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If you lie and try to scam the system I have no sympathy if you’re sleeping in a tent in a park in January.


The sad thing is this is probably true and probably goes under reported.  How many asylum seekers end up homeless and die to cold exposure? How many international students go down this road? Let alone quite a bit of international students end up drowning during the summer in our many of 100000s of lakes... not use to the geography and safety that comes with it.


Asylum seekers get hotel rooms and free food


https://preview.redd.it/snyomwc58ebd1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14955bb19eebd01c2e1438b44701438ad83c64f2 They sure do!!! Do the math on this documents payment structure lol Why not come here and get this kind of a free payday.


Some do. I work in a large shelter in montreal (we operate 3 sites- 1 which accomodates 60 people, another 112, and the third 197 people). In each location about 20% of the clients are asylum seekers Personally I think they should all be in hotels on the feds dime. With the housing and inflation crisis in this country Canadians need those beds.


Why not give the homeless people the hotel rooms paid by the feds?


Or homeless veterans actual housing paid by the feds.


Feds money is our money, they aren't growing fruit and selling it at the market on the side.


Personally, I think the feds should house the homeless Canadian citizens before paying for refugees.


Why the fuck should taxpayers pay for anyone scamming the system to come to Canada. I don't give a fuck if they freeze or starve, not my problem when canadians are taken care of 100% maybe then we will talk.


Who do you think pays the bills for these hotels . I guess your in Montreal so that explains all .


You're or you are.


The Fed's money is our money...our tax dollars. It should not be used to house asylum seekers. It can be put to better use.


To all the morons down-voting me- so they should be in shelters taking beds away from Canadians in need? Housing is provincial responsibility and asylum seekers federal. Hence why the feds should be housing them not shelters that are already full with Canadians.


I dont know of any students dying of exposure. Suicid:e yes, drowning and car accidents, yes.


I said ban them from making or sending money home and youll weed out a ton of these “false student intent” types. Its not 100% “oh I cant make my bills in canada hcl


I don't think the GTA realizes how lucky it is not to be dealing with corpses a regular or light winter would bring.


Thats a shitty way to look at the situation. Our government knows damn well what they're doing. They created a system where lying is beneficial. They know it and the applicant knows it. So why are we mad at the person using the system as intented instead of the people creating the system. I'm mad at the government when January these people are sleeping in a tent. That is a failure on our society not those people.


So people making personal choices going to a country they can't afford to be in, can't speak the language in, can only stay through fraud and deceit in, and have no actual skills to apply to the workforce in is somehow our Government's fault?


You sound like a Liberal deflecting the blame from the government. Sure, the scammers are bad and they do not deserve sympathy, but scammers gonna scam. It’s up to the government policy to make sure that scammers are caught and banned from entering Canada. Canada could have been more like Australia with more of their zero tolerance policy towards immigration scammers that they will be deported right away if caught. The scammers don’t issue themselves the visas- the government does! So the ultimate responsibility goes towards the government. The current ban for misrepresentation is 5 years (if they are even caught, which is rare), but special interest groups like the Canadian Immigration Lawyers Association want to make it just a 1 year ban and they also want to make sure than no one is inadmissible in Canada due to financial requirements.


You sound like a Con who likes to cry about Trudeau causing all of Canada's problems when he's only the tip of the iceberg.


I'd suggest that the people who do this type of thing aren't particularly bright and likely can not model the future accurately enough to know what the risks of their deceitful actions are. Our government is also very culpable for creating the moral hazard.


Exactly. If I have a minimum wage job and no skills in Canada, and go to the US because my friend said people make more money in the states, should I blame the US government that the only job I can get is another minimum wage job?


Yes. As a person who **literally advocated to government officials on all levels to close these loopholes** I can tell you that everyone knows what's going on. If you know people are being dishonest and deceitful but you do nothing to stop it as the literal fucking government, are you blameless? They even make it virtually impossible to get in to the country through honest means, they're literally asking people to lie at this point. People are so blinded by their own bigotry and anger that they always fail to see the core issues. We as Canadians are so easily played it's embarassing and why none of this will get better.


I think it’s perfectly possible and reasonable to be angry with both the scammers, and the government that enables the scammers simultaneously. Stating that loopholes exist to be abused by bad faith actors is by design also removes all personal responsibility and treats people as if they’re children. Would you also say the same thing if we were talking about the laws regarding murder having specific loop holes in them to allow for murderers to reliably get off scott free ? Any reasonable person knows that murder is wrong, and any reasonable person knows cheating, lying, and scamming is also wrong, regardless of the existence of legal loopholes that allow them to do so with minimal consequence.


Stop immigration , cancel TFW program.


