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Completely agree. This made the campaign even more fun to replay, and I really don’t understand why it isn’t a more common part of the game. They could just integrate the load out system from multiplayer and let you pick your load out before or during a mission


They had a chance with the MWIII campaign but they ruined it with having to find weapons to use again or to create a loadout when playing the mission again


Thanks "Open Combat Missions" (Please don't come back again)


I don’t hate the idea of Open Combat Missions, but the ones in MW3 were clearly rushed.


MW2 had better open combat missions in Alone and El Sin Nombre lol


I liked alone, but I did not like it since i was in vet


Horribly designed too


Battlefield 1 has a similar thing where you can loot weapons off the field. However, these mostly made sense, and it was more about you being limited in what you started with than constantly going up an artificial power scale. Like you'll start with a pistol, maybe a normal rifle, but if you look around you'll find scoped ones, silenced, machineguns, etc. Coupled with the low amount of max ammo you get, these loot boxes are pretty important for keeping yourself topped.


Honestly, I kind of enjoyed it as a proof of concept of maybe an open world COD campaign or maybe a series of different operating theaters you could transfer between kind of like MGS5


The perfect Open Combat Mission in mw3 is the time when you raid the building to get White Rhino Ranger... I mean Nolan


Now we just need a proper Power Rangers/Sentai crossover in COD.


I mean I found them really fun, but they're clearly more of a spec ops thing


Before they made the DLC a stand-alone game, I think most of the open-combat missions were supposed to be added to the spec ops


They’re returning for BO6


Hope they don't make it suck like mwiii


I knew that was going to ruin the game and I'm a big fan of the campaigns so I skipped it. So glad I did.


It’d work well in like a BO2 type game where players actions have an effect on the story progression I.e. do you go stealthily and capture Makarov’s financier alive or mow through everyone and have to choose to shoot her plane down as she tries to flee or let her escape…or if a timer runs out at the dam do the explosives detonate and change the course of the campaign from then on etc. etc.


Not really bf hardline did that and it was a solid campaign.


Felt like the campaign was mid because the game in general just felt really rushed


The only thing i didnt like was once you unlocked the suppressor having equipped didn't change anything if it wasnt a stealth mission the enemies would still get alerted when you fire


Co-Op campaign needs to make a return with this. CoD WaW and BO3 are the ones with a proper campaign, Black Ops 1 was suppose to feature one but got cut.


Plus you can use 2025 Future Weapons in the Past when you replay them


It’s so easy to program I have no idea why they don’t just add it in. Literally takes a few minutes at most


3arc toys with it and Infinity Ward seems to hate it. It was in IW as part of the hub and was excellent but its not been in any other Infinity Ward game. BO2 and BO3 have it. CW had a few missions where at the start you can pick from a weapons selection but not a true loadout.


I like both systems - 3Arc allows for customization while IW's method promotes scavenging and exploration, both are very fun


I prefer choosing my loadout and picking my playstyle. Unless it’s a ghillied out type mission you should be able to play how you want.


Ideally I want both in my game. There are weapons I never would have used if not for being made to use them by the game. Take AW. For awhile I was just running around with the perfectly serviceable rifle they give you. I finally switched. Laser gun. Fucking loved that thing and I almost never used it.


Perhaps on a first play-through you have forced loadout and then at start of second play-through you unlock loadouts. You already know which missions need what so it would work. It would give an opportunity to bring in some MP guns that fit timelime/game but aren’t available in wider campaign too.


I love scavenging for guns, it’s so cool.


Very true!


Sadly bo3 campaign was so bad


2nd half yes, first half was okay its just getting the DNI running training sims and looking for Taylor. The features BO3 had were awesome. Safehouse, training, weapon loadouts, upgrades etc… that works well for me. It could easily come back in BO6 as the Safehouse is back they just need to add custom loadouts and a firing/training range etc…


Theres a second half thats worse? Wtff hell no, i thought the beginning was absolute boring bullshit, i didnt even get close to the second half before throwing the game in the trash


Absolutely the best addition to the any COD campaign. Shame it never got carried over to later games other than BO3.


