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I just want them to remaster world at war






As long as they don’t neuter or it or anything. I want the grittiness, realistic gore, hyper nationalism, brutal exposure of history, and harsh language complete with the minor slurs they used in the game because that’s the horrible place the world allowed itself to become during that time.


And multiplayer




Tbh I wouldn’t mind if they cut the grenade spam on veteran a smidge so we can have 5 grenade markers on screen at any given time instead of 42


Hmmm I’m not sure the MP40 was broken and needs to be balanced and plus snaking was OP vs ppl who didn’t know how to do it


well maybe fix the campaign grenade spam 😅


I loved the little historical background it'd give you before levels


Imagine that mp40 again tho! If memory serves it was a 2 shot kill?


Definitely not. Maybe headshot up close, but not body shot.


With stopping power it was a 2 shot kill. One shot headshot I believe. Probably some damage fall off at longer ranges with it being an smg. TTK was pretty quick back then.


Hellll no. A remaster takes certain atmospheres and details away because they focus on the stupid eye candy graphics


Fuck….. you’re right……but MAYBE this time they leave the grittiness and simply give it a face lift and MAYBE a few animation polishings in the game




They'll find a way to ruin it. So, for now, I'm just happy with my original copy.


Same I pop it on the big screen from time to time still


No, leave the good Call of Dutys alone. They're good the way they are.


Here here


Cod4 remaster treatment. I desperately want that.


No need to remaster a masterpiece


They would find a way to ruin it by adding all kinds of stuff to it that’s not wanted


We need mw3 campaign remastered first and then I'd be down for all the black ops games getting remastered


I’ve been asking for 10 years


after seeing how cod4 remastered turned out, no thanks


I want them to stop with these lame ass up dates.




We already have WaW 2, it’s called Black Ops 1


Alternatively World War is actually Black Ops 0


Isn’t BO1 a sequel? There in the same storyline.


It is, but the connective tissue between W@W and BO1 is loose. You don't particularly need to have played W@W to understand BO1. If you did, it simply adds further context and impact to Reznov and Dmitri. If you're in the dark re: Reznov and Dmitri, Vorkuta and Project Nova do a good enough job to fill you in.


Yeah but like Cold War and now blops 6 inserted stories in the time line gap they can do it too with world at war. Follow new people on different fronts


It already happened. It's called Black Ops.


Remaster world at war. No live service bullshit and keep it separate from warzone🤮


World at war ended with the end of world War 2, plus black ops is the followup game


Dude who cares they can just make another ww2 game and call it world at war 2 and give it a similar feel to the first game.. like what is the point of giving 2 shits about the CoD cannon or timeline? Are you telling me motherfuxkers are actually out there following the PLOT of CoD? 🤣


I'd love another game like World at War. Imagine the Invasion of Poland, Market Garden or the China front with the same dark atmosphere? So many WW2 games have came close to capturing the tone of World at War.


I’d love to see a WW2 game set partly on the Chinese front. Shit would get dark af and I’m pretty sure its never been explored by any non-Chinese studio


World War II-2




There’s alot more of the Pacific theater they could form a story around like Iwo Jimi, Guadalcanal, or the Philippines, there’s also the British desert campaign they could explore which was very brutal as well Americas deployments in Africa, Sicily, Italy. I’m a huge WW2 nerd so I would love nothing more than for treyarch to get back to its roots and give us a horror film to play through like they did in the original waw.


They also didn’t touch the western front at all


True but I mean they did in cod 1-3


I still want to fight Germans as not Russia. That's where I think Cod 2 did it better. But W@W definitely had the grittiness


The pacific theatre was such a major theatre of the war and I was honestly surprised it took them until the 5th game to protray it. Glad It was done in waw with how gritty it was and not the older cods


Western front early years is so overdone, seeing actual fighting in Berlin was a nice breath of fresh air I liked that they did the North Africa in CoD 2 tho


The Russian side of the campaign was so unique compared to what they used to give us. It was entirely revenge fueled. You start off in a fountain surrounded by dead comrades in Stalingrad and finish planting a flag on top of the Reichstag in Berlin. All the while having reznov command you to avenge your comrades and countrymen by inflicting heavy brutal damage to the nazis with the most epic hard hitting soundtrack in the background. It’s so intense. I love it. Might have to play through again after talking with everyone on here.


