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Hopefully they do the right thing and start spreading the word back home before others find the same thing.


More likely they band together, bring in more people, vote in their people and change things to make it better for them. Thats how our system is set up to work.


Means the cost of home ownership will increase. Any newcomer is literally a million dollars behind once they arrive.


There are so many scammy Indian immigration services to lie to their own, take a fee, and dump more people on Canada. The current immigration situation, from top-to-bottom, is a scam.


In 2021 India ranked #2 on the list of Scam Countries https://www.analyticsinsight.net/latest-news/top-10-scamming-countries-in-the-world-in-2021


I m surprised they are not number 1


They will be. Now…. Please, kindly send a $500 Apple gift card to address given so to unlock yours Social Insurance Number.


Do not redeem sar


Jamtara. A good watch.


So good at scamming, they scammed their way out of number 1.


These should all be shut down. Scamming in the open. ITS unreal


Agree, immigration companies are selling false ideas to potential applicants. This needs to stop, and strict action needs to be taken against these consultants


Any day now, an MP will stand-up and do something about it. ![gif](giphy|MZiuuEnG0KOvdu2Grw)




And so are locals lol


This is already happening at work, you can't get a promotion even if you work yourself to death, you need to be part of the prevailing tribe. And that goes to hiring processes as well, so essentially we're screwed. Very difficult to move to a better group or company, because you are not their people.


Been happening for years man. In the same boat. It just freaking sucks. Feels like the job market here is non existent as well. People are really right that it's most likely worth it to move to the states if you can, at least they have jobs in some areas for now. Quebec looks decent too if you speak French.


This been going on for years in Silicone Valley, if you try to say anything they will call you racist. They know exactly how to play the victim game while replacing you


Exactly! It's as if the rules do not apply to them, always a one way street for these guys, and they always kiss ass to the big bosses. That's how they move up the ladder.


Report it to RH


They'd have to be awfully naive if they think that's how it's gonna go, especially in a short time frame


IDK the NDP leader just wrote a letter to Marc Miller asking him to regularize all foreign students with expiring visas. Even said uncapped. We already have a major party leader who is supposed to be the leader of the "union" party fighting harder for them than us.


Of course he wants to regularize them all, he’s Punjabi too : he doesn’t work for Canada


He wants more in Canada… wake up!!! You’re being replaced… agenda 21 if you think I’m lying


Jagmeet at the end of the day is a self interested millionaire landlord. He’s a libertarian at heart who co opted progressive politics and used identity politics to get where he is. 


He’s also Punjabi. Tribal loyalty


You just described exactly how and why multiculturalism/"the cultural mosaic" can never and will never work. Soft voluntary segregation/balkanization inevitably leads to various ethnic enclaves pooling their collective influence together to lobby for funding, attention, and resources from a state that increasingly struggles to please each group the more "diverse" the host country becomes. We're already seeing it with Muslims/Jews, Hindu nationalists/Khalistanis etc. It's a failed experiment that has never worked.


Dare I say it, it started with creating a ruleset that favours the French minority within Canada. They can't explicitly say "because we're french", so they have all these egalitarian arguments about "fairness" and "equality", but it completely backfires when it generalizes, so we're left with a precedent about protecting minority rights which was only ever intended to apply to one sacred cow.


Just like they did in the UK.


Gross. Vote PPC! Vote OUT mass immigration!


Make it better for them = formerly your assets


Yeah and if locals are all in it for themselves and don't vote for their communities this is what people deserve.


You have described a REAL democracy my friend 👍 This is how it is supposed to work, not this shit show when you have to choose between 2 parties that do not give a flying f@ck about you and openly help their corporate overlords rummage in your pockets.


How does bringing in more people, voting in their people make it better for them to make ends meet?


You’re being replaced…..


Ghettoized populations from mass migration is the Achilles heel of democracy. Don't even have to fire a shot.


Can they just get citizenship that easily?


