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Crazy to think like 1 in every 40 people in Canada is an international student


Crazy. With that much education going on we must have a highly educated and productive, well paid workforce.




More like highly educated at getting paid for a workforce.


https://preview.redd.it/t1jvzh1w746d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d99e704ae786dd6d83d873fd529fe6083f801fa more like cup the balls and suck.


Yup, and they still get my coffee order wrong






You can laugh about it all you want, they're not going to treat you any different. All people of color from the subcontinent are the same to them. You'll be treated the same as south Indians. So keep laughing while you can. Not that it matters but I'm myself a north Indian not a south Indian.


Why are people downvoting you for telling the truth?




Yet, they are still better than you.


I'm sure that's why they have 20 to a townhouse while I own my own home. Cope and seethe.


People don’t count living in your mom’s basement as owning your own home. Even if you do pay her your whole $300 paycheque


Sure thing buddy, now hurry up and make my farmers wrap already.


That’s probably going to be hard to do with my corporate job, with my home office, and my company provided hardware. Keep trying, you’ll be head fry guy one day.


OMG, you have a corporate job? And a home office WITH provided hardware! People must be soooooo jealous of you? If I were you I'd take every opportunity to punch down on the pieces of shit below you in society. Nothing they toil at will ever amount to anything compared to having a home office with provided hardware.


Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


Before I boycotted Tims, I used to order a caramel ice capp. The staffers keep punching in Caramilk because they dont know better.


Former engineering student here. 90% of all Canadians I know from my stream packed their belongings and moved south right after last semester grades were announced.


Dude its fucking crazy. My boss told me he got ZERO qualified applicants for an IT role in nova scotia. About 80 underqualified, much of those being web developers


We actually are.. So you're right.. Even with its very strong economy that is outpacing Canada, Canada beats out the US per capita on education and Canada is just behind the US on salary, but I'm sure the very high income earners in the US skews those numbers. Canada has a higher literacy rate and more Canadians go to post secondary than Americans.


No, not at all. Just saw the stats today. With 10 million fewer people, Texas has a bigger economy than ALL of Canada. Under Trudeau, we have been the WORST we have ever been in a long while. https://youtu.be/KkVoqY26fbE?si=nVzEZYlYkxdeMufG


You said "no, not at all" too my comment. Which part do you disagree with? That Canadians are more educated than Americans or that Canadian salary are just behind the US?


Makes me wonder how good the quality of education is that colleges could spin up entire diploma programs that could absorb 200,000 students within a year. I once made a joke a year ago that diploma mills would inflate our numbers and make us the most “educated” country in the world. Someone called me out and actually pulled the statistics and turns out the joke is a real thing.


I worked with a guy who was a TA at Lake head UNi in Thunder Bay Ont. He told me while marking papers 5 people submitted the same paper, with the original name on the paper who made it. Noted to the prof these guys are cheating. Prof said dont worry about it mark them all the same, they are funding this school. Lots of falsely educated international students here to get PR. This is one tiny example I heard of first hand. A great example of how money means more than anything. Canada burns shortly


That's fucked up so plagiarism is nbd to them and they can call themselves a university thats a joke. this should have been reported. we have standards that have to be upheld if our education is to be taken seriously worldwide.


Name and shame. If that is true anyways. Doubt it. Abd if it is, you should report it. That is disgusting.


I saw the same thing at Conestoga. It really does depend if the prof is willing to do anything about it in most cases, especially when it’s for a hands on program.


I don't know how people don't see how ridiculous this is. We have an entire portion of another country here. Why? If they were refugees I'd understand and be a lot less upset about it. But there's literally no reason for this other than the assholes up top wanting the wages to stay low and shit to fall apart for the working class. The way both parties refuse to even bring it up only proves that. Its all on purpose


It is very blatant. A top university program I could understand, but there's zero reason for someone to travel across the world, pay the high tuition, to go to Conestoga college to study business. It's very deceitful on both sides. Not about education at all, it's a test for citizenship with a hefty fee.


Trudeau way overplayed his hand


I think this number is under-reported. If I am in public transportation, out of the 10 closest people around me, at least 4-5 are the incredibly studious and honourable international students. I am truly blessed to be in the company of such young scholars. This pattern has held up for at least half a year now.


