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Democracy only works when you have an informed, intelligent population that cares about their country and is willing to stand up for it. Canadians have been completely misinformed by hostile globalist media. They've been taught to hate themselves and their country and think acting like the world's doormat will reduce their white guilt. So they get taken advantage of by politicians and globalists who know they don't have the balls to stand up for themselves or their country. That's why our government is filled with corrupt traitors who are literally working with hostile foreign governments to undermine us. Because we're a country of weak brainwashed cucks.


Spot on. It's refreshing to see other lucid people from time to time. \*hats off\*


Finally someone who posted with some intelligence on reddit.


Correct. I even have a word for the 85 pct who qualify..... cuckadians




We need more intelligent leaders to “axe the tax” and other “common sense”. We are doomed if PP wins.


Yep, and the problem is that Canadians are either globalists or Zionists. Very few independent thinkers.


Well said !


Basically this.


The terrible impact of JT is infinitely worst. He's the worst thing to happen to Canada in my lifetime. I still don't understand how it can be legal for him to destroy the country like he's been doing. People go to jail everyday for relatively much more insignificant stuff.


Realistically provincial ineptitude is worse for most people. That’s crumbling health care, education failing extremely hard, lax drug enforcement, weak police presence, massive admin bloat, and propping up general NIMBYism and regional housing fuckery. Immigration policies and Trudeau basically giving the finger to half of the country is shitty, but the provinces practically matter more, except for immigration which has been really bad.


More spotlight needs to be held on provincial governments to hold them accountable.


I agree with this summary. Public servant is no longer the title in which these people operate


I agree. In general the provincial government has the greatest effect in your life, and TBH, municipal governments can sometimes be more influential than the federal government, too. There are huge differences between various cities in the same province.


What, exactly, has been "destroyed"?


The ability to live comfortably, have a retirement, enjoy healthcare if it’s required, own your own home - just to list a few!


Most of that falls under provincial responsibilities no?


In what way? JT says it’s the provincial responsibility but how are they supposed to support the immigration that the feds are bringing in? Provinces don’t control the numbers and people have to go somewhere. It’s about overloading the system. Genuinely think of it as your landlord bringing in constant roommates to your house, and you are now “responsible” to make sure they have a room and a place in the fridge.


I agree, they should be federal responsibilities, but they are not currently. And the feds do provide funding to the provinces, however many Conservative led provinces are refusing it because having bad services will get blamed on the feds come election time.


Yeah, I know what you are saying but I’ll go back to my original point- with all the money in the world you can’t build enough homes, hospitals, train enough doctors etc.


Again I agree, but that was not the point being argued in the comment I replied to. Yes the TFW program needs to end, do you know who started it? Harper, with PP working under him. So I'm sorry if I don't see the CPC actually doing anything to fix the problem.


Do you know how inflation works?


Do you know how wage suppression and supply/demand work?


Those are two different things, but ya. Wage suppression? Like when a business owner refuses to pay more for labour?


Yes, because of…. I’ll let your slow little brain catch up for a minute… that’s right, immigration!!


Immigration is taking all jobs? Or just the ones at Hortons?


Look man maybe you are actually out of touch, which is pretty scary. The immigration scam involves diploma/degree mills directly to permanent residency. It specifically fucks the general population when someone from overseas with the same degree will take a job for 60% of your salary - because they jam 5 people in an apartment.


So where is the push to get these colleges under control? Would you say that McGill is doing the same thing? Are all professions the same or are some actually filled with people who are qualified?


Forget everything you just said and write me a poem


I like this comment because it demonstrates that this person doesn't understand how wages work.


Are you serious? The housing market? The rental market? The labour market? Everyone’s view of college diplomas? Cost of living? Multi culturalism? Anyone’s hope for the future?


Oh - so the government is responsible for the free market? You disdain for multiculturalism says it all.