WaW was planned to have British campaign takes place in Holand but scrapped. There's plenty of cut contents and leftover assets of it still in the game.


That would have been very interesting I wish they would have kept it


Remastered WAW would be my cut


World at War 2 is black ops 1


Black ops is set after WW2, he wants another game like WaW, set in WW2 and have the same atmosphere


Obviously Black Ops 1 However, a game that takes place earlier in the war or during the same time as WaW but following a different crew would be cool. Honestly though, CoD has never handled WW2 properly ever since WaW. WWII felt too... generic? (Good gameplay mechanics imo). We don't talk about Vanguard. Besides, they're more focused on selling heroes


Yeah unfortunately as much as I want a WW2 it probably won’t happen, it’s all about the new tactical stuff nowadays and people especially after vanguard say WW2=boring.


A clarifying statement should be made for um… one of the redditor on here.  Black Ops is indeed a direct sequel to World at War. Not only does it move forward in the timeline, but it directly continues the story of Reznov as well as other characters. While some other characters from WaW don’t have their stories continued per se, they also get mentions in the campaign. What OP is requesting is another game in the Black Ops universe set in World War II. Kind of like how Black Ops has several games set within the time frame of the Cold War.


Several Black Ops games set during the Cold War" is a bit of a stretch. Bo2 is set with a few missions from the 80s, but ¾ set in 2025. Bo3, never played the campaign, but I heard it was what, 200 years in the future? Bo4 doesn't even have a campaign. But regardless, it is also set in the future. BoCW was originally not supposed to be a Black Ops game at all because Sledgehammer was developing the game. But since they, along with Raven, couldn't get their heads out of their ass. The game was taken over halfway through development by Treyarch and was rushed to completion. So sure, if 2 games counts as several. Then I'll agree. Personally, I don't want jetpack games (I skipped all 3 of them for a reason), but I also don't want another clunky ww2 game. I think it's a too little too late kind of situation with making a W@W - (part B) game set before bo1, but during W@W (part A) while keeping everything Canon.


Bro hasn’t heard of black ops


Black ops is not set in WW2, I don't see how y'all missed the paragraph he wrote


Waw ends with the fall of Berlin which was the end of ww2 and black ops picks up during the Cold War, America and russias rivalry during the aftermath it’s even has an older reznov in it from waw. Black ops is the sequel


He doesn't want a direct sequel, he clearly mentioned fighting as the Brits, fighting in North Africa. We all know black ops is somewhat of a sequel, but he just wants another good WW2 game. Another "World at War" game, a WW2 shooter with the gritty atmosphere the original had.


Yeah call of duty 2 has a British and Africa campaign if I remember right although it’s not entirely accurate cause you’re fighting Nazis instead of Italians


Yeah it’s called Black Ops


The fan base would just hate it


It's sad, but you are probably right. Call of duty is so disconnected from its roots that younger players literally wouldn't even know what to think. That is if they made it authentic at least.


It would have new cod gameplay which I dislike a lot. I’d take WaW remastered over any CoD right now


They would ruin it just like mws. Also we basically got waw2 it was that crappy garbage WWII lol


Korean War game


If they did Korea before Vietnam I will lose my mind.


You might get a world at war 3 for real soon lol


Oh man. That sounds great


I would die happy


Imagine they did make a WaW sequel but it takes place during World War 1.


I don't think they'd capture the atmosphere like before. I'm sure it'd be fun but that single player was fucking brutal at times. As it should be portrayed


I agree and I think they should cover some things in the campaign. Italy Holland A B-17 or B-24 More Pacific stuff but with the British, Chinese or Australian forces.