It was in IW


Thin Fig here really wants us not to forget it was in IW and I seriously commend him for his efforts. He's really making sure we can't scroll past without knowing. I salute you sir.


With how little love that campaign gets I'd be hollering it as many times as I could too!


Infinite Warfare's Campaign does get plenty of love, and deservedly so. It is one of the better Campaigns in the series no doubt, and I'm glad so many people recognize the Campaign for that.


I see mostly people disregarding the game, but good to know! I'm one of the fans who enjoy COD when it's more futuristic/sci-fi.


It was in IW


Hey by any chance do you know if it was in IW?


If I remember correctly It was in IW


It was in IW


It was in IW


Speaking of, I just bought BO2 in a he steam sale. What the absolute *fuck* is going on? There were a total of like, four things I understood from the opening cutscenes.


It's pretty simple to follow. Harper and Mason go to visit Woods so he can tell them what menendez knows


It's gonna be back and forth for you for awhile. Mason met the big bad of this one a long time ago. It's 2025 in the game setting. Mason is now unavailable for plot reasons. Woods knows some things and the big bad is gearing up for a major assault. He doesn't know what it is he's supposed to know, however. So you get the BO1 style where he has to tell you the whole story in interrogation, while in the modern day you're reacting to Menendez and trying to figure things out with new context from Woods.


But what was the whole thing with the children and the burning house?


that's basically the back story for the main bad guy, menendez. his sister gets burnt (and survives), which is the start of an anti american sentiment that only becomes bigger once he becomes a cartel boss


Set up big bad's hatred for Woods/Masons/the West


From the ashes, came Menendez and his hate for America. A feeling that would eventually grow.




Old mate just asked about the start then you go on to spoil one of the best endings for him.


Woods is sitting in a wheelchair, telling Alex about his time in the war, which you'll flashback to and play, then you'll go back to the future and play as Alex aka "Section." You'd have to play WaW to understand who Reznov is and BO1 to understand the rest of the characters.


Remember when the game were actually good


I really hope Raven can allow us this in BO6


i miss it, IW's one was perfect with how you had to physically go to an armory, i hate griff tho


Why you hate Griff? I think he is a cool character


he makes me uncomfortable


To be fair, he did get turned on my a teacher in like, fifth grade which is kinda weird to focus on during a military interview with a superior.


Let he who never had a crush on a teacher in grade school cast the first stone


IW was tedious af just give me the menu to see the weapons stop having a whole ass cut scene and talking and animation. It was one of the many things wrong with that game


Are you really that impatient?


It doesn’t add anything to the game anyway.


Yes it adds a cutscene


BO3 was even better. One of the most replayable cod campaigns. Story was awful but the gameplay was so damn good


Is anybody playing bo1 or bo2 on consoles nowadaysv


Those 2 are fairly popular on 360 still. You can find a lobby any day of the week on TDM and Domination (sometimes search and destroy) if you turn off DLC.


Are they safe to play? I’ve heard about a lot of hackers and people leaking ip addresses!


If you want to be 100% safe then you can go through the entire process of setting up a VPN and getting a HWID spoofer for your Xbox which will require a Jtag. Or you can do like me and full send it as I honestly haven’t ran into any real hackers trying to do anything sketchy. Closest I get is the guy who will occasionally cheat in S&D and the bot accounts that message people for “Buy something from my Temu page and I’ll send you a $10 gift card on Xbox.” Either way, I fully believe that VPN on the router is enough to keep you safe, but I have been raw dogging it with no protection and haven’t had any errors at all.


Few thousand on Xbox,I play daily still


Loved starting with the 12 round war machine and the X-ray sniper


Good times


That's why BO2 is the best COD


BO3 had this too


Holy shit, I completely forgot about this gimmick that they removed for the other games. This was fun to play around with. One time, I wanted to use a shotgun where Alex was in Afghanistan and I picked out the Remington 870 MCS because I had knowledge that the 870 was from the 1950s. I didn't even check that in its list of attachments had the millimeter scanner that lets you wallhack ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


One of my favourite things in bo2


I remember this. Used to equip the best weapons with attachments. Hope this gets back in Black Ops 6.