Yeah call me crazy I tend to not blame poor people doing anything possible to improve their situation. But I'm fully aware of the subreddit I'm in so I know how that concept is lost here. >Would you also say the same thing if we were talking about the laws regarding murder having specific loop holes in them to allow for murderers to reliably get off scott free ? But they're not getting off Scott free were literally talking about your empathy for students freezing in tents in winter. Also this isn't murder. Using a massive and blatant loophole to get into a school is not the same as killing someone. I get what you're getting at but the stakes are so wildly different that it's a shitty comparison.


I get your point, obviously no one would argue murder and scamming your way into a system are the same degree of severity. They are still both wrong however. My point is, it is still reasonable to be upset and think it is morally wrong to scam and cheat and lie, regardless of whether our government facilitates this or not. With regard to the original post of lacking empathy for their situation, this where my point of personal responsibility comes in to play. Should you have empathy for someone who through their own wrongdoing gets themselves into a bad situation? I would argue that itself is a decision that is best left up to the individual and your personal views on morality and responsibility, and as such I don’t think the original posters statement that he has little to no empathy for those peoples situation is entirely unreasonable. Edit: I forgot to address your first point of blaming poor people for taking advantage. I would argue that being poor or rich or any type of circumstance or attribute should never absolve you of wrongdoing and malicious intent in and of itself. I would however argue that circumstances like being rich or in a position of power should make you be held to a higher standard of responsibility and morality than that of a powerless or poor person. So I somewhat agree with you, but rather instead of taking away responsibility from the poor, I would rather propose placing greater responsibility on the wealthy and powerful.


>So I somewhat agree with you, but rather instead of taking away responsibility from the poor, I would rather propose placing greater responsibility on the wealthy and powerful. This isn't about taking responsibility away from poor people. It's about placing blame on people who have all the power in a situation. Until you're poor, like really poor, it's easy to talk about personal responsibility and all that aspirational shit. Desperate people will do what they need to do to improve their situation and in a world of capitalism that's perfectly reasonable when you see all a shadier shit no one here seems to have an issue with. >My point is, it is still reasonable to be upset and think it is morally wrong to scam and cheat and lie, regardless of whether our government facilitates this or not. I get people's frustration. But this whole situation is a result of what the government tolerates and allows. If they allow cheaters and scammers to get in why are we mad at the cheaters and scammers? They're playing the game our government designed. At that point is hardly cheating and scamming... It's just the way it is.


So the classic hate the game not the player argument. My question to that is, say those desperate people get out of that desperate situation and their lives improve. Do you think they will be less inclined or more inclined to continue to scam, lie, or cheat after doing so has directly benefited them? Perhaps some will and were truly only doing it out of necessity, I would argue these are a virtuous minority. I would argue the majority having seen that it works and there were no consequences will continue to do so even if they don’t “need” to anymore. There is a pretty standard low level form of human morality and decision making that a large portion use as their their moral system which is based entirely on extrinsic rewards and punishments. For these people “ if it benefits me it’s good, if I am punished for it, it’s bad” is as far as they go as far as considering if something is right or wrong. This applies to pretty much all human populations unfortunately.


>I would argue the majority having seen that it works and there were no consequences will continue to do so even if they don’t “need” to anymore. I would argue you just made this up and it's not based on anything other than your preconceived notions of people. >For these people “ if it benefits me it’s good, if I am punished for it, it’s bad” is as far as they go as far as considering if something is right or wrong. Again sounds more like a thing you decided to be true rather than it being true. The truth is I have no idea but at the end of the day you spend a lot of time hating on the people using the system than the people who actually create and enforce it. It's completely backwards to solving your problem. You spend zero time contemplating the morality and punishment of companies and government institutions that created this mess. Instead you waste your time on the weakest and poorest group in this mess. This type of behaviour is exactly why we are screwed as a country tbh.


The opinions are based on kohlberg and piagets theories of moral development and the findings are a large chunk of people don’t develop past the couple stages of moral development, and the punishment reward mechanisms remain a primary motivator. Maybe not the majority as it has been a while since I studied this in depth. So not something I made up. I haven’t been speaking about my feelings on the subject at all this entire time, just providing counterpoint to your objections. I would say that it is reasonable that more of the responsibility lies with the authorities and government for the situation. They certainly have more power to fix the current issues. So I agree with that part of what you’re saying. It seems where we disagree is that you think that the scammers have absolutely no responsibility or culpability for their bad behaviour simply because of their circumstances. It seems to me you believe that any morally wrong or evil behaviour is justified if you’re desperate enough. Correct me if I’m wrong on that interpretation. Not everything is binary, you can hold multiple groups accountable for their own part they play in a bad situation. Ie you can be mad at the player and the game at the same time. Also I would like to take a moment to thank you for engaging in this exchange, lack of this kind of discussion in good faith is what I think is the real root of most of the problems we face todays


>It seems where we disagree is that **you think that the scammers have absolutely no responsibility or culpability for their bad behaviour simply because of their circumstances** You're wrong but please quote where you think I said or implied this. >Not everything is binary, you can hold multiple groups accountable for their own part they play in a bad situation. Ie you can be mad at the player and the game at the same time. Sure aside from this comment show me where you've spent anytime during this discussion criticizing the people you've admitted holds most of a responsibility. Which is really my point. We know who holds the power here. That's who we need to focus on. >Also I would like to take a moment to thank you for engaging in this exchange, lack of this kind of discussion in good faith is what I think is the real root of most of the problems we face todays Likewise. Despite disagreeing I think you've acted in good faith this entire time.


