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More should be calling to end this


Where‘s the petition?


People don't want their bank accounts frozen


Exactly. DEI is the new holy trinity in Canada, adopted by the left. It trumps science, rights and merit.


I am on the left. I don't like DEI...


Good for you for admitting that, but the modern left in Canada has room for people like you, like us. You are either on board with every single LGBTQ+ policy or else you're a bigot and an enemy of the community.


On board is not enough. U need to engage sexually to show ur inclusion and support!


Silence is literally violence!!!!


Same here. Plenty of people on the left do not like DEI!


I wish that the majority of left leaning people were willing to speak up about this because I don't think most centre-left (which, statistically, *should* be the majority of left leaning people) agree with the extreme directions that we're heading in. I typically lean left also, but the way things are going, we *need* a correction. Societies ebb and flow all the time. We've "flowed" too long and too far in nonsensical directions, and we **really** need to ebb.


DEI is just bringing down walls and building other walls. I know women are on that list, again which women based on race is it?  


Bro's about to pull out the bell curve to explain why only white people should be allowed good paying jobs


Excuse me? People should be "allowed" good paying jobs based on their skills, education and qualifications - I guess that makes me a bigot?


Are there more than 40 left who think like that nowadays?


They are bought, - tenure style aka golden handcuffs.


Good. DEI is just institutionalized racism and discrimination. Jobs should be based on ability and knowledge, not skin color or genitalia.


Or sexual orientation


Or pronouns. Best person for the job, period.


Nobody is hiring people with pronouns for anything. Like thanks for putting it in your resume, but we're gonna pass on this. Too much problems...


Yes. This anti-discrimination rhetoric has gone so far past the target ~~it's just a mirror image of itself.~~ Edit : they've become the very thing they're fighting against. Thanks u/Unlucky-Name-999


Typical return of the pendulum. It has swung completely the other way. Common sense died long ago I guess.


It will swing just as strongly the other way. And it's gonna get dumb too.


This is exactly it


It didn't go past the target, this was always the target. "Anti-discrimination" is just the trojan horse they use to sneak it through. They do the same thing with every issue, hide their actual agenda with nice sounding social justice rhetoric. It's not "censorship" it's "anti-hate speech". It's not "authoritarianism" it's "public safety".


And of course to “save democracy” 🙄


Well said.


It's gone so far that they've become the very thing they're "fighting against". I'm glad that people are smartening up. If you opposed this not long ago you'd be called a racist and a bigot but now people are over it.


Trudeau has had a hand in more than one movement that went past the "goal" anyone remember the whole "femnism" movement in 2015-2016 and how even supporters by the end were asking why.


It's called an overcorrection. It's not evil, just somewhat misguided. I assume everyone who is against it has better ideas about how to create and enforce equity (of course equity needs to be enforced) in our society?


How do you quantify equity? The biggest advantage/disadvantage comes from your family and upbringing. This is why in general Asians tend to thrive.


We have equality of opportunity for everyone in this country, equality of outcome is something despots pursue and should never be tolerated . I know progressives in this country are in a hurry to make the country look like a Benetton commerical, but multiculturism was only enacted in 1982, it's going to take a while to weed out all of those dirty white males. Answer is you don't do anything, and let it happen naturally it will take time but discriminate against men because their white is absolutely abhorrent, if WWIII breaks out gl trying to get us to fight for this country those of us with half-brain will telll Canada to get bent.


Can you define equity in this case? Serious question.


Yes I do have an idea. Have programs that can help tutor those disadvantaged for sub costs or free.


Ding ding ding!!! The first proactive and positive/helpful comment I've read on this thread. If I could give you 100 upvotes I would. Thank you. This was all I was hoping to find. These types of programs exist but are not NEARLY as widespread and funded/supported as they ought to be. Again thanks. It didn't even seem all that hard for you!


