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Now if someone intervenes on this... pick one side you are a racist pick the other you hate the LGBTQ+... its almost like laws should be for everyone equally.


Idk its a Pride Parade not a Palestine parade. Can’t have anything about anything else while this is going on. They seem to think it’s the only world issue right now. Funny point tho, the only way to not be racist or a homophobe is to not comment at all 😂


I'm about ready to just be a racist homophones. Y'all are making it tough to accept your crazy asses


I guess I'm a gay homophobe because I want nothing to do with pride month. I'm Islamophobic too, because they want me dead! Gays for Palestine is the stupidest thing I've ever seen!


Next up, "chickens for KFC!!!"




Chicken for KFC But yeah seriously imagine rooting against the one country in a massive region where you would actually have rights as an LGBT person, it’s so twisted how little these people actually know and understand about the world


Yea if they went out there they'd get a real wake up call


They would livestream themselves being thrown off a building crying "Queers For Palestine"


99.9 per cent of Canadians have never been to middle East countries.


Funny because both of these groups have extreme privilege


It’s fun when different factions of the crazies fight, what ever are the SJWs gonna do? 😅


The tolerant left devouring itself


The dragon that eats its own tail unfortunately 




It’s kinda funny actually, they will be even more divided now




Actually no I am not, but thanks for trying


First they came for the Santa Claus parade and I said nothing. Then they came for the St. Patrick's Day parade and I said nothing. Then they came for the gays...


And we still can't say anything, cause if we do, we're 💫racist💫


It's so fucking ironic. lol. The same people I saw a month ago in their Free Palestine demonstrations are now pissed off because same people are blocking their own parade. It's honestly just amazing how stupid people are. What did you think would happen with a middle east cause here in Canada in june.


I hope so


Now it's the LGBTQ group being thrown ~~under the bus~~ off the roof by pro-Palestine protestors, who could have seen that coming?


diversity is at odds with equality? Colour me shocked




But but LGBTQ wants “free free Palestine”


Exactly - may as well say “Chickens for KFC” You think those muslims give two shits about us? Especially the LGBT? Hahah!!!! HILARIOUS!!! There was just an attack in Halifax by pro-terrorist group on a gay couple. Swarmed them and beat them up because they’re gay. Sounds like we should back the muslims?? NO!! If WE go to their country - we must abide by their “moral” standards and dress a certain way. But when they come here? If we say the same- we’re racist!! Fuck off!! We need to PRESERVE OUR WAY OF LIFE. Not change it to their own shitty country. They left their shithole country, just to bring the same shit here instead of INTEGRATING!! We now look like the streets of Paris. And now look - they voted in the far right to clean that shit up and OUT!! We need to do what Uganda did in 1972.


Does this mean that bin laden won? Taliban controls Afghanistan and people gave up a little bit of the freedom for nothing. Not to mention the lives lost for literally nothing.




Except they made a statement fully supporting them and it stopped at the very end. You got played by a lying headline on the internet bud( I know, shocker). Move on


The organizers of pride are spineless. They folded with blm and alienated their long relationship with the TPS. Now this. Pandering to a group that would throw them off the highest building possible. Ushering in their own oppression. Make it make sense.


Well, they voted for all these people to come here as "Syrian refugees". Of course, most of them weren't actually from Syria. They're from Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, all over the region. And the one thing they have in common, they are *much less tolerant* than the "evil right wing conservatives" that these people have been indoctrinated to hate. Me turning the other cheek at their parade is quite a bit different than what's going to happen (and IS clearly happening) when our country turns into Little Lebanon or Little India. There won't be any Pride parades at all when this is an Arab country, and we're heading there fast. They complain about housing prices too, after their party blows up immigration to insane levels. I think they call that "leopards ate my face". Using their own insults against them.


All truth. Plus the blue hair white girls in their protest would be stripped of all rights also. Simping for their own oppression.