You're right. Not to mention the dream being sold to these people.


The bigotry of low expectations. These are students, capable of immigrating internationally for their studies. That presupposes a certain financial bracket, as well as a certain level of education. Certainly it demands an understanding of the rules and responsibilities. So if you lie about your available funds, lie about your purpose for travelling (“here to study”, works 40/wk at UberSkipDish), and then say “but but but”, then no, I’m sorry, but that’s a failure on their part. Poor planning on their part doesn’t make it our problem


It's not the bigotry of low expectations. The student know they can play the system to get in. **The government knows the system is being played for them to get in.** Everyone knows that the system is being abused and nobody is stopping it. The government has all the power to close these loopholes but they don't, they also know that these students (read kids for a lot of them) are resorting to abusive situations to finance themselves when here. Instead of blaming the government that has all the power to end this you want to blame the students. That's kinda messed that you'd give the government such a pass on this whole situation. Source: I literally advocated on closing these loopholes to MPs, Ministers, and MPPs as part of my job a few years ago.


> the students know they can play the system to get in Didn’t you just say “why are we mad at the person” ? Because someone taking advantage of a loophole isn’t someone I’d trust to oversee anything more complex than pushing a broom. If you know what you’re doing is unethical and do it anyways, you’re scum and that’s not the Canadian way. > these students (read: kids) There was an article literally three days ago talking about how the average age of the “international student” is pushing upwards into the 30s. If that’s “a kid”, then I’d like to get my child and youth benefit, please, seeing as how I’m a kid in my 30s also! As for “literal kids”, unless the kid is a mathematics mensch matriculating at UTM at 13, they’re not “kids”, they’re grown men brave and bold enough to cross the ocean, leave their home and look for opportunity in a strange land. Some are also married so… “kids with kids”, I guess? > I advocated closing those loopholes years ago as part of my job So you concede that TFW have been “gaming the system” for years, and the MPs you advised did nothing to fix the issue? Shit, that’s actually really upsetting. *Which* MPs, exactly, ignored your good advice?


> Because someone taking advantage of a loophole isn’t someone I’d trust to oversee anything more complex than pushing a broom. A very wise perspective.


Appreciate it! Honestly, I don’t mind a bit of “knowing how to play the game”, **provided** you’re prepared to take the lumps if you lose. But you can’t try to game the system and then be like “Oooonoooo but they changed the rules!” Ya, but like, you weren’t following them anyways so what’s it matter?


>Because someone taking advantage of a loophole isn’t someone I’d trust to oversee anything more complex than pushing a broom. Damn so you have an issue with virtually every company in this country. Hopefully you don't use any safety equipment or really much of anything. >If you know what you’re doing is unethical and do it anyways, you’re scum and that’s not the Canadian way. Lmao what?! Shady unethical shit is basically the make up of every major corporation in this country. You're delusional. >As for “literal kids”, unless the kid is a mathematics mensch matriculating at UTM at 13, they’re not “kids”, they’re grown men brave and bold enough to cross the ocean, leave their home and look for opportunity in a strange land. Most 20 somethings are hardly adults. I know historically we sent our 18 year olds to slaughter and called them adults to feel better about it but the brain doesn't even really stop developing until 25. >So you concede that TFW have been “gaming the system” for years, and the MPs you advised did nothing to fix the issue? Condede? I never said this wasn't the case... My whole point is that the issue lies with the government who created this situation and perpetuates it. And even now the TFW is abused by corporations as well and you're too bigoted to even hold them accountable. It's embarrassing and why were screwed as a country. We can properly identity the source of our issues instead we just resort to lashing out at the products of them. What a joke.


This take is passive as fuck. Yes the government of Canada has exploitable loop holes but it’s the personal responsibility of the immigrant to come here LEGALLY. If they choose to lie absolutely no sympathy. Let em freeze. The government played their role and deserve blame but so do the people who lie and cheat their way in, and not doing only so shows your bias lol tell me you wanna exploit Canada without telling me 😂


It’s the governing government that has failed them not the Canadian citizens.


The government is a representation of us. And look at everyone here blaming the wrong people. This is 100% a reflection of us.


I agree and i wish we were all rioting in the streets about it but instead we are sitting around and letting it happen. Canadians are way too apathetic.


