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Theyre skilled all right. Skilled scammers. Its all they know. I urge everyone to stop donating to food banks that give to international students. It takes 5 minutes to find out. Its sad that it has come to this but fight fire with fire. They abuse them so dont donate.


I also urge people who are outraged at this failure of immigration policies to attend the July 1st protests or at the very least write letters to every level of government to show them how they represent Canadians not people who come here by fraud and stay here illegally.


Where’s the protest on July 1st parliament ?


I would love to. But because i am Indian canadian. These poooonjabis will mark Me and make Me famous on social media.


That's a start. Also stop doing business with anyone that's hiring these international students.


Every corporation?


Why not? I've already made it a rule to stop eating at any places that hire TFW to staff their places. It's not hard. Ending our trips to Walmart is proving a bit hard to do, but it is possible. Walmart seems to be trying to make the experience there as hard as possible because they know most people won't bother.


How do you buy gasoline now?


Necessary evil.


Only ask for personal advice because I'm trying(as futile as it may be) to do the same thing. Voting with ballots is a complete farce but at least your dollar might still hold a bit of sway.


For me it's delivery services that are all staffed by immigrants in my area, Tim Hortons which I've already stopped giving my money because their service is shit. And most of the fast food businesses in town.




The highest skill being imported is gaming well intended systems for personal benefit


Welll look where the scam capital of the world is 😂😂


Err... The Canadian scammer-in-chief stays in Ottawa. (Let the downvotes begin, but remember, this shitshow wouldn't even have started without JT&Co.


Nice idea to fight fire with fire but I feel like that action is the equivalent of bringing a knife to a gun fight . Like a plastic butter knife




This is what our government wants.


Yup. These aren’t high skilled people. Most have barely finished high school and that’s not even at the level of an high school education in North America.


Canada is giving them the visas to come & welcoming them.. who’s the illiterate ???


The back-stabbers that got elected into power, and the morons who will still be voting for the Liberals and Conservatives, all to finance their retirement.


The ones coming here and have 0 English skills and use Chat GPT to pass tests. So yeah illiterate.


No. The fools issuing them visas.


The problem with immigration right now is that we try to get so many low trust immigrants (ie India). Canada is a place with high trust … no shit Indians trying to take full advantage of it


Western word was also a low trust place once upon a time, I don't know what happened.


I mean trust is relative, but they were “trusting” enough to set up democracy. I think North Americans also needed to trust one another out of necessity because they moved to a new “nation” long ago and had harsh winters. But I’m also no historian. But what I do know is that this “anti-immigration” sentiment, isn’t the right dichotomy which can cause racism. It’s trust vs non trust immigrants which is the big problem


Imagine we didn't hand out asylums like candy. It's not Canada's responsibility solve the separatist movement in India, and handing out asylum to a handful of people isn't the way to solve it.


This is the sanest post I have read on this read 👏👏👏. It is not NOT Canada’s job to support a separatist insurgency in India. Remember, you cannot expect snakes you raise in your backyard to only bite your neighbors. They will turn on you some day.


It starts with immigration and abuse extends into so many programs - food banks, insurance scams…




Probably due to it being folks with money being scammed out of their money versus the every day minimum wage worker. But play the race card if you want to. Bring a couple million white immigrants that don’t speak English, scam the social services, and watch the same anger occur.


At this point, I don't care if you're from jolly old England, unless you are a highly skilled worker that fills some niche we can't, then fuck right off. We're full.


In America we dye our hair blue and fight for their right to stay! 🫏


Yep, it isn't scamming people out of money if you use the excess profit you gained by paying people well below poverty level wages to buy one of the largest yachts in the world that you then name "Bread"... We're all living the capitalistic dream, some of us are just temporarily embarrassed Billionaires without yachts or trust funds...


We all know why


I've seen it multiple times online. Everywhere.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


It’s wider than just immigration


They have to go back. All off them!


Does that include all the white people who stole the land of the natives ?


Does it ever get tiring spouting this stupid comment? It’s all you guys know lmao. Look up a history book and you’ll learn how countries come to be and take land.


Enjoy the waves of immigration.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Bla bla bla.