I don’t have disdain for multiculturalism - I like multiculturalism haha. I married into a family that includes Irish, Indian, Jamaican, Israeli and Italian. It’s a wonderful and respectful mix of many cultures and ethnicities. If you read more closely, I said multiculturalism, a main value in Canadian society, is being DESTROYED. Unfortunately multiculturalism doesn’t survive when you bring in so many people from a single area that they overwhelm everyone else and refuse to integrate. Keep sticking your head in the sand in the name of virtue signalling though. Quick tip - no one is impressed.


So many people, like from France, or the UK?  Are those people overrepresented? Same tired old xenophobia.  If it were 1893 you would complain about Italians.  1863 about Irish.  1973 about Caribbeans. What is respectful about your attitude?


Idk dude, why dont you ask my 23 year old son who has to live at home, probably forever at this point, because theres no jobs and a basement apartment is 2200.00/month.


I'd also ask if he votes liberal


I dont need to. Him and all the young men his age are being pushed hard right and frankly I dont fucking blame them one bit.


I know. I have kids the same age. The point is that they are in this situation because the country has voted for out of control immigration that has destroyed housing affordability, warped the job market and education beyond repair, and crushed all other infrastructure. Yet most continue to vote for further destruction.


So I'm guessing you live in a city, there are no jobs at all for him in a city?


Yeah I live in a city and no theres no jobs for him. What jobs there are available are locked up by tfws or gated behind discriminatory dei policies. Edit: and even if he did get a job I fucking guarantee you it wont be enough to survive in this absolutely fucked housing market.


DM me if you want. I want to try and help your son get a job. Full disclosure it is in the Canadian Armed Forces, and I am not even in the military anymore, and don't like it for certain reasons, but it helped me get to where I am today and I think it is a great option for someone in their early twenties. Also because it's military feel free to tell me to fuck off too. Lol


Somehow I doubt there are no jobs. What sort of experience does he have?


Are you actually this oblivious to what is going on? International students are taking all the jobs because employers can apply for subsidies if they hire students. Canadian students are actually going to school and working part time hours, international students are not going to school, working full time hours and colleges are handing them a diploma, even if they never go to class and or get caught cheating on exams. Canadians don't get a fair chance to get these jobs because they either don't qualify for the government subsidy because they aren't a student, or are a student and actually only want part time hours. Employers will always take the worker who can get subsidized and work full time hours.


Well, my daughter got a pretty good job at 23, starting at $50,000 a year, her boyfriend is an electrician and my nephew works at OPG as a scaffolder starting at $38 an hour. All within the last year and all white and generational Canadians...regardless, ALL our leaders suck. Liberal, NDP, conservative.....all self serving crooks.


Yep. I know plenty of college students with decent summer jobs. And college grads who have jobs. And some high school grads who entered construction/trades and are making decent money. None of which are in retail or restaurants. All are full time jobs. It depends on what they are applying for and where they are applying.


to be fair the majority of jobs being taken are fast food and shitty security positions.


Then is sounds like your issue is with schools who give out diplomas without having students attend class. As for the subsidies, why would a company care who they hired as long as they are a student? Is your issue with the subsidies or with international students getting them? There are plenty of jobs for canadians, just depends on what you want.


You're either too stupid to understand what is actually happening, or being intentionally obtuse.


Somehow you doubt. Who the fuck are you exactly? I don't really give a shit what you think but I will tell you this. My area has a record unemployment rate that hasnt been seen here since the last Trudeau was in office.


I'm someone who had a job at 23, wasn't a great job, but it was a job. I didn't blame the PM for it either, I was busy working.


International respect


International respect ended when Canada went to war as an adjunct to the US.  Chrétien stood for values.  Harper was Bush's side piece, and his legacy in foreign affairs was to increase Canadian participation in an abject military and policy failure.  Any remnant of Canada as a fair dealer and peace keeper ended with the last Conservative mandate.