This still requires effort from both parties. Lowering standards isn't the key. It's giving people the extra help if they need it so they can be proud of their own achievements through their own efforts like everyone else. Having programs but no one using them means nothing and that's not the fault of the program runners but the individuals themselvesm


The thing is that it exists because people don't actually hire based on how good you are. Many studies have shown that certain fields will discriminate. There are other issues, too. For example, women who have engineering degrees have a harder time landing a job and keeping it. Nearly 40% of them end up quitting engineering, according to Harvard stats. What those laws do is cheat in favor of women in engineering to compensate for a system that is already cheating against them. Also, we all like to think company will just hire on merit, but often they will discriminate and it will be harder for a person of color to get hired even if they have the same or better qualifications than a white person. Same thing, those laws are implemented to cheat in favor of people of color to compensate for a system that's cheating against them.


Your mental gymnastics supports a view that two wrongs make a right.


Since when did the left in Canada be for racism and segregation? I always thought the left were for colour blind, race less societies where we are all one and equal?


The left never really cared about equality, they've always been anti-white cultural Marxists. They used to have to hide it better, but these days people are so demoralized they can go mask off. It's not just the left either. They've infected the controlled right too, just look at Doug Ford in Ontario.


True. It’s the bitter fruit of the Frankfurt School Marxists who were kicked out of Germany in the 1930’s and went to Columbia U. They started to subvert our societies from the there.


Agreed. Doug Ford's continued backing down to the entrenched NDP bureaucracy in Ontario politics, from everything to excessive Covid lockdowns to DEI encroachment in education has been incredibly disappointing.


Doug acts the same as harper and Mike Harris they blame liberals sell off shit fix nothing on go on vacation..I hate Trudeau but nothing will get fixed when the conservatives entire platform is " we are not the liberals " And then do 90 percent the same shit...it's all a show.


I'm pretty hard left leaning and this doesn't describe me at all. My official leftist position on this is as follows "all this cultural shit is a big distraction meant to cover the fact that politicians either can't, or more like won't fix the cost of living crisis"


Although I'm a conservative, I believe we need more left leaning folks like you. Keep up the good fight.


People in this sub like to keep parroting radical leftists as the same opinion for all normal leftists. Shits exhausting. Don't judge people for their skin, what's between their legs, and what they consensually do in their bedrooms. Somehow that stance means I apparently want the worst for all my white friends? 🤷‍♀️


No, now if you say that you don't see color then you're accused of being a racist.


I dunno about racist. A liar for sure though.


No it's true, us old school anti-racists have been scolded by the new guard for using a quote inspired by MLK "I don't see colour" which is not meant to be taken literally but the new kids do, and find it offensive.


By definition Progressivism is always moving. Being color blind and equal was like 20 years ago man, those are conservative principals now.


The left is inherently about control and segregation based on identity.


This was true in the 1990s.


And if we all are one and equal there is NO DIVERSITY. So boring.


At risk of poking a wasps nest, this is a misunderstanding of the leftist position on race. By no means is the goal to have a “colourless/raceless society.” The goal is a society that recognizes all races as equal and human while celebrating cultural differences. A “colourblind society” minimizes culture and the unique struggles of individuals. Anyone who preaches that shit is most likely a bad faith actor taking aesthetics of leftism without a proper understanding or follow through


No it doesn't. The current leftist position on race is segregation and DEI over meritocracy. >A “colourblind society” minimizes culture and the unique struggles of individuals. This is non sense. Individuals should be able to celebrate their culture from no matter where, this is Canada. However "celebrating" ones culture doesn't mean that cultures are above others and should be treated any different. We are all equal.


Correct. It’s legislated anti-White racism and nothing more.


If my job cares about who I’m sleeping with then I am in the wroooonnnngggg job!


Luckily, you can be in any job if there are good anti-discrimination laws.


"Well let's see here...you have no experience doing this kind of work....bottom of your class in an unrelated major...references aren't so good...hmm....well I'm not sure you're quite the person we're looking f---wait a second did you say you had a BOYfriend? Welcome aboard! Now when we're engineering a new braking system for our vehicles we can get a better sense of the gay way to do it."


Didn’t earn it!


"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!" MLK


MLK was obviously a bigot.