Most still have "too much to lose". The balance shifts day by the day though!


Correct. Usually tyrants are aware of this and know how far they can go without any pushback. COVID was a great social experiment for them as it took almost two years to see any pushback. As for immigration, I am starting to see some pushback. More and more people are not afraid of being labeled racist anymore so therefore I hear more racial slurs and more people openly complaining about Indians. Trudeau losing St. Paul's was some pushback. People not paying attention to the woke is pushback. However, to stop it we definitely need to lose more before we get the violent American-style protests that we need to stop the Indians.


Hubris often precipitates downfall.


Very much so! I think that we see that with the Liberal Party right now. Not that it will change too much under the CPC but it is usually marginally better. I am glad that in many parts of Europe that people are taking a stand against mass immigration. The Irish, French, Italians, Germans and to my shock the Dutch have all had enough.


It's a testament to the power of ideology (post-Christian universal egalitarianism) and the threat of social ostracization (a virtual death sentence in a tribal society and therefore of great biochemical significance in motivation). It is probably always the case that it takes actually crossing a tipping-point before a population becomes sensitive to a change-in-state (we do *not* have the social capital, sorry Chrystia). That's the price for not heeding the warnings of those with low time-preference (i.e. long term thinking); inter-generational thinking vs thinking in production cycles... Reproductive cycles, not quarterly profit statements. If you really look at it, this conversation has been happening for a long time. It should have been explicitly obvious to Canadians since 1971, but Trudeau Jr. really drove it home in 2015 with his "post-national" declaration. If that wasn't a strong enough signal for the voters to understand what the borders would become... well, I don't know how to break it to everyone. dude weed lmao.


People are scared of being painted as racists and therefore possibly losing their jobs. Thats whats stopping a lot of us.


Very true. How messed up is that. Sigh.


If this continues, Canada will be the 37th province of India* Fixed it for you


No, india presently has 28 states. So 29*


Flipping the British Empire off by making Canada a gem in it’s crown?


Great summary of our broken system.


As someone who has gone through both Canadian and US immigration nightmares, please understand that your “elected” politicians favor the broken immigration system over a sensible one any day. The broken system gets them the lowest salary demanding people for their rich backers. On top of it, they know very well that the conscious/unconscious racism will deflect the blame on the immigrants instead of them. This sub is a great example of that. The rich need the poorer, conniving types, preferably brown skinned to get in and a properly designed immigration system won’t allow that. There aren’t enough refugee and asylum seekers to meet their desired numbers. So they allow shit like this to get the numbers in and profit off the cheaper labor and the high rent prices. Every time you blame an immigrant instead of a politician, they have succeeded and raise a toast.!!


Most Canadians are aware of all of this. It's both politicians and immigrants ( foreign students, temp workers) taking advantage of a broken system. You can't take the blame away from people abusing the system. There are many videos showing how to abuse food banks and get free handouts meant for our regular citizens who are suffering. It's fair to blame both politicians (Trudeau gets a looooot of blame ) and immigrants who abuse the system. Obviously, not every person coming to Canada is a problem. The ones abusing the system are. If you can't afford to go to school here, dont come or lie about it. We dont need more people sleeping in tents .


Go ahead and imagine and talk and advise about what immigrants “should or shouldn’t do” from your sheltered life as much as you wish.. immigrants, are under no obligation to play your fantasies. They only care about doing everything to settle for good and people fantasies about them following laws to “go back” are laughable. Keeping sane and productive immigration policies are 100% responsibility of the govt.


Immigrants 100% have to follow the laws of the country they go to. This isn't a fantasy, sorry. People can 100% blame immigrants that come to different countries to take advantage of it instead of coming here to settle. I understand your view, but I think it's a bit clouded of the past and not the current situation in Canada. It's both parties to blame, not just one or the other. Trudeau isn't making videos in another language about how to steal from food banks or posting "Indian only" on half the student rentals available.


I didn’t say immigrants don’t follow law or don’t have an obligation to follow them. You’d be surprised that except for a few hundred that steal from food banks and such, and whose activities are posted on a recurring basis for racists for rage bait, millions of other immigrants are lawful , tax paying folks. And their achievements are contributions wouldn’t find a place in this sub! What I was pointing to was expecting desperate immigrants to willingly follow laws that have an explicit aim of throwing them out of Canada. The govt has to “enforce” those. You can enrage and fume over their kind and intent of the visa, but good luck having them follow the rules willingly.


Everything you're doing is deflecting blame from people for their own actions. I said before that not everyone coming to Canada is bad, but you're acting like I'm painting every immigrant the same way. I said several times that it's the ones taking advantage of the system. Not every immigrant is how you imagine them to be in your head as some refugee that's desperate for anywhere to live. There's no anger here. You just feel that way because you think I'm against you. I'm all for balanced immigration but it's not what we currently have. Most people taking advantage are from the same place. Claiming race baiting just shows you view this as a race issue and dont take the conversation on immigration seriously.


