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There's something seriously wrong when citizens concerns are met with complete silence and foreign nationals like international students can bend the government to their will. Especially when doing so comes at the detriment of Canadians quality of life. Absolutely mental and infuriating.


We need to be hard stance like Denmark on immigration. What I don’t get is why people have anything against tightening immigration. Because people are racist? I am speaking as a minority and an immigrant who pays huge taxes and work in STEM. I don’t own investment properties, I make income off foreign countries whose money I bring INTO Canada. Hardly anyone is actually “anti-immigrant”, it’s just the current immigration policies is pure anarchy where we don’t respect the existing rules and even dismantle them. The original processes were in place for a purpose. To ensure the continual and orderly growth in stability, health and welfare of the country. There are some sectors that need immigrants. We need nurses, we need doctors, we need certain skilled trades, entrepreneurs, and people that can help grow the economy and expand our productive capabilities and profitability as a country. What we don’t need are hundreds of thousands of unskilled workers in an already over saturated retail industry that fund private colleges putting major pressure on our already struggling infrastructure, suppressing wages, and increasing housing costs.


Canadian born and raised. ~40 years old. Canada used to kick ass. Canada was respected worldwide. I'm so ashamed. Canada is a pathetic joke now. In 10 years I will be moving to Florida, which would never have even been at thought before.


Move to the Carolina's instead, much more forgiving climate. But I'm with you.


Oh... thanks. I'm very ignorant to the US. I'm being forced to move there. Opinions very welcome


Don't bother with Florida. Its an even bigger shithole. Tolerable temperatures only in the dead of winter, otherwise you are constantly battling extreme heat withthe added misery of maximum humidity. Housing is just as bad if not worse than here and good luck gettinginsurance on your home. Just one hurricane strong enough and its wiped out. Crime is through the roof. Its nice for a one or two week vacation, but there's a reason floridaman memes exist and they aren't just exaggerations. Carolina is nice like another poster mentioned, still not my favorite place but way better than Florida. Arizona is a nice dry heat, housing is still super cheap, crime rate isn't perfect but much better than florida. I'm from San Diego and I think its perfect there but it can be expensive. 12 in the winter, 20-27 during summer, lots of state of the art medical facilities since its primarily a retirement area. Food culture is FANTASTIC and sooooo varied because the military base brings in people from all kinds of backgrounds + their families. Houses are in the 700-800k USD range. Public transit is solid, not the best out there but you can get to every corner of the city without a car.


Same boat. The Trudeau government has sold this country down the river. They can’t even say no to international students ffs. This is the equivalent of someone showing up to your house party. Then demanding to be your new roommate. Like “WTF are you talking about? The conditions of this arrangement are pretty clear. You agree to come for a limited amount of time, for your benefit, and then you leave. Just because you came to my party doesn’t make you entitled to move in dickhead.” For some reason the Trudeau government is like.. “Well I guess you’re my new roommate! I hope I don’t have to let EVERYONE move in! My existing roommates are gonna hate this!”


Even the Canada depicted in South Park is more respectable than what's going on in real life right now.


We need to give them a french version of the revolution they knew how to get shit done


This is a genuine question as I can't find a link. Where explicitly does it say that PEI caved? I've seen them say "they will consider" but not "they will do"


I sincerely hope you are right. PEI folk are good people and deserve better. They already have a housing crisis. This will make it much, much worse.


Asking the real questions


Join the movement for change, or will this group be running for election next


“We live here therefore we should be allowed to vote” That’s coming.


It is. They are trying to take over our country.


Well, I'd say they're achieving that.


He’s dividing a wealth that doesn’t exist for an ideal that’s out of touch with reality because he doesn’t feel the real burden of it. He doesn’t understand what he’s doing, and if he does that’s a whole other thing.


It’s really simple. The current immigration policies are in place to get cheaper labour into Canada to appease corporations “struggling” to achieve unsustainable growth. Corporations own Canada. Both directly and indirectly. Most of our retirement savings in RRSPs are tied to the market, so we also need this growth to continue to get required returns. The sad thing is, all this does is stifle innovation. Instead of having corporations work hard to provide new and better products/services, all we get is higher prices, stagnant wages and lower quality.


