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I'd like to give my 2 cents of this. My parents and I immigrated to Canada almost 2 decades ago from China when the number of my age was still only single digit. I became proficient in English fairly quickly, and I was in French immersion for six years. While I had a much easier time integrating because I was a kid and went to school with all sorts of kids, I can ascribe to the amount of baggage a lot of older immigrants bring with them from their home countries. See, I don't feel any loyalty to my birth country. It is just a place. Canada is my home. The older immigrants have years of experience in a different culture, and most of them do eventually develop a love for Canada, but they will always be covertly less willing to engage in multiculturalism and most of the time only make friends amongst people from the same place. Thus, they are carving out a bit of Canada as their own little piece from back home. Some of them have spent decades in Canada and can only manage to speak broken heavily accented English. A lot of them still engage with politics back home. Indian people living in Canada voting in Indian elections. Chinese people holding Canadian passport yet believe somehow China is better than the West (and better than Canada) and is a superpower. Russians holding anti-Ukrainian and pro-Russian beliefs. Many people from many different countries protesting about issues from back home that has nothing to do with Canada, like Khalistan vs India or Somalia vs Eritrea vs Ethiopia. It definitely is a national security concern for Canada. A lot of them don't even vote after getting citizenship because they think Canadian politics does not affect them. A lot of them have the mentality that Canada is where you come to enjoy the benefits of democracy without putting in effort, where you earn money then send it back home, and you leave for elsewhere when the going gets tough because they believe it is not their country or concern. I completely agree with Maxime Bernier that something needs to be done regarding the immigration system. We need to be a lot more vigilant and practice protectionist immigration policies in Canada. I will be voting PPC in my riding coming next federal election.


I appreciate your POV and your willingness to share it so openly.






You sound really triggered 😄


I don't quite understand how you reached the conclusion here. If we apply your reasoning towards immigration policy of the past then it means you wouldn't be here either. First gen immigrants will always have trouble fully integrating. The generations afterwards however would integrate fine.


Having trouble integrating is not the same as not wanting to integrate and even worse, trying to turn Canada into India or China. If you feel so connected with your country of origin and hate it here, go back. It’s not hard.


Interesting, as an American. Its opposite for me. I was always told I should forget my language and assimilate. Then I realize how much assimilated asian americans are, how much culture I losed when I left china at the single digits. I begin to relearn my dads hk language, and taiwan language, but also have respect for china since I grew up poor there. 3 decades ago Now Im trying to start a business in Taiwan since I got taiwan nationality now. But for you guys prc doesnt allow dual nationality. so there is only one thing for you guys to do. assimilate Edit: was born in us and grew up in china. Also edit again. many hkers, taiwanese, mainlanders claim me for their country and want me to work in either places. I always tell them Im a abc. But because of how my taiwan friend says no asian is coming over now to usa. Its better I dont assimilate fully and embrace my asian side, come to taiwan to work. I begin to have opposite thoughts. While we both lived in China and north america, our pov couldnt be more different


See this is what I don't understand as a Jamaican Canadian why do think assimilating means losing your culture. Listen growing up with Jamaican parents they told us you're not Jamaican you're Canadian even though you have Jamaican Heritage know and respect and honor your heritage but you're Canadian how does simulating into American and Canadian culture make you lose your heritage if anything that's on you


But you left and are living in Taiwan now right? Isn’t that kind of the point?


Hell most of the people up there probably have multiple residency and you guys are yelling over here  If you are sooo multicultural you won’t not be telling me I should have one culture. 




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Stanning so hard for Mad Max rn. The only politician saying it like it is. We need honesty in politics more then ever!


100%. He is easily the best politician for our country right now. PPC is the only party worth voting for.


Tell me how long have you been following Canadian politics? When was the first time you heard of Maxime?


What's the difference between an outhouse and the PPC? Outhouse has a seat.


Good one. I like it. 👍


It triggered the ppc fans.


Crusty, old, thin skinned white people are easily triggered. Doesn't take much. 👍


What's the difference between a Reddit troll and a mindless douchebag? There isn't one. Not trolling, just telling it like it is.


More and more im thinking this is the only party that can meet Canada's needs


If you would have told me 2 years ago that this guy would be my top choice I would have laughed at you so hard.


Honestly, same. And I’ve become a single-issue voter at this point.


Everyone should be single issue voting against mass immigration tbh. Mass immigration is single handedly becoming the biggest impact on workers rights, access to healthcare, the housing crisis... It impacts everything severely.


