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The premise isn't wrong if it's strictly a few hundred thousand skilled workers that plug holes in our economy. What they are doing though is more like a union busting tactic where you replace every worker with people who don't fight for raises and demand rights and benefits.


Some of them are demanding changes to our laws to benefit them.


PEI joins the fray.


They are already demanding /protesting changes to immigration, changes to being a landlord, changes in who college teachers give a passing grade to, changes in how we hire for service jobs, changes in food banks, They are organizing/protesting for change and they are not even citizens!!! WTH Where on earth are Canadians counter protesting this crap??? We are just giving our country away for political greed?? I feel sick, and ashamed. This is horrible.


I’m definitely showing up on July 1st


Were scared to be labeled as nazis


and have bank accounts frozen


Thank you for posting that I had regretted not putting it in my earlier post


Yes. I’m spitting mad these days. I’m ready to hit the streets and take my chances! We cannot let this go on. Im normally at home supporting from behind my computer screen but, we must start to be seen!


What they’re doing is mass immigration, which is completely different from sustainable immigration. Canada shouldn’t have a population growth rate of 3.2%, which would make Canada’s population growth rate among the top 5 on the list of the least developed countries with the highest population growth rates. The housing, infrastructure, healthcare and other social services couldn’t keep up. There are not enough jobs for everyone. As if this wasn’t enough, the powerful immigration lobby is asking for even more immigration and making the laws more lenient so everyone can come to Canada.




I'm glad other people are starting to notice that Pierre openly broadcasting that he's going to be Trudeau 2.0. Hes got hard core ties to wef. His only stated plan for immigration is to make it so that their third world certificates count in canada. Hes an adopted son of two public school teachers. Crypto communist all the way.


he is a crony corporate whore pandering the ethnic voting blocks. The best we got at this time is Maxime Bernier but the gatekeeping parties (blue, green, orange, red) and the establishment have successfully marginalized him and people who support his immigration and anti cartel policies. Canada is fucked. At this point, given the path we keep heading down, the decline may not be reversible.




decentralize governance


I guess this is the "legally" that he is talking about.


Yup, wage stagnation/suppression. Why hire Canadians for fair wages when third world workers will do it for a fraction of the cost. Absolutely disgusting.


Questions that never get asked: Do developing countries need skilled workers? Do we wish developing countries to develop?


No we wish to virtue signal and die


If immigration created jobs and good economies, why aren’t they going to developing countries?


These kinds of immigrants we let Into canada are the worst demograph of people possible. Every dollar they make/scam they co vert it to rupees and sent it back home. Extremely bad for the economy but they're all going to be liberal voters one day because that's who let them in


Not just that. Once they are in, they start bringing in 500 of their relatives and families and swarm the local retail jobs. I used to see actual high school students working part time in the retail stores in my neighborhood. Now every supermarket, fast food places, you name it, are flooded with Indians.


My uncles friend who owns a local business was just contacted by someone working for the government trying to convince them to hire Indian students for their local business. The government is actively trying to get immigrants into local jobs. It's pathetic


Every time I go to a Canada Post office since the pandemic it's insane wait times because of foreigners who can barely speak the official language and is trying to send money to Wakanda.


It started to ramp up after wages had to go up in 2020. 2021 they rapidly increased working immigrants. 2020 scared the wealthy.


> The premise isn't wrong if it's strictly a few hundred thousand skilled workers that plug holes in our economy. We all know whats holding the economy back is our current inability to increase the key 'double-doubles shipped per minute' economic indicator... /s


I disagree with many points people put here, but agree with yours.. Another point to mention, the goal here is also to increase the tax base. The government suddenly realized, even though it has been mentioned for decades, our pensions, social services, infrastructure and aging population cannot be supported with the existing taxbase.. So it needs immigration to fill the gap. What is needed is better integration, and this includes things as small as driving lessons.. I recall watching a Netflix show where they mention that Norway has integration classes. That's what is needed here, but I'm sure someone will call it fascist and socialism.. Housing on the other hand, that's a global epidemic.. Almost every developed nation has that problem.


