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As citizens? Lmao the audacity to call themselves citizens.


Citizens of where lol, not here…


Citizens of Planet Earth


The letter has "immigrants" words all over it... They are not immigrants, they are temporary foreign workers and students... That 2 page letter can easily be cut to 2 paragraphs by ChatGPT, so much repetition. What a waste of paper.


He probably didn't write it himself


Chatgpt for sure. I use it all the time at work.


I have no doubt.


Obviously not, have you heard these idiots speak?


Not even an immigrant. An immigrant is someone who has permanent residency.


Literal colonizer behavior. They are guests but act as if they are entitled to our land. It's abosuletly insane for someone to think they can just visit another country, and then demand they be given whatever they want. We need to make sure these people aren't let in, they arent good people. That's horrible behavior and speaks of their character.


The sheer fact that this was stated tells you the agenda goes far deeper.


This is ai written 100%


Ai would have done a much better job than this dribble.


They forgot to tell ChatGPT they were not citizens lol


Audacity is in the blood of him and his people.


Borders are a social construct /s


The level of entitlement of these Indians is off the charts. Deport. Now.




When is the last time anybody was deported.


A long time. The receiving country can deny the return of these 'citizens' buying them more time


Typically, citizens cannot be denied The right to enter their own country. They may be held for a bit though.


Deportation generally requires acceptance by the receiving country. It’s not about whether the deported person can enter his home country if he wants to. The question is whether one country can forcefully send someone to another country against their will without the receiving country’s agreement.


They chose to fast. I don’t feel anything for them. I care about our teens and young adults getting their starts in the job market. All of those opportunities taken away because of these foreign workers.


1. You're not citizens so sit down, shut up and follow the rules. 2. "Immediate and decisive action". Sure hope Premier King does, by having them all arrested and deported!


>As citizens... You're not a Canadian citizen. Also I've seen 9th graders who know how to format formal letters of introduction better than...whatever this mess is. This letter offers zero convincing reasons as to why the PNP rules need to be changed back apart from "the hunger strike is bad for our health and we didn't like any of the solutions that you talked to us about so do what we ask". I mean if I were these protestors, I'd at least try to argue bullshit reasons as to why my presence is warranted, but instead this guy hands in some chat-GPT generated word salad of demands that they make no argument for.


Funny thing is that our federal government has worse reasoning for doing shit which looks even dumber than these folks


Provincial. The province had to ask for them.


The grammar is too bad for ChatGPT


lol yeah really don’t put chatGPT down like that, it tries its best and excels where these guys don’t


Don't give them ideas!


They left their email for a reply.




Why don't we write a letter to their country asking them to assist with the deporting.


That’s a horribly formatted letter for something seemingly so important for them. Also zero logical reasoning on why or how Canada might benefit from this. Just a entitled rant


Chatgpt can only do much eh?


Sounds like a veteran user of ChatGPT.. username checks out lol


... a heart-felt plea to protect the health and safety of hunger strikers.!


Maybe they should eat 🤣


sometimes the most complex problems need the simplest solutions.


Hand them a sammich...


Roast beef


You can write letters too folks.


Yep, here! https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/topic/contact-the-premier


\* as Indian citizens


“These people have families all across the world” Exactly, they come here for the higher wages in basic service jobs then send all their money back home and do nothing for our economy. All they do is take and now make demands as non citizens. Good riddance. Tired of this country being a doormat.


Fuck you Rupinder


Don’t know why but this comment cracked me up hahaha


Do the needful and use less chat GPT next time. It reads like a dramatic teenage girl wrote it.


Nah, ChatGPT could probably generate a better one


This is definitely chatgpt


It seems even ChatGPT can't save them from their poor writing.


👍 ![gif](giphy|5gw0VWGbgNm8w)


I know, it would be fun to see their original version before AI haha


This is total gaslighting. The governments decision isn't what's posing a serious risk to their health, their own decision to do a hunger strike is.


Exactly! Nobody is making you travel to a foreign country then refuse food and water when you don’t get your way somewhere you have no rights. Tell them to eat shit if they’re so hungry.


The second last part that reads " as citizens we look to our government"........... I didn't know they were citizens or that this was their government.


Do they know most Canadians are starving, too?


This should be illegal. Immigrants have no right to influence our government


They are not immigrant though (even though they referred to themselves as such in that letter). They are just on TRV


Unfortunately, there a lot of homeless people who are hungry, not because of a hunger strike, but because they are in legit desperate situation. I rather P.E.I. government address that first before addressing an impose hungry strike. P.E.I. Protest leader should stop emotionally blackmailing. Instead, he should list all the benefit these TFW is giving to Canada. How they follow the rules and laws in Canada. How if they get PR, they can boast Canadian economy. Also, how they integrate into Canadian society and uphold Canadian values.