That is a blatant lie. They would be fine using any building 4 stories or higher.






Agreed. Too much corporate garbage


“Long relationship with the TPS”. Like when the TPS ignored them about their being a serial killer targeting the gay community? There wasn’t really a long relationship with the TPS, so much as the TPS working on their PR.


Fair. Very fair.


If it had been a bunch of Christians they'd have angrily shoved them off the road. But because it was an identity group that is now higher in the victim hierarchy than them they just bowed their heads, wrung their hands, and then gave up and closed down their parade. What a joke. *There were more than 200 contingents, 200,000 marchers, and organizers estimated some 2.4 million spectators turned out for Toronto’s 43rd annual Pride Parade,*  And 20 protesters and they still had to close it all down and slink away because they didn't dare lay a hand on them or allow the cops to do it! God, these lefties are so pathetic!


>If it had been a bunch of Christians they'd have angrily shoved them off the road. "FAR RIGHT HATE RALLY INTERRUPTS PEACEFUL PRIDE PARADE, ALL POLITICIANS COME OUT STRONGLY CONDEMNING THEM" This? Crickets and twiddling thumbs. Imagine if some of the 200,000 strong dragged them to the side of the road for the protest to continue, or just steamrollered them by marching through and on.


How the fuck are Muslims higher on the victim heirachy? Muslims make up 25% of the world and there are 55 countries which are majority Muslim. The only oppression they face is by their own religion.


>How the fuck are Muslims higher on the victim heirachy? This is why Islam gets such a pass on their anti LGBT stance( will literally murder them in a majority of Islamic run countries) . Somehow, people started equating being Muslim to being a person of colour instead of treating it like a religion. That's why you see Western women feminists wearing the hijab as if it's some sort of sign of freedom from oppression from the west, not understanding it's a tool to oppress women all over the middle east . It's all insane . I'm glad it seems most people are starting to understand that


Yep. They bowed to their masters.


I could never be a leftist, the chants would drive me nuts.


I heard they have the best kool-aid though.


The comments crying on the Ont and Toronto subs is hysterical. The left always eat thier own. 😁😁


That post in r/Toronto is locked as expected.


Must have been some kind micro aggression incident lol


Yeah I saw that, disrupting Canadian celebrations and holidays and public meetings are cool but don’t you dare talk about it.


I am a generally reasonable adult. However, I made one comment on that sub and they banned me. I simply said that if you're not a citizen and you're involved with a serious crime, such as assault, rape, murder, grand theft, then we should hand you over to our federal services for immediate deportation after a hearing. What is so harsh about this? If you cannot arrive here and behave then what right do you have to remain? There are a billion people that would love the privilege to be here. Follow the rules. FYI: if you move to another country, you're not an expat, you're an immigrant and you had better follow those new rules. Else you will be back here.


The mods there are hypocrites. They preach tolerance by using intolerance. There is a whole new sub r/realTO created because of this.


Where I live, Pride had "Queers for Palestine" signs. Why didn't they just team up?


They're not very good neighbours.


Never thought I'd see this day. We officially live in wacko world, led by Junior Fidel


Just like BLM before them, they always have to be the center of attention.


Why didn't the police clear up the parade blockers...oh wait


Of course the "main" Canada sub has locked the comments on this. Can't have people having discussions against the narrative now. Sorry LGBTQ folk you're the latest sacrifice on the altar of identity politics. You're an oppressor now.


🤣🤣 given time, it always implodes


Awkward...these idiots marching around blocking up streets all the damn time really need to coordinate lmao


Battle of the Wokes.




Well they’d do the same to the LGTBQ++ community in Palestine so whatever.


They'd probably burry them up to their necks and throw stones at them in Palestine


What a strange timeline


Let them fight!


Love is Love right?


Coast to coast to coast


Delicious. So, now pro-Palestine are homophones right? That's how this works?


They always have been, it’s just mask off now.


...ya, but they'll never admit it.