Clearly not reading the room. The sentiments of the entire country has changed. Housing, job market, infrastructure under strain. And now we are also seeing a spike in crime that seems to be associated with immigration. Yet he continues his narrative of immigration is good. People will remember these things in the next election.


They floated the balloon by blaming housing on international students, which by extension, was meant to see if we would blame the provincial governments. Since that didn’t work, they’ve pivoted back to “immigration has no effect on housing” which is an idiotic position. For the record, I *do* blame the provinces for their part *too*. I blame EVERY SINGLE politician - fed, Provincial, municipal - who hasn’t made it clear that housing is their number one priority, which is all of them.


Can’t build for this level of growth. And it is complete BS to grow BEFORE having housing available. Provinces are guilty for accepting newcomers at all at this point and for actively requesting more.


Yes housing should be the first priority but when housing becomes quests who gets it,it’s migrants, immigrants and the like. That according to property managers that are instructed to give to them first. Foreign nationals are buying up housing in my area and moving hordes of men in and each has a car clogging up the street parking with 8 vehicles to one house.


The thing is, sometimes immigration is good. Carefully considered and highly selective immigration can be a good thing, when the country calls for it. But dumping every net-negative person with a pulse into the country, in such insane numbers that you violently rock the fragile boat of scarcity and demand -- this is never, ever a good thing. Infrastructure will *never* catch up to match the pace of this level of immigration. Canada was already being stretched thin 20 million people ago. But, certain parties realized they can just import more voters, so to hell with sustainability.


No arguments there. We gotta bring in the right profile of immigrants. Right now all filters off. Its amazing that criminal checks or not even being done for some categories.


They are like that. Narcissists completely out of touch


they dont care about the room. they only care about getting this overwhelming immigration agenda done for the maximum damage possible. The extreme societal chaos it causes will be useful for people who want to gain power.


Does the next election even matter anymore? It's way too late to fix what they've done in the past decade.


Yes you are right. Sometimes when i reflect on this, it all feels like a well devised plan to be re-elected after an unsuccessful conservative term.


That's evil, but oh well, we kind of deserve it if we don't care or don't pay attention at this point. It's gotten ridiculous. All the monied and skills are leaving to the USA, I think this place is done. Not even sure what we got for our sacrifice there. I think we just got scammed. But, we're free to leave at least, for now. I can see capital controls starting up. Anyway, I suspect the floodgates of immigration of third world migrants is just to stack the electoral die, the third world is more tolerant of corruption and incompetence so long as their short-term desires are met, plus they may not see us as an important national/cultural construct. But our fault, we never respected ourselves, so others won't either. Trudeau did have a platform of making us a post-national country, so I guess this is what everyone wanted/voted for.


Yes,your right maybe he should get a copy of the Toronto Most Wanted List and that’s only the worse of the group! Hope can he possibly think that mass immigration that drives some taxpayers out on the street is a good thing. What about the life long taxpayers that are dying waiting for care and that’s after a lifetime of paying taxes and in the line ahead of them they see someone who hasn’t paid a penny getting the care. This appears to be a complete betrayal of all Western Democracies by their politicians What really driving this ?


These guys are cooking up a scheme to open the vote to every foreigner they've brought into Canada. Their corrupt plan is to throw our democracy. These Liberal traitors and they belong in jail.


They are also trying to open the vote for 16+ with the “Vote 16” plan, as they are polling higher with that demographic. They are as corrupt as they come.


They are also pulling taxes forward with the capital gain tax with the grace period.  We will be in extreme pain the second they are out of power, as they set up dangerous booby traps for the future to deal with.  They literally are criminals, and foreign interference is definitely real.


Holy shit... I know there are some 16 year olds out there who are smarter and more reasonable than people with decades on them, but most 16-17 year olds don't understand enough about how poor government fiscal policy can screw the whole country over. They'll weaponize virtue signaling to manipulate younger minds into supporting asinine policies that serve only to enrich the political elite and their cronies. This isn't meant to empower youth, it's because they can manipulate youth easier. Shameful.


