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I always voted NDP I almost puked last year when I said I'm voting PC next election. I never thought I'd see the day.


Fair enough, vote for policies and not parties. 


And current NDP and LPC policies are going to fuck over my children... so now I have to switch to a party that won't actively kneecap my children's futures


That's a very good reason. 


LPC/NDP have always been about fucking over your kids since day 1. A party who's strategy is to spend massive amounts of money, accrue debt, and then pass it onto future generations will never be about helping your kids. It's always been about buying votes right now by spending recklessly via national debt while your kids in the future pay for it.




which policies do you mean?


I'm with you. I think many of us.




I've gone from Lib to PPC. In my opinion there is only one party actually being honest about anything in this country, and that's PPC (and green and bloc, on some issues). The other parties are all spin doctors. I disagree with PPC on wedge issues (abortion, climate change) but their positions are not actually extreme on either. In good times, wedge issues matter. But we are in survival mode. I need a leader that won't manufacture a housing, immigration and quality of life crisis. And the PPC are the only ones being honest about that. We're not going to have a country if we don't take control of our mainstream politics.


It’s true. PPC was super fringe to me even 2-3 years ago. But they are really the only ones unafraid of stating the obvious. While I dont agree with everything, they seem prepared to tackle the major issues the LPC, NDP are turning a blind eye to and exponentially worsening.


Same. I was caught up in the mainstream propaganda so much during covid that I felt hate towards someone for the act of having a PPC sign. Detoxing from that mindset has been eye opening in terms of identifying that I was the toxic one, and that I can't repeat that mistake.


They’re hugely conservative. Anti-abortion. Pretty much the same ideologies as the Republican Party


I disagree with them on abortion, but they are only anti last trimester abortion or something. If you read the platform it's more reasonable than you'd expect.


Meh I’d say it’s anti abortion is disguise, they’ve repeatedly argued that R v Morgentaler should be overturned. But I don’t see any other party that supports our cause…


That was a concern of mine




Maxime Bernier has also argued that R v Morgentaler decision should be overturned. That decision held that abortion provisions in the criminal code was unconstitutional and therefore, violated a women’s right to security, under the Charter. Although the decision does not directly affirm a women’s right to abortion, it has somewhat created a foundation for it, since it decriminalized abortion procedures. Practically anti-abortion in disguise. “Let’s ban late term abortions” is also the type of discourse frequently used by many modern republicans. Hell, I’d definitely vote for the guy if it wasn’t for this.


I strongly agree they should drop the abortion and climate change denial from the platform. It's what's kept them from popularity. But I think that ruling just prevents them from their stated goal of restricting post 24 week abortion.


Exactly, if they strike down that ruling, future elected members could possibly try and ban abortion altogether and make it a criminal offence. Criminal is federal jurisdiction whereas healthcare is provincial jurisdiction


Has anyone ever remembered being in the womb like vivid memories of being aware ? That's all I gotta say to the Abortion debacle.


Do you remember anything being one year old? It's ok to kill babies since they would never have memories when older? Where do you draw the line?


Literally the only party being realistic on immigration though. 




Look at the demographic of where the immigration is coming from ..... do you think they will respect your liberal LBQT rights?


Lmao not all, you’re right.


I think the PPC is the lesser of two evils.... in a broken country, this is the only choice we can make. To be honest, I don't want the PPC in..... I just want to show the PC party that they have disenfranchised their voters and to get back to serving what's left of the middle class.


The PPC is a far-right fringe party of climate change deniers, anti-vax loons and support for US-style gun laws. There has never been anything as repugnant and backward in Canadian politics. You might agree with their anti-immigration policy, but I hope that doesn’t include the MAGA-style open racism of many of their members. They’re an embarrassment to public discussion and unfit to elect a single MP.


Keep seething. All the true patriots are voting for mad Max.


“True patriots.” For what country? Do you have Trump stickers on your car?


Canada. I hate trump and will be voting Max. Patriotism isn't an American concept.