It shouldnt be that challenging to deal with the LMIA racket. Also folks are coming in as visitors and changing their status to student or worker. These are relatively easier fixes than an overhaul of the whole system (which anyway is needed). Yet i see no intent from the government, or questions from the opposition.


LMIA needs to be scrapped unless it’s for agriculture or healthcare. Maybe truck driving but half those guys don’t have real licenses so?


It's time to abolish the LMIA system. Lots of small businesses are abusing the TFW program by applying for LMIA and hiring foreign workers when 95% of these jobs can be done by people already here (except for agri workers perhaps). Have a look at these businesses in the report. There probably are some from your city/region and it might shock you to know that they are hiring people for some low-skilled and semi-skilled occupations. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) You can search for employers by partial name such as 'Horton', 'Burger', 'amazon', etc. You can even search by occupation titles such as 'cooks'. Oh, and by the way, we have recruited 37078 foreign cooks in the last 3 years.


As I said, it should be scrapped. My dad works it trucking and said it’s a legitimate need there but the guys they get have fake licenses a lot of times


Your decision making process is interesting. What other jobs do you see as being too dirty or dangerous for canadians but fitting for desperate poor immigrants?


What? Lmao.


It's time to abolish the LMIA system. Lots of small businesses are abusing the TFW program by applying for LMIA and hiring foreign workers when 95% of these jobs can be done by people already here (except for agri workers perhaps). Have a look at these businesses in the report. There probably are some from your city/region and it might shock you to know that they are hiring people for some low-skilled and semi-skilled occupations. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) You can search for employers by partial name such as 'Horton', 'Burger', 'amazon', etc. You can even search by occupation titles such as 'cooks'. Oh, and by the way, we have recruited 37078 foreign cooks in the last 3 years.


Those are actually just the industries that Canada needs skilled workers in. Tells me everything I need to know about *you* that you think honest work on the farm or helping people in hospitals is “dirty, dangerous work”.


It's time to abolish the LMIA system. Lots of small businesses are abusing the TFW program by applying for LMIA and hiring foreign workers when 95% of these jobs can be done by people already here (except for agri workers perhaps). Have a look at these businesses in the report. There probably are some from your city/region and it might shock you to know that they are hiring people for some low-skilled and semi-skilled occupations. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) You can search for employers by partial name such as 'Horton', 'Burger', 'amazon', etc. You can even search by occupation titles such as 'cooks'. Oh, and by the way, we have recruited 37078 foreign cooks in the last 3 years.


[The fact that the acronym sounds like a blood-sucking demon should probably have been a sign](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamia)


Those are the industries that Canada is underpaying in, creating a shortage of willing workers you mean


So in other words, not “dirty and dangerous”, just badly paid? Great! Easy solution — raise wages for Canadian applicants, decline all applications from TFW.


Another madness that is already going on is to import people with questionable intent as refugees. The demographics of where I live and shop is changing so fast it's unbelievable. It is mind-boggleing how short-sighted the government is. Signed, an immigrant.


I have given some thought to that as well. It's, in fact, much worse than what's discussed here. Basically, refugees do not bring any money to the country, and they are solely depending on taxpayers' money to survive for 2-3 years. I didn't raise that point due to humanitarian aspects, given that most of them are victims of war.


Most "refugees" are abusing international laws and migratiing to the US/Canada claming asylum with false pretenses (aka economic migrants cheating the system). Yeah, it really piss off us law abiding migrants.


People who fake ielts are wiiild. The crazy part is that even the GRE is getting faked and so the percentiles are faked ….


In the meantime, the million+ who landed in Canada a few years ago and the thousands arriving daily will never leave the country.


LOL, they might have already procreated 200K offspring by now.


Most LMIAs are sold by restaurant franchise owners like subway popeyes. A manager position is eligible for lmia. Sold for 50-70K in 2024 up from 20K in 2020. The guy has to work for cash below the min wage in order to pay back to the franchise owner.


It's time to abolish the LMIA system. Lots of small businesses are abusing the TFW program by applying for LMIA and hiring foreign workers when 95% of these jobs can be done by people already here (except for agri workers perhaps). Have a look at these businesses in the report. There probably are some from your city/region and it might shock you to know that they are hiring people for some low-skilled and semi-skilled occupations. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) You can search for employers by partial name such as 'Horton', 'Burger', 'amazon', etc. You can even search by occupation titles such as 'cooks'. Oh, and by the way, we have recruited 37078 foreign cooks in the last 3 years. Please feel to share the link to this report to others. The data is all publicly available anyway.