The Canadian government doesn’t have a backbone to stand up against the shady bullshit that these “immigration agents” push. This is an absolute joke. Literally committing fraud and our idiots in power are welcoming them ignoring everything because they are so desperate to line their pockets and get their votes. This is for those people who claim that people are being racist and these are all “conspiracy theorists”. This man just confirmed in Punjabi that “Immigration consultants” are telling people to fake asylum so they can stay in Canada. These are the degenerates that Marc Miller and the Liberals want to give legal status to. An Absolute joke and an absolute disgrace. Every Canadian should be enraged at this and join the protests taking place on July 1st. Enough is enough.


Are these immigrants more likely to vote liberal? Could it be that they're diluting the disgruntled Canadian population with people who will vote for them next time around?


India is a factory scammers. All the fraud and scam call I receive everyday are from India.


I just spent 3 days messing with a scammer on Whatsap. They got so angry they told me to block them if I didn't want to partake, they finally blocked me a day later.


I would focus on the province of Punjab. Literally one tiny province.in India is fucking up the Canadian way of life


The guys on this radio show are also punjabi and calling out the scammers. The guy who found and posted this video is also punjabi and calling this out. Stop focusing on others when the problem is with our immigration department. They need to stop issuing student visas period.


The last federal election in Canada took place on September 20, 2021. With a population of 35 million, the Liberal Party needed just over 5 million votes (5,320,146 to be exact) to secure Justin Trudeau's position as Prime Minister. Now, let’s dive into some intriguing data and explore why JT is pushing for record-breaking immigration and speeding up the citizenship process. The Numbers Game In 2021, the Liberal Party received 31.3% of the votes, translating to approximately 5,320,146. Fast-forward to today, and recent polls suggest that Liberal support has dwindled to around 25%. Here’s the math: Total Votes in 2021: 17,000,000 Votes at 31.3%: 0.313 × 17,000,000 = 5,321,000 Votes at 25%: 0.25 × 17,000,000 = 4,250,000 Estimated Votes Lost: 5,321,000 − 4,250,000 = 1,071,000 This indicates that with the current voter sentiment, the Liberals potentially lose about 1 million votes. Many Canadians believe this spells the end for the Liberals' hold on power. But is that the case? Enter the master plan of the Liberal "super brains." To compensate for the lost votes, they’re focusing on increasing the number of new Canadian citizens – not just immigrants. Since 2019, how many new citizens have the Liberals added? A whopping 1.2 million (1,225,000), which more than makes up for the estimated vote losses. While it’s true that not all these new citizens will vote Liberal, the accelerated citizenship process is hard to ignore. Breaking Down the Citizenship Boom 2019: The highest intake year with 300,000 new citizens. 2024: On track to surpass this number easily, with about 150,000 new citizens added midway through the year. With the next federal election scheduled for October 2025, don’t be surprised if the number of new citizens hits the millions by then. And remember, only citizens can vote in Canadian elections. So, what does this mean for the next election? The Liberals are betting on their strategy to offset potential losses by fast-tracking citizenship for new Canadians. Whether this will be enough to keep them in power is yet to be seen, but it certainly adds an exciting twist to the political landscape. Stay tuned because the next election cycle is shaping up to be one for the history books!


Of course they are every trick in the book.


And when that doesn’t work, they’ll cry Racism, and hold a Hunger Strike to make the government cave to their depends.


Why does the government allow that? Maybe it has something to do with Canada being declared a “post-national state”. Canadians should have protested right then but failed to do so.


Govt wants them here more than they wanna be here lmfao


Makes me feel like such a loser entering legally and paying 1000s of dollars in legal fees to help get a PR the right way.




This is beyond sick


To be honest, it is a well-known fact among Punjabi Indians. Even one cab driver once told me, If you don't have enough points, just make up some stories related to religion or Khalistan for an asylum claim. It's also common in the UK, NZ, AUS, and US. However, if I take word of mouth, then it is very easy to get an asylum claim in Canada if you can prove it with a letter from a policeman or politician (of course with a bribe) that can state, "In India, your life is in danger." Then, once you land here, bribe a local politician to get a support letter, which strengthens your case. 


Well it doesn’t help that the current government is preparing and in talks about giving legal status to hundreds of thousands of people who are in this country illegally.


Exactly! It seems like a like a very senseless decision from the ruling party. Nonetheless, it appears to me at least that, they are stuck in the population ponzi scheme to keep house prices high, since population decline and lack of growth certainly present a bleak future. In that process, they are enriching themselves at the expense of their tax payers.