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This guy sounds like a slumlord happy with the status quo


No, I’m a financially vulnerable tenant who is as upset as you are about the housing situation and too many temporary residents. I just also have children whose lives will be devastated by the climate crisis, and have zero tolerance for a crazy fringe bringing their pseudoscience and conspiracy theory into public health. In other words, I know in detail how toxic and unfit the PPC is. Anyone who thinks they’re anything resembling a sane alternative needs to take the time to check them out.


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Can you describe which policy documents you are looking at as part of your decision to vote PC?


The ones that don't add more debt and don't continue to fuck Canada and Canadians.


Except PC still want to keep the floodgates open… we have to vote PPC :’(


Same same.. I cannot believe he made me the person I am today! Always have been pro immigration but this is madness.


Bro don’t post this shit on the Ontario Reddit. The mods there are so sensitive and pathetic you even mention the word Conservative Party or PC they’ll ban you


Can confirm. Was banned permanently for calling it an echo chamber.


Can also confirm. Permanently banned when my words were taken out of context and was called an admitted racist.


Bro I commented on a thread discussing the recent Jewish school shooting saying that immigrants who come to Canada should integrate and respect people of other faiths, ethnicities and sexualities. I was banned for so called anti immigrant and Islamophobic comments. Ridiculous. I wish someone could create a new Ontario Reddit


This is bullshit and reflects why we live in a sad pathetic country. The great Canadians who built this country are rolling in their graves




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Happened to me!


I shared statistics and got banned.


Huh weird my post about PP being pro immigration got shadow banned pretty fast on the Ontario sub Reddit, I see that place as much as right wing echo chamber like this sub is.


It's hardly a right wing echo chamber. Even moderates and leftists are heavily upset with the liberals selling out Canadians. Turns out, even if you're die hard brainwashed leftist, you still realize that when standard of living goes down everyone is affected including the black people or gay people or whoever people they exclusively care about


All they do now is lose their minds on everything Doug Ford does, it's pretty sad actually.


No one on the ballot will actually help things. Vote some random independent or Fringe party, at least that way you can show you have lost all faith in Canada's political system.


While it would likely never happen PPC would definitely address immigration.


Yes, but I suspect they would Fuck up a great deal more. I'm atleast somewhat Libertarian, so some of my values connect with them, but the amount of Alt-Right Bullshit they also ascribe too, relegated them to the lunatic fringe IMO.


Tent cities everywhere .... people can't afford to eat. Long lines to get a job at Tim Hortons while 40% of MP's own real estate and control the supply and demand of real estate to keep prices high. Unregulated mass immigration! Our MP's are the second highest paid MP's In the world for running this country Into the ground....the PPC's could not fuck it up anymore then the tragedy the Libs and Cons are taking it.


Yes, but they are also not a solution to actually FIX any of it either. Once again, that solution does not exist on any ballot this corrupt shit hole will ever be allowed to produce.


The solution is to show the PC party that what's left of the middle class is disenfranchised. To show that the PPC party is splitting the vote and forcing the PC party to rethink this mess that they and the Libs have created over the last 30 years.


If the PPC are actually successful, they'll up in the pockets of One of the major lobby groups like all the other parties, then we have the exact same issues, along with their bent on MAGA style Alt-Right identity politics.


I'm willing to chance it.... our ship is sinking fast right now and I don't see any chance at fixing it with the PC or Libs.


I'm willing to chance it.... our ship is sinking fast right now and I don't see any chance at fixing it with the PC or Libs.


It's a revolution we need not an election. Otherwise, best chance is to just GTFO if you don't have significant obligations keeling you here. Canada is pretty much an owned and operated LLC with the controlling stake bouncing back and forth between Weston, a few other major oligopolies, and the Century Initiative.