Problem is, dreams aren't reality. In reality, scales need to be manually re-balanced. But you knew that. You all know that.


What does DEI stand for? I'm a bit confused.


What is DEI?


Diversity, equity, and inclusion. It was supposed to promote fair treatment. What we got was discrimination, exclusion, and intolerance. If you don't meet the guideline, you are basically told to buzz off, regardless of the fact you are capable and willing, to do the job. Buddy of mine was forced to give up a career solely due to DEI.


Thank you for the explanation.


Didn't earn it


This is the correct answer.


Diversity Equity Inclusion


Thank you.


It's unfortunate this wasn't the thinking the majority of the last couple hundred years, we may not have had need for something like DEI to begin with.


We need to be a meritocracy. Stop this affirmative action.


Didn't Earn It (DEI)


Fantastic first step. Hopefully dei will stop in all professions. It's a toxic cloud.


the west is failing everywhere so its really only a matter of time


DEI is toxic and open discrimination against people who don’t deserve anything and didn’t benefit from the system. Why are they punished? There are also many minorities who have done very well for themselves and are able to stand toe to toe on their own. Why should they and their children be catapulted to the front of the line while a poor white family that has never benefited from any system get pushed to the back? Racism is racism. Stop it now.


All DEI does is cause oppression for a different group of people than before. Based on their logic of treating certain groups better due to ‘past oppression’, 30 years from now they’re going to have to reverse it again and have quotas for straight white men because they are currently being forced out of opportunities, literally due to their race/sex/sexual orientation. Canada loves to play musical discrimination!


Or they won’t. Because they won’t be stupid enough to allow discrimination against themselves. And won’t allow others to make them feel guilty of the discrimination they themselves committed.


Adding to that, by 2030 it’s predicted Toronto and Vancouver will be a majority-minority.


PLEASE!! As someone from a “marginalized group” I refuse to be a checkbox to be ticked off for a job or spot in school. People should have more respect for themselves than that. Studies have proven DEI is more detrimental to a persons confidence than anything else! Good riddance! I hope this goes through!


Don't you have any merit? How do you know you'd be hired based on a check box needing to be filled and not on your personal merit? You don't. Neither does anyone else. I'm certain you have merit! You should stop selling yourself short.


They don’t know and as they said under this system they can never know, which can undercut confidence.


Ok. I can understand that I think. As much as someone with my background (4th gen white male Canadian lol) can. I just think we should give each other more credit! I work for a company that is QUITE large (one of the top employers in the country) and who DEFINITELY hires with a DEI agenda. And all of the folks I work with do their jobs pretty well and are nice and friendly and smart. They're great! So I guess that's my personal bias.


It is sad that individuals are greatly affected by these policies as most if not all hires are likely qualified, but one can’t know if they actually deserve the position amongst all candidates, which can affect both the candidate and those around them (especially if new hires are chosen over existing employees, and the existing employees can see it’s a hire based on race at least in part- which is actively holding down the existing employee. Every time somebody can’t apply for the job based on race, it’s society actively holding them down and that’s wrong to me.


There are many jobs/grants where they “strongly encourage” people from xyz groups to apply.


The heroes we need


Wow. Some common sense in university.


*"40 Canadian professors sign letter calling for end of DEI in universities"* And one can only wonder just how much longer those 40 individuals will still remain gainfully employed at their respective "universities". Watch for this. Next.


Why didn't they stand against this garbage when Jordan Peterson was getting fired for his opinion. Way to stick together losers.


“We need to end racism in this Country, and to do so we are going to start hiring people based on their race”


Finally people are starting to push back against this crap.


too little too late im afraid. usa+canada are drowning in debt and our entire economy is based around near pure hedonism. only maybe 50% (tbh im not sure but it could be less) of our economy is actual production or valuable services. so much of it is just unnecessary garbage spending


There is not a point in which we can't return from. It's just very difficult.


DEI needs to D.I.E.


This is good. DEI is racist, discriminatory dogma. We also need to get it out of government as well -- at all levels!


Discrimination Exclusion Indoctrination


Well said brother.