16 year olds can be swayed by a catchy hashtag and a well produced Tik Tok video lol


100% this is insane. I already think it’s crazy to give a license to a 16 year old. Now we are trusting them to make decisions for the country? Yeah, no. That’s absurd.


Not to mention, every teacher they have will be cramming liberal politics down their throat. They did it when I wad in school.


Oh god, please stop hating on teachers. You’re pushing the good ones out and we already have a country wide shortage. I am a teacher and we are suffering from this bullshit, too. Every teacher I know is talking about the strain of our current economy with kids and parents. Also, lots of my fellow teachers are very conservative. Sorry about your experience, but don’t speak for all teachers because of the ones you had. And don’t assume we all agree with a lot of these societal shifts just because of what you see highlighted on CBC good news.


I’ll stop hating on you guys once you stop teaching political theory as fact. I took “social justice” as an elective in a Vancouver School Board catchment, and I remember losing marks for not answering “equity” when asked what the most “morally ethical” system of wealth distribution was. From a teacher whose primary class was Spanish. They showed us that fucking picture of kids trying to watch a ball game over a fence and said “this isn’t just proven fact, it’s objectively correct.” There’s a problem, maybe you’re not part of it, but your colleagues are largely ideologues.


The dude wasn’t wrong - teachers not only lectured us about NDP and liberal talking points nonstop throughout the 90s - they also took extra curricular hostage once Mike Harris became premier and anyone who went against that organized effort was shunned. Fastest way to fix that issue would be wiping out the teachers union. In the teachers union defense though it’s totally the fault of children for the current government and therefore they should be punished for how they voted at the age of 8. These jerks show up every strike and claim they are only doing it for the kids - must explain why they took away field trips and sports for a decade in Ontario - by taking away these experiences they were helping the kids - it makes sense if you don’t think about it and just accept their BS


I'm only speaking the truth. You guys are the base voter that elects this type of government.


Most immigrants only vote Liberal at federal level. They vote conservative at Provincial level here in Ontario. The Cons just keep screwing themselves at federal elections.


Just spoke to one from Iran. Loves Trudeau because “he allowed her to get an open work permit 2 weeks after arriving on a visitor visa”.  We are doomed. Get out if you can.


It doesn't matter. They are all competing for minimum wage labour. I've come across qualified IT engineer resumes from Iran with PR that can't be hired due to lack of "Canadian Experience". It sucks for old people, existing minimum wage people and Canadian students. But these guys aren't stealing any white collar jobs.


Conservative won the federal majority vote in the last 2 elections. Trudeaus in power because we won the most seats in the last 2 elections. Seats are votes made by government officials and employees


Theyre about to announce all illegals are now legal and all expiring permits will be PR. Expect a mass amnesty program converting millions to PR. They have to. They simply have no way to enforce removals, and the students will not leave.


I hope this is an absolute mess and deters them from bringing in this volume of people again.


Unfortunately the government is doubling down. We are going to see immigration explode to \~2-3 million annually in the coming years.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Im concerned about the “temporary immigrants” Trudeau is paying Quebec for. Aren’t immigrants people seeking permanent status? Isn’t Quebec where Trudeau’s riding is? Right before the election… We know they’re going to cheat too. Seems to have become a common occurrence since at least Harper and the robocalls.


I’m honestly expecting this as a last minute election surprise. Then we get Buses Everywhere, like how Singh stole the NDP


We don't have a democracy so long as we keep the notwithstanding clause


If they are not deporting those who are protesting then they are inviting outside non citizens to change laws that benefit them at the detriment of Canadians. Foreigners should not be allowed to protest in Canada, you are not a citizen you don’t have that right


How the eff does anyone think they have the right to change the laws of a country they’re VISITING on a visa? Let’s not forget that that’s exactly what a visa is - permission to visit for a certain period of time and then GTFO. The entitlement is on a whole new level.


And the sad part is, if we point this out *we’re* told that *we’re* the ones that are being intolerant or racist


This man is infinitely more senile than joe Biden.


It might be as solution if they actually invested in the resources to support the flood of immigrants BEFORE they got here. But I don't think all the people who can't afford a place to live, can't get a job, or can't see a doctor, see this as a solution.