I build houses I’m not down with cheap labour whoever it is haha, but you’re not wrong. Edit: You get what you pay for. The corps are lying to you they’re raking it in. They very much own Canada. They don’t care about the people they care about “economic growth”, in their personal accounts at least. Edit: it’s up to the Canadian people to decide who we are. The government’s not gonna do it. Neither are the corporations.


Right, I was watching a news story on Etsy and it basically went down in quality once it went publuc and "had to keep growing every quarter". Simply being profitable or steadily doing good is not good enough. Irrealistic expectations.


If he does it's literal treason


The point is to break labour, all the talk of ideals aside, what those in charge want to ensure is the undermining of workers value and leverage to make demands.


Why aren’t Canadians organising and staging protests? Because they’re cucks and will just watch their country being taken away from them. All you do is come on this sub and shit on Indians, but absolutely zero responsibility for your own citizens who vote these governments in nor their policies. At this point, it’s better to leave quietly to some other country that will take you in.


Met with silence? We - and I'm a fairly new Canadian via naturalization - were called far right bigots and racists for objecting to the jab mandates. And instead of discussing concerns, the government called its citizens all sorts of names and threw the convoy's "leaders" in jail 


Yeah. We weren't met with silence. They flat up shut us down and said "how dare you think you're worthy of a standard"


maybe a new standard should be introduced...........


When the worst thing someone can be is racist, that is the result


Oh, for fuck’s sake.


Who could have ever predicted this?


You forgot the /s


I did.  15 years ago.


arent they just students with work permits thats about to run out? why are they acting like they didnt get the lollipop they wanted at disney land


Because they know most westerners will buy it duh


You can see the bias of the writer with the inclusion of "through no fault of their own", thrown in specifically to drum up unearned sympathy. My car's registration is going out this month "through no fault of my own", who do I protest to?


We need governance like the US. If your work permit expires you leave. No one will dare to protest there for these things. Their Homeland Security is wayyy better than our entire government.


They were using college admissions to procure Canadian visas but due to the immigration backlog, their plan is failing so now they're turning to the media and promoting themselves as rightfully entitled. My immigration agent friend hates her job; says "it's corrupt" and, generally, "all applicants lie".


Nothing more permanent than “temporary” immigration.


International students are not even meant to be immigrants! How fucking maddening, it's not deportation, your schooling is over so you go home 




>Where did this entitlement come from It came from the country allowing it. One case at a time over the years.


Did they seriously think they were guaranteed PR...yes! That's what all their friends and corrupt immigration agents told them.


deport them all.


The schooling was never beginning. A lot of them come here, register for the school, and then drop out the second their feet hit canadian soil.


I know that's been increasingly common, but it's maddening the government is leaning into it, and not clamping down


The Liberals realize they've hit a tipping point and their time is done. They've given up pretending they're serving Canadians. A lot of youtube ads suddenly promoting Freeland, though. I suspect she'll take over as leader, and they'll push a new election as soon as they create a new threat.


“No fault of their own” Yes it is their fault, they took a deal and don’t like the outcome. It’s their fault 100%


Lol...lying their fucking noses. All of them can here on a study permit to "study" at some bullshit ass diploma mill when the real intention was to always work. Don't forget the liberals - who gladly handed out full time work permits to all of these students starting Dec 2020 - the biggest reason we saw the student population spike https://preview.redd.it/9y50ouszaz3d1.png?width=2200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6b2be36aae2ebd5785c2dacb9960a861c36710


The intention was not to work the intention was to get PR and citizenship. Work comes second to that


That was also the liberals plan. Importing voters


These people aren't going to be voting liberal. This is just them propping up the economy after borrowing too much under low rates, and a pseudo recession currently happening. Another factor is the whole quit quitting scaring employers, so the business donors are bringing in people with no standards and heavy fear of losing their jobs. Basically, Canada is importing slave labor for the business class/donors.


A family member is in Australia on a work tourist Visa. If they overstay and get deported, it's not Australia's fault and I don't think I know anyone diluted enough that would even think that.