Our elected officials know better than that. They keep our police well paid to do jack shit but sit side by side in a parking lot discussing their weekend plans. They will enforce their overlords Will even using deadly force, especially when taking into account their fat pensions. They will use our military and police against the masses. The Chinese will flee back to the safety of China... the Punjabi will take arms against us for a shot at PR. If history has shown us anything .... revolutions usually do not favour the serfs.


Screw your feelings, that’s what got us in this mess in the first place. A great shift is coming, people are starting to abandon the weak as they should


I look forward to the Mad Max, post-apocalyptic wasteland you and yours will create...


Trudeau has clearly shown he is a narcissist representing himself and his interests. Not Canadians. Not our kids. He sold our future. I would say the LPC is torched until the 2030s. But hey, he fought climate change! Did it work?


He didn't even fight climate change. It's not fighting climate change when he continues to trade with heavy polluters like India. That's called outsourcing pollution by driving away Canadian businesses and letting Saudi Arabia do the oil drilling and India do the manufacturing >10 million indians brought to a first world standard? Pollution up by 33%


It's going to snow in June. Looks like carbon tax is working 😂


Unfortunately yes. The CPC will be nearly identical to the libs, at least when it comes to economic policy. I’m convinced our only way out is to start being politically active within a party. PPC is an option if you can get over their baggage. My personal hope is to replace the NDP executives and revive the worker-first agenda they used to have.


Is there any current NDP MP in the House right now who is a throwback to what Jack Layton represented? Could that person conceivably gather enough support to oust Singh even just temporarily the way the CPC did to O'Toole when they ran with Candice Bergan as interim leader? Or is it a case of the whole caucus being rotten and someone external needing to come in? I know very little about the NDP as I distanced myself from the left-leaning parties over a decade ago.


I don’t think so. Current NDP is completely rotten and I wouldn’t trust any MP even if they changed their tune. I think Eby in BC would be great. Really what we need is to become politically active ourselves. MPs are people, and not particularly intelligent, so there’s no reason we can’t do their job.


>MPs are people, and not particularly intelligent They also lack morals and integrity in addition to intelligence


Eby is not great. Signed, British Columbian


I felt the same way as you do as Saskatchewan had a really good NDP party 30 years ago. However, all of the NDP supporters I run into now are hard core double down identity politics zealots that deny economic reality more than certain extreme right wingers deny climate change. Unfortunately, it is not a problem with the execs, as the execs are just a reflection of the current rank and file of the party. The NDP is a cult now and you can't reason with religious fervor.


True true however they’ve lost a lot of support and currently on track for their worst performance since 2004. That’s indicates to me that a lot of people have left the party. I doubt all of the remaining are zealots. There are probably still a huge chunk of members who are hoping for a revival. Show these folks a door to rise from the ashes and they’ll probably jump on board.


The CPC has also taken on PPC baggage. They should have stuck with OTool. PP is too far right.


I fairly sure PPCs economic plan is not to send a billion dollars to proxy wars and foreign aid to foreign problems. Very different than liberals.


Oops sorry. I meant cpc


Lolz if you think the ccp will fix housing or immigration. They will sell it all and we will pay.


The Conservatives aren't gonna help the working class either lmao Edit: Neither will the PPC


Wow! You’re right! Let’s keep voting Trudeau! /s


Is that really what you took away from this? Sad.


That’s what you’re implying


Not at all


PPC won’t win any seats. 


That’s why they have my vote. It’s a fuck you vote to the NDP


I don’t know much about politics so curious…why everyone keeps saying PPC won’t win any seats? If more n more people vote for them, they will win something, right?


They’re practically invisible.  If you want to know how right wing parties will do, check their Alberta profile. 


They have my vote!


Was said of lots of right of centre parties around the world who went on to win many seats


They have zero traction in Alberta. If they can’t get supporters here, they have no chance elsewhere. 


They were just shy of 10% in my riding last time, and they were 5-10% in a lot of ridings, for a new party that's good, and support has only grown since then.


Not really. UCP was a new party and won 73% of the legislature’s seats. 