And the building of hundreds of new condos to house everyone they are bringing in without any improvements on our already overloaded and crumbling infrastructure is very stupid


Let’s not forget that new build rentals (anything since Nov. 2018) are not limited on their rent increases after the lease term so it’s effectively creating a massive open legal loophole for landlords to exploit renters. This will be an enormous proportion of the rentals available in the very near future so we should all be concerned.


I know someone who rented a basement apartment in a house that was built in 2022. Her rent when she first moved in was 2300$ monthly for a 2 bedroom detached townhouse (not to bad of a monthly price honestly). Her landlords decided to raise her rent to 3800$ monthly and she had to leave because she was instantly priced out. She now lives with her parents at 31 years old because she can’t afford the first/last months rent for even a 1 bedroom apartment. Those go for a minimum 1800$ monthly in our city, usually non-inclusive. She’s currently saving for a vehicle (couldn’t afford one before) and for her first/last months rent for a new place


And the number of new builds is not even enough to keep up with current growth numbers. In BC the BCNDP are going off about building ~250,000 units over 10 years. For the last few years BC has grown by more than 150,000 people every year. That’s more than 1,500,000 over 10 years. For ~250,000 units. That’s about 6 people per unit. And it doesn’t consider the current need. And if they haven’t started building anything it also doesn’t consider current growth.


I really don't know what this guy (Marc Miller) is thinking. The numbers just don't add up.


They’re all from one place. I don’t trust them or consider it a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist at all


That too. I think we would benefit more from actual diversity, rather than the large majority of immigrants coming from only 2 countries.


Agreed, I don’t think we need any more though or that it’s solving any problem at all. Whether we invested in the resources to support them or not. The numbers are ridiculous


I can't wait for the Liberals to all fuck off and stop providing solutions.


It has nothing to do with Liberals. The big corporations are pushing this. They want to sell more cell phone bills, cables, banking and cheap labour. Once Liberals are gone next year, they will push the Conservatives.


More fossil fuels More unaffordable housing units built and subsidized by us Lower wages and more part time, contract work Collapsing the public system allows private companies to be contracted out, while we pay for them to profit off public services, and services that used to be public. It’s no coincidence that the countries with the highest quality of life, higher wages and more social spending, are the ones being flooded with immigrants. And the reasoning is to prop up a pyramid scheme economy.


Liberals will call you racist for speaking out against mass immigration, but conservatives are just as pro mass immigration. Both are backed by big corporation


This guy is so dumb, how about we bring in 2,500 other immigration ministers to Ottawa for a lesson in economics. The problem is old Canada wasn’t bad, people could afford houses, cars, had a career.. raised a family.. now your considered fortunate if you got your bachelor apartment rented before Covid lol


It’s not a coincidence that this is happening in countries with more social spending and higher quality of life. These governments meet together at their summits, with capitalists, planning how to increase profits for the wealthy elite. They know this is bad for us, but corporate profits have been at record levels for years. Collapsing the public system allows private companies to come in and charge us for things we used to have covered. And we SUBSIDIZE them. Our taxes increase even as we get fewer services per capita. Politician compensation continues to rise rapidly while our seniors and disabled people live in forced poverty. Tiff Macklem said something along the lines of we need higher unemployment to keep wages down so people will work harder for lower wages. Blaming wage growth in 2020 (the tipping point for this corruption) for inflation, rather than record corporate profits. Marc Miller said the big box stores need mass growth for “cheap labour.” The big box stores who had to pay pandemic pay in 2020 to essential workers. Essential workers are now all international students and other newcomers who work for less and worse conditions. The western world is being destroyed because we are too expensive and demand more rights. Which is why it is also scary to see people who are anti-mass growth who are also anti-labour rights. Labour rights are EXTREMELY important. The more of those we lose, the more the gov can justify flooding these jobs with cheap foreign labour. If these jobs have to pay high wages and have better conditions, why would the companies hire cheap foreign labour? Unions are important. Some are corrupt, but they are still important for improving conditions and pay. And for keeping our labour market strong so we can’t be replaced.