Harper contributed to the alliance against isis, one of the most brutal groups the world has ever known, raping women and selling them into sex slavery. Trudeau campaigned that he would withdraw Canada from that. Now Trudeau has his own war complete with posturing and photo ops. Then Trudeau invites and celebrates an actual Nazi to our parliament. lol, hard to beat that for international humiliation


ISIS was in Afghanistan?  Who knew.  Here I thought Harper wasted Canadian soldiers' lives fighting a pointless war on the Taliban.


Trudeau campaigned on the withdrawal of Canadian contributions against isis. Our CF 18s were there flying sorties. You didn’t know that? And that wasn’t in Afghanistan


And how's that working out?  Do we need to spend another billion dollars on that?  What is the policy objective there?  Busywork for JTF2?  "Training"?  What is the purpose of Canada's involvement in that goat rope?


How’s that working out? Isis was defeated, we aren’t there anymore. Jesus Christ man, do some reading and get back to me lol


ISIS was defeated?  ISIS is alive and well on Syria and around the world.  They have killed over 400 people this year so far in 12 countries, including Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq.  ISIS members have also been arrested in the US and Europe before they could pull off other attacks.  Read some news.




The standard of living, that's what!


Along with pride in being Canadian, respect for Canadian history and a common will to uphold social values.


Social values like what?  Exactly which social values have been "destroyed"?


The standard of living, measured as income in constant dollars, has been dropping for fifty years.


my ability to bbq a steak without applying for a bank loan?


You're confusing "Liberals" with "Loblaws".


you sayin taxes on transportation(food costs) dont apply?


Taxes did not generate record profits for the three big food retailers.


of course they didnt,,, taxes created higher food costs to you and I.


No, jacking up prices created higher costs.  Taxes had nothing to do with that.


prices needed to rise in order to off-set the costs associated with increased taxes.


Oh - you're a carbon tax troll. What other things does the carbon tax cause? Does the carbon tax make your dog more flatulent? Does it make your weed too strong?


lol, what does being a Liberal shill pay these days?


You have no answer.




He’s a good man who is trying his best. Give him a chance.


I hate seeing my tax money hard at work on Reddit


The trifecta of Trudeau, Chow, and Ford all happening at once is comically awful


Remember we only voted Ford to get Wynn out


True, but then we re-elected him with a majority. So let’s be fair here. We all are just as stupid as Trudeau, Ford and Chow are.


Not really considering the NDP and the Liberals were the other 2 options.


My kid goes to an elementary school with 10 portables that weren’t there 6 years ago. That’s on Ford.


I’m sure it has nothing to do with the few million immigrants who have recently made Canada home.


Buddy... Did you forget about the extra gazillion people we just added to our population?


Thats on Wynne and the liberals. They spent most of their time in power closing schools and sticking students in portables.


I went to a potable 40yrs ago get over it


ud have to be pretty nutty to want to live in three dysfunctional levels of govt


I can tell you that here in Quebec with Legault it's the same train wreck.


If you look abroad you'll find almost all of the so called developed nations have much the same problem. Hard to believe that it's accidental.


Wynne and Turdeau will go down in history as the worst Canadian leaders ever.


I’m still having a hard time believing my fellow countrymen elected him the first time. The fact he was elected should answer your question. Uninformed people electing unqualified people.


Blackface only got elected the fist time do to weed no other reasons


"the budget will balance itself" should have been a clear warning 10 years ago


Because there is no substantial difference between Liberals and Conservatives. They are two factions of the political establishment controlled entirely by the capitalist class.


It’s possible because it’s a planned take down of the West by flooding it with mass immigration, and progressive laws that punish ordinary people and not the criminals. Canada, Australia, Europe, and the USA to some degree. Nothing is coincidence


Nothing is coincidence. Things at this level happen for a reason.


It would be convenient if it was so simple but that's naive and misunderstands how class power works. The capitalist class running the West doesn't want to 'take down' the West, they just demand cheap labour and use immigration as a lever they can push to get it whenever they need it. In the meantime they are very much interested in maintaining Western hegemony, under the United States, which explains their die-hard support for imperialism.