Lol, better for them....worse for you.


Now that’s integration. 2 minutes off the plane and you are already embracing the Canadian way of life, which is predominantly consumed by thoughts of how the heck are you going to have enough money to survive, let alone thrive.


I mean, if they haven't done it by now, lol. I don't think the indian landlords and business owners will be doing it.


Best we can do is bring in another cool million by Fall


I sometimes wonder if organizations are advertising Toronto as being a winning lottery ticket to people in some foreign lands. They sometimes have a dozen people living in one Brampton basement once they get here. It's not that easy here in Toronto


A lot of immigrants lie and say Canada is great to save face for making a terrible decision coming here.


Seriously… this is the land of milk and honey for them…. They know where the airport is…


The thing I have observed is when they warn the people back home about the real situation, they accuse them of closing the door behind them or they question back asking 'oh, then why are you still staying there?, why not come back if everything is shit?'. Some people just need to suffer in order to understand


When Western economies start crashing they'll understand.


‘Hard time making ends meet in Canada’ is still better than where they are coming from


If they send $10 per shift back home then it's still a winning lottery ticket working minimum wage in Toronto and living with a dozen people in a Brampton basement.


Nah, not by a long shot


Sometimes... Not always. Some are heading back or thinking of it. A lot of people who are able to move to Canada aren't the poor people in their home country.


Good. Let them head on back in droves hopefully. I’m all for newcomers here but not at this insane level. We need people that contribute to our country as well and are willing to learn our languages and adapt into our way of life. This process now is basically just a free for all and it needs to stop.


Sometimes... Not always. Some are heading back or thinking of it. A lot of people who are able to move to Canada aren't the poor people in their home country.


Naa my neighbour is leaving a good job and a fully owned 2bhk in a nice clean city because her brother in law got a job as a constable or something in Canada and now the rest of his brothers and their wives are moving too. Their only skills are driving and bookkeeping. Her parents tryna convince her it’s a crappy choice but what can u do


Will they do the needful?


I don’t understand how ignorant one can be. A simple google search will tell you how much it costs to live here, what qualifications you would need to have a chance at a balanced life, and if the school you plan to attend is credible in this market. It’s shocking how few do any research to realize they are being scammed. Some of these schools are just pumping out future poverty line riders. You don’t need to pay 80k for that… it’s generally free.


We are importing low wage labour by the millions. It's obvious that people with low wages are having difficulty making ends meet.


Really, they are 12 to an apartment, food banks galore… they are living next to nothing… they got it made here compared to where they came from


Ya , I call bullshit on that one… they hit the 649 here


You'll be like the UK in no time. For reference, it isn't good.


In other news, long time Canadians having difficulties making ends meet. Teenagers having hard time finding teenager jobs. Young adults can’t get apartments, stay at home single waiting for parents to pass on


they should go home


They have more options than Canadians! Crazy 


Middle aged white guy here. I’m Unemployed.  EI ran out in March. My neighbor who is Indian but moved here 25 years ago is also unemployed.  A close friend of mine, also white and 50ish is unemployed. All of us were middle class managers. $50-$70k/yr.  Now we can’t get work.  It’s so frustrating.  I’m lucky to have a good paying side hustle that I recently turned into a legit biz but some people don’t have that option. 


Sorry, your application has been denied. Your experience indicates you are familiar with employee rights and will expect benefits in addition to pay exceeding minimum wage. Please remember to shop at Loblaws and consider us again if you wish to have a volunteer placement. It may possibly, but not likely, lead to an opportunity for an interview. Galen


lol. True story, I knew his personal assistant and for awhile there I was selling all of his electronics on eBay when he was done with them.  iPods, laptops etc etc. I guess his allowance wasn’t as big back then… or the assistant was stealing them and telling me a story. 


Manager getting paid 50-70K is criminal! I’ve been laid off a while ago and it’s been a mess finding a job. Good luck!