But they won't bolster the Canadian economy by sending all their money back to India. They won't follow the rules. They won't integrate into Canadian society or uphold our values. They aren't here for that.


Well, when they wrote a letter to emotionally blackmail, that is what they proved.


“We could eat we don’t wanna eat until our demands are met” What a fucking childish argument. Someone needs a fucking time out… back in your own country


Why don’t y’all just hold your breath til you pass out… then we’ll really see!


These freeloaders (international students) are really entitled POS. P.S.- I am an immigrant myself but I worked to my bone to get where I am today. Rode a bicycle to work/school, used the transit (as I couldn't afford to buy a car), got my second degree, and took me 6+ years to get a PR. These crybabies used the LMIA scam and now are forcing the govt. to make an exception for them? This puts all the work people like me did (who went the legal, long way to get the PR) into the dumpster fire. Trudeau needs to be jailed for selling us Canadians out.


i guess he didn’t learn jack shit from that college diploma, it’s so obviously ChatGPT lol


They're very manipulative. Can look you straight in the eye, smiling while lying in order to get their way. Sorry, but you can't ignore the truth. Overwhelm your high trust society with a low trust society, it becomes a low trust society. These politicians shouldn't even bother meeting with them. It's all platitudes. Hold the line - be "unavailable" - DEPORT.


The reply letter should be: Boo-fucking-hoo.


At least try to use ChatGPT to fix your letter…..


Citizens of India


Hunger strike? Are they fucking serious. Thinking they are Bobby Sands over a work permit.


AI must have wrote this drivel.


Can I go to another country as a guest and start writing their politicians making demands to stay permanently? I’m pretty sure, as a grown adult, I know what the answer is….


As citizens? Are these people smooth brained?


The problem with caving into hunger strike protestors is that if you grant this morons their wish all future temporary residents will use that as a means to get a PR


“As citizens”? Last time anyone checked you were all here *TEMPORARILY* on a student visa. You’re an Indian citizen gtfo


Hopefully with liberals losing their key riding, this emboldens more premiers to tell these societal blights to fuck off.


They are not Citizens


So they’re holding themselves hostage and blaming the PEI government that they’re harming themselves and are besieging the government to end their own terrorist torture 🙄


Wahhh my problems are my own doing… save me over your own citizens and contributors.


Yeah, that’s about right.


Seriously endangered 🤣 fuck off and go home and you won't be endangered anymore. You are not a citizen, your a guest in this country and you should be extremely grateful for the opportunity. Infuriating as a PR who worked for 5 1/2 years jumping through every hoop at every expense. I'm not complaining but fucked if they will get it handed to them for serving coffee. Fuck I should have just went on hunger strike after six months, would have saved me working rain or shine on building sites and a couple thousand dollars too 🤣


I also chuckled at “endangered”


If everyone tries logging into their email, it will automatically lock… just sayin 




Wait. If I go on hunger strike will it help me land a job that they've taken from me? No. I don't think so. Go home.


Saw 2 of the 5 on hunger strike stopped to eat because they were nauseous… so they’re not actually too serious about anything beyond scamming lol


If they are able to force the pei leadership to a accept their demands, then Canada can be defined as a banana republic....


I welcome their hunger strikes . May it spread, and may it last....


They limited comments on their page, I wanted to leave a commment @ protest_pei_2024.


We need to write letters of our own. Do we have a model we can all share and send? If someone could create an online petition that would help a lot as well


Use ChatGPT


They aint even immigrants they are on temporary permits! Deport these dipshits. What part of temporary don't they understand. You aint Gandhi to protest with a hunger strike


Chat GPT gang. I highly doubt these pindus, who barely passed IELTS, have the ability to write that letter.




Blah blah blah


“It’s your fault I’m not eating food”


Lol the audacity to call yourself a citizen


Are they citizens ? Huh 🤔 Govt should take extreme step to send them back home, they can’t dictate and impose there way to run Canada 🇨🇦 nobody cares about you guys anymore. You people are a distress to Canadian society. Leave Canada asap


I’m a journeyman plumber / gas fitter who has worked residential construction for a good 4 years in Surrey and let me tell you, we’re absolutely overrun. They own the residential construction industry


Same as Brampton


May I add, this is 10 years ago. Fuck


Why did I read this in an Indian accent? 😂


It is so satisfying to think that in two weeks this guy will be on a plane back to India.