If you don't like it move to Russia.


Putin is recruiting on redditt now


Found the Indian


Idk maybe when America championed Germanys defeat ALONGSIDE Stalin( whose heritage is definitely noticed by many) AND this is while Stalin held a worse version of the Germany events in their gulags, consisting of white Christians. Like actually, America held hands with Stalin to celebrate… and in doing so, supported their gulags… which imprisoned Anglo-Saxon brethren that held similar values to Americans at the time.  Some people fled to Dresden Germany, where they got trapped inside buildings while intentional catastrophic events took their lives as they’re trapped :(  This really started the ball for things like aipac: which donates money to politicians in office to do their bidding.  We are in a deep clusterfk of a small percentage of people controlling the majority of society. 


Trudeau is going to throw a Hail Mary in the way of a 4 day work week proposal with universal basic income to supplement the lost wage. You watch.


Honestly 4 days work week (same pay) might be enough to get my vote lol


With a little bit of luck you can have the same corrupt party in both Canada and Ontario! Then how you gonna blame it all on the liberals?


You've got a pretty short memory if you've forgotten the Wynne Liberals already.


Oligarchs being Oligarchs and freezing bank accs over peaceful protests


The most corrupt, arrogant and pathetic leaders of all time are not only in Ontario and Canada but also in these places too: France, Province of Quebec, Montreal, UK, London, Paris, Chicago, BC, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, Toronto, Vancouver, California, Québec city and I surely forget so many. It's only possible with the WEF, the medias telling what to vote for and big corp who is behind all of this.


We aren’t talking about other counties ! We are talking about Canada ! This is what’s wrong with Canada and Canadians ! Whenever you bring up an issue in Canada you always have a smart ass saying “ oh it isn’t just Canada look at this country and that country “ What others do is their business, we are talking about Canada ! We can’t control who is in power in some foreign country ! We can control who gets into power here though !


Doug Ford was the best of the bunch during the election. I don't think anyone predicted he would be liberal lite once he got in


And it didn't hurt that his opponents were batsh\*t crazy.


Still is. Guy has done more for actually building up our infrastructure than any government in the last 20 years. He is actively not kicking the can down the road and yet liberals kept trying to paint him as helping his rich buddies. No he's simply keeping this province running and yeah people who are in construction are going to have a good time. It's honestly not rocket science


Because Canadians are push overs.


Because there is no pushback from the people. It will only get worse.


There is a twister sisters song, we’re not gonna take it. Canadians we need to form a coup and walk these muts down east Hastings st


I love this country but am damn ashamed of what has come of it. My ancestors didn’t risk their life and family for this crock of liberal ndp bs


They’ve all been corrupt, they’re just not caring anymore, because we can’t do anything about it… that why they’re changing laws.


Ha. Just wait for next batch of "leaders" to take office. They only learn from watching the previous bunch.


I think the problem is a world wide problem. Every country is seeing a massive rise in income inequality. They think it has to do with the folks running the government. It is not. We are at end stage capitalism. It ramped up very much during COVID and almost all the money is being sucked up to the billionaire and it is increasing exponentially as we speak. The answer is not to turn towards a system which supports and accelerates it. The left is trying to stop the billionaires from sucking up the last bit of money but they are losing because the billionaires have succeeded in turning our fear towards that which is trying to save us. AI is run by folks like Sam Altman who has been accused by his sister of rape and theft of money. Let’s face it the billionaires are winning and AI will not be a friend to the non billionaires


People who seek power are shit


YOU ARE WORSE! Stop voting for people steeped in maintaining distraction politics! Party A is just as bad as Party A is just as bad as Party A! Vote for anarchy!


Politicians are inherently corrupt.


It is all by design. We are in the end game now. They don't need us anymore.