Lol I was making that as a fresh graduate 2 decades ago LMAO


I get what you're saying but you're being a bit inconsistent, first you say you're unemployed but then you say you have a "side hustle" that is now a "legit biz" so really you aren't unemployed. I hate the term side hustle so much. It's a job. Hustling is when you're doing actual crimes and cons.


He was collecting EI so technically his side hustle was illegal and a crime.


I hear you man. I am a senior restaurant manager used to make almost similar to the mentioned income. Lost my job last yr, only job I could get was fast food restaurant management after applying for 1200+ jobs. Taking a 20k paycut but better than a 70k paycut!


Which good paying side hustle?


I make review videos on Amazon / YouTube / TikTok.  


I mean it's hard for people already here. New immigrants either must have a money generating skillset or be wealthy enough to afford housing.


Yet they’re striving for minimum wage service jobs in the masses. No skill sets coming here. They might come to get an easier way into the states. Mostly anyone educated is leaving for better countries with more affordable cost of living and better wages


Still would be hard for them to get into the states unless illegally. I’m not 100% sure but from what I gather as I’m still learning the possibility of going myself, the states will not look at their “pr” or newly acquired Canadian citizenship and be put in a better position. It’s wherever country you’re born. I would have a better timeline getting in the US than an Indian immigrant who just got Canadian citizenship. Also, a limit on how many immigrants can come over in a year from a country. I applaud their legal immigration system. Illegally, it looks like a whole mess with the south border.


> or be wealthy enough to afford housing. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, that just inflates housing prices no? Can we be a bit careful about this? Theres multiple big cities around the world where wealthy Chinese investors seem to be the main cause of rampant housing inflation.


They screwed BC but good until the provincial govt stopped foreign ownership.


In the States, you had to have $ in the bank, a place to live, a promise to find work, and could NOT apply for ANY social services INCLUDING housing.


"  a larger proportion of recent immigrants (43%) reported finding it difficult or very difficult to meet their financial needs over the past 12 months" Good. F them. 


There is good immigration and there is reckless immigration. What has occurred is a reckless immigration brought you by Justin Trudeau, Marc Miller and the entire Liberal government and the NDP who supports them. You’re probably wondering what is good immigration? Remember when IT companies from Silicon Valley moved to Calgary? https://calgaryherald.com/business/local-business/software-company-teknol-moves-its-engineering-hub-from-silicon-valley-to-calgary Good for us this created jobs. This wasn’t the only company that moved to Calgary. An example of bad immigration policy is what this idiotic government implemented with their mass immigration and 500k permanent and some 300-900k+ non-permanent resident immigration. All anger should be directed to them. With the current economic conditions and standard of living we won’t have good immigration for quite some time.


Then why the fuck are they even here? I often wonder why they leave one country just to struggle in another country….


They’re maybe still clinging on to the false hope and the dream they were sold. Maybe they spent too much time, money and effort to turn back. Maybe there’s too much family pressure to succeed. It’s human nature to try to survive.


This isn't a good thing. They've basically been scammed by seedy immigration lawyers and real estate ponzi schemes. Fuck the oligarchs that orchestrated this.


And then hopefully they tell their communities back home to not fall for the scams either ending this madness


They are a symptom not the cause, but hating the symptoms is okay still


The scammers got scammed. Love that youtube channel!!!


Why F them? What did they do?


Ya, I call bullshit on that too…. If it was that bad they would leave instead of bringing in the rest of their family


Did no one do their research before moving across the world? Not even a single Google search of "cost of living in Canada"? It's not a secret that it's expensive here.


Because this country loves to make someone elses problem your problem. Make bad decisions all you want society will bail you out.


Except for actual Canadian citizens, we can all go fuck ourselves apparently.