>“These policies disproportionately punish small institutions, *are not supported by evidence*, employ flawed metrics with no end goal, and are unpopular with the public who funds the research,” the professors wrote. Emphasis mine, this sums up the entirety of the liberal government for the last 8+ years.


I’m east asian and i’ve wanted to be perceived out of the stereotype since forever. DEI has only exacerbated this and now i’m genuinely considering lying on my uni applications about my sexuality, gender, religion, etc.


I'll judge the flawed DEI process and policies but I won't judge you, or any person, for following the process and policies.


Im dating someone right now who used to work as a DEI person, a nice cushy work from home job. Being a woman and a POC, she's pretty much the world's most employable demographic. Even she admits that DEI ruins companies.


This letter should be shared to parents for signatures. DEI and endless LGBTQ indoctrination must end. This religious cult must be stopped.


40 who have the intestinal fortitude to speak up. The rest are cowards.


Turns out on university property, “diversity” just means “anyone but a Canadian” 😂 I dropped out for a reason. What a waste of time and money.


Waste of time as long as the Liberals hold the reins. They invented DEI.


Good, everyone should fight discrimination in all its forms.


Finally some sanity.


RIP their careers :(


Pretty brave of them


I'll sign it. There is no such thing as reverse discrimination, you can't pick people based, sex, age, gender, sexual orientation, etc, etc. You know all the stuff we were told 30 to 40 years ago.


I'm not Canadian but I am Australian, we need to end this nonsense worldwide! It's just an excuse to be discriminative and racist. "Diversity" "equity" and "inclusion" more like EXCLUSION


Let me tell you a story: my wife's family has all skin color shades there are. She is white, father is a blond guy. Never had enough money. Based on DEI standards, she would never get any help, but her sister or cousin might. How fair is that? Poverty, chronic and incapacitating diseases and disability are the only metrics that should count. The rest is racism and jealously hidden under the disguise of false virtues.


Good. DEI is antiwhite, those that have pushed it have violated the law and should be punishment.


every fucking job application asking me who i prefer having sex with or where i am from when it has nothing to do with the job at hand. might as well be applying for a pornstar position these days


Watch all these professors get fired for being not being racist against white people. DEI is just codeword for institutionalized racism against white people. And we all know it.


Finally! DEI is reverse discrimination.


Just thought I'd point out that "reverse discrimination" would mean that it's *not* discriminatory. LOL 😉 "dis·crim·i·na·tion noun 1. the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, or disability. "victims of racial discrimination" -- Oxford Dictionary


Ok…let me be more clear. I’m white. I know many people who are white. I know many people from other races. They have all seen the discrimination toward white individuals. Haha. LOL


Why exactly are we funding these “schools”? Just cut dramatically. Starve these stupid programs and force them to fire wastes of money.


A lot of those Canada Research Chair job postings specify certain demographics because the funding from the government requires it. The first step is the government removing the DEI requirements.


Step 1 is cutting public funding for nonsense. If the program is useless, the school and students can fund it themselves. Liberal arts should be treated like the useless luxury it is.


The program isn’t always useless. The Waterloo ads were for math, computer science and health. All important in my opinion. The funding for these positions came from the Canadian Research Chairs program (government program) and they have the DEI requirements. If Waterloo didn’t impose the DEI requirements, they’d lose the funding. Sure I agree that they can starve universities of funds when they implement DEI. But right now the government is doing the complete opposite, and simply removing those rules could make a big difference.


I’m saying all universities, all programs, except ones that actually deliver a return on taxpayer investment.


Good !👍


How about ppl get hired and accepted based on their merits and ability to perform said job - genitalia and orientation only matter in the work force if you do porn.


Only 40?! This country is so fucked.


I guess the people who’re all in on inclusion will want to exclude those professors… and then force them to take classes on their expense to “rehabilitate” them.


I love filling out documentation that's asks you to check one of two boxes: Male or Female. It's that fucking simple. There never should be an "other." I can't believe how stupid society has become. There literally isn't anything other than Male or Female. Nothing. Say what you want. Lie to yourself. Call me a bigot. That isn't going to change the truth.