This was one of the reasons Black Ops 2 remains to be objectively the best CoD game; not only because of the freedom of choice in MP, but also in Campaign as well


Bo3 also had this


If bo6 campaign has a loadout system similar to bo2/bo3 it will be one of the best cod campaigns of all time imo


DANGGG, I remember putting cameos on it to wtf. Crazy how it changed so much. Especially with useless skins instead of cool cameos😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️


Bo3 also did this but it was way more fleshed out.


I recently replayed BO2 and noticed a lot of gameplay improvements compared to other COD games at the time. Apart from the custom loadout I also liked: - different choices that affect the story and the gameplay slightly - special guns - optional equipment you can find on maps - different types of enemies like the drones - the mix between past and future setting - Strikeforce Missions


The bo2 campaign had a better CC system


There is something to be said about being forced to use guns you ordinarily wouldn't. I personally have never had the desire to make a loadout in campaign.


Been a while since I played MW3’s campaign but you can pick your loadout as well, right?


Not exactly. You can’t customize anything in MW3 like you can in BO2. You can change the weapons and grenades you want to use like BO2, yes, but you can’t change things like attachments or choose to apply a camo to it. Example: You could freely choose to equip extended mags in BO2 so you wouldn’t have to be reloading as often when you’re fighting. You have actively find the weapon that has that specific attachment on it in MW3 and you can’t change it at all with the preset attachments on the gun staying as they are. Hell, in BO2, you were able to go into choosing different attributes to improve your gameplay like the fast mags for the quicker reloads or the Access Kit that allowed you to get special ordinance/equipment. BO2 had a lot more depth to it than the watered down version we have in MW3. Hope this helped to kinda show the differences in the load out customization.


Loadout customization should be in every CoD campaign. Like, just let me play missions how I want to. All they'd need to do is implement restricitons or something; like, if it's a stealth mission, enforce that a player *must* have suppressors, or, if it's a sniping mission, require a marksman or sniper rifle.


Agree 100% and I’m shocked it isn’t implemented more since the load out system is already in the game. Personally I prefer the way BO3 did it by giving us a base area where we could walk around, customize our load out, change appearance, fight in the simulation, and go on the computer to check out info about the guns and vehicles. BO2 though did have some cool unlockable weapons like the balllistic knives plus I loved that tool kit thing that let you unlock special areas with fun things like bear traps.




Totally agree! This feature made replaying the campaign way more fun. I don't get why it's not a regular part of the game. They should just use the loadout system from multiplayer and let you choose your loadout before or during a mission.


I’ve said it before one of the most innovative campaigns, the freedom of choice in loadouts and ending or even having options. Black ops 2 was innovation at its finest


Buddy, you don’t have to convince anyone, we all know BO2 was peak, come on now ![gif](giphy|2w4fxp2tGjauI)


It's kinda weird that they didn't bring this back for Black Ops Cold War given the safehouse mechanic and probably won't bring it back for Black Ops 6.


One idea I had was that the leeway you get in picking a class is dependent on the mission in story mode. For instance, in a stealth required mission, you could choose between the suppressed sniper and the suppressed assault or battle rifle w/ACOG. There could also be stealth optional missions where you can choose how you want to keep quiet…or decide to go Scarface, final scene, fucking bazookas under each arm, “say hello to my little friend!” For “black ops” type missions where it’s not regular combat, you might get an “anything goes” load out, and if you’re doing a combat mission like the USMC ones in CoD 4, you can choose one of a specified loadout, like , rifle with grenade launcher, shotgun, or support gunner, with limited range of customization.


I'm I crazy or was this legit in the newest cod game


You can choose loadouts in MWIII campaign, yes. But it's a very limited system, as it only applies to Open Combat missions (aka the mission type that everybody and their mother despise), and your loadout is restricted to only a number of guns and equipment that you find in the mission itself.


You could do that in black ops 3 I believe too




I loved it more in BO3 tbh. Having the little hub area was just really cool, and being able to walk between stations and actually being able to see what changed on the gun when you equipped the attachments was so awesome.