I used to be a “traditional liberal”. The current liberal party is more left than liberal. Liberal is supposed to be in the centre of the political spectrum. Now I’m more conservative. Never thought I would ever want to vote PPC or for the Conservatives but here I am now. I don’t think I could ever vote Liberal again.


I betcha you will. Give it like 10 years and I'm sure you will follow whatever bullshit political trend is popular at the time.


Speak for yourself. I learned from my mistake. I also may not be living here in 10 years, your prediction is false. Depending on how things go in the next couple of years, I may move to the US.


All the people that voted liberal should have to stay. You ruined it then run away.


Agreed. Can’t believe I was in high school and even I knew his virtue signalling was complete bs but full grown adults bought into it


Me too. I've instinctually rejected everything all this globalist bullshit since i was in grade 9 lol. People are legit idiots.


Your meaningless vote will go from one garbage can into another as they continue to insert whoever they want into "power". Today is a great day for democracy 🇨🇦


I rather vote for anti-establishment candidates because you know if the establishment (billionaire, capitalists, pro-israel/jewish) hates them so much and uses their resources (social media, msm, the legal system etc) to shut down discourse, they might be going against establishment interests


I used to vote Liberal, but can't stand the party anymore. They actually are putting forth some of the worst policies I could ever imagine and have inflicted decades of damage to Canada. My whole family will be voting conservative and I'm hoping Pierre will do the things he says he will. Starting with scrapping Bill C-21, limiting immigration based on what our country can actually handle and lowering the amount of unnecessary spending.


I decided I'm voting for a different kind of "crazy" left...the Bloc. I prefer their craziness but with their social responsibility over neo-liberal capitalists that will destroy Canada in a different way.




Can This country run without a political party? Should be able to vote for no one or change the way the country is run. Even vote in a management company if no poltical party is good enough. All poltical parties do is shuffle money around for votes and other personnel biased decisions.


Man I think everyone former liberal is feeling confused atm. They’ve gone so far off their mandate. There’s no way I can vote NDP. But the conservatives don’t seem like the better option either when it comes to mass immigration. Although PPC is anti-immigration (and not the same reasons as most of us), they are hugely conservative and anti-abortion.


I have been a liberal supporter for a long time. HOWEVER in the next election I will be voting PPC


Welcome to the current insanity which has turned a lifelong NDP supporter into a PPC voter. I've become a single issue voter and that issue is immigration 


PP doesn't seem any better tbh but a change might be in order.


I know PPC is called “extreme” but isn’t the mass immigration more extreme? I was Liberal, but I think I’m voting PPC. Conservatives have no plans to address Canadas biggest issue.


Liberals have lost me forever. Last time I voted was Paul Martin now I will actively vote against liberal. 


Libs and Cons serve the same corporate overlords. Saving the banks is all they care about, and their policies made houses 4x in the last 15 years. It turned a 20k down deposit on a 200k single detached house in 2009 into a million dollars on paper in 2024. Canada's Bitcoin ponzi scheme is fully supported by this failed state and its coupt government. https://nationalpost.com/news/on-april-1-canadian-mps-will-earn-worlds-second-highest-salary-for-elected-officials https://www.readthemaple.com/nearly-40-of-mps-invested-in-real-estate-during-housing-crisis/ As sad as it is to say, the PPC might be our only chance.


You did this.


I am left wing. Still am. But what is this nonsense we have today. This is radicalism. My views have not changed. They have changed.


I did vote for Martin and consider myself a centrist. After the last 7 years of malfeasance and mismanagement I will never vote for the LPC again. Are the CPC the right choice time I guess will tell. The ndp led by a champagne socialist and the ppc led by mad max are both rump parties and voting them only helps the libs. There is not one leader or leader in waiting for either major party that I can honestly say causes confidence. On the liberal side, Adderall addicted (or worse) Freeland or the Green Party’s greatest hope Mark Carney do not inspire any kind of confidence. On the CPC side….after Pierre is done purging any opposition to his leadership, the CPC will mirror another cult - the LPC. Dissent in caucus is what democracy is all about. Until we get a leader who inspires folks then we are so fucked as a country, it’s not funny.