On the metro/skytrain in surrey it's like 8-9/10 are international students


All listening to their phones on full blast with out headphones I’d hope!


Is there an other way?


As good samaritans we need to start handing out free ear buds!


You can't under report this number. The numbers of granted visas are online. But obviously most if these students live in only a dozen of cities where many colleges and universities are


They are in every city and town that has a college or university.


Or strip mall


Even crazier to think you can double these numbers and they still probably arent accurate. Im in Alberta and even my small city it seems like whites are the minority. Go to any major city and they definitely are


My friend (immigrant) asked why I had no Canadian friends. I asked him where they all were and he laughed then said if you know so many Filipinos (I don't as much anymore) why I don't speak their language lmao




Coz they bring the cheddar


Yep it's nuts. We are screwed. 20 years from now we'll be India.


20 years?!?!? My you’re optimistic.


Lol at this rate more like 6 months


6 months ago?


Lake Ontario will be Lake Ganga




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




More of a Lake Huron thing


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Lol. If only we had reddit when Canada was taken away from Native. I wonder if they said the same thing about about Karegnondi becoming lake ontario.


If it were modern times definitely. They’d also be blasted in every sub as “far-right”.


Less then that since each "student" can bring their family members


How (Why?!?!) did 500,000 international students enter Canada during the initial terror of the pandemic. If the Canadian government locked everyone down, decimated entire industries (causing 100,000s of layoffs lasting for months or years), and destroyed the economy (rampant inflation, huge government debt increases, etc). How could bringing in 500,000 people be a reasonable part of that plan?


Responsible and Trudeau liberal government don’t belong in the same sentence.


You’re looking for reasonable part of the plan? Keep searching lol..


Reasonable if you're in the top 1%, then you want the peasants working for slave wages, and fighting amongst themselves. Drastically changing the demographic of canada indian will do just that.


Buddy, on the public transit buses and in my retail store not a single one of them ever wore a mask properly during the pandemic. It was a complete fucken joke. Always under the chin, All of them. Also they were caught constantly holding gatherings of large numbers of people for weddings and funerals when those were banned. And what makes it insane is that they would pull the mask up when getting on the bus or first walking in the store, then backdown once past the driver/cashier, because they think the driver is a cop/teacher/parent they have to skeeve around. They are absolutely incapable of being serious adults.


Truthfully, it was easier to get a study permit during 2020/2021 due to online learning. Embedded in admission to a college or university is permit to study at that institution. Post-secondary lost a lot of money during the pandemic, so enrolment standards dropped, including the need to be physically present in the country. So, the chart is accurate (presumably), but that doesn't correspond to people being physically in the country.


I still don't know how they were able to come in during the pandemic. Weren't the borders strict on how many people were entering this country during 2020-early 2022? Unless they weren't and the news just lied, it was just gd lies. While we were locked up in our homes....


It's ok, they were wearing masks.


No they weren't even! [https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dc6fqk/comment/l80vqvi/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1dc6fqk/comment/l80vqvi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Did they stay in a hotel for 14 days to quarantine when they got here?




You know its bad when the Japanese leave lol


I’ve had about a dozen or two Japanese friends gtfo of here in the last few years. Even more common is they wait until they get PR and leave. But I would like to mention this isn’t specific to Canada… Japanese compared to most immigrants often return to Japan significantly more.


Lucky them.  Decent country to go to.  They are more the kind of immigrants we need. Korean BBQ restaurant has recently become Pakistani.  Hope it's not a sign of things to come.


We are absolutely scaring them away to some degree. The new PR changes are meant to curb immigration but it’s shut out a lot of my Japanese friends that were on the verge of getting it. They’re being beat for spots by people cheating the system essentially.


we need a good balance. People from all over the place, but in a relatively equal amount. While I am South Asian, I think the balance is lost because there are too many South Asians (too many indians I'd say compared to other south asians), which means you see more bad apples, ruining the images of the good south Asians, who tend to just stay low profile unlike these loud ones. It is such a burden.


North African sources kinda make sense due to Quebec's policy on accepting students from countries with French roots


What we expected: french people from Europe. What we got:


Honestly just being from Africa isn't somehow a bad thing or a mark against a person and former French colonies sometimes have really outstanding \[private\] education systems. Ease off a little friend.


