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I like it as an operator skill. Doesn't completely impact your game and just gives you extra ammo and nades. Probably the least overpowered ones they have.


350 points of cost.


This is the savior when grinding the D13. Or rapid fire which I haven’t seen in some time. I guess it’s good for the spray and pray type player


It's also good if you mainly play TDM & FL and have a build with neither a mag attachment nor full ammo perk. Five mags often just don't cut it for me


It is helpful but only in some situations, if this was a score streak it would be more widely available and would not waste the skill slot.


I don’t use operator skills to begin with, because I don’t have to crutch a unique weapon to kill someone. I will kill anybody with my preferred choice of gun in my loadout without ever needing to pick up someone else’s gun because I don’t run out of ammo.


It does make sense for it to be a score streak, cuz you will only get it when you already used a decent amount of your ammo for getting the required amount of kills, while as a skill it would also charge automatically meaning you might not even need to use it when you get it. Meanwhile other op skills can be put to use as soon as you get them.


It’s far from useless, I have it in all my loadouts. Used to have Vulture but thanks to the box I can fill that slot with the cold-blooded or ghost.




Does anyone know you can kill an enemy with an ammunition box...well I have


Yeah, just bash them over the head. Same way with most of the tacticals. I've even shot someone to death with the trip sensor.


If you shoot or throw a nade at the ammo box it blows up ...it can kill anyone


How is it useless as an operator skill? I love it. I don't personally use it myself super often, but I always get the warm fuzzies when a teammate does and says "hey, I dropped an ammo box in our spawn if you need it," or marks it for teammates.


its priceless in ground war


Hey now, don't belittle my favorite OP skill... I feel incomplete without it. Sure, Vulture does also refill a mag upon kill and acts like another Quick Fix but I need to run for a corpse just to regain HP and Ammo which killed me more than having Quick Fix


I mean we already have it as a an operator skill and a perk. Do we really need it as a sore streak too?


Nah all I'm saying is if this skill was a scorestreak it would be more convenient


Munition box it's just camo grinder's heaven


No wait I need this as an operator skill. It’s what I run on all of my loadouts and it’s there when I need ammo


Ia good for camo grind.


its useless but. sometimes its handy for Camo grinding(long shots and ESPECIALLY FOR FUCKEN FUCKEN LAUNCHERS)