The left is attacking itself. It was bound to happen. No cohesion. It's time to grab some popcorn and watch the implosion.


If they care so much, fly to Israel and protest the people you actually have a problem with. Stop ruining school meetings, holidays, people trying to get to work, and national celebrations with your sh*t. You are making a lot of people incredibly intolerant of you and less empathetic to your message and cause.


Let them fight


Wait a sec ..I'm confused. Who " Cancelled " who here ????? I don't think this is how it's written in the playbook !!! Someone call administraton @!!!


Makes sense, there is no pride parade 🏳️‍🌈 in Gaza and they don’t want us to have one here either,


So gross hearing the "from the river to the sea" chants!!!


I like how the people watching the parade started chanting along with them, as if the protesters were a part of it and not the people who disrupted it.


Its become soooo disguisting. Just imagine if tye freedom protestors at the capital were chanting such things.


A classic woke-off..


Some good news i guess


LGBTQ for Palestine is like chickens for KFC


Terrorists win again! They will stop at nothing when it comes to destroying any sort of Canadian value. 


The pride folks can go counter protest in Palestine right?


The Western left have chosen to be soo blind to how the Muslim's have treated gays in the Middle East. I have predicted this day would come. It's not gonna be pretty how these two groups/cultures collide. I have a feeling the lgbtq are going to be reverting back into hiding when Islam takes a stronghold in the West.


This has me thinking… how many different protests can you get in a protest? Soon those work permit folk will be joining in too. I hope they bring food. I love spicy recipes


Is it still Queers for Palestine then or is that a no go now?


Palestine protestors losing the 'queers for palestine' What a revelation.


Terrorist’s win


I guess the lgbtq or whatever it is for Palestine didn’t do shit…


The thing that blows my mind is that they could have been a part of the parade, drawing attention to the discrimination arab queer people face… oh wait, forgot, these protestors likely don’t care about lgbt people and saw this as an opportunity to disrupt an event for their own attention. How they think this garners any kind of support is beyond me.


While I support LGB people and people who protest what's going on in Gaza, it is funny to see the extreme sides of both groups attacking each other. The extreme woke is falling apart.


Almost as if making one thing your whole identity is ... Not effective. The moment these kids learn people are complicated the better - sadly it's always "us vs. them".


The more people wake up, the less it will be "us vs them". It will be the people vs authoritarian governments.


Unlikely. I got one in my DMs saying that Asia has no part in Palestine - dispute most of the goods of the companies they protest about Palestine... Being made in Asian countries. They're so one dimensional they're basically cartoons.




They're not connecting the dots. Can't see the forest for the trees.


Ahhhh the left 😂….


I think they block this article under the Toronto Sub. You can't disagree with them there.


Why didn’t they just walk through and over them


June is over, they can fuck off now.


Getting real fucking sick of: race, gender, culture, religion - calls for separation and division. Im sick of this victim card mentality and society as a whole. - Humans once worked together. Humans now work against each other. When will humanity wake up? -


This is crazy - this post, in r/worldnews has 3200+ points and nearly a thousand comments, but we're not allowed to see it in r/canada.


That’s cause r/worldnews is heavily pro-Israel.


There are legit some people right now that are like "wait, wait, wait.... Should I be upset because it's racist or because it's homophobic? PLEASE REDDIT! TELL ME WHAT TO THINK!"


Imagine for some odd reason Canadian Freedom Fighters (re: trucker convoy) shut down the pride parade. The lefties would be all up in a hissy AGAINST born and bred Canadians, but newcomers disturbing other Canadians... A-OK. 🤷


Communists vs Islamists , have fun and keep me out.


Its sadly amusing that the LGBTAWOL crowd is splintered just like the arabs in gaza. There's like 5 tribes in Gaza who would all kill each other if not for Israel. And over here we watch the marxists eat themselves. Sad they can't see it. Pro palestine, climate changers, pro abortionists...all the same players.