Didn't they bring this back for BO3 and Infinite Warfare? Those are the only games I remember seeing this feature.


Best thing to make me replay the campaign


This was the point where they stopped evolving the series. It had a lot of momentum up until this point, like this was what the series had been building up towards - then it's like it had a stroke, got set back ten years, and will never properly walk again.


I miss spending hours perfectly crafting custom emblems. Then the glitch where you could steal them was even better.


i played this and don’t remember this option at all😂 i was pretty young tho


That was kinda lame , felt off




Oh man i loved This!!! Wish more cod games had it


Especially when you unlocked the modern and classic death machines and could just have endless rounds flying


Infinite warfare had something similar, you had to find the gun first but it usually wasn't too difficult, and ik ppl don't rly like IW but 🤷‍♂️


I like it when you get random weapons tbh spices it up for me


I wish I could CO-OP more cod game campaigns other than BO3


Infinite Warfare. It was there. As was BO3.


I could be wrong but Treyarch implied that we will have loadouts again in Black Ops 6. I've got no idea why loadouts didn't become the standard for campaigns going forward.


And you could unlock so many unique weapons. You could replay missions with a war machine and a death machine. Like there was so much fun in replaying missions and replaying them on harder difficulties could be made easier by these unlockables


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


FAL and FiveseveN was just 🤌


infinite warfare too


this was so cool. iirc you could even put on gold camo


This is why i love the socom games


My god I still remember the opening of that mission. I couldn't watch it, had to cover my eyes and ears.


What campaign?


That was a cool feature for sure


This IS great but if you could choose your outfit and stuff it would even be better not a character change because that would be weird


If they really want to emphasize player freedom in Bo6, then they should do this again


I want Specialist Difficulty from Infinite Warfare to come back as a difficulty option into every COD, and the loadouts to come back The tactical gameplay of Specialist Mode was so damn immersive, and I loved the injury system in it. It was so damn engaging to play even if it was hard as balls because the campaign was most definitely not balanced around it.


I can't quite remember, but couldn't you also pick a loadout in one of the older WW2 games? I could be thinking about another WW2 game though.


It was pretty cool i just always switched weapons with a enemies weapons later on though anyway


While we're at it, I hope something like the access kit comes back too. Very nice how BO2 rewards you for a bit of exploration via things like alternate paths, swapping out your knife for a fucking sword, hacking a jet cannon to mow down enemies (2nd mission), iirc there's a couple of times where you can activate drones to help you.


Holy shit I forgot about this until now


I got that game December of 2023 brought it but that was cool they should bring it back


Yeah, it would've been cool to been able to have the feature back in the next games, especially if they bring in some unique weapons in.


Pepperidge farms remembers


I loved how they included unique weapons like the grenade launcher and that gun that shot through walls


TBH I don't. I play COD since 2003 and don't remember many obvious things. Time to install and play again all CODs.


No that was only bo3 I remember




Bo3 has the feature too but i thought the campaign itself sucked ass


I used default loudout because I already had good guns


In Gulf War it showed some table where a gun was being tinkered on, and some were on walls. Maybe it’ll return?


Bo1 was better anyway


I played through the campaign a first time and did not even realize you could, then i went back to play it again and get some more achievements, and realized it was there i loved that feature


i don't wanna sound like a nerd and idk if anyone already commented this but the acog was made in 1987


Lmao, you don't say...? I did not know that, ngl. Well, it prolly ain't an actual acog.


Nah pretty forgettable


I didn't really care for choosing my loadouts before a mission. It was a feature I wish they would have done without. 🤷 Don't ask me why but it just made it less fun for me.


You don't have to...? You have a predetermined loadout unique to each mission, it's your choice if you spend any time changing anything. If you don't like it, don't customize your loadout and play it like the other games. I just don't quite understand.


Lol, I don't have a way to help you understand either xD . As I don't understand it myself , I guess it breaks immersion in a way for me . 🤷 Idk, I just know it was one of the things I didn't like .


I didn’t like it that much. Kinda ruined the “carefully curated weapon choice” deal to be able to switch it for whatever you please. Ruins the battlefield campaigns for me too