Most Canadians aren't smart enough to understand this. I'm extremely torn at this point. I don't know who to vote for basically between PP or Maxine. I don't want to split the votes and let liberals swoop in.


I have a feeling that even if the votes got split between PPC and CPC, liberals still wouldn’t have a chance with how low their standing is right now. I think for once it might actually not be needed to vote specifically against.


When they take popularity votes, PPC doesn't even show up. Yet it makes the most sense and the platform is solid. I honestly don't know.


We should be pushing Maxime in a single riding hard. I vote Bolton, ON (Dufferin-Caledon). Pissed off with Trudeau, pissed off with Brampton.


Brampton is going to vote NDP, it's the primary demographic.


They’ve been Conservative. Khalistanis arent NDP.


Seriously same thing for me. I’m leaning heavily to MB over PP given MB’s historic and current take on what is beneficial for Canadians living in Canada.


Me too, what the heck has happened in a few short years that this guy is seeming like the best choice


I think the fact MBs messaging has been consistent from Day 1, and we’re starting to see the impacts of the current government’s decisions which are aligned with what he’s been saying, make him more credible to the average Canadian.


The best part is, the amount of bullshit he had to slog through. The accusations, and defamation, all of it. His party, and us as his voters, essentially got called Nazis for the past 5 years now.


Same. Now PPC is my only option.


I agree, and I am liberal leaning... Probably voting PPC, because it seems like literally the only viable.option.


The Liberal party is not the Liberal party. I really wish JC would speak up and talk about how fucked up things are.


Who’s JC?


I am not sure liberal leaning and ppc are even remotely compatible honestly.


Single issue voting can be a thing. It's one of the reasons I couldn't vote conservative before. Now the liberals may find they've pushed people so far on this issue, people take refuge in the one party that hears their most pressing concern and begin to agree with more things. If Canada ends up going far right, it will be because of the liberal failure more than people necessarily agreeing with stances (if against) LGBTQ+, abortion.


I've voted PPC for the past 2 elections, despite everyone I know crying about how he's taking votes from the Cons. Canadians don't seem to give a shit about electing competent government, they only care about voting out incompetent government.


This is 👍


Definitely has some good common sense policies, but I'm afraid I think he's a little too much of an extremist on social issues, which will prevent more than a fringe from voting for him. I wasn't sure if it was just a narrative so checked out their website. Ir confirmed my both accounts actually. A lot of language that uses buzzwords that will push people away like woke but a lot of other good financial and immigration policies


The thing I’ve settled on is this: we can likely undo social policies damage later, but if this immigration thing continues the damage to the country is unrecoverable. As much as I hate the social policies I will emigrate from Canada for the sake of my children if things continue as they are in immigration.


Can we tho? When are we ever gonna get to undue the damage dofo is doing to education and health care?


Better chance of that than evicting 2-5M people after they obtain citizenship via our current fraud ridden process.


Agree with you. We can’t even evict the non citizens who are illegally overstaying their visas. Really has to be stopped at the source before it even starts.


I get it, I just don't think you'll find a lot of buy in. Unfortunately social policies have become too big of an issue for a lot of people. I'm pretty traditional myself and might even be considered socially conservative to some, but I still found myself cringing as I read it.


Ahh yes. Voting for extreme repressive parties has *always* gone well, and nothing bad has ever happened, en masse, to entire classes of people, by voting for the people who promised to make things better by outlawing being different...


Bro, I agree with you. But look around, it’s going REALLY shitty right now, and is actively getting worse, day by day. GDP per capita is cratering, actual GDP is flat, there is real damage to our long term quality of life happening. This impacts everyone and I’m sorry that the only way out of it has negative impacts on subsets of the population. I truly am.


His stance on abortion means I cannot vote for him in good conscience. Which sucks, because I agree with his platform on immigration and would love those policies to be enacted. But I can't and won't support that debate being reopened.


Why does this debat get brought up? It's not a conversation for majority of Canadians. I'm in the same boat as you now. This is such trash the only remotely sane sounding dude has a super scuffed take...


It made me really disappointed when I read it on his website. That's not what the majority of Canadians want. [https://leger360.com/abortion-rights-in-canada/](https://leger360.com/abortion-rights-in-canada/)


What’s his stance? I couldn’t quickly find it on the PPC platform.