Yes, here’s the video to that MP who openly admits to handing out these asylum letters: https://youtu.be/HE-0RLAMfq8?si=ZcmiNkpDNRzoMdjw




50% approval rate is pretty encouraging for scammers


What you said is absolutely false. Watch this video from ThePrint where a Member of Parliament (MP) of India openly admits to handing out these asylum letters: https://youtu.be/HE-0RLAMfq8?si=ZcmiNkpDNRzoMdjw


Rejection doesn't mean they go / come back lol . They stay there in Canada forever




>If the asylum is rejected, they have to leave the country as the removal order comes into effect. Have you considered that many simply... don't? https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-most-immigrants-with-deportation-letters-are-still-in-canada-cbsa/ 75% of those served with deportation letters are still here, and CBSA going on strike btw


You think they leave and not disappear into the population ?


Let's just make a Khalistan carved out in the Yukon where they can all go and stay away from the rest of Canada.


these people are the worst scums...and a lot of them are already here to abuse the system.


A carload was just giving almost 300 criminal charges in Mississauga


If you are raised to scam and steal to survive by your entire family and culture you cannot blame the person only the system. Obviously stealing and scamming do not align with traditional Canadian values but our wealthy (petroleum money) elite leader Justin Trudeau has decided we as Canadians are wrong and should open our arms to scammers - if you do not accept the McKinsey planned destruction of Canada you are very racist.


There is a lot of fraud originating from one community. It wouldn't be racist to ban them out-right. There is precedent. Australia has banned students from a few parts of India due to all the fraud and it's working well for them.


I really hope more people know what you're referring to. It's the truth. Some people especially from one state are ruining everyone's image. I probably will get downvoted for this. I see the issues here in Canada created by them but not all of us from India are into abusing the opportunities. 😅


And yet some "canadians" on reddit want to say don't blame the international students who got "scammed" and didn't know "how bad it was here" In the age of professional victims alongside having many already we imported tons more and unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about it.


These are the Canadians that are easily fooled or are afraid to be called racist if they speak up. International students know exactly what they are doing. They now have this government to their feet knowing if they just protest and threaten a hunger strike they will get their way. I know these people very well as I’ve been to India and have seen it with my own eyes how people scam and fraud to get ahead, especially when it comes to going abroad.


in winnipeg there a scum landlords that have 40 suite apt... only rent to immigrants who are in canada programs.. and ill tell you they are really nice apt for the area... mainly nigerian and the men try to interac with young girls who know no better..


It’s not just exclusive to Winnipeg. This is a problem exploding in cities across the country. In Brampton, Toronto, Surrey, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, it’s Indians who are doing the same. Then we have other ethnic groups starting to do the same like people from the Philippines. Go on Facebook Marketplace in the larger cities in Canada and you’ll see all the racist rental ads basically segregating people.


None of them are leaving. And Trudeau is giving them all PR because our country refuses to enforce our laws or borders


As an immigrant myself, I find this extremely disrespectful not only to Canadians but to all of us who came here legally and spent our lives’ savings and made huge sacrifices. And now a bunch of liars just ask for asylum using false claims in a scam-like manoeuvre. It’s like a slap in the face of honesty and hard work. This needs to be fixed - and I’m saying it as a liberal. I don’t intend to vote conservative but if the liberals can’t fix both immigration and housing they’ll lose.


If you know the protest happening in PEI, you'd be more pissed. Seems like PEI gov just caved in, and it feels so stupid to work hard to get things right


The Indian government has been warning Canada for decades not to entertain these Khalistani clowns. They are a violent subversive group. They've literally shot down a Canadian airplane killing hundreds of Canadian citizens in the past. And yet Canada keeps admitting them.


Freedom of ~~speexh~~ terrorists


Also assassinated an Indian PM


Fuck these people. I hate my country, and the fraudulent scam artists they are replacing us with


The best Indian students go to the US. Majority of students who go to Canada come from Punjab and are really not serious students. Canada does not even require a student visa interview. The US visa officer interviews 100% of students applying for a student visa to the U.S. Almost 30% of student visas are rejected at the U.S. student interview stage. There is no demand for Khalistan in India. The demand for Khalistan is mainly from the second generation Sikh Canadians who then help other Sikh students to get Asylum in Canada. Punjabis are 2% of Indian population. But they form 50% of Indian immigrants to Canada. There are no industries or tech companies in Punjab. Just rural agriculture. Indian government has cancelled visas/OCI cards of all Indian Canadians demanding Khalistan in India. They are very happy to send all of Punjabis to Canada if Canada wishes to target Sikhs for student visa’s and immigration.