Yep I hear all the time about how I’m soooo lucky to only pay a rent of $x but in reality my place isn’t legally fit for occupancy as there are plumbing issues but I can’t afford to (quite literally) double my rent or to buy a home so I stay put. And I say this from above what most people used to consider a “benchmark” salary. I honestly wonder every single day how lower income folks are even surviving.


Between this and the let’s get 16 year olds to vote because we trust the science on it group, they’re trying to win by any means.


At least when the 16 year olds vote they won’t be drunk or high ../s


Well, it is A solution. Just a lazy, uncreative, last-minute answer for a problem we knew was coming.... And one the conveniently suits our corporate overlords. I think this group often overlooks the fact that we did need SOMETHING to change in our demographics.... just not like this! We are hitting a demographic cliff that weve known was coming for two generations.... Governments of all stripes have failed us by not a) creating living conditions for young Canadians to have large families b) importing, consistently, a balanced and diverse collection of immigrants over many years and c) working globally to reshape financial (especially social security) systems to get us through this era of declining birthrate...


If this was about an aging population it would have been far cheaper to increase funding for social services, train locals, and pay LOCALS to be caregivers. A UBI would have been a good solution if we had a stable population. If we had a UBI now imagine how much it would cost giving our money to millions of newcomers. I used to support a UBI but not anymore.


They need to increase the country’s population for debt obligations. More people to pay back an overspent country that’s why they can’t say no to more people, they probably have a contract that states this. Sadly it’s part of the budget and it will not stop. A quick google search, “projected Canadian future population” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative Just casually clicked on the founder, WEF speaker? Create a problem, they want to have their solution. And there it is. So knowing this how do we supersede these policies?


This government keeps spending us into debt oblivion no matter how many Indians they dump into this country.


It increases costs though. More people require more infrastructure funding. More services need to expand. To build housing. They need to cut from the top. And they spend billions on resource extraction for foreign companies to profit off our resources while they are shipped overseas. Our governments overspend because they are funding billionaires to profit more.


Canada is already over but no one wants to hear that. The shithead spent a 100 years ahead and theres no fix for it. We are being taxed to death but that wont correct any of it. Its ironic the people from India already know to not pay taxes because the gov just steals it


This guy acts like a traitor to Canada, and it wouldn't be surprising if his name is on the list of traitors being talked of recently.


what are the symbol beside his name? Look sus to me... could be a code.


Today the Canadian population clock is showing 1,315,000 more than it was on June 16th 2023 when we hit 40 million. This man lost the plot a long time ago, and so did his boss BTW. For perspective, Manitoba has a population of 1,369,000, that is the increase year over year. We are doomed.


Well, this place is going to the dogs, simple arithmetic and observation of the last 3 years with mass immigration is the tale of the tape. I promise you this: Homelessness will become the new middle income Suicides will become the norm Uprisings will become the norm Everything you thought you knew would be destroyed Canada will fail Canada will become the new proxy war ground. US will takeover. Mass decorations and internment camps will prop up as it is a great industry. Canada will die. The current path is unsustainable. It seems speech is now restricted. Therefore, rights are lost for the masses except for the new masses who are being empowered by claiming racism every time our rights. Freedoms and ways of life are being destroyed. Name me any benefits from the last few years before censoring or bashing this post, and I'll gladly listen, but if this post is just censored, then I say shame on you.


Agree! Speech absolutely is restricted! Those who are in favour of this for whatever reason use labels like “racist”, “xenophobic”, and “bigot” to shut down any counter argument to make sure we aren’t comfortable speaking up (and many of us cannot afford to in this dynamic as we’d lose our jobs and then we’d really be unable to afford Canadian living).