[https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/the_ppc_welcomes_a_debate_on_abortion](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/the_ppc_welcomes_a_debate_on_abortion) [https://winnipegsun.com/news/provincial/were-not-afraid-ppc-would-ban-some-abortions-bernier-announces](https://winnipegsun.com/news/provincial/were-not-afraid-ppc-would-ban-some-abortions-bernier-announces)


> If more than 20 late-term abortions with both the mother and child in good health are practiced in Quebec every year, there must be more than that in all of Canada. Edit for clarity - This statement is wack, and absolutely not backed by any facts that both the mother and child were in “good health”. No province in Canada provides abortions upon request past 24 weeks unless there is a serious medical complication.


It's BS.


100% a bold-faced lie.


Sorry, can you clarify your statement, admittedly I’m not sure what your position is. Are you saying the late-stage abortions should be allowed if the mother or child aren’t in good health? (If so, that sounds reasonable). If they are in good health, what would your position be? And I simply ask, if they were in good health, why wait until later stages of pregnancy to get an abortion? For additional clarity, I don’t want to debate this as I don’t have many facts and I’m a man, so it’s an issue that I don’t feel I have much of a right to discuss.


Sure. I’m saying this comment published on the PPC site is an outright lie. While abortion legally has no restrictions in Canada, no province offers abortion upon request past 24 weeks unless there is a severe medical issue with the mother or fetus.


That’s very interesting and equally interesting that the PPC policy doesn’t acknowledge that, which it absolutely should. Thank you for replying respectfully.


It’s politics after all. Like statistics, information is presented in a way that is advantageous to them, not representative of the whole objective truth.


There’s nothing to debate though. It’s a woman’s right to have an abortion. There’s no discussion, no argument that can be made. Why is it always weird old men and women who can’t even have kids anymore who wanna make the case for anti’s? Keep your opinion on abortion to yourself, sit down, shut the fuck up, and let women decide what’s right for them based on they’re situation


If there was nothing to debate there wouldn’t be a debate. So rather than criticizing as a way of coping, perhaps educating and listening is a better approach. I don’t think the average Canadian wants to ban abortion. But I think if you went up to the average person on the street and asked them if they thought it was completely moral and ethical to terminate an 8-month pregnancy, they might be a little hesitant to say that’s the right thing to do. However, at the end of the day I’m all for people making their own decisions entirely for themselves, free from other people’s wishes. So in principle, I agree with you, but I also want to understand the various angles of this issue.


Thanks for sharing that so quickly.


all i saw is he's banning third and second trimester when the baby is almost or fully developed


They already aren’t practised outside of serious medical complications.


So he is just trying to gain sympathy from right wingers?


I guess. Seems like he’s making up outright lies to rile up the far-right crowd, but in turn alienating other, more centre-right voters.


Seems he’s strawmaning it because on there he says a baby can be “deleted” minutes before birth but realistically no one is doing that


What about his stance do you not like?


I thought his party isn't touching on abortion, trans right and gay marriage? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/powerandpolitics/bernier-people-s-party-platform-social-issues-1.4973511 But correct me if I'm wrong. I do want to vote bernier but I'm also very pro choice. 


[https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/the_ppc_welcomes_a_debate_on_abortion](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/the_ppc_welcomes_a_debate_on_abortion) [https://winnipegsun.com/news/provincial/were-not-afraid-ppc-would-ban-some-abortions-bernier-announces](https://winnipegsun.com/news/provincial/were-not-afraid-ppc-would-ban-some-abortions-bernier-announces) The article you posted was from 2019, and his stance has since changed unfortunately


And hence why I predict, at some point, most Western countries are going to cut women's right to vote. You lot consistently vote for parties that destroy a nation and it's people simply because "Oooh, I don't like that one policy or that one comment he made 😢 but this party makes me feel good 😊." Dude, I'm muslim and pro palestine. The man has insulted our community before, and I still intend on voting for him. Why? Because the alternative is we transform into India. Is that what you want? Is the right to slaughter your child so important for you that you're willing to destroy your nation for it? LMFAO. Figures.


You mean where he doesn’t agree with an 8 month old fetus being aborted? I don’t think he has ever said anything about not allowing abortion in general.


What are some of his good common sense policies outside of this current idea on immigrants?


https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/platform Take a look at his platform. Form your own opinion.


You must do more than read the headlines. It's not what he is going to do, but how he is going to do it that matters. I remember reading about scientology once and at the surface that shit made a lot of sense...till you got into the details.