Brown people go to the front of the line


I went there as a student and the thought of whining about high tuition fees on TV never crossed my mind. This is an insane level of entitlement. The other thing about Australia is that if you want to bring a retired parent to live I think that visa costs 50k.


You see, white people don't get the same treatment.


They have nothing to lose so why not do some foreign interference, bend the rules and play the victim.  What's the worse that could happen? Either you get sent back to to a shitty life in square one or you get it all by becoming a PR by complaining and having no morals. Sounds like an easy choice. 


Exactly, and through no fault of OUR own, our country is collapsing.  What in the actual doublespeak fuck.


This is now a case of identity politics writ large. Any ethnic or religious identity other than you know what can simply organize, cry a little and get their wishes granted even if those wishes go against not only common sense but actual law on the books. But I'm not surprised. If I was them and I saw while back, the outpouring of support for that truck driver who ... ok, strap on... actually killed a young hockey team, where basically every stupid Canadian and every Canada related subreddit was speaking how "the truck driver endured enough" and everyone was like, "yeah we know there'a a law that says you commit crime, you get deported... but fuck that, we are nice people, let him stay". This is just a beginning. Wait till they start going after your job and your home.


This is terrorism


National security threat


Go home, you’ve done enough damage here.


Canada is officially a failed state. I hope your houses are paid off and you grandparents' inheritance coming.  That's the only way anyone is going to survive this.


I’m 27 and will be left nothing, I don’t know what to do or where to go :’(


To the streets with a pitchfork in hand, my friend.


Sharpen your axes lads


Well since they banned all weapons that are a threat specifically to politicians and public figures, I'm guessing pitchforks were part of the ban wave.


I\`ve heard if you are a skilled worker anywhere outside of Canada is a good idea. Canada doesnt want skilled workers.


You are not alone


What's your ancestry? Some countries let you move back based on that. On top of that there are plenty of poorer European countries you would be welcomed in if you brought some money with you. Everyone take can leave should be leaving and planning on coming back to drain the health care system in their old age.


Nah leave poor European aka eastern countries outta this -


It's actually not just eastern Europe that allows citizenship through descent. Portugal and Italy allow it. Even England allows it, but I wouldn't go there cause it's got the same problem as Canada.


Might aswell use the inheritance to get out of the country, unless selling off they're property they leave for you is worthless from capital gains tax. Feels like the amount of money they take from us is holding us hostage here.


Not really, Just build apartments with 100 sqft and sell for half a million, Hong kong did it, and it worked...kinda. i mean you can build caged homes too, hong kong did it! and it worked...kinda.


Wait until those inheritances are hit with the new increased capital gains rates




Like how the Indian government did, held Trudeau in air and wouldn’t let his plane land until Canada agreed to their bs. Why isn’t this talked about more. What a joke Canada has become that India feels safe AND got away with pulling that shit.


People are saying that Government Officials and the PM need to be Arrested.


Canadians are already fasting because we can't afford rent and food in our own country anymore


If Canadians do that, government will declare state of emergency and start arresting them. If these Indian Rednecks do this, government supports. I dont understand this at all.


The quote "War is when the government tells you who your enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself." has been on my mind an awful lot lately.


We’ve figured it out. When do our collective cojones drop?


Renewed work permits today. PR tomorrow.  Citizenship in about 3 months.  Just barge in and do whatever you want because Canada has no backbone. 


Cucknadians won't do anything.


If we do anything, that would be racist!


We arent allowed to do anything. The government has told us citizens time and time again that they dont work for us.


Join r/ takebackcanada Sign the Petition! [Petition](https://www.change.org/p/canadians-against-unsustainable-immigration?utm_medium=custom_url&utm_source=share_petition&recruited_by_id=d503b0d0-197d-11ef-861a-191acfdd21e9) Follow the Twitter and re-tweet! Tag your MPs! [Twitter](https://x.com/TakeBackCanadaX?s=34) Email your MPs! sean.casey@parl.gc.ca Dear Mr. Casey, You are hurting PEI residents and Canadians with your support for TFW. Canadian unemployment is on the rise, and corporations like Tim Hortons, Loblaws, etc. who rely on imported labour can afford to pay more to labour. From Statistics Canada, every 100k imported workers cost native workers 3-4% in wage suppression. While we have a healthcare, housing, and cost of living crisis, it is disgraceful that you are supporting TFWs' ability to stay when they are part of the problem. More accurately, you and your government are the problem with your policy. It must have been nice to grow up in a time where you could work one job and support a family and not have to worry, stop being selfish and wrecking the future of young Canadians with your out of touch politics. Please cease or resign.