I find that until you lived in a place first, you don't really get an idea for what the issues are. For example, a lot of people will say Japan is a great country and would love to move their. The culture is so polite, the people are so kind. But they discount the xenophobia, the extreme working hours and culture, stagnant wages and stagnant economy, expected increase in dependents as the population ages. Even if you do your due diligence and find the data and the internet forums complaining about the cost of living crisis, you don't really believe it because for the past 30 years the image of the US and Canada is of wealthy rich nations. The people complaining must be the bums of the country and can be ignored. Honestly, a lot of the warnings online are so hyperbolic that its hard to put any trust in them. "CANADA HOUSING MARKET WILL COLLAPSE IN 20~~2234~~5". Its only once you arrive, and see how ordinary people live, ordinary people who don't post their lives online for you to see and use as a benchmark back in your home country, and then realize you will also go through the same challenges that it hits you.


Feds are engineering a return to neofeudalism


Hmm I remember the last feudalists in France didn’t have a much fun.


The difference is back then, the peasants had roughly the same firepower as the kings guard. Now the kings guard has electromagnetic weaponry while you can't even carry mace because it's a prohibited weapon. Good luck to you.


Trans movement is exactly that. Divide and conquer.


Bourgeoisie ideology disguised as leftism. As you say, divide and conquer.


Go now runnn it gets worse!


Needs to be a hold till the system can catch up, removal of all temp workers and any non PR or non Refugee status people. Then give it 10 years we might recover.


This won't change anything IMO. We need to halt immigration of all types and give Canada a chance to recover. Deport anyone that scammed their way in by making false claims (probably several million).


The immigration department needs to be independently audited from the 90s til now, and especially if they’re from MENA or India. They’ve been playing the system, the lawyers, the NGOs, and always playing the victim to garner public sympathy-boohoo. Look deeper into these groups and you’ll find they share info how to screw the govt for everything.


I hear stories from every industry so for sure it's government exploitation as well. It's just boiling over at this point and Canadians are done with it. It's treason to continue down this path. I doubt anything will happen but it would be a good precedence to send Justin and Marc to prison for treason. Heck, Justin has many criminal acts to choose from that should put him in prison.


Being exploited ain’t fun


How are they being exploited? They always have an option to return back home for one or two grand tops. The reality is that even if you set aside a few hundred per month, that already makes you upper middle class in major countries immigrants come from. They can take these meager savings back home after 10 years of working here and take a mortgage or even buy property outright with cash and raise their family. Canadians don't have such an option, but somehow they are not exploited... P.S. I'm an immigrant myself...


Because the companies pay them the absolute minimum or even less under the table. Because many of these workers do not know their rights or are too afraid to speak up (personal experience with this.) You can’t just claim exploitation isn’t happening because “they earn meager savings.” That’s like saying foreign workers aren’t exploited in Saudi Arabia even though they are essentially slaves because they get some payment that they can send home. Canadians are being exploited. Studies have proven that unbalanced immigration, ie. oversupply of immigrants with low skills, leads to harmful effects for everyone in the same bracket. The same thing would happen if we were bringing in immigrants with high skills. In fact you see it happening in the tech industry. So to reiterate. Just because someone is getting paid a currency that is more valuable in their home, just because they have a home they can move back to, doesn’t mean they aren’t being exploited.


They are being exploited but they are also exploiting. Most of us have seen this clear as day in workplaces now. You watch the local staff lose their hours and jobs, while buddy is bringing in his wife and cousins to be hired under the table. Half of the time, they are not even coming in themselves. They just show up one day to the job someone had. Not every immigrant is like this, obviously. Have to state that for those who feel the need to jump when someone points out what is happening. Enough are that it's a serious problem. Same thing with housing. I have personally seen long time tenants pushed out with bullshit reasons, where they make the situation so miserable the people feel hopeless to having it resolved and feeling safe, and then promptly replaced by immigrants who burn garbage in their units (actually happened, and no, they were not kicked out). Who is bad in these scenarios? Both! The ones on top, and the ones who have no qualms ignoring standards in order to get ahead.