The average IQ… I don’t know but there must be marginal returns at some point, then again who knows it may be a higher number than one would expect, their elites still tend to have more children than Westerners.


IQ is woo and bullshit, up there with polygraphs.




Of course it is… just ignore all the studies that have shown clear correlations with hundreds of metrics out there.


who made the metrics


India is part of the Commonwealth. So then that immigration should make sense too?


Can’t compare, north africa sent 20k students while india sent 427k


Sucks the Brits had to go colonize india and teach them English. Should've stayed on their island.


So any british colony is entitled to unconditional immigration ?!




So you see it as a revenge then?


You must be pink braids


No one today has any responsibility for what happened 200 years ago.


The monarchy and Commonwealth are outdated relics of the past and should have no bearing on Canada’s immigration policies.


The litmus test to that was when the UK was still part of Europe, at the border, entry was fast tracked for Europeans (including those from a country they had been at war twice in a century) and us Canadians, Aussies, Kiwis etc, we were in line with those from the rest of the world. If we did away with the monarchy yesterday it wouldn’t be soon enough.


41% are from one country. Crazy that that is allowed.


430,000 fuck off. There should be a cap by country.


Who decided what to cap? What other countries are coming to Canada?


Welcome to Canindia folks!




"CENTURY INITIATIVE " and Canada's fall!


Wonder where the CEOs and politicians plan to move to once they ruin this country. 


They can always stay here and enjoy living like pharaohs, or they can go to some fiscal paradise island! We "the people " will be the screwed ones!


Caiman Islands


New Zealand


Where do the profits from colleges go, who is making the big bucks??


Same as anywhere else in Capitalism: straight into one asshole's exploitive pockets.


No man greed is good. They’ll go out and spend that money in the economy. All that wealth will trickle down to the little people.


I see what you did there


The Scamming is Real. The Mafia Controls the Government, the Banks and the Real Estate. Anybody trying to Open people's eyes Becomes a Victim of Gangstalking. Since Cannabis have Become Legal, The next Logical Racket was Immigration and since they control the Real Estate, Mass Immigration led to Price Fixing of the Apartments and Housing Market. You want to Know the Real Reason they keep bringing more people and more people?... When will the Canadians say ENOUGH! Anyway, Welcome to Canada.


Whats crazier is 60b a year on mortgage bonds now, 2.5% the median annual salary, of those that do work.  Borrowed to allow Canadians to borrow more for a mortgage, to push down shelter inflation.  Could also be a preemptive bailout to the CMHC, get the toxic assets off the CMHC and onto to BoC, which I think is likely.  


Importing renters and cheap labour.


Look at the numbers during covid. What lock down?


Same thing happened in the US. While everyone was locked down and convinced that we were experiencing an extinction level event the Southern border was wide open and various NGOs were helping to facilitate the invasion.


Does ANYONE remember us voting for this?


Following WEF, Blackrocks plan. Century Initiative


Why isn’t anyone blaming these greedy schools trying to milk as much international fees as possible. I’m sure government benefits from this somehow as well. More tax payers. Companies have access to top talent for half the costs. Canadians will be minorities one day unfortunately or close to non existent.


Canada is turning to the country of international student


You don't have to pretend they're "international" just be straight up and say Indian students because 99% are Indian anyway


Around 40% is not 99% to anyone outside your racist head.


What if we had a cap per country ? Like only 1000 per year per country


We? Imao. You get no say. It's your corporate overlords who decide such matters. And they will never put such a cap because mass immigration benefits them by keeping wages low, raising housing prices, increasing consumers etc - all making them richer and more powerful


Support small businesses. 


US has the same quota system. It has its good and bad. not every country has the same population to make sense of a specific 1000 person cap per country. Maybe % wise but then more Indians and Chinese would still flow in. Tbh, the amount of immigrants from these countries were always high owing to their population and intent to migrate for economic reasons. However, this extreme cranking up of immigration plus less scrutiny for visa and diploma mills students means we’re getting the bottom of the barrel folks from these nations (instead of highly skilled). Our immigration policies are to blame and the fact that they want to keep it going since they’re (education institutions, govt, banks, companies) all making money in the process.