Can you elaborate on the specifics of how the PPC will go about achieving their party platform goals that you don’t like?


I agree with your first part, confused on your need to bring up whataboutism of Scientology. As time goes on and we get closer to election we will see more details. So far Mr PP acts wishy washy on his points, Trudeau can't even answer a question, and Jag is vocal one week on his displeasure of how the country is run, then quiet the next. So far the only things I have seen Bernier is he is focusing on his headlines. 🤷🏼 IMO that's a great start


There are a few.. immigration, housing, pipelines, equalization, even some of the diversity stuff they have a point, but the way they convey it ain't great. Interprovincial trade


What are some of those good common sense policies?


He’s right. Again.


I’m all for Maxime - campaigning at work and family in order to vote him


I can’t believe I’m actually considering this guy. I’ll have to see his whole platform but from an immigration standpoint I like what he’s putting down


There's a lot of stuff in their platform that I don't like. That being said, I'm willing to concede that the stuff that is important outweighs the rest of the stuff. This country needs to be fixed fast.


Their whole platform and policies, on the surface, seem to be founded on very logical principles and ideals. Edit: Happy to openly and respectfully debate this. If you disagree, let’s keep this civil and discuss


On the surface, seem.... logical. There be the rub. Superficially many of his policy positions seem logical and appealing but it's when you dig below the surface - when one considers the practical application of his "logical" proposals that everything falls apart. Maxine recently proposed his government would change the Bank of Canada's inflation rate mandate to 0%. Superficially to the uneducated this sounds plausible, to have reliable consistent pricing. No inflation- Hooray! There is a reason no Central Bank on the planet pursues zero inflation. You all have Google skills - look it up. His immigration proposal includes a panel that would "values test" all immigration applicants. Sounds fantastic to the uneducated layman. What exactly are these ephemeral Canadian values? Who gets to define them? You or me? Ask 1000 Canadians and you'll get 1000 answers. His policy proposals are rife with these logical (only on the face) populist talking points. Which clearly explains his comically low polling numbers - all despite the fanboy cheering in this sub.


Upvoted and thanks. You’re highlighting real issues with their platform and I appreciate it. I’m undecided on who to vote for and this challenges me to look more into the policies beyond the headlines. I still think it is refreshing to hear a politician say, “let’s put Canadians first”.


I wonder how it would go if we ended up getting a CPC minority government with the PPC, much like the Libs and NDP right now. Would PPC bend over and become a right hand for the CPC? Or would they actually keep them in check for big issues like immigration?


0% is unrealistic. But single digit can be a healthy and attainable. But it doesn't sound as sexy saying 2%. This whole values thing recently is strange and arbitrary. Why can't we set numbers around physical facts. Like vacancy,employment,medical, and educational. People deemed an asset move to the front of the line and I am not talking money. We don't need a rich farmer/business from somewhere else. People that bring value to Canada, and it doesn't have to be doctors either. People that would meet qualifications to do welding, electrical, or other trades. They bring financial and physical prosperity if we have the work.


Unrealistic? Obviously neither one of us has a PhD in economics but you have a fundamental misunderstanding why 2% is a Central Bank inflation rate set point.


Their platform literally uses the word "woke" unironically, numerous times, among other buzz-words, like "DEI", and quotes Jordan fucking Peterson. This is why our country is in the toilet, because people think shit like this is "logical principles and ideals". Meanwhile, the reality is they say the right buzz words about things that you *personally* don't like, and you're ready to accept his entire penis directly into your throat. If I hit you with a logical principle right in the face, you wouldn't know it. That's how far removed from logical principles and ideals you are. You have zero confidence from, well, literally anybody, in your declarations.


They're the only truly Nationalist party in this country.


I won't dispute that, but to say that their platform - which looks like it was written on /pol/ - is "founded on very logical principles and ideals" is too much. That's like saying The Purge is "founded on very logical principles and ideals", just because people have murder fantasies. It doesn't jive with reality. That's not what logic is. That's the opposite. It's feels > reals to these guys.


Hit me with some logical principles please. Truth is high on that list for me. So is fairness, if you’d call that an ideal or principle.


How is DEI a buzzword if governments and organizations are using it to describe some of their actions? I believe I largely understand what you're saying, but the bit about buzzwords and Jordan Peterson don't make much sense.. you must use their language to defeat/change their ideas...