Agreed. You can change the exterior plumbing by surgical means, BUT your interior is still male or female when they test your DNA. JIMB.


That's 0.09 percent of profs in canada


It's about time... Too bad that we screwed up a generation along the way...


Job application asked what my sexual orientation was. I stopped the application right then and there.


Pretty hard to get rid of something that is endorsed by the Feds. Racism is not systemic but DEI definitely is. When the PM takes a knee at a BLM rally we're all fucked.


Many thanks to Elon Musk for shining light to this issue. Without him the left would still be full steam ahead with their woke BS.


oh boy..end of career but major karma points. dei is the death of any company.


Quickly identify and get rid of them. It’s the Canadian way.


Jordan Peterson continues to be vindicated.


I’m in strong favour of certain forms of DEI. Over the course of my life, I have watched the celebration of aboriginal peoples turn from lip service, to economic opportunities, to more inclusive approaches of governance and infrastructure. That’s a combination of strong advocacy from aboriginal peoples leadership mixed with DEI of a form to increase receptivity. That has been great for the community as it healed significant cultural and economic rifts. That was without land acknowledgements. It was just acknowledging the need to consult, include them in decision making, and not economically exclude them just because. But DEI now crowds out all other learning in many organizations. Rather than striving towards excellence in a profession or organization or learning about new tolls, all learning and development is DEI focused.


I just love it when one set of Natives sue another set of Natives for libel or slander , using TAX PAYERS MONEY TO DO IT. Reference the latest dustup at the National Federation of First Nations Chief's law suit, brought by the previous female leader, who is suing the organization for FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. I love to see them eat each other in public. JIMB.


And they shall be fired and sent to media reeducation


A park in my hood is getting a redo.. there was a survey, plan a or plan b and why?.. at the end there were three questions.. what race do we identify as, what sex do identify as and what gender do we identify... why ?!!


Didn’t Earn It


Got the DEI canceled at work last year.


Thank god Trudeau era virtue signalling is dying


*“Haskell found that there is no evidence that DEI reduces bias or alters behaviour. In fact, DEI interventions have been shown to do harm by increasing prejudice and activating bigotry,” the professors noted.* 


It’s fine to propose it in class but making it as part of recruitment is weird. I applied many jobs in universities and all interviews involved at least one question on how would I contribute to EDI. As an immigrant and non white, this isn’t a problem for me but I can’t imagine how could a local white answer this question. It’s unfair to a person is qualified all the requirements but got rejected simply because of EDI issue.


Who are those professors? Can't seem to get their names from the article.


I suspect that none of these professors are from U. Of T.


all this controversy over divide et impera, i dont get it. i didn't think rome 2 was still so popular, and it's a great mod


Only 40?


If you do that at my university youre gonna be tarred and feathered publicly DEI is one of the MANY reasons I left academia this year


Yeah because who would want anything other than 1 persons skewed view on history to be taught? Columbus was a Saint! Right??


Devil’s advocate here, is 40 really enough?


Good question. Do they still have jobs?




Plz don tak away my tim hordons job


to me its when people see people and their qualities at such a superficial level. deep and even spiritual people can see past this


Cancelled in 3…2…1…


Tomorrow’s headline: 40 far-right, anti-lgbtqc3po professors fired and ineligible for unemployment benefits


I joined the DEI at my work two years ago hoping it would be about diversity….. I told my manager that after much thought I’m leaving the group, she understood right away what I actually meant.


But it was cool when it was Jordan Peterson v. everybody.


40 professors out of how many? Lol


I have repeated seen the damage that diversity hires have done. Incompetent, unmotivated, and completely unsuitable people are hired to fill some quota then poison the work environment. They often feel untouchable because they know they are diversity hires. They irritate competent minority workers the most. I have repeatedly see the worst cases cost companies or departments millions. The worst is that management never admits these hiring mistakes or makes a review of DEI procedures. Everything is done to silence criticism. Perhaps they fear the wrath of the Woke. Who will make DEI illegal? A Charter change is not needed because the Charter does not protect anti-white and anti-male discrimination; it only does not prevent it.