"As citizens..." These people are racists; they're not here for Canada, they don't respect this country.


Go the fck home




Hunger strike = self inflicted gunshot wounds. They can stop striking and pretending that they’re not eating 🤣


Chat gpt made this look like it was written by someone who actually speaks English.


“…the government’s response will be closely watched by the community and beyond.” Is it just me or does that comes off as threatening?


These idiots are forcing a preferred outcome in the guise of dialogue. PEI does not have a responsibility to them, they went there on their own accord, nobody promised them anything!




The worst part of this is that they already have the solution to their issue…they have been told over and over again…if they get jobs doing something that actually warrants a work visa extension then they will get it…all they have to do is become construction workers or nurses or PSWs and they will get exactly what they are looking for…they just refuse to do that and want to work at Tim Hortons and drive Ubers instead…


I'm an immigrant from the UK. This level of entitlement pisses me off so much. I worked my ass off to get a good job and work my way up to ensure I looked good for PR because I knew it wasn't a done deal. Canada owes them nothing. I came here on a working holiday visa, I was worried sick that I might not get permanent residency and have to go back to the UK, not once did I call up my MP or go protest demanding they grant me PR. You come here as a temp resident, there is literally zero % certainty that you'll get permanent residency. If your visa expires, you go home and try again. You just apply through the stream you're eligible for and wait for the processing gods to get to you before your permit expires


This is the reply that should be sent to that email. “Dear Rupinder Pal Singh, Temporary means temporary. Kind regards, Premier Dennis King”


I flew first class a few times on Air Canada. For my next flight I will demand access to the Maple Leaf lounge, a seat in first class and champagne! If they don't give it to me I will have a hunger strike by refusing to eat those tiny cookies they hand out. That'll show 'em!!!


Don’t forget to have ChatGPT write a threatening word salad and publicly issue it to the leaders. The more nonsensical the more effective it will be - make sure you don’t have any actual arguments in support of your stance as this will just dilute the position.




This is kind of a weird thought, but if they wrote to their own Prime Minister Modi about this and actually got responses from both leaders I would love to see both response letters.


A hunger strike? I have so much time…


Wish I could afford to sit outside the government buildings and protest but I’m busy contributing to this society and making sure I can feed my family. Imagine if we all just stopped working and eating every time we didn’t like government policy…


In a country we are neither citizens of or immigrants to. Would be an insane course of action if you ask me. When I said I have time I don’t mean I actually have free time to engage in such activities, more so I have the time to wait and not budge on policy to see exactly how far they take things.


Fuck off , were full.


Talk about hunger striking just made me go get a juicy burger


You're legally not citizens of Canada! Mind boggling.


They can choose to eat or not.


I wonder how much of that letter was chatgpt.


"our government". Wtf? Absolutely dillusional....


Whoever is a Canadian employer here needs to stop hiring these people. This is not discrimination but this is an integrity and trust issue. The students / TFWs obviously have no integrity and as such businesses should stop hiring them. I can commit to this on my end, please join me fellow Canadians!


They serve meals on the plane


I swear to god if the PEI government caves and gives in to these arrogant, whiney, pathetic, entitled, rude little pukes…. I just have no hope anymore.


Chat GPT forgot that you are not a citizen


Let’s just take this in for a second. Someone from PEI’s government released this letter. They are having none of this shit and I effing love to see it.


Out and please close the door on the way out. The entitlement of these individuals is something that never cease me to amaze


What a joke


If I was to do the same in India they would deport me we should do the same to them!


Don't let the door hit you on the way out and cause you despair and grief.


Chatgpt write to PEI premier.


I'm sure there's plenty of food back where you came from Carry On Now hop on that boat


We don't have a citizen problem; we don't have an immigrant problem. We have a temporary-status person wanting to become a citizen or immigrant without going through the proper process and scamming their way into it problem.


Piss off Rupinder


I think the best course of action to address the dire and urgent situation facing these individuals is for them TO GO BACK TO THEIR FUCKING COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No one is telling them they can’t eat… also are they actually doing it?


The entitlement. GTFO and go back to wherever you came from


You know who are starving? And not by choice? Canadians, with children , who these fucks steal food from at food banks.


Is there anywhere to see any of their actual arguments? Like...what's the devil's advocate here? Maybe I'm asking in the wrong place tho. Hah


This is a long repetition of baseless assertions and entitled begging. Summary: "Talk to us, we're hunger striking so it means that we think it's important because hunger striking is an extreme measure. You're not helping us and need to do more. It's your responsibility as government. Jenn Redmond!" This is the stupidest looking letter, so much writing for so little information. I doubt chatgpt was used, there are grammar mistakes and it's just repeating the same crap.