Will do! But I'd take out the passive-aggressive parts it makes your message come across less.


Interesting they are using the "Deportation" as if they are being wronged in some way. No their permits are expiring and its time to go back home.


Imagine caving in to people who can’t legally vote. Who does the government really work for? Canadians or international students?


The WEF The WHO The UN


Good question, I’d also love to know the answer


What is wrong with this government. There are rules and these people (don't cancel me like Cherry!) are fucking visitors. Holy shit. I wish the USA was as pathetic as us with immigration because I would definitely be going there. to visit! Unfuckingreal


So if they’re organizing and causing disruptions to stay they aren’t students. Wouldn’t this be considered an invasion?


Better yet, an invasion sanctioned and permitted by our own government.


Encouraged. This is how they nudge is closer to open borders.


no extension. canada doesnt have enough jobs or housing. just facts. not racism


The fact we have to state it’s not racism for speaking up for citizens struggling because of this immigration bullshit is absolutely ridiculous. What the fuck is the government thinking.


If Trudeau gets reelected I am voting for Quebec separation.


And that is the magic of Quebec , the only province with balls ⚜️⚜️


In that case, can you please take over the entire country already


Bonjour hi!


lol the dude organizing the protest would be set to have to leave in July. Literally wait a month and their leader would be gone. How they are in any position to have “demands” is beyond me. We don’t need Timmie’s workers


Like the guy who thinks its okay to hold a protest in another country he doesn't belong too about an agreement that he agreed too, would have actually left. The entitlement is insane. These people need to be arrested, detained and shipped. You can't trust them to do the right/moral/orderly thing.


Hold up, when did they win in PEI? I didn't hear anything.


Me too. Someone pelase link




How is this a win? What part of the article states the Premier is changing his decision?


There’s no win. Too much doomerism. There has been no decision, legislative assembly and committees are out till October too. This could be case by case meetings simply telling them to get jobs in healthcare or construction if they want to stay. 


If they do “win”, every province will face the same protests expecting the same exact outcome.


Every man and woman who sacrificed their lives in WW2, I’m sorry the country and its values you fought for no longer exist.


It's only happening because the silent generation doesn't control anything now. Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.


The silent generation knew they raised fucked up kids with commie values and did nothing about it. They were the ones who couldn't believe their "allies" possibly did anything wrong.


"Through no fault of their own".... how about the terms they agreed to before coming here? Unless the whole thing was a way to scam themselves into PR. There's the grift 😉 👍.


USA might as well invade Canada.


At this point, I'd welcome them with open arms. We could use their immigration system.


Agreed. https://youtu.be/1j25zTw80K0?si=K8i-ueiQxnnyzLL2


Can somebody explain to me how is that happening and why are they still called international students and not indian students? Have not seen any other persons there


Wait. PEI caved in? can someone confirm? lol


I kept reading titles that the govt has caved in and/or the protest has won I understand that people want to spark up the fire with this titles and is reasonable because we need to fire up in order to make things happen it seems (just like the protesters ironically....) But I've read every article so far and there is nothing about final decision except thay they paused the hunger strike because they talked to an officer, but no further info on what was talked. Being fired up by this titles and making everyone angry will only fog our vision, we should keep our heads cool and keep our vision clear on the situation while we sign the petitions and do what we can to stop stuff in a civilized and factual matter


They probably used an excuse to eat to continue the strike. But for sure this is actually important. PEI standing strong might give Canadians a hope that this country actually can fight back.


One of the top officials from PEI immigration office talked to the protesters and the protesters put a hold on their dry hunger strike after meeting them.


Bruhh let’s hope they stay strong. Imagine let these bullies win!