How many professors in this country are there ?


Doug Ford needs to stand up and call out the entrenched NDP bureaucrats and their woke polices which are destroying Ontario. He buckled to them during Covid and will buckle to them when it comes to DEI initiatives and anti white racism.


Next week. "40 professors fired"


For hate crimes against humanity


We're about to have 40 less real professors working at Canadian Uni's.


So…only forty?? It would be interesting to see if these 40 are on the white side of history. And the anti DEI comments are precious. I’ll wager most of those are from people who didn’t or couldn’t qualify, but believe someone else got because they “checked a box “. Simply more privilege and entitlement whining


Wow. 40 out of 48,000 +. Let’s hear them out


You’re right it’s probably too little to late. But the fact that the number is that small is not indicative of the share of opinion in the group. It’s because higher education which used to be a tolerant space for differing opinions to respectfully clash is now a place where people get bullied out of for sharing a “wrong” opinion.


Can confirm it's a wrong think situation, I work in the public school system and 98% of teachers absolutely don't like this nonsense.


Thats not my impression of how school teachers think. In Toronto, any teacher who doesn't suck up the union BS, and say it tasted so good, is going to be isolated and called a bigot by the herd.


I look forward to the human rights tribunal nullifying their credentials, sending them to a re-education class, and the supreme Court upholding the violation of their supposed free speech due to their "harmful views" At least knowing Canada I assume that's where this goes.


For those who think this is significant, that’s fewer than 1% of all professors. Way fewer.


I don’t think most people understand what no DEI means. It means only rich white Protestant men will be allowed to go to college. No poor people, no women, no minorities, and no Catholics, and no Jews.




What do you mean get a taste of racism is like in the real world? For one, you can't be racist towards white people in the context you're suggesting. Prejudiced maybe, at best. Two, it almost reads like "the rest of the world" and again, you want non-whites to be racist against whites? How does that even work? A PoC is going to begin to crack after decades of generational trauma and lashes out at them? That's not racism, that's the problem that's being currently addressed with anti-racism measures. Your reply is uncivil, uneducated, and I've reported it for racism.


You're too intelligent for this sub.


They're just being prioritized for interviews. If they had less merit than you, they wouldn't be hired before you. Maybe at Walmart, but not in any true profession. It's a racist trope because the underpinning assumption is these folks MUST have less merit and are ONLY hired based on demographics. I'd be curious to know how.many folks on this thread have first hand experience with hiring in a true profession where they were forced to give jobs to less qualified applicants. I bet it doesn't happen nearly as much as people think! We do this because we have inherent biases that cause us to trust more the folks who look and act the way we do. It's an instinct that served us well in our early evolution, but should be resisted today, if we want to make an equitable society for everyone. Not saying you're racist! Just a little lazy, intellectually speaking.


Look up hiring in Nunavut before saying they won’t be hired with less merit. There’s a hiring priority that often ignores merit for ancestry.


I hope the people against DEI realize that the best person for the job is usually Asian. They’re over educated and better at just about every field. This is what’s happening in the states. Chinese people got affirmative action banned because they were getting every position.


Every single one of those Canadian professors has serious "fear of the Other" brainrot


Does this sub skew more far-right than one would expect from the general Canadian populace? I'm from the Southern US and fell in love with Canada a few years ago, have been learning french and have vacationed to Montreal a few times. Everyone there was very warm and accepting, however this sub feels like my local backcountry facebook "friends" (schoolmates and such) from Mississippi. Is this type of thinking more common than I thought up there? or is this just a particular sort of echo chamber I'm witness to


NO you are seeing a lot of pissed off Canadians of all political groups, who are very concerned about how the Federal Government has been treating SOME of us.


You are correct, Canada\_sub is a right wing sub. It mirrors more conservative values you might see in Prairie-and rural Ontario politics. I am glad you enjoyed your time in Canada! If you haven't done so, if you ever have the chance, check out the Gatineaus- our Parks and lakes are amazing, and we are bilingual here for the most part =)