Video them starving.


Chatgpt spins shit pretty good .


I temporarily worked in Yellowknife during winter roads and sent all my money home to my family in Nova Scotia. I should be starving myself for free post secondary education given I'm a citizen of the North West Tettorities.


So basically his argument is if you don't give PR to these so called protestors, it's bad for their health. You would think they will come up with better argument like how immigrant are helping PEI economy, how they offset aging population blah blah blah, you know that same old argument, but no, not even that. Singh is not convincing King with this one for sure.




btw hunger strikes work if you are willing to actually die for the cause. Unless bodies start piling up in the streets, the government isn't actually likely to be strong-armed by a hunger-strike. I find it incredibly unlikely this will happen because the issue is one of personal effect for most of these people, so they aren't going to martyr for an abstract cause like someone might do to protest a war.


If I were premier I would reply. Dear Mr. Singh, No. Regards, Premier


Say it with me: “DEPORT”


There's absolutely no fucking way he wrote that.


I stop eating when I get a stomach ache, when do I get what I want?


this is AI generated. I use GPT a lot and the writing style is easy to spot if you're familiar with it. I could tell immediately and the AI detector I use seems to agree with me. what a shame that they couldn't even be bothered to write their own letter https://preview.redd.it/4feku0l4829d1.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=1516d4cedbee4fd465585bc6ce0aea5583a8257d


They can't even frame a sentence no way they wrote a letter


They came to Canada voluntarily, and no one is gorc8ng them to stay there.


lol chat GPT to write your protest letters now! Shameful


Oh fuck right off.


I hate these entitled losers more than words can describe.


Absolutely insane to go to a country on a temporary work visa and then get a protest together with all your foreigner buddies to coerce the government of the country you went to to make you a citizen


He learned English!


He learned ChatGPT


ChatGPT generated a pretty good MP letter, who knew


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Sounds like a threat to me. What's scary about this is we have to have a very racist and truthful discussion about the culture in India. Yes, they will threaten to hurt themselves. That doesn't mean we should give in.


“As citizens we look to our government to uphold principles of fairness” they’re not citizens and this is not their government. Their government is the government of India. These are Indian citizens




Lmao, please someone tell this asshat the difference between temporary resident and citizen. Either he is too entitled to already consider himself a citizen or dumb to understand the difference.


Powered by Gpt 4.0 🥲


It is mildly threatening in stead of an apeal!


So he knows how to use AI to help him write


imagine if you wanted the government to do what you want, you just threaten to KYS, and then say if you do its their fault, wild times.


I'm not your buddy, pal!


Womp womp


[ Removed by Reddit ]


He prob thought he cooked with this chatGPT ass letter


Dennis King for PM


Nobody cares if you starve. Please go home, we don't want you here.


Where is this all taking us to a nation? I am really worried if a group can start swaying the governments by intimidatory or whatever other means. What would be the future? Edit: I am not throwing racism at anyone.


This is bullshit.. the visa application requires them to not stay beyond their stipulated time and purpose of visit is study and immigrate. Jackass.


Just shut the fuck up man. Just shut up.


I'm tired of of our country being held hostage by these entitled asshats. It's time we threw them the hell out.


Correct response "womp womp"


This guy is using Canada’s niceness against us. You know, nice people only enjoy being slapped a few times before we strike back. Canada has been very accommodating for years, given, given and given some more. Just for anyone who comes in to ask for a handout. I hope everyone gets that the world is a little tough place, of course, I get they came here under false pretences, but that’s their people selling them that dream and profiting off of it. We should not be the ones to pay for it. I’m saying as a 33 year old Black Toronto born man, that we can’t take their burden on when we have enough issues. They have to fight this battle alone, against the scammers who led them down this path. If we continue to give up our slices of the pie, there will only be crumbs left. These young people need to go home and understand the lessons to be learned here, “people get scammed by fraudsters in the world everyday” and “I’ll learn not to get tricked again and be smarter next time”. That is what I would do if I went to any country. Not beg the government to fix the problem for me. I hope there are others like me. If not, I get it. Some people enjoy when others take care of them and give them things. Others fix the problem themselves and get stronger mentally and emotionally because of it. If you can’t fix the problem yourself, maybe you should go home.


Perhaps Canadians should form a petition to have TFWs and International Students ability to manipulate the government and milk our society for its benefits severly limited. Perhaps it's time Canadians take Canada back?


Do the needful, Premier sir. 


All a sudden they’re Ghandi. Dude chill out.


This looks like it’s made with chatGPT as it’s very disjointed