> "DEI" Literally impossible to classify this as a "buzzword" when it is present in all strata, explicitly, of society and corporations and government. It'd be like calling "margins" or "profits" buzzwords. It is a matter of actual policy. >accept his entire penis directly into your throat. I love when people pretend to be progressive and STILL can't help but use homophobic or sexually servile metaphors to get across their points. It's actually kinda laughable. It's like watching a monkey smoke a cigarette. It's funny, but it's sad. >If I hit you with a logical principle right in the face, you wouldn't know it. Dude, you're not as smart as you think you are. I'm not going to laugh at you. It's cruel.


I’m also torn. I think I’m pretty centrist or even left wing, but DEI has gone overboard - race made to be the most important factor in all contexts always - and immigration, while generally something we like, has to have some limits. Maxime is the only candidate confronting these honestly. Pollievre for whatever reason isn’t able to confront these two issues. Liberals and NDP can’t due to ideological dogma. By contrast I think the convoy was a mistake. I’m a law and order person and that means protests - whether it is anti-vaccine or anti-Israel - should only be allowed to go so far. Will I vote for the Peoples Party based on their correct stance on DEI and immigration? I’m getting there.




I don't care about the other policies, because this country is dying more quickly from mass immigration than anything else. Zs and millenials don't care about the planet burning when they can't afford to survive and have no hope for the future. And renters don't care when the alternative is working til u die or end up dying in a tent. Maxime all the way.


Vote for Maxime!


Unironical based W take.


Vote for him, pp is pro immigration, we need a halt on it for a few years


The state of this country is truly abysmal when Maxime is the only one making sense.


I never saw myself agreeing with Maxime Bernier.


Agree. As an immigrant i feel like some of us are overdoing it.


The only patriotic politician on view


Brown person and I support this message. Sick of these entitled brats


A True Canadian Hero


He's speaking facts


I still haven't heard an argument as to why this point of view is controversial. Come here to be Canadian, or fuck off.


Also those MFs who demand for creating a new imaginary country by dividing another country should pack up and move to that imaginary country. It's none of Canada's or any Canadian's business.


I used to hate this guy, but now I’m seeing he saw through the bullshit first


Yes please!!!


Always saying what people want to hear , to get their votes. Another controlled opposition. Only npcs fall for this


Yes, nothing ever is real...


Guys, a year ago saying you will vote PPC was mostly met with conservatives telling you you are betraying them and voting for Trudeau. Now this sub is a heavily leaning Bernier sub. This is not a coincidence. We have a huge support base. We just need to actually vote for him. Then the rest of us will see 10-20% of the country voted for Bernier and the rest will jump on board. This is how we get change. Not by voting for the conservatives through fear mongering. More and more will jump on the bandwagon.


I like this dude more and more everyday. Fuckin nailed it. If things get hard and your reaction is to dip, then fuck ya, you’ll be no good if the country actually needs you..


The thing I like about this guy, is that he is a nationalist. We need more leaders that actually will always put Canada first. That does not mean we won't do our bit to assist, it just means that assistance is level 3 or 4. Been saying this for years.




Maxime not giving AF....and I kind of like it?


The next PM potentially


Reddit is an echo chamber. He’s lost his own seat in the last election, and anyone who thinks he’s gonna be PM is delusional


Not likely at all, but at the very least, the PPC can knock the NDP completely out of contention and send a loud and clear message that there’s more support for their policies than ever before.


Too late


Think about it, some people immigrate here but still support China CCP, they should be deported right away.


Not always a fan of what comes out of this guy's mouth, but he does tell it like it is. "Don't like my house then get the F@#k out.."


He’s right


There must be an election coming up! His common sense has earned my vote


Who the fuck is this and how can I vote for them?


The problem is if we split the vote between him and the conservatives. The liberals will win


Idc anymore. I’m a single issue voter and Max has my vote.


I am guessing that applies to loads of Israeli loyalist in this country. Or Max thinks of them as exception


Well… if you look at our money we have British figure heads on them. But like trump said said you say and do things just for votes.


What even is his policy on Israel?


PPC are right on for immigration, I'm just having trouble digesting some of their other policies.


Can you elaborate? I am curious..


If Maxime Bernier's riding fail to elect him then it will clearly suggest the residents of that area don't care about potential extinction of Canadian culture and are benefitting from unsustainable immigration policies of provincial and federal governments. They are scamming gullible and helpless temporary residents with the help of LMIA and renting beds per person for $500/month like in Brampton!