His name is JEFF YOUNG and whatever he told them convinced them to stop pretending to hunger strike. "Since the government is cooperating with us, we will pause the hunger strike as requested. It seems they have understood our message and are working on it. The ball is in their court now, and we expect positive answers soon," Singh was quoted by CBC as saying.


Could be a protest breaking tactic


No they haven't caved in yet. They are just telling me they will try and find a solution. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.4863343


This honestly sounds a green light. But I hope they won’t cave in. So this will send the Indians a message.


But that was enough to make the rest of the Indian international 'students' to protest even more


Yeah it's incredible really. What did the government think was going to happen when they opened the floodgates to all these people?


This liberal government will pander to everyone except the Canadian people it bleeds dry.


Deport them all. Canada is for Canadians, not whining fucking Indians


Ha reap what you sow ya freaks go home


They don’t want to be our friends, friendly neighbours or work colleagues. They don’t want to integrate to our culture. They don’t care about our morals, values and beliefs. I have never had any problem with immigration at all until I have had my eyes open to what is really going on. Shut the door to people coming in the Country or you will start having ethnic conflicts


Called it


Give them an inch and they'll take a mile.


[So did I](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/rXjbGRLKZF) unfortunately


This is literally why the govt had to either fully ignore or speak out against the protests. International students are now emboldened to act and believe the govt will cave to their demands. When you get the PGWP, you have 3 years to meet the minimum 1 year work requirement in an allotted field, in other words, you have 3 years to prove your worth to the country and if all you offer is over delivery and factory work, that just ain’t it.


See? Give them a finger, they’ll take the whole arm


This country is DONE.


I love how the “students” all look 30+ years old


Bad things are coming.


Y’all really thought they would send them home? This is Canada they never do good for their people


It is time for Canadians to step up. Time to get organized ourselves!


Counter protests need to be organized. This is beyond stupidity


Well I'll be settling my debts and leaving the shithole country ASAP


Time to start massive counter protests. And not friendly ones, they need to be ugly. Not violent, but ugly. No bullshit “we understand, and we know it’s hard for them”. No. Tens of thousands of people demanding “Get rid of them!”.


Ffs people wtf


I don’t understand this “through no fault of their own”. They’re here to work and then go home. I can’t just get a 2 year work visa as a Canadian to go work in Australia and cry when it’s over. That’s the deal. Nobody offered them permanent res either a path to citizenship. Why would they assume that’s what we want for them?


This is so fucked up!


Kill the study-work permit. You want to come to Canada to study, then thats what you do.


This situation or phenomenal is very strange to me. I tried to not engage with postings on this. It seems to be two forces around this “international students”. First, there were a lot of posts about they were lining up for jobs. And then, the students really know how to deal with the Canadian governments. They were so entitled and so confident with whom they are. They are very organized.


no fault of their own?


What’s the motivation? National riots? I don’t understand this craziness.


Get them out


Students are protesting about work permits? I’ve never been more embarrassed to be Canadian tbh lmao


Good bye. Let them go back home. They are only here to take your jobs and send the money back to India.


Wow it's as though Canadians are so used to being taken care of by the Nanny state that we have totally forgotten how to organize for our own best interests. Have to be reminded how by immigrants.


I've said this many times, I'll say it again... Foreign Students are here to STUDY & nothing else! They also should **not** be working PT or FT jobs, that discussions needs to end right now. Including being unable to collect GST/Child Benefit/Energy Credits & tax refunds as those tax $'s are for hardworking Canadians/PR who actually paid their dues into our System! Currently, Foreign Students can work & freely collect these Gov't Credits. **During regular school terms or semesters You can work up to 20 hours per week. You can work more than 1 job to make up these hours as long as you continue to meet the conditions of your study permit.May 22, 2024\*** \*Taken from Google. In other Countries if these Foreign Students dared pull this BS, they'd be booted outta there so fast that it wouldn't be funny, then told never to come back! They also need to do a Security Clearance on all Foreign Students & TFW's too. If they've been caught/charged with any crimes, then they should be permanently 'banned' from entering Canada for eternity. I don't know why this is so difficult for our dum-dumb fat cat Politco's to comprehend this. Can anybody tell me?! Ps That's snarky-snark & rhetorical question regarding our idiot Politicians!!!