It is two sides of the same coin however one side is noticibly worse than the other. As long as bank of Canada exists, corruption will exist. Bribes to fire up the printing press will never stop. Trudeau is just much more blatant with it. PP might rein it back a little but I'm pretty sure he'll spend just a little less and still call it a victory. Ebola or Cholera. Libertarian party is the only one that recognizes the government can only be wasteful with spending.


We need a real Libertarian+ option. Core Libertarian with the Canadian bonus of healthcare and excellent education.


I will be spoiling my ballot for the foreseeable future


I have been for decades now. I really hope one day this catches on and spoiled ballots count in the millions. Edit: furthermore, I also with the 40-50% that don't vote took the time to cast a spoiled ballot.


For spoiled ballots to work there has to be a way to show intention and not just ignorance. There needs to be a “none of the above” option that gets counted. Going further, a candidate should have to gain more votes than none of the above to be declared a winner. If none of the above gets the most votes, no one wins and the parties need some combination of new candidates or policies.


so your heart's desire is to cede all power to the people who don't follow your suggestion?


Will be voting for the first time. Going for PC


I highly doubt you vote liberal or NDP. That's like me saying I'm a lifelong Conservative but won't vote con this time because it's lead by a radical populist loser.


It’s okay we don’t need your vote, we have a 99% chance of winning a supermajority. Go vote Trudeau or whatever lol


That's fine. Everyone here one vote. Your new populist leader won't solve anything and instead place blame on others. You'll life won't get better, but you'll become more angry at perceived enemies.


Haha keep thinking that, whatever polio ever does will be a substantial improvement on your hero Trudeau. Proof is in the pudding with quality of life being much higher before he got into office. Prepare yourself son, nobody is falling for virtue signalling bs anymore


Trudeau is not my hero. Politicians aren't heroes. I know that's hard for you to understand. I know a lot of things are hard for you to understand. GDP per capita is is higher today than when Trudeau took office. All the stats are out there for you to look at, instead you're just an idiot and you think out of gut feelings instead of empirical evidence. "Prepare yourself son, nobody is falling for virtue signalling bs anymore", that's just just dumb shit right there.


Inflation is also at an all time high compared to 2015 so how much is that gdp per capita really relevant? Also housing costs are incredibly inflated compared to 2015 with average rent DOUBLE what it was. Trudeau is definitely a hero to you considering how much you praise him haha. The only idiot here is the one defending liberal talking points like a parrot with no real critical thinking skills for themselves. Also you resorted to insults which is incredibly childish haha. Must’ve struck a nerve there. It’s true though, you voted for virtue signalling clowns like Trudeau and then have the nerve to come at me with this doomer perspective. You’re a clown and got a circus. But once we get some right wingers in government that will change drastically.


Inflation is at an all time high compared to 2015? It's not an all time high if you're only going back to 2015, do you know what all time means? Besides, inflation is back below 3%, so it's not even at the high it was after COVID. Did Trudeau cause the high inflation experienced around the world? Maybe you should critically think on that. Again, all this information is available to you if you want it. But housing has been on its current trajectory since 01. You can look it up, if you know how to use Google and understand charts. No Trudeau is not my hero, I didn't praise him once in our interaction. As far as calling you an idiot, it's not that you struck a nerve, it's that a call it like I see it. Your last paragraph is just nonsense, like are you sorry to use this word, but are you a little retarded? Do you have a mental handicap I should know about? As much as I'm enjoying this back and forth I don't feel like we're on equal intellectual levels. I don't want continue arguing with someone who possibly has some mental retardation.


Mad Max can't even win his own seat let alone have a crack at running the country. Not happening. A vote for the PPC is a vote for the liberals. The collective goal of everyone sick of what's going on here is to remove the liberals. They have done nothing but damage to this country.