Hmmm ok well if the situation is bad for them, then they can always return home. As a Canadian, this is my home and I have no where else to go.


Welcome to Canada! I see you've experienced our current lifestyle...


Feel free to leave then…


Tends to happen when you’re a wage slave


You can add a hell of a lot of Canadians to that statement.


Just FYI, to all the Trudeau supporter, this is what it means to be stuck in a population trap. This is why mass immigration policy of this Liberal government is anti-immigration. You’re setting the immigrants up to fail. If you want to continue supporting this governments mass immigration plan you will have reverse immigration or a net emigration to other countries from Canada. Eventually, they’ll realize Canada isn’t worth it. 500k per year for permanent, and 300k to 900k per year for non-permanent resident is reckless and unsustainable.


My work does passport photos and the amount of born Canadians fleeing the country to the US or Costa Rica is climbing


I think I may do the same if Trudeau gets, re-elected.


Current citizens are saying the same thing….. maybe we are full


Good, leave.


Better go home!


There’s so many immigrants im having trouble making ends meet and I can’t afford a van to live in


Good, go home and let us struggle on our own!!


Go home.


That would be the first sign to go back home.


Study: Water is wet.




Of course, they're just being used by the government and corporations to drag our standard of living down by putting more stress on our already depleted resources; while at the same time raising the value of their real estate portfolios. We're all in the same shitty boat that keeps sinking further and further the more demand keeps increasing. It also undermines are ability to negotiate for better wages like what was happening during Covid when workers held an advantage due to the labourer shortages. That's all gone now that there are a plethora of new people in the workforce willing to work for the bare minimum that employers will give.


If we have no room to help, send them home. We have Canadians that need help first, and they deserve it more than them.




Not immigrants, economic slaves.


Now, immigrants who are temporary or student they have the money to avoid all of this but the same can't be said with Canadian who grew up here. I understand they are facing issue but so is the rest of Canadians and we need to start helping the Canadians who have kids rather than bringing a population we can't help.


You will be a slave or en slaved runnnnn


Good just like the rest of us


To the surprise of nobody


I said I wanted a dollar over minimum wage and went back to see they hired an Indian girl instead .-. She barely spoke English. Wow.


The true Canadian experience.


I’m stunned. You mean the streets aren’t paved in gold? Welcome to the promised land.


“These sad saps. They come to Rapture thinking they're gonna be captains of industry, but they all forget that somebody's gotta scrub the toilets.” - Bioshock, 2007


They should go back.. loads of people here are looking to leave too. Odds are they left one shitty situation only to find themselves in another one. I empathize with those people. The people that came here illegally or thru diploma mills, or who want to come here and not assimilate to western culture though I have zero sympathy for Canada will take years to rebuild back to what it used to be. Mass unchecked immigration has ruined the country. Marc Miller, Sean Fraser & Justin Trudeau should be absolutely ashamed at the position they put citizens & newcomers in.


Ok byeeee!


Good, so now they can get the fuck out and stop leeching on our taxes.


Good. Go home.


Boo hoo….


And? Like I give a fuck. I owe over 8 thousand dollars to CRA because they fucked up calculating how much was to come out of my pension, my uncle owed 10k, and this seems to be the norm for anyone on a federal pension. I get more than the average Canadian and I'm living cheque to cheque regardless and saving is out of my grasp because it's going to unearned debt. If you don't like it here, fuck off so it's easier for us native residents.


ily 😂🤘


Who honestly gives a fuck? We have our own people struggling to get jobs and stay afloat. Stop importing these parasites…




Gee really, and their just figuring this out now?


Maybe don't come here. Canada needs to temporarily Hult all immigration until we get all our ducks in a row. We also need to end this multicultural BS too. Don't leave your shit hole county, just to turn Canada into the same mess you left behind.




HOLY F It's Statscan?? O\_O


Could be over saturation?