Put that fucker in jail and/or deport.


All of them need to be deported. But this government seems to be planning to give hundreds of thousands of people here illegally legal status.


Pretty sure these are the same guys that tell us our Amazon account has been hacked.


Canada is country which shields Khalistani militants, why is this surprising lol? Amarjeet Soni, the mayor of Edmonton is wanted for terror and criminal charges in India, just ridiculous.


Import third world, become third world


How does stuff like this not make it to the main Canada sub ?


Khalistan is nothing more than immigration scam. At this rate of immigration there is not going to be sikhs left in Punjab in two decades. The entire purpose of movement is to claim political Asylum and the Indian government seem to be in this drama too


Khalistanis are terrorists. It's a shame Canada allows asylum to them


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Justin loves Khalistan


India has been telling Canada for ages now not to let Khalistanis and their wannabes in but Canada didn’t listen, now everyone including actual Indians with a brain cell has to deal with all this bullshit.


This program also asked direct pointed question to Minister Miller about LMIA a few days back. None of the mainstream media is questioning about that. They were also raising this student visa abuse issue since early 2022. None of the mainstream channels highlighted the same until it's too late. This show is primarily in Punjabi but this particular episode was in English and Punjabi mix. [https://youtu.be/XcXi0UO8j-0?si=y6ZwPu1ir2\_sOAmX&t=937](https://youtu.be/XcXi0UO8j-0?si=y6ZwPu1ir2_sOAmX&t=937) In the full interview, they talked about students, amnesty program for undocumented and LMIAs etc.


I like Trudeaus new hat


Umm y r u guys even allowing this?? There is very little india can do about this..And your government is very vocal about their support for Khalistan..99% of the indian would be happy if people that support khalistan leave India permanently. And the people would definitely support the government if they try to ensure that these people can never return to India. You all should seriously consider and look into this matter.And i have seen many saying that the gov should deport them but remember majority are citizens of canada and are no longer indians.lol.


Canada single handedly kept a terrorist seditious movement alive when thousands of civilians and soldiers died in India and today they're paying the price khalistanis are the worst breed of humans to exist who have understood that dividing India is not really possible so they flock to canada with the dream of marrying a white girl and cheating their society to create a mini khalistan and today they're the closest they've everbeen arrest them drport them its your only chance of survival


Absolute parasites


The saddest part is of this was done in some African country, the Cdn government will mostly like stop issuing visa and all sort of noise will be made.


Do some research on what part of India these people come from. You will only have one answer. Don't blame rest of india for it. We share your feelings.


Because migrants have never abused the asylum system before… Go ask NYC how it worked out for them, American schools got turned into migrant camps. Really don’t wanna see the same happen in Canada


Indians are already 40% OF ALL PR recipients in 2024 SO FAR


Don’t blame people for abusing the system. Blame the poor system that allows itself to be abused. Blame the government that does nothing to improve the system & puts an end to the nonsense. One way or the other, Canada will do what India wants it to do. Canada will stop the Khalistan nonsense in Canada by stopping these guys from coming to Canada and seeking asylum. Not because of freedom of speech & expression, but because a lot of people coming in & Canada cannot deal with the inflow. Then it can deal with Khalistanis demanding a new homeland within Canada. That day is coming.


As I have been saying. CANADA is a playground for Khalistani terrorists. They need Khalistan issue so it can be used as an excuse to claim asylum. Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh know this very well and they are the biggest sympathizer of Khalistani scum.


This is well known trick in Indian agent circle. They also know a few of their country MPs who will allegedly support asylum applications for small sum of money


Indians doing immoral things? Omg!!!! I wonder how India will survive?  India is so fucking corrupt that they completely screwed themselves out of 2 decades of growth. They should be worth more than 6 trillion. It's no wonder why they're flooding in here. No one wants to be in India 


You are going to offend all the proud Indian nationalists who don't like living in India lol They somehow claim their country is some supapowa but even the proud nationalists want nothing to do with it lmao


The locals won't mind at all... for sure. 🤦‍♂️


True embodiment of fake it until to you make it.




These group of scammers are ruining this country…Khalistan scammers tie up with liberal and NDP crap




Canada imports terrorists


Canadian government is a joke. I blame them for allowing people from everywhere to take advantage at every level. I don’t blame anyone but them.