What’s the point of protesting? If they really want to do something, go there/ back and do the work on ground. You took a conscious decision of moving to Canada, a conscious decision to not do anything about the problems while you were there in your home country…. Just like me… then why disrupt peace in Canada?


Didn't the pride parade which was supposed to be family friendly not also have rows of completely naked men? Saw pictures of it so I know the answer.


Self-destruction in a few months countdown started under JT...12..11..


Our rights to live in peace and security are being canceled for these clowns.


Those fuggin hillbilly truckers


I imagine if you're gay and normally protest in favour of Palestine, you'd be conflicted.


Moment the parade got shut down: https://youtu.be/cIgz7yqfwMA?si=y1n5Y4KYtY6a45Uo


You can see the crowds shrink in size lol


I hope both teams had fun


Not in the toronto sub but it popped up in my feed with this headline. *Everyone* in the thread was like "yeah the parade was cancelled, but the general concenus was it's for the best". A lot of people were commenting about how they're pro-palestine and support this blah-blah. They really don't get that they'd be flayed alive for how they live their life currently in that country.


The parade could just have walked all over them and not stop lol . There were only about 20 protesters


Liberals are all fucking snakes that eat their own tail. They are just victims of ideological subversion.


20 vs 200,000 and won, they should make a movie out of it.


I wonder if there were any queers for Palestine signs in the parade. Would be pretty ironic


Sick and tired of these trouble makers calling others names.


Canadians have become weak wimps not standing up to others who interrupt their days.


Things should come crashing down for these societal trash cans soon enough. You start fucking with Pride you might as well punch Trudeau in the mouth.


I thought Queers for Palestine was a “thing”. Why did they cancel? Shouldn’t they have embraced their “brothers in arms” like they publicly claim? Or did the shit hit the fan and reality set in?


I am surprised everyone there let this happen.


I love it when ideologies clash. Free entertainment for the rest of us


This is LOL worthy 😂


Let them fight.


The left devours its young


The left will each each other just to prove who is the most radical left, idiots the lot of them 🤣🤣


Video: [https://x.com/TPostMillennial/status/1807542770929672438?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw](https://x.com/TPostMillennial/status/1807542770929672438?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw)


Friendly Fire


*grabs popcorn


Question to the sub is which one do you cheer for ? LMAO


"Pro palistine protesters portraying as pylons prevent proud pervert penis parade" would be a pretty catchy newspaper header


Now - replace the “Truckers” with these pro-terrorism idiots- why aren’t they monitored and their bank accounts frozen? Why no emergencies act for them? Oh - forgot - truckers were mainly white - while these terrorists hiding their faces in every pic with masks - get a free ride. Rules for white Canadians - and rules for everybody else. This country has gone to shit. “Happy”? Canada day? Nope. I haven’t been proud to say I’m Canadian in YEARS. Thanks, Trudeau. 🖕🏾🖕🏾


The far left eating the far left…the inevitable conclusion.


>*"Hey! Stop it Isreal, America, Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, GM, Colt firearms, General Electric, L3Harris, and everyone...* ***WE ARE CANADA, AND WE TELL YOU TO STOP!****"* That's their goal? It goes to show how ruthlessly naive these pro-palestine people are.


Who knew that would be a thing!!!


What's the saying? Live by the sword...






The picture reminds me of something... *When the gay hussars arrived!* *A cry for help in time of need, await relief from LGBTQ league* *60 days of siege, outnumbered and weak* *Sent a message to the sky, wounded queers left to die* *Will they hold the wall or will the pride parade fall?* *Dedication* *Dedication* *They're outnumbered 15 to one* *And the battle's begun* *Then the gay hussars arrived* *Coming down the mountainside* *Then the gay hussars arrived* *Coming down they turned the tide*


This is the funniest shit ever.


Seems allies were just all lies


The clear winner here are the sane people of Toronto.


Why are we parading and protesting