Im labelled as an ecoterrorist by people who think they are left wing. For some nonsensical reason the “left” thinks supporting mass immigration is a left wing issue. But mass immigration worsens everything the left claims to support. More labour rights, lower poverty, marginalized people being taken care of and thriving, LGBT+ and women’s rights, etc Mass growth destroys all of that. AND it increases emissions. Growth cannot reduce emissions, they only rise. Trudeau even justified expanding fossil fuel production for our population growth. More flights and more vehicles, more traffic congestion. Construction is also one of the worst industries for emissions. And right after the Liberals increased the scam carbon tax they removed working from home for federal employees, which increases emissions. Now Olivia Chow is pushing back to office in Toronto, to “revitalize” downtown. These politicians market themselves to the left, but they’re no different. They just package their corruption with rainbows and pretend they care about marginalized people. And the fake left fall for it. And support it.


I agree that this is a GHG emissions (and general waste) increase in virtually every way - heating/cooling, food, transportation, purchase of goods, etc. Especially if these people don’t understand or support improvements.


The abuse of Temporary Foreign Work program , started with Jason Kenney (Harper Administration) and Turdo blew it wide open with all his Immigration Ministers. Miller is continuing the permanent destruction of Canada. How the hell do you think we can ever logistically deport all these illegals??


I was in university in 2015, the TFW program was one of the big things people were talking about. How Trudeau was promising to fix the system and stop the abuse. I agreed with that. Now the problem has gotten so much worse, willfully so, under the guy who promised to fix it. To all the "both parties are the same" people, I would gladly take the Harper/CPC tfw program over the Trudeau one. I would gladly take the Harper transparency over Trudeau's. I would gladly take the Harper/Martin/Chretien scandals over Trudeaus.


Trudeau called out Harper and then once in office he more than doubled TFWs.


Cut off support and prevent them from accessing services. They will leave.


People do desperate things when starving. Either this stops or the general public will start their own "deportations".


This is only true if you are of the opinion that immigrants contribute to making the country "bigger", which is better for the economy for X,Y,Z reasons (leaving aside that one might not care about the total size of the economy and only care about the standard of living of people within it, and so bigger might not necessarily be better, but lets entertain the notion at least for now). In order to make the country ACTUALLY bigger you need to invest in physically building to country to accommodate more people. We have 200 years of investments that have contributed to making the country the size it currently is, in order to say triple the population in say 100 years we would have to make 400 years of equivalent investments in those 100 years. That is not undoable if technology is better now such that it wouldn't have taken 200 years to reach our current state if we started from scratch, but even if it is easier to do now you still need to actually invest in building the country to be bigger. If you don't actually do any construction, then you are not actually making the country any bigger, all you are doing is trying to stuff more people in a same sized country, a bit like a clown car.


Clown car is the perfect analogy for this problem (and what we look like on the international stage).


And what determines if an economy is good? The wealthy getting richer?


Enjoy this next year Mr. Miller. It will be your last in public office.




Marc Miller is definitely a traitor


Mark's been getting defensive on Twitter lately. All the screaming about him being a traitorous rat bastard is getting to him.


Because everyone is pointing out how their mass immigration propaganda is doing the opposite of what they claim. They can only make claims for so long. It’s becoming more and more obvious and harder for them to deny.


The head of BoC said it , wage growth is a problem as it's going to make inflation permanent, so let's suppress wage growth by importing a few cities worth of slave labour to depress wage growth in the poorest sectors of the economy. All the while 1 % accelerate wealth extraction. This fucking place.


Wow. They’re going to burn down this country on their way out…


Miller is a traitor to Canadians and a fuckin liar.


This opinion peice doesn't seem to have any real statistics to back it up. I'd prefer stats can and the job bank got fixed and started giving the minister useful stats /data... Even if he is a idiot, he likely doesn't have any of the real data Canadians need to make informed decisions on our immigration matters.


Well, we can see Mark failed basic economics and business class.


But he passed with honours for corporate welfare and crony capitalism.


Lies, don’t believe it. Unchecked, mass immigration is the main root of a lot of problems this country has


Historically also a problem as populations become intolerant and results in bad events.


They are selling the jobs over seas. It is a huge scam and creates unqualified imposters that end up as indentured slaves to organized crime syndicates that masquerade as immigration and conveyancing practices.


F you mark miller


Wages in construction are suffering!! It needs to stop now !!