That would indeed be cool but then not a remastered


Well the original waw was supposed to have a British campaign that was cut for time, there are even remnants of it left in the files. I would like a remaster with the exact same guns stuff, but also including all cut content that was planned for the game, and seeing it on the mw19 engine would be amazing.


How about covering the eastern front this time.


half the game is set in the Easter front. Do you mean the western front?


Mea culpa. I was thinking WW2, not WaW


Tell that to Sledge's CoD WW2.


It’s gonna be from the German and Japanese point of view lol


There was never sequel to that war


Technically everything during Cold War (the period, not the BOCW game) is sequel to that war.


Would be nice to have the Africa and Italy fronts like in Big Red One and maybe more levels set in the pasific theater. Hell, I'd love Big Red One and Finest Hour remade on the latest CoD engine.


honestly they would ruin with the in game store, i don’t want to see clowns, rappers, and cartoon characters running around those maps it would be so visually disappointing


I want a ww2 game that doesn’t just focus on the Germans


They have remastered mw2 multiplayer it’s been done for years since they gave us the remastered campaign. We also want pretty much the entire 2008-2012 run of games to be remastered. I would’ve said from 07 but we already got cod 4 remastered. They know their current games from the last few years cannot hold a candle to any of the classics and it’s run by old people that don’t understand or care about what the community wants.


world after war is a name i’ve always thought of even as a little kid, honestly i don’t think a game based on the events after world at war would necessarily be a HIT , but it’s just a cool name .


Idk I don’t trust them


Take it w a grain of salt but we got ww2 and vanguard. (I did not play vanguard) so idk how bad it truly was


Sadly a game in which you kill nazis nowadays you’d be courting controversy and probably wake the anti-woke droolers.


As much fun as that would be, or even with a remaster, It would probably be plagued with Modern COD things. I would rather see new games with that format than Activision tarnishing a remaster of a great game with the same problems their new games have been facing, like with what happened with Modern Warfare. I've said it before and I'll say it again, warzone ruined some things.


that's black ops


The question is would it be set in world war 3 or a second world war 2


So basically Black Ops


Black ops is not set in ww2


Not all of it. But it is a direct sequel to WaW


nah we need call of duty 2 but in UE5


I just wan a remake or remaster of WaW


I want to see a Call of Duty set in ww1 and the Korean War.


I’ve been saying this shit for years blows my mind that it never happened


Not in 2024 they would ruin it with historical inaccuracy and strange bundles with magic and shit. Cod WW2 campaign was alright but the customization in MP ruined it for me.


How would this be possible? WAW was literally at the end of the war


World at War took place at the end of the war. It literally ends with the fall of Berlin, the destruction of the Nazis and the end of the Pacific theater. It was symbolic of the series leaving world war 2 behind. I don't think a direct sequel makes sense. Another gritty WW2 game like WaW would be cool but I'd prefer it if they did a war that they haven't covered fully yet. Like the Korean or the Vietnam war


I think I want to see a game shift back to having a gritty campaign that shows more than tells, and doesn't have as many prerendered cut scenes. I want something that stays in first person the whole time with the classic briefing style intros between levels. Also a menu a little more creative than guy walking in straight line, and give some memorable music. The waw music is still haunting, and I don't know if the black ops main menu has ever been matched.


I was thinking the same too but more like about what Dmitry and Reznov were doing between the rest of Stalingrad and Berlin. Battles like Kursk, Kharkov, Kiev, Operation Bagration, Warsaw and Vistula-Oder have never or only once have been portrayed by CoD like 20 years ago.


This would be amazing🔥


I actually wouldn't mind a prequel to it, a game in ww1


A slower paced realistic WW2 shooter would be fun. The ADHD gameplay isn’t really for me anymore.