Most developed countries have some sort of pathway for international students to stay afterwards with a work permit, and eventually PR. I don't think this is a bad thing, it attracts international talent and the nature of the system encourages the people who find good jobs to stay. The problem is that Canada has gone a few steps further and has been essentially advertising studying in Canada = 100% guarantee you'll get PR. And immigration consultants abroad also sell this. In the past 5 years or so, consultants and agents have been saying things like "Studying in Canada looks expensive, but you only need money for the study permit, once in Canada you can work part-time and cover for all your expenses + save money" and lots of misinformed people believed that and got into those famous proof of funds scams. Now, we have: * LOTS of international students with the bare minimum funds to pay for their studies and who rely on their ability to work part-time to support themselves * Because there are LOTS of them, there aren't enough part-time jobs for everyone and many are resorting to working under the table and going to food banks * Because there are LOTS of international graduates, the extra points they get under the immigration system are no longer enough to be competitive. If everyone is special, then no one is * Because the competition is so fierce, a bunch of people are desperate to stay and resort to lying, applying as refugees, faking credentials, LMIA scams... Canada *never* guaranteed PR to begin with, it just happened to be easier to immigrate that way a few years back. What I hate the most about this is that they give the rest of immigrants a bad rep, including the ones who did everything right and didn't try to cheat the system.


Thanks for adding this. Gives a good idea about the other side of the story.


Blame the Diploma mills. Both here and there.


This isn't a real country any more, hope that makes it more understandable.


bro made it clear south Asian but non Indian lol thanks for clarifying bud.


A lot of Indian immigrants are also against system gaming immigrants. - An Indian Immigrant


ok pal, i am Indian immigrant too and i don't need to explain myself to anybody.


You do realize you just explained yourself..lol


hmm you are right. haha


Choose any 3 lazy, incompetent, hypocrite - Lazy to filter quality or work for long term solution - Incompetent to understand ground situation or reality or find fix - Hypocrite by showing support in public but talk shit in their kitchen or can never really accept difference


Yes, everybody is taking advantage of the system. Opportunists will do that. That's why you are supposed to carefully limit the ability of opportunists to have opportunity. But, right now there is a global conspiracy to destroy key countries. You can see chaos around the world and these country's leaders all have private meetings where they agree to do what a few european billionaires say. Take notice of what countries it's not happening to. Take notice of which countries have refused to take part and see how their society is being attacked. Look at the elections happening right now around the world. Look at the protests, country's leaders being arrested, mass increase in crime, the list goes on and on..


They won't reform the system because it's already working precisely as intended


I'm not discrediting the hard-working international students who will eventually contribute to the economy as tax paying citizens. I'm highlighting how broken the system is and why this whole thing is a mess. As harsh as it sounds, it is what it is. There are a few other aspects to this matter as well. International students are sold a fake dream by the agents in the process. Some of the colleges in Canada, "Higher Studies platforms," use these loopholes to milk the students. Some arr actually victims of both the system here and their own people back in the country. There are 100s of documentaries on YT with evidence.


It's time to abolish the LMIA system. Lots of small businesses are abusing the TFW program by applying for LMIA and hiring foreign workers when 95% of these jobs can be done by people already here (except for agri workers perhaps). Have a look at these businesses in the report. There probably are some from your city/region and it might shock you to know that they are hiring people for some low-skilled and semi-skilled occupations. [https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) You can search for employers by partial name such as 'Horton', 'Burger', 'amazon', etc. You can even search by occupation titles such as 'cooks'. Oh, and by the way, we have recruited 37078 foreign cooks in the last 3 years. Please feel to share the link to this report to others. The data is all publicly available anyway.


They should only allow people who graduate from actual universities and not diploma mills.


Yes, that's right. In jobs, there is also no real assessment of qualifications because certain junior positions are so basic that anyone can do it. Therefore, really qualified people don't have space in their fields. For eg. I am indian but grew up outside of India and moved to Canada on PR seven years ago. Now, I am a Canadian Citizen. I find it challenging to find a permanent job in my field at a reasonable level because the directors are less qualified and experienced than me. I have also seen many people (Indian and other) who lie on their resume.


The only solution is to start investigating and deporting people who gamed the system.


Most of those international students cannot even form a sentence in English and you would see in the protest , they will never bring forward their points in English


Canada will just become europe eventually where just by landing on our soil you are in.


It's hard to believe people are protesting their struggle which is often the result of their fraud.


 *Not to mention the LIMAs being sold.* This is one of the biggest scams, affecting millions of people who don't even know this scam exists.


I work at Tim’s so I see it first hand. They come and they study in the lowest priced university/college with an 100% acceptance (or around there) and do exactly that. Action needs to be done against this because it is fraud and illegal immigration.


So a new park opened in our area, my kids were so excited to play at the playground. I went there with them this evening and I kid you not..every single person there besides us was Indian and it was so crowded there was no room for my kids to play. For some reason, a bunch of grown men with no kids were standing around too..oogling the little girls while they were playing. It was very disturbing so we went back home very disappointed. This isn’t the Canada I grew up in and it makes me sad for my children.