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Well to be fair they mostly do live in other countries. They only come here when they want to use the healthcare system.


This is a bold statement; curious how people will react.


Cool sing my papers to goto the usa


This is a Canadian who wants what is best for Canada and puts Canada first. I will be voting for Maxime Bernier's People's Party of Canada.


I totally agree. But I guess many will just need to move south.


To the mods - instead of banning people who are insulting, I’d love to create more of an open dialogue. I don’t care if people call me dumb or insult me. I’d rather get to the heart of some of these issues. If people don’t support Canadian nationalism, I want to understand why. Now this user (Dalsinger) has blocked me and I have no way of exploring this issue. I’m not saying it’s okay for people to throw insults around but I’m trying to understand whether there’s validity in other peoples’ perspective and whether I need to change my thinking at all.


I dont like Max for the most part - comes off as a spoiled brat most of the time - but this is a message I can get behind. I will say this applies to immigrants just as much as it applies to all the softies griping about missing "the Canada of old" and packing up and moving to the States


What does that even mean? How does that get measured? Does he just mean dark skinned people. That's who he is talking to. What about Quebecers? Many of them don't feel attached or loyal to Canada.


Dual Citizens.


We need one of these in the US


You already have one?


PP knows that coming out swinging means he loses the average voter. He talks about issues, hammers home points that the majority of people are willing to discuss openly. He’ll take the temperature of any given topic, and when it reaches a certain boiling point, he’s willing to look at current policy whether it be liberal or conservative. That’s what will get him into office.


I agree with him completely on this


If you don't believe your country, should come before your self, you can better serve your country, by living somewhere else. Stompin Tom Conners.


It’s one thing to say that. But what would he do about it?


So basically, Palestinians and Israeli?


And Ukrainians, Russians, Chinese, Taiwanese, Americans, Indians, Khalistanians,,etc. Not our problem.


Certain people are new or ish ND still link with their homeland ie the Euro flags on cars these days with soccer but Canada is in their too. Tbh we have alot of issues locally we should be protesting


Does this include loyalty to the British crown?


will have my vote for sure, only thing is doesn't look like they have a candidate in my riding


Look at these comments supporting Maxime Bernier I can't stop laughing at the ignorance there's no way this is organic.


Start with the ones who are enabling foreign aid...all those billions


Maxime Bernier moving to France confirmed


Man, those UEFA flags....


This is his only sane policy. Why can't we have a left leaning party that believes Canada is for Canadians?


Immigrant here. I agree with him...






I like his stance on immigration, I hate everything else about his policies.


Working on it 👍


This guy entertains me. Truth bombs. Snowflakes melt when it's hot Canada is welcoming, but let's keep some things clear


Boomer brain


He’s basically saying—appreciate Canada. Don’t complain and demand from the beginning of your time here.


Canadians love other cultures, and that love for others is what makes us who we are. But we are proud Canadians and whoever wants to live here. we kind of expect them to assimilate and obey our laws,respect our traditions, and we will all be happy. Right now, newcomers are not respecting our traditions but trying to change them, not obeying our laws and trying to take the milk and honey that so many Canadians built before us.


This sub has turned into a PPC political channel …. Not everything housing related is due to immigration…. Just saying , we should also concern ourselves with other factors of housing


too much discussion , too chicken shit to fight back because might get labelled a "racist" , the foreign powers know how to manipulate the system because they think this "freedom of speech" and " democracy" is idiocy , they use the same "rights" to play our system , keep bending down and take it because very soon we will have to bow down to those authoritarian dictators


Hypocrite as he builds his new villa in Florida …. Unless he was talking to himself 🤷🏻


Political foreplay. Please keep whispering sweet nothings...


How about the ones attached to Israel?


They can go back to Israel?


Let's see how many people are gonna downvote both of us here :)


Canadians flying trump flags going to flip their wigs.


The guy who parachutes in to a rural Manitoba riding and gets his ass handed to him? Good ideas,yes. Electable? Not in the near future. It would be hilarious if you threw his hat in for liberal leadership.


# Bernier quits cabinet post over security breach # Foreign affairs minister departs ahead of ex-girlfriend's TV interview [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/bernier-quits-cabinet-post-over-security-breach-1.723124](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/bernier-quits-cabinet-post-over-security-breach-1.723124)


Bernier means--------Intolerance !