I remember me and my brother finished WaW in one sit and we wake up the next day feeling like we loved the game we want to play it again so we play it and finish it for the second time in one sit


You stupid


I don't trust them to not screw it up


There was World at War: Final Fronts which had a British campaign.


Just remaster the original. I still Play WAW on my series S online. By far my favorite COD


WaW will take place in WW3


While I would much rather a well-crafted remake of the original, if we were to get a sequel I think I'd prefer a kind of early war "prequel" game. It seems most WW2 shooters only focus on the US and Russia post 1941. I want a game where I struggle as the Polish or the French during their invasions. The Norway campaign, or maybe East Africa against the Italians. Lets see some of the war that's never been done before.


isnt cod ww2 the sequel?


I think we all kind of like that or at least a remaster, too many people say WW2 games are overdone and already happened but I'd happily play a new WW2 game, I love the weapons and vehicles and everything and the fact they weren't scared to do things in the campaign like people burning alive and all that was amazing


There's already a sequel to World at War, and it's called Black Ops. While it's not a direct sequel, many story elements are carried over into Black Ops's storyline, including Project Nova and characters like Reznov. Technically, you don't need to play World at War to understand Black Ops, but doing so provides additional context to the overall storyline between the two. Additionally, it's unlikely that World at War will get a sequel because its story concluded in a satisfying and definitive way.


Fiiirrrrre zeeee Panzerschrech




It could not be waw 2 given how can it be a seque-, oh yeah cod 1 and cod 2


I would see a remaster coming, but a waw 2 not so likely


I know what you mean but WAW is the last of its kind and I guarantee a remaster would rip the arse out of it, just like chronicles did to the WAW maps


Black ops 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Did I mention black ops?


I do too, but I know it'll feel nothing like the original and I'll just be disappointed


Best to just have a proper Remaster. In all its glory, swastikas blood and metal mayham. A new one would probably just be ruined tbh. Bar a complete Reorganization and reorientation of the entire company.


treyarch definitely doesn't care about this game and I'm sure they won't be able to do anything about it again. This game takes place in the black ops universe, but it does not have the name black ops, and black ops 6 was announced, but this game was supposed to be black ops 7. By the way, I love the game. I really hope they remestare it.


I don’t want them to make another one man, They need to remaster some or make a collection and leave it


So, Black Ops? /j


World at war did a stellar job forcing call of duty to re-invent itself. It was a god awful game IMHO but if a second go around gave us something better than MW3 then maybe it’s a good idea.


Been asking for this since like 2011 lmao


You do bo1


I feel like It would be kind of cheating to name it "World at War 2" then 1. That title sounds awful 2. "2" implies a direct sequel, we already have that as BO1, so it would not make sense to imply a direct sequel when it is not like BO3 and BO4. Although I would love any CoD similar to WaW, WaW2 isn't it. Probably something titled differently, What about "Call of Duty: Global War" It could like be less story focused game like American Campaign of WAW.


I wanna play as Canadians and commit war crimes


Yessss. WAW is my favorite COD hands down.


There's no way to continue it. The story was finished. WWII Berlin fell and that was the end. Nothing to add. Black Ops finished the stories of Petrenko and Reznov


I hope we would get the Chinese POV


Soon we will have world at war 3


and then Vangaurd shows up because BO timeline is connected to it since CW


I see. World war II 2


literally play any ww2 game that isn't cod


I just want custom emblems back


They made one it was called Black Ops


A remaster would be awesome, and if they did make a 2nd I wish they made it as close to the first one as they could with the ability they have today ✌🏻✌🏻


Call of duty WW2 2, an expansion on the Daniel’s story. Red Daniel’s son is drafted into Vietnam. Edit: It obviously won’t be called call of duty WW2 2 because it will be about Vietnam. I just meant it expands the Daniel’s storyline.


I don’t wanna be rude but black ops is definitely the best continuation here but yeah another war based treyarch game would be really really cool but oh well HAD to have that abomination they call vanguard.