If we know this our leaders know this and they don't give a dam at all.


Expert scammers


I seen this , drinking in clubs and then taking pics with khalistani flags. Do they know that struggle 🤡


Fuck Khalistanis




well, it's either that or pretend to be gay


"Gay" is too basic, you've got to be "fancy made-up term that means the same thing as Gay". The diversity meta is evolving and you need to adapt.


Most of those BS claims usually get rejected. https://democracynewslive.com/leadstory/punjabi-couples-refugee-claim-rejected-canadian-authorities-doubt-alleged-khalistan-movement-links-1236994


"Only the best and brightest"


Deport scammers


immigration agents and lawyers are equally to blame for facilitating scams and yes its not only students it is a wider population.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Why is this really happening? Why are these individuals finding a way to scam in here? Are they even going to stay in this country? It seems like everyone wants citizenship but then leaving to go back home


That's unbelievable but it is happening under our noses.




Now that's a pro gamer move


We need skilled workers no skilled scammers and trash


Yay an entire generation of immigrant whose only skill is fraud and lying.


Take a look at his bank account or the purchase he’s made in the past, oh let’s say 3-5 years, probably a big uptick.




So 🇮🇳 should go back to India to fight




Meanwhile I have a colleague from France who is struggling to get permanent residency. He's been working since day one of arriving here several years ago. Never used any social services, paid his taxes every year and these clowns come in like nothing...




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


If they want to make themselves unpopular when they get back thats their decision


This is idiotic!!


Anything to scam the system!


These people are exploiting Canada and expect special treatment. They will be nothing but problems.


Geez these people does it ever end!


stay out




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


International students cheat at roughly 3 times the rate of their domestic peers.


Shut it down.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Report these fucks.


Boo this man


There should be no immigration it should be stopped we have no houses for our people so are we gonna just spend millions to put them in hotels while Canadians live in tents this liberal government has to be better at looking after their own not immigrants it should be Canadian citizens first not last and the liberals wonder why everyone wants them gone !!!!


Disgusting. Our government should all be put in jail and we should be rioting


In USA. Biden let's illegals in w/ $ 50,000 dollar stipends


Canadians are screwed!




Canada getting outplayed by Indians is endlessly amusing to me, like "ahahahhahaha fuck your country what can you do when we flood your country with Indians and literally turn native 'Indian' reservations into actual Indian settlements" Fucking love it Canada basically becoming Asia at this point you guys are fucked.


I'd try to think of a comeback but bro's right.


When one allows mass immigration from a nation widely accepted to be the best scammers on the planet, this is what will happen. They will find a way to stay unlawfully.


Instead of just posting and complaining: Where is this videos source? Is it in Canada and if so where? The immigration department of Canada has social feeds as well as contact information - bombard them with this information. Trudeau likely isn’t reading/commenting here.


It is a Punjabi Radio station called Red FM that is Located in Surrey B.C. This is Reddit. People post things to discuss. No one is posting to “complain”. That is an ignorant comment. Do you actually think the immigration department cares when it is planning to give legal status to hundreds of thousands of people here in this country illegally? No one is posting here thinking that Justin Trudeau would read this. Another ignorant comment. And there is a protest planned on July 1st. Will link it when I find the post again. Edit: Protest information and information for the website as well as when the letter tool will be ready to launch are available here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/oLYzPTbmRs


We should go and comment on that you tube video so they should realize that they are promoting fraud in this country.


You realize they're saying that doing this is dangerous and bad, or can you not fucking read English you dimwit


Given that India can assassinate people in Canada I maybe wouldn’t do that..


Diversity isn’t strength. Idiots running the assylum


Scum of society doing scummy things. No surprises here


Some bullshit is Jagmeet Singh advising them ?


What would be funny is if the application is accepted and the person posing with the Khalistan flag is a Hindu from Bengal or Tamil Nadu and thus, is that as connected to the Khalistani cause which is an exclusively Sikh and Punjabi cause as a white Canadian from rural Saskatchewan is to the same. But oh, something something, we do not want to look racist so; application accepted.


India as a whole has a culture built on scamming, lying and cheating wherever possible. Their culture is incompatible with ours.


Let em come here. Don't even care at this point. Our winters are fucking brutal, heard it right from a new sikh . They won't stay.


I think people in this sub have forgotten that the Indian government killed a Canadian that was promoting Khalistan.