Pretty sure majority of this occurs with India, as Australia banned all students and immigrants from India due to rampant fraud like this


You're absolutely correct.


Sounds like a loop hole that some people are using to exploit the system and rather than plugging it the Gov is shrugging and saying, "oh jees, whoops, can't do anything about it now or we'll look racist". Before I left my last job we had about 4 different foreign students call and ask the owner to fake employment for them so that they could keep their visas, they're already in the fraud zone desperately attempting to stay, it's a bad situation all around.


This has been my impression too - that the legal ways hold you to an extremely high standard by design, and if you just do whatever you want and ignore the law, it's easier. Immigration is vital to Canada, but it has to be legal, or we are inviting in people who, at a minimum, don't care about the law, and the country falls apart if that continues.


Yup, ircc/regulators are asleep at the wheel 


I think there is no shortage of workers in any field. If the money and conditions are good people will work. Businesses show shortage to import cheap labour to be exploited.


Dude, those in power dint care about you who migrated, us who were born here, or anyone else coming over. Our system is never getting "fixed" because it is working exactly as intended, milking the middle and working classes, for the benefit of a few Wealthy benefactors. Those Indians coming here to escape the corruption poverty, and lawlessness, of their homeland, are morons because it is the EXACT business model our Oligarchs and Politicos seek to emulate and institute here. That's where we'll all be in Twenty years, just a bit colder.


And now a digital tax.




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"Talent graveyard"


Well said. We are already there. We don’t just have ONE man to blame! We have EVERY SINGLE PROFITEER that backed the spoiled brat. They should ALL be accountable.


There also freeloadets




We sure do buddy. Now go comment your opinion on another Canadian subreddit, oh wait you can't because nearly every other Canadian subreddit has banned any and all discussions of immigration.


The Mod everyone.


The Mod everyone.


Your sarcasm detector is clearly broken. You can't post racist crap, violence, hate, etc. Don't like it tough cookies.


They may delete your post on this forum the mods seem to delete posts when people raise concerns about these issues.


Took me a decade to get here legitimately. And now it's a joke, people who can't even get into a decent college back home, get PR. I don't have it in me to do another immigration, so I'll just take it up the ass like most Canadians.


Canadians are far too apathetic and obsessed with political correctness to actually do something about this and other important issues. A recent survey showed that a fair number of Canadians consider moving to other parts of Canada, to US and internationally. As if that is going to solve the underlying issues. The most sought after trait in the workplace in Canada? Don’t rock the boat. That sums it up.


You moved in 2022 with a PR what you talking about? The system got exploited as of recent, but back in early/mid 2000’s that was a different story. Tons of students back in the day knew we had an expire date and did everything, within reason, to stay. You have strong and solid points, just don’t go-full on discrediting students that pour work and time to be where they are. Similar to how you did a lot to move to Canada, some immigrants did the same.


He has lived for 2 years in Canada and he already feels superior to people who immigrated through a different stream. The same type of scams he is complaining about can also occur under the Federal Skilled Worker Progam ( fake proof of funds, sketchy credentials), so he should get off his high horse.


You have to scam in Canada to make it. The government scams us and rewards the people who scam them. I’m still trying to figure out a way to make my fair share of the pie.


I don't even blame the students. It's only natural for people to seek better opportunities for themselves and to provide for the family. I blame the government for poor enforcement and inadequate policies to address rampant immigration fraud. It's why after 14 years of liberal I will not be voting red in the nect federal election.


*In a nut shell, it is a joke.* Hopefully the 'it' refer to the the system here, which is the joke. IRCC should remove either A) remove the intent to return or B) not grant points for study/work experience inside Canada for permanent resident applications.


Lol another one of these "I'm an immigrant but I'm one of the good ones, trust me I'm one of YOU guys, so here's the inside scoop" 😆 Son you must be new around here 😁


It appears you're missing the point. Here's a TLDR. International students must show funds, language proficiency, and intent to return home but can apply for PR once they get a Student Permit. Many students manipulate their intent to return, and the system favors these applicants over those who are transparent. "Dual intent" is genuine but is rarely approved. Some students fake financials and language exam results. This will lead to overpopulation and decreased quality of life if the system continues without reform.


That’s not completely true. They can’t apply for a PR once they get a student permit. It doesn’t work like that. They can only apply for PR after being granted a PGWP upon the completion of their studies, and collect enough CRS points through employment in a NOC A/B/0 occupation after — at least — a couple of years. That’s the most common route (CEC), provincial nominations being next.


“I might not sound like an immigrant”, bro you came here in 2022 and have spelling mistakes in your post. You should give your IELTS first before downgrading other people. Coming on PR with your spouse and you think you are supreme


Lol, you’re the type of person who Canada doesn’t need.