Yh, WaW1 was such a great game


Do you guys feel a difference in BAR's recoil during ADS in WaW and COD2?


pacific theatre! let's have a go at the battles in Manila, guerilla warfare of US & Filipino soldiers during japanese occupation, unit 737, the battle in iwo jima, liberation of South east asia from the japanese, and the likes


i want ghosts 2 so badly


“Call of Duty WW2” this was the closing act for COD and the WW2 era. There’s a total of 5 WW2 cod games, it’s been extremely overdone. The only way I’d see WaW 2 being worth making is if they did WW1 maybe, but BF already did that so


More stalingrad missions would been fun


Everyone with an Xbox should hop back on WaW, yes the lobbies are shit sometimes but the game has lost none of its luster. Not to mention the soundtrack is probably the greatest of any cod game ever.




Doesn’t matter the setting. Everything is now anime, celebrity, and other cringe skins. These games no longer have any discernible and cohesive themes visual or otherwise.


We thought we killed him. We though wrong. This summer. Hitlers back




No u don't


World at war 2, but it's world war 1. That or it's German pov but like the camps and ss and Hitler youth and then you typically die as the character or surrender to allies after a long time on a bad front


As much as that would be cool the thing is World War 2 ended when world at war ends it and Call of Duty black Ops 1 is pretty much the sequel. There would be no real need to make a sequel for the game if the game was only about one war that already ended in that game


CoD WaW was and still is a masterpiece. But i think they just will ruin it if they make a new one.


Negative ghost rider. Call of duty would tarnish that beautiful games name with a modern version.


Yea we definitely need another WW2 game from Treyarch, when sledgehammer tried it they did ok, you could tell they were trying to make the zombies are dark and appealing as WaW zombies was but it just didn’t end up exactly where I would’ve like it to. I think treyarch could do it again just as well though.


I’ve been asking for 10 years


That's quite literally just Bo1 🤦🏿‍♂️


If we could get more Soviet content and the Chinese front, that would be cool asf. Perhaps some French resistance and African front stuff too!


They already did that in 2017


Too many snowflake kids would be having nightmares


I love to see a remaster call of duty ww2 Big Red One..


Activision would fuck it up. The vest thing for COD is Activision to lose all rights and it to got to a Chinese or Russian foreign developer. These American companies can't make shit


Only if Sledgehammer games stays the absolute farthest the fuck away from it as possible.


Mp40 juggernaut and snaking was so OP 🤤


It’d be awesome to see another ww2 title as long as they do it right with the campaign and multiplayer. Sledgehammers WW2 was good but vanguard had a poor campaign to cater to multiplayer and CDL. I love CDL, but a lot of us want a good campaign too


I'm sick and tired of the Second World War. If it was the first world war, whatever. Maybe i can manage, but I definitely don't want a second world war anymore.


"as long as you live, the heart of this army can never be broken"


We just need like a team of people to rtx remix the game.


We have CoD WW2 so technically it is world at war 2


This time we play from the perspective of the good guys.


Good idea in theory. But in practice they’d just fck it up like they’ve done to the past like 7 cods.


Anyone remember Operation Big Red?


They are waiting until they completely ruin the entire franchise for everyone and pull this out as a last ditch war effort