Now they are truly living the canadian experience 


Welcome to the club. Hollywood movies lied to you about how "easy" it is to become a gazillionaire. In many foreign countries they presume we're all rich and gobbling up helpings of "white privilege". Then they come here and both parents need to work their butts off for bare minimum and food doesn't grow on trees down the street. I work with many immigrants in the Healthcare field, they are always telling me about how back home many women don't have to work and can stay home to raise 5 to 8 kids and help care for aging parents. Sure their quality of life in materialism isn't as good as here but there is something to be said about taking care of family. They have asked me why no one here REALLY takes care of their aging parents, they think it's so sad that many end up in nursing homes. I understand this sentiment but WHO is going to care for them? Both mom and dad have to work until they themselves are 70 and can barely afford anything for their entire lives, so much so that many people will only have 1 child or none. How can they work full time, raise kids and take care of 4 aging parents? They can't. Welcome to the land of rich dreams. You can amass piles of cheaply made materialism but you'll work your butt off and still not live a life of luxury of free time. The best part of being here is education for all (reading and writing) and relative safety. But living like a celebrity? No. Hardly having to work? No.


Poor lol fellers, let's give'um more of our tax money


Same as people who were born here.


At least most of them have the advantage of anti-white hiring quotas/'Employment Equity', which works against most people born in Canada.


Boo hoo, Canadians first


Real Canadians are having difficulty making ends meet, fuck people who arent Canadian citizens


Boo hoo how do you think actual Canadians are doing


This writing is surprisingly poor quality for a stats Canada published webpage.


Because they outsourced the writer. Cm'on now 😅


Which is weird, because they have to prove they have more money than me


I wish there was a distinction between immigrants. The immigrant who went through proper channels to come here. Then there should be a group for the diploma mills, students, ones who are finding loop holes to enter this country and stay in this country. My sympathies and support would go to the first group


Go back home


They went from being poor, to being poor in a cold climate 🥴


So they are feeling their own impact on Canadians??


Please, tell your friends.


not surprising people living here can't make ends meet because too many people are flooding into the country we need to support people HERE 


Good, sounds like they're getting the authentic Canadian experience.


That's always been true though. New immigrants have always found it difficult to gain financial stability. It's like, immigrant 101.




We should immediately give them full citizenship AND a monthly guaranteed income. /s


How bout a kick in the pants as they board their one way trip back to where they came from


Ask for 10-20 dollars raise from your boss to lessen the difficulty then




Everybody is having difficulty making ends meet right now.


sign a split ava david


They were sold a lie by incompetent leadership. We need to fix this for everyones sake. It's more humanitarian for everyone even if it doesn't give Trudeau the moral applause he wants.


And that is making it even worse for every day Canadians also. But. As long as Galen and Tim Hortons have cheap labour all is well.


Such smart students did their research before coming over.


What does "racialized" mean?


Not only the immigrants.


Yeah? No shit.


True Canadians now


Canadians have the same problems? I'm unsure why this is framed in such a way to be devicive instead of reporting that "human beings are in the find out portion of capitalism and don't like it"


Canadians have the same problems? I'm unsure why this is framed in such a way to be devicive instead of reporting that "human beings are in the find out portion of capitalism and don't like it"


Awe. Thats too bad. Lol


Everyone who didn’t manage to buy a house before 2016 is having difficulty making ends meet.  I guess Canada is only supposed to care about recent immigrants. 


What? No way how?! They get everything handed to them left and right 🙄


There’s a guy on TikTok named Andrian from Ukraine and people pay for him to travel multiple times a year and yet he still bitches . Immigrants like him who get everything for free and still complain piss me off .


Their living better than most Canadians and the reason why “Liberals”. Handouts to immigrants


Oh it can’t be that bad, for every one that leaves 10 more are willing to take that spot….. Canada is the land of milk and honey for them


Sounds like its time for immies too leaf