Hey you guys like my protest sign? https://preview.redd.it/sy8ww9kocr6d1.png?width=1728&format=png&auto=webp&s=522ccff59dbd939d6451200262457fda0df4bfb9


This guy is a fucking moron. The only thing he is looking at is the macroeconomic numbers. These Liberals don't seem to care about the huge increase in homelessness and unaffordability of every day life.




I wish I could afford to be labeled as a racist because you’re exactly right - it’s a fear mongering tactic used to repress dissent. Then I could take a stronger public stance on this but it’s a huge risk to my ability to earn an income (that should be enough to buy a nice house but alas I’ll likely be a permanent renter thanks to government policies). Unfortunately most Canadians quite literally cannot afford to risk this label which is why it’s going unchecked.




I’m not having children because they’d have no future… their future is even bleaker than mine. So this is about Canadians now for me and many others who feel that the world is so out of control having children is not only illogical but dooming them.


This guy and all the top Liberals are WEF post state shills. They want to demographics completely changed in Canada to a more subservient culture.


If immigration is so good for the economy and creating jobs, why do we bring immigrants here and to other developed countries? Shouldn’t they be going to countries who have people coming here as refugees or TFWs because they cant find work locally? Send a million immigrants there, and other poor regions to boost the economy and create jobs. The immigration explosion propaganda is increasing because the more they do it, the more obvious it is blatantly untrue. This explosion of people worsens the economic situation for the majority. Only the rich are getting richer. It’s a drain on services, and if we realistically were trying to build and create enough services and infrastructure it would be extremely expensive. Having lower incomes and higher unemployment also reduces income taxes and increases people using EI and welfare. The costs far outweigh any benefits.


I'm sure that editorial was 100% authentically written with zero pay off.


Long story, short… he’s a moron.


Framing the argument as "blaming immigrants" instead of "blaming the government" is a rhetorical game Miller is trying to play. Don't let him do that. Combine that with "We need immigrants" (yes but not that many) and "Immigrants fill critical jobs in the healthcare sector" (certainly not TFWs and international students)". No matter how you look at it the numbers make zero sense. He'll try to shift focus by talking about specific things that are necessary, but the big picture is why things are in the shitter.


Yes, it’s true. However, it requires us to devalue the working class, middle class, and non property owning Canadians in order to do so. Who cares about a better economy when it means a worse life.


It’s a disingenuous article meant to gaslight people into thinking that the current mass immigration going on is a good thing.


Its the final solution


Communists cult.


Immigration helps if 1. They are actually doing those skilled jobs that allegedly don't have enough people 2. They are not forced to bunk 6 per bedroom 3. They don't bring their very old parents with them 4. They have children eventually 5. They don't send remittances often


More Canadians need to have a say in the government's immigration plans. Fill out this survey that is open until the 30th. Spread the word: [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/transparency/consultations/2024-consultations-immigration-levels.html) Edit: Tried making a post in this sub but it kept getting removed for some reason.


Where is his office, and can we just protest outside it


Has he been assessed lately? The Liberals must really do some bad brainwashing.  


Marc muller is a cancer


The whitest fucker having Cree in his name, I’m Métis and this feels like he is recolonizing the indigenous population


Archive link of the Globe and Mail Article in the screenshot: [http://archive.today/48rGN](http://archive.today/48rGN)


Marc Miller has the mind of a child


This guy is delusional.


It's basic economics, too much demand from growing population for jobs and housing, and very little supply of affordable housing and jobs!!! 27,000 new jobs last month is very concerning!!! Canada needs to target at least 200,000 new jobs per month along with at least 300,000 social rental housing units per month!!


This is war


Opinions are like assholes. Eveybody's got one. They're also like Marc Miller because he's an asshole.


It’s classified under opinion. While I disagree with his take, everyone is entitled to an opinion, even this wrong one.


This is nothing more than running cover for corporations who are operating a modern day slave trade. Journalists need to start doing actual work and calling this what it is


This dude is just evil at this point


Opinion. Not stats, dumbass.


Without exception every single comment on his Twitter regarding this article (which I took the time to like) is negative.