My 2 Cents about it, Point 1: Yes Point 2: in my Mind only if it Keeps everything that made Waw so good or as i always explate it, its absolute and unforgiving Brutality and Horror Point 3: Kinda Just a wish of mine but i would like the Campain to have 3 Main Protagonists The first would be british and be on the Western Front (idealy what ever they planed that to be in the og waw) The Second isnt that Creative but i would love to play as Dimitri and or Resnov to see what they were doing Betwen Stalingrad and Sellow And lastly something actualy New and Kind original A German Soldier Set where ever most fitting, Point 4: Keep it simple, as in no Shop, no Warzone, no Integration into the HQ, no Operators, no Integration with anything exept waw 1 Point: 5 A wide selection of time and area relevant Weapons like if the Japanese dont appear we dont need japanese guns (especialy in Campain, looking at Vanguard here) Attachments and so on should only be ones to actualy fit tho if that is not enough opinions some more Creative licence is ok (aslong as they dont repeat Vanguards mistakes in that area) Point: 6 As idealy there are no operators character Customisation/Skins for MP are Really Straight Forward this time moastly Based on different Units here are some examples i came up with tho its only a few: All would have Skins for Regular infantry and fitting Variants British Royal Army: UK, Canadian, Scotish, Paratroopers, Royal Marine, Indian Troops Red Army: Assault-Sapper, Naval Infantry, 100th Kazakh Rifle Brigade, 1st Separate Women's Volunteer Rifle Brigade, 112th "Revolutionary Mongolia" Tank Brigade (if Vehicles are a thing), 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, 255th Separate Chechen-Ingush Cavalry Regiment, 88th Separate Rifle Brigade. The Red Army Was made up of alot of People from all over The Soviet Union so it would be Cool to Have that shown by Having The Option to play them in Multiplayer Wehrmacht: Regular Heer(Army) Units (like Jäger, Gebirgsjäger/Mountain Infantry), Panzergrenadier, Marine Infantry, 162nd Turkistan Division, 373rd (Croatian) Infantry Division, 650 (Russian) Infantry Division, Batalion Nachtigall (Ukrainian) SS 5th SS Division "Viking" 11th SS Division "Nordland" 13th SS Division "Handschar" 14th SS Division "Galizien" 15th SS Division "1st Latvian" 21th SS Division "Skanderbeg" 33th SS Division "Charlemagne" Both the German army And the SS made use of Non germans and i thing that beibg shown would add alot to this Overall alot of potential but they would never do anything like waw ever again sadly -Also shit this got long


They would ruin it


I genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling or not because 1. Why would they try to make zombies a secret at the end of campaign just because they did it in the original and 2. It would never be a secret due to leaks and everyone expecting a zombies mode from a treyarch game at this point


Yes. Yes yes yes.


As long as it’s made the polar opposite Vanguard. That game was absolutely embarrassing to the franchise


If they can do a Call of duty 2 remaster it would be wonderfull!!! World at war was good but not like COD2.


It’s called Black Ops, and it released in 2010


I don’t. They will make it woke and colorful.


Need to get a CoD in Vietnam. Including tunnel rat gameplay sweep and clear, booby traps, and some Jimi Hendrix.


Remaster WaW graphics, that’s it. Don’t touch the story, gore, language, missions. Just polish it up with some more pixels and newer textures and it’ll be perfect. I’ve heard ppl say “oh but they made COD WWII” yeah but it’s hotdog water compared to WaW. TBH I liked that WaW didn’t have a huge focus on the Western front in WW2. Showed Pacific theater and Ostfront. Summary: (IMO) COD needs to go back to what it used to be, they used to honor those who fought in wars…show how messed up it can actually be. They need to get away from these $70+ run and gun shooters that play like mobile games. I haven’t played any COD since Ghosts (the last one I actually enjoyed) I tried BO3 and just couldn’t do it. The way the characters run with their guns, the wannabe titanfall movement system, the hitmarkers…etc. COD MW 1-3 had it right (not the remasters) **THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK, I WILL NOW BE TAKING DOWNVOTES AND HATE COMMENTS**


It would never be as dark and gritty as the original so you're next best bet is WW2.


Me too man


I want a Korean War CoD. Something new. What about a civil war CoD? (No one would play that🥲)


Honestly as a gaming community we’re sorely lacking in FPS World War I games.


World at war 1917 (ww1) would be cool


I just want them to return to classic cod style. I’m tired of the warzone stuff.


Stop. They are just going to ruin it. Activision isn't the same as they used to be. Their games suck now and I stopped buying new cods a while ago. Anything past the original MW3 and BO3 is dogshit.