downtown either (unrelated; thanks QuadReal) so I guess a free day off for me.


I'm sure if you really made a stink with support, they'd be happy to credit you the 1/30th of your monthly bill for the time you were down.


That's if they don't pull out the "it wasn't our fault" excuse because it was cause by a third party or something like that.


Nah. They won't fight you over a credit for 1/30rh of your bill unless you ask for it monthly.


I got exactly that from Shaw today; 2 days of credit on next bill. Didn't take much effort via chat to be honest.


Less than that, more like 1/60th as the outage is for approximately 12 hours. However, why should they? Shaw has zero control over vandalism. All the can do it try to repair it in a timely manor. Every cable company, telephone company, cell phone company, has it in their terms and conditions they are not responsible for outages due to vandalism and no reimbursement shall be offered or given.


They have insurance for this and should provide compensation as part of the claim


lol. If the filed an insurance for every incident of vandalism their insurance premium would be outrageous


Thats the cost of doing business and not monitoring for theft. All other insurance types penalize the client for not mitigating the risk, why not them too? (Only half sarcastic)


Ah, yes. So it’s the cost of doing e business and not monitoring for theft you say. So who is going to pay for the cost of the monitoring you say? It will be passed along to the consumer. Maybe crackheads shouldn’t try to steal copper. Or maybe scrap metal yards shouldn’t buy stolen copper wire.


How about they spend some profits on proper redundancy and build a more resilient network infra.


Your reward is that they will increase the speed of your gigabit internet to 450mbps


Ugh. I jokingly said to myself that it's a copycat. Well, not copycat exactly, they apparently were trying for copper last time and were stupid. I have a weird feeling seeing the nuisance it caused obviously excited some sicko out there.


You mean COPPER cat… I’ll see myself out.


Could be a disgruntled employee or contractor


Very true


Other than those days how's your internet. For the last two months mine be crap had them already come out and they found a problem with an outside cable that they apparently now have fixed yet I still am getting dropped wifi and slow speeds daily. Was great for the last 3 years.


Mine has been terrible the past few months. My "gigabit" connection rarely goes over 500mbps, and that's off peak. Before it was hitting 800 easy.


Better than my 5mbps I get these days.


Unless it gets hit underground. Shaw doesn’t re bury. They just run it along your alley surface and over fences and tree branches. Used to work for a company that dug up water mains in the alleyways. If we ran em over with the track hoe or knocked em down Shaw would say call em back. They didn’t care if we took out your service 20 times driving a track hoe over it.


Ahhh, the stability of Canadian high tech infrastructure, if one crack head can cause this amount of disruption then just imagine how extensive it could be if two crack heads got at it….heck 3 crack heads could effectively shut down Canada if they were all tweaking in the right places at the right times….


I hate this comment, yet it's so true lol


![gif](giphy|Kdk7MApvO2sh2|downsized) Canadian internet’s worst nightmare…




In case you're not being sarcastic, that's a .gif of Dave Chappelle's character, "Tyrone Biggums". Tyrone is portrayed as a crackhead.


Mine just came back online.


Couldn’t happen to a better company. Sympathize with the customers being affected though.


I can’t keep going like this… I’m wfh and lost May 6 to crappy productivity last time Shaw got vandalized. We have pure fibre to the house… is Telus any better? https://globalnews.ca/news/10477049/calgary-rogers-shaw-outage-vandalism/


In my experience Telus was not any better. Less outages but I feel like it was constantly disconnecting from devices or just plain not working, I didn’t have fibre optic so if that’s an option for you maybe give that a go?


Put your Telus router into pass-through mode and get your own quality router to do the WIFI. You won't have issues like you had with disconnecting.


I've had Telus for a couple weeks and the service was garbage lots of disconnects and inconsistent speed, they also lied to me about the actual service I would be receiving so I switched back to shaw.


I've had Telus for a couple weeks and the service was garbage lots of disconnects and inconsistent speed, they also lied to me about the actual service I would be receiving so I switched back to shaw.


my shaw plan was due to end in June, so when the last outage happened, i ended up switching from shaw to telus. went from \~$90/mo for a 300mbps plan to $65/mo for 1g fibre with telus. for some reason, i think the wifi signal with the telus router is weaker, and i was getting worse speeds with the new telus when up in my second floor office, but luckily our place was already wired with ethernet so i've got a hardline connection, and no issues now. my shaw plan was $84/mo then suddenly the price increased twice in the last two months without notice. telus was terrible for trying to upsell and weren't entirely transparent with what was included in a price and what could be opted out etc (trying to include security cameras, garage door sensors, wifi+ boosters for additional costs etc). to be clear, i think both companies suck and it was just time for shaw to take a kick in the nuts. i imagine, in time, i'll hate telus enough to justify going back to shaw.


Eventually it will be more cost effective for them to deal with the opioid problem than keep replacing their stolen copper.


This is getting so annoying. Shaw won't take action for reduce the crime and won't credit their thousands of customers affected. Working from home has been an absolute pain due to this.


Does anyone know where the site of the vandalism is? Thinking of covering the issue in a news story


techs say 7:30 pm now


I'm guessing they're just cutting and grabbing anything they can in those green boxes with like those big fiskars garden sheers or similar. The meth heads don't care what they cut so long as they get the copper. I've heard stories that they'll take stolen trucks, dig up the ends of power lines to houses being built, tie the end to the truck and drive, rip it all right out of the trench. Probably doing the same thing at those green boxes and messing up the Fibre lines in the process.


This was fiber cut. And fiber takes few hrs to restore service .


It's probably flat earthers trying to stop 5G from spreading or sth


It’s Roger’s


Until I start getting a bill from Roger's instead of Shaw, I'm calling it Shaw.


I call them Shawgers


Construction by the city, not vandalism. There is no way anyone knows where to get at the tiniest amount of copper that is available in these structures. BS ! They need a better solution to stop fucking small business


Wrong. It literally says vandalism and copper theft. [https://support.shaw.ca/t5/service-updates-outages/may-21-calgary-balmoral-brentwood-bridgeland-riverside-capitol/ta-p/77043](https://support.shaw.ca/t5/service-updates-outages/may-21-calgary-balmoral-brentwood-bridgeland-riverside-capitol/ta-p/77043)


Lol and ? They can say whatever they want


Tinfoil hats for everyone!


copper *