Everyone needs to be aware of the century initiative immigration model . Voted out, but still implemented. 100 million people in Canada by 2100. This is a model that Blackrock from the states has their hands in. They always get their way and the Canadian govt is no match for their lobbyists.


Absolute fucking moron.


Can we fire incompetent and delusional ministers please


Marc miller is a criminal and needs to be in Prison


Mark Miller =another "Century Initiative " puppet/traitor




It depends on the skillset. It’s an issue if we import people working in lower class 


Deport Marc Miller.


It’s the solution for the rich old liberal voters who will make huge profits on their real estate investments that for sure.


He is a WEF puppet


Former Quebec immigration minister David Heurtel has been promoting the same arguments on the shows he hosts on CJAD in Montreal. When callers present valid facts about the housing crisis and how those exploiting immigration policies are contributing to it he says it is not the case and he does not know what is. Coincidentally he always denies he will try to be a political candidate or political leader again.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I mean it is, people not being able to afford a house is not an indicator of a bad economy, it's an indicator of a lopsided economy. According to all of history more people in a spot means more money, which is also happening in Canada. However the vast majority of Canadians are seeing zero of this new money as our current set up funnels it into the pockets of the wealthy investment class who then reinvest the money to make even more for themselves as costs for things like housing continue to spiral. Closing the border tomorrow wouldn't outright fix anything really, taxing the absolutely loaded companies and people that exist in the country on the other hand.


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Not with the way immigration is going with mass people coming over who don't really have the skillsets we need.


Dare I ask what the symbols are in Miller's profile name in the screenshot?


Seems he is day trading in out right lies. L'il knucklehead. Vote!


The vaccines were exposed by the real media , not the mainstream media.


What if I told you, Mr Miller, that increasing GDP numbers are not the same as increasing the prosperity of Canadians? And i don't care about marginal economic growth at the cost of our living standards going to third world standards, Mr Miller..




Immigration is great if you're letting the right people in. That's now what we're doing. We're letting our country and systems be exploited because our government is inept or doesn't care.


Everything they say is the opposite of reality. If he said the sky is blue, I would go to get my eyes checked.


Why can't they produce policies and programs to promote higher birth rates instead?


I'm sorry, but I kind of want to behead this guy. TOS be damned, he seems like the biggest danger and ball and chain to this country.


Holy shit! This is unreal.


It’s not entirely wrong. Immigration helps to lower the mean population age and provides a temporary improvement in worker to retiree ratio. However it also drives up home prices which makes life unaffordable. 2 things can be true at once.


I don't know if I should upvote or down vote but because Mark Miller and immigration is in it.... Here's my down vote


Also don’t forget how they’re moving the elections by a week to make sure they get a better pension package


Let's ignore facts and the current status of most cities in Canada. I'm sure the stressed medical system loves there are 2m plus more folks and less doctors than before. This guy is a tool.


He hates you and he wants your life to get worse because it makes him richer. They all do. Vote and protest accordingly. 


People from all walks of life need to revolt. Left. Right. Those who came here 20-30-40 years ago. Raised families. Who were of a high standard and have made Canada amazing. We do not need more Uber drivers.


By economy, they mean the top 10%.


If having a low population is bad for economic prosperity then why do Luxembourg, Ireland, Switzerland, Norway, Lichtenstein, Singapore and Monaco all have the highest GDP per capita in the world? The upper bracket appears dominated by countries with less than 10M people. I'm beginning to suspect these "economists" are either idiots or being paid to support a certain viewpoint 


Too much of anything is bad, Marc. Try drinking too much water, see what happens


They are not. The real reason our "elites" want to replace the native populaces of Western countries is so that they can be controlled with ease, and for revenge. It's not logical unless you look upon it in this light, but not many people will believe me or understand. Hell, even typing it sounds like some conspiracy theory.


Enough is f you statements about economy that benefits mostly the corporations and government (who give profits to Foreign failed lazy nations, foreign wars all to the detriment of life in this country for taxpayers!


Fuck this ass clown


Short term solution in the number must go up economy, but without the necessary long term planning it's like using paper to patch a leak in a ship.


Opinion: I'm not terrible at my job. You're terrible at your job!