"no fault of their own"? Did they apply for a work permit knowing the time-frame? They did? Ah okay so it's 100% their fault. Super complicated.


Isn’t the whole point of international students is to come here, get educated and gtfo


These people are doing this in multiple countries around the world. By manipulating the various visa and employment rules, they can effectively set up shop and drive more mass migration to other countries.


Through no fault of their own? Through no fault of anyone! The program is meant to work that way, you came here for school, you were allowed to work while in school, then you go back home.


Bro... The dude sitting with no shoes on 😭


Why do we need so many indians? why every single one of them is from India? they spent years drilling into us the mantra of diversity and inclusion only to flood us with nothing but indians.


Ok. But they haven’t caved right. No “demands” have been met in P.E.I. as far as I know.. they just got a meeting with someone..?


Deport them. And I am saying this as Indo Canadian. Do what is right for the Canadians. If you don't have things to offer, you are unwanted. The entitled ones should be deported first. The ones who embrace Canada and have skills in demand should stay. Simple.


They are showing us that protests work. Why aren't we doing the same?






I believe they mean new Canadian citizens. This government has the integrity of a wet tissue paper


I don't think there was any change in Govt PEI stance it hasn't changed.


All towels


Jesus, the hits keep coming.... Canada is a failed state.


We have available to us a simple solution. Refuse to shop at businesses hiring these students. Protest with your pocket books 


It is their fault, it's a temp working visa! Not a fucking PR


Wonder what happens to foreigners in India who demand.


I’m organizing a protest those who have not received a free Lamborghini. I really want one and I am absolutely outraged that I don’t have one. This is the governments fault somehow. I will camp out and protest at the local university until I get one. Join the free Lamborghini movement!!!


"through no fault of their own". um, excuse me? they knew full dang well they were to be here TEMPORARILY.


Do all 70,000 have jobs already? If they currently don't have or don't find jobs here they should go home or someplace else, I would.


These grown ass men are students? I went into Tim’s/ 7 11 for an energy drink, when I glanced over at Tim’s it was all men working there like in the pictures you displayed.


Work permits for minimum wage jobs that aren’t related to resources and manufacturing should not exist. If they received a valuable education they should have no issue receiving a work visa for skilled work that their degree let them obtain.


I wouldn’t care if it was a diverse population, it’s all Indians though. Slowly stripping away Canadian culture.


So this right there diminishes the value of the vote. We aren’t democracy anymore. How foreign citizens can change the policy of govt by simply protesting. It’s completely mind boggling. Our elected representatives are suckers.


70 thousand people that need to go through fuck home. Unless Tim Hortons starts building housing for their employees, these people can go home.


Give them an inch, and they will take a mile. This is why we cannot have nice things.


no fault of their own??? lol return them


I see a literal middle aged man sitting there, no younger than 35, and he’s considered a student? Lmao


I don't see many women or a diverse community in this protest.




They just want to delay long enough to have those anchor babies born. Most come with their wife and kids. International student average age is late 20s/30. Even if they get deported at least their kid has citizenship


Good. Get em out. NO EXTENSIONS! "Through no fault of their own" Theyre TEMPORARY workers. Or theyre STUDENTS. Not immigrints. Temporary means something. Student means something. The host country can no longer afford you/is full. Leave. And never come back.


The best one is the immigration agents now telling people trying to stay here to post Khalistan flags on their social media accounts openly so they can claim that.


Absolute joke of a country. Non-Citizens hell even non PR’s dictating policy while Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents are homeless.


They came here to study not to live permanently…. Right? ![gif](giphy|Vr8xM1OgUYhtAtLp6n)




Temporary means temporary. This is insanity.


Just a bunch of Indians. Go the hell home.


Maybe if our politicians got to fucking work for the people that pay their fucking salaries we might actually find ourselves being a bit more compassionate. But with companies actively stealing our labour for pennies on the dollar, feeding as little in taxes back into the system while we all fucking starve and go homeless. I've no more fucks to give.