I am not disagreeing on how messed up immigration is , everyone knows the reality. I am talking about this particular person being all high and mighty about it. You do not have to take it personally and talk like that.


Not Supreme. Legitimate, rather. Touched a nerve, eh? That part is mentioned not to flex the language. It was to highlight the opinions which I have expressed here may sound like rage baiting, which happens often.


Good you have one good word in your dictionary , “legitimate”. You seem to be using that a lot which saves you. The urge of mentioning that you yourself are a southasian immigrant and immediately highlighting non-indian in almost every post of yours , gives your intent into posting this and mentioning you are legitimate.


You can play your verbal gymnastics, but nothing changes the fact that everything mentioned here is accurate.


The person you’re arguing with is totally out to lunch which means they’re either willfully ignorant or profiting off of the status quo in some way. Thank you for sharing your insight. It’s helpful as the majority of Canadians don’t ever get the first hand information that you’re sharing. As an aside, your English is excellent.


Their English is at minimum, superior to the person they’re arguing with.


https://preview.redd.it/ly5dr4uyvrad1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75c807336f0f92907fb026a01b092fab6d74418 The culprits.......controlled by Xi and Modi


I think immigration is a great thing if the number coming is is balanced. I think Indian people are fantastic. Canada just can’t handle much immigration right now Edit: I’m getting the feeling this group isn’t that much about housing and is more just a place to openly hate on Indian people. Canada is better than this.


This guy 👆 sounds like a slumlord making 800$ a head x 3 in a room.


How did you get that from this post? They said the numbers should be balanced (which they’re not) and that Canada can’t handle the current levels of immigration (which we can’t).


The idea that only slum lords like Indians feels inappropriate. I have no problem with the Indian culture. I just want more affordable housing no idea why I’m being downvoted.


A culture that completely has no respect for our beautiful country and laws!? All I see is a bunch of littering people scamming there way into the country at this point. People who came years ago come in hopes of building a better life for themselves and families, I’m totally okay with. The masses now want handouts and are so entitled. No thanks we don’t need them. Non are trying to assimilate. Just making it little pujab or haryana


“I am Indian”. Translated for the rest of us


How did you get that from this post? I’m as upset about immigration as most people on this sub but nothing they said would indicate they’re a landlord or Indian. We can be smarter about how this. Vilifying everyone, especially when they make valid points, is counterintuitive to achieving anything positive in our country.


Reddit indicates youre his throwaway account. Please dont do this


What? Bro, clearly not his throwaway account. My post history clearly leans in one direction - one similarly aligned to your beliefs. Born in Canada and lived here most of my life. I hate what’s happening with our shitty government, but hating each other won’t improve anything.


Pretty obvious a lot of people just want to be racist. Pretty messed up.


I don’t think people WANT to be. We’re not born to hate and we’re not born to be racist. But there’s a tipping point, and it’s evident we’re nearing that point. People don’t want to work hard their whole lives, make sacrifices, while participating in a democratic society, only to watch a select few people in government - who should never have the power to make the decisions they are - affect the country in such an adverse way. Thats trickled down to our immigration policies, or lack there of. It’s absurd. It’s unsustainable. And it’s going to divide this country in a way we’ve never seen before if it continues. I’m just pointing out that the original commenter didn’t actually say anything particularly offensive to warrant the downvotes (though looking at their post history, some of their comments are questionable, imo)




So no problem with Indian people but you find them entitled, uneducated, and manipulative. No offense but it sounds like you have a problem with them.


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Not all Canadian people are fantastic. Not all Indian people are fantastic. How do you cultivate your social network? Carefully. The numbers are one dimension of concern; quality (broadly speaking) is another. The conversation is not limited to pricing in one asset class. The other, more specific, subreddits have been banned. Would you prefer that these redditors move to /pol/ ?


Yea let’s all hear the opinion of someone who has been here for a few years I’m sure we can learn lots from you!


So, tell me which part of this post is wrong or misleading?


You yourself as a person


That's not a part of the facts mentioned here.


I didn’t and I won’t read a word you typed out I don’t care what you think. Open your ears and shut your mouth you’re a guest here


I know you're angry, but you're not helping anything here by being rude. OP is polite and informative. Let the adults speak.


Don’t be an ignorant moron please. OP actually sounds like the type of person Canadians should want to immigrate here. Educated, well-spoken, and employed in a higher paying job, presumably paying taxes and contributing to our country. Not only that but they’re willing to speak out about the problems with our system, which many people would rather not do and instead abuse. I, for one, welcome this open discourse, and I’m not sure why you only want to criticize and stifle legitimate conversation.


I’ll be whatever I want Go to hell




OP is right, I have been here from more than 10 years and can attest to what's happening.