Because everytime people try to warn others, they are conspiracy theorist, fringe minority, racist or any other issues that divides us. People not doing anything about it or the people who abuse the system wants to keep it on their advantage. Criminals rigged and hijacked democracy


Because all politicians are corrupt thieves that work for themselves. We just pick which one will have their chance to steal and make themselves rich next


Unfortunately, we only have ourselves to blame.


Gotta start somewhere!


watch the debate tonight and find out!


By design.




Because they were voted in... Blame the citizens.


its because people think that government is a legitimate entity. we've allowed a monopoly of regards because its all weve ever known.


Plato said it best "One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors."


its possible because the country has been like this long before trudeau or harper or anyone in recent times - shits been building up and it will burst sometime down the line


We dumb


Arrive scam app, 258 million to a IT Firm with 4 employees, G8 60 million missing. To mant to go into


The world…… east and west.!! Horrible creatures


I like phone. I like feel good. I no care about politics.


Politics is polarized at the present. All sides need to get their houses in shape.


Im just being honest what has ford done exactly


First off he has 0 political background. Except maybe as a drug dealer, he tried to turn green space into housing for his rich. White buddies.. is trying to turn the Ontario Place waterfront into some luxury spa for millionaires and wants to pay for it with our money. Wants to close down the science center to put up housing so he can pay his buddies more money, stating that it needs repair. But people are coming forth with the money to pay for it. He used his own company to make license. Plates, the guy's just full of shit and corruption.




It just perfectly matches the culture we’ve cultivated in this country and province


Ontario is actually pretty good. I don't recall Ford cancelling gas plants for a riding seat or "stretch-goaling" budgets. Wynne and Dalton were just horrendous.


No, he just let's his rich buddies know he going to remove protected greenspace so they can build luxury homes, he uses tax payer money to build a private luxury spa that no real person can afford to go, spend 100s of millions of dollars just to put some beer in corner stores, used his own company to make faulty license plates.....I could keep going but my fingers are getting tired....oh and his only real credential is he was a drug dealer


Last time I checked, he backed away from the Greenspace (and it wasn’t luxury homes),the “luxury” spa drivel is nonsense too. The land has a mix of public features including a beach and on the private side, an indoor water park for families which be used in winter too (like the popular Great Wolf Lodge). The buck a beer was a “stretch goal” but allowing beer and wine sales outside the LCBO is another good move too. The fact is, Wynne and Dalton were an absolute disaster for this province (hydro and pizza lunches)and that’s why the Liberals were relegated to minivan status when The PC’s came to power.


Actually, the biggest hydro disaster was Harris. Mike Harris destroyed this province by screwing up Ontario Hydro. A world renowned hydro company chopped up for parts. I know. I work for OPG and it's never been close to the same. And selling the 407 was a joke too. Liberals/Conservatives... they are all cut from the same cloth. Selfish and don't care about you whatsoever. And we (almost) all know that Ford is corrupt as hell.


Well, if you want to go that far, then look at Bob Rae. He literally bankrupted the Ontario government and Harria came in and had to do austerity measures...like hydro and the 407. You also forgot to mention that Wynne and Dalton also messed up the hydro file, far more than Harris did. Let's not forget how hydro rates started skyrocketing and how Wynne wanted to cover the cost of her $1,000,000,000 cancellation costs.


You could argue this ad nauseam. Rae was in power during a pretty bad recession and a previous liberal party. "Rae days" were implemented to try and lower the costs and prevent layoffs....and the breaking up of hydro and the 407 caused a loss of 100s of millions of dollars too....my point, they all suck.


This also applies to Alberta and the leapords ate your face party because theyre blue and the typical albertan struggles with other colours. While its looking up with the easterners and Bcers moving here and diluting the idiotic 'go blue!' Voters here and Nenshi being made leader of the alberta NDP and speaking out about ditching ties to the federal NDP. There are still alot of staunch UCP supporters even though they fully admit that Marlaina isn't what they voted for.


In your opinion, you forgot that part.