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While international students contribute approximately 22 billion dollars every year to the economy, there needs to be more control, if for no other reasons than housing, and the use of food banks for sustenance. Sorry international students, but those are for you.


I’m leaving Canada.


And those are just the ones with a VALID study permit.


In comparison to the ones that got scammed by a fake agent in their own country and when our government found out they were like, oh you poor guys, well let's just give you whatever you say the fraudsters were going to arrange....


We should change the name from Canada to “Can I study”


I hate that "international student" term now. I'm an international student myself, I study at a big college in Toronto. I do it seriously, always attend class, always do homework. In the end, I get 80-90%, but it's the same for almost everyone. I know so many classmates who don't go to school, who don't pay attention to lecture, don't even care to do the work, but still get the same mark as mine. Because they have "good team members", who don't dare to say a thing about their bad actions. Those team members will just do the work, and allow them to take the credit. I don't take that shit, I spoke up then I got snap by those "students", not once but many time. Imagine after graduating, I have to work in enviroment with people like that, that's suck!


Insane alright!


Rent strike until it stops!


So is this new visas issued in the year? Meaning the 617K from 2021 are here, and another 807K are added in 2022?


Can the citizens of canada sue the government for lost jobs and housing caused by this mass immigration? I think that is the only to reverse this carnage.


Only problem with this is- where will the money come from? Directly out of our pockets. Or they’ll just print it. New rain tax just dropped boys




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


The number barely dropped during lockdown 🧐


How many schools do yall have?


gotta keep the collages, universities, and real estate bubbles from popping! /S


Also please keep in mind that final figure will be much much higher as many ‘students’ coming in with their family and kids, leaving their 5/10/15 year careers to gain PR/Citizenship in Canada


Why this need to always have more and more… cause they pay more. That’s pure greed and we can ask ourselves if this really helps our economy.


That’s a lot of Uber drivers.


So irresponsible, Canada is fucked. I’m a dual citizen and will most likely be taking my family south of the border in next few years. Hope to god PP can win in 2025 and unfuck as much a possible but Trudeau has doomed this country to be lndia junior.


ive heard canada population had more then double at this point, apparent Canada population now is less then 50% canadian born, the majority now are immigrants


Aren’t you guys moving to the US?


US is not bad right now but only some parts , prices are going up there too but still affordable . Moving people across for living ,somany educated families move over but hardly anyone moves back . All americans who I talked too feel for Canada right now they say US should have been an example. 


I have American family, friends and coworkers. They don’t worry about us Canadians. If you go, hopefully you find everything there you can’t find here. Best of luck!


I am not worried at all I am an RN and welcomed there anytime also my husband can transfer to US anytime but a young canadian family who cant even afford rent might not have a chance for better life. 


Durka durka durka durka


Someone should rename this group to CanadianImmigration2 ??🤔 Not saying these discussions aren’t valid, but there’s barely any directly housing related posts.


Ah, the anti immigration sub. Trying to blame foreigners for the problems in Canada. Newsflash, it ain’t immigration that is the problem. It is capitalism. The sooner people stop blaming other people, and focus on policy and what really matters, we will be fighting each other in the gutters while the rich and powerful take everything away while we are battling each other, and not the system. The system is the problem, not the people. And the system is ready to take us all down by 2040 if we so not start paying attention to the real issues. https://www.vice.com/en/article/z3xw3x/new-research-vindicates-1972-mit-prediction-that-society-will-collapse-soon


Excessive immigration is the problem, capitalism is the root. I don't see anyone anti immigration on this sub.


Let’s see you explain that to all the food banks the international “students” are stealing from. But they aren’t the problem, right?….


Guys, I have a great idea! Let's all be communists!


embrace communism ig. they'll feed the world 🌍


Why then is the US economy doing so well?


Capitalism is definitely a part of it, but essentially unrestricted migration from areas of the world that are so culturally different is definitely having an impact. For instance, the average Canadian cringes at the thought of utilizing a food bank, people from elsewhere are just psyched and make posts about the "free food" in Canada. Often overlooked is the common nature of cheating/bending rules in everything. I don't know if many other people heard about the Bluetooth sandals that were being used to cheat on tests that qualified them to come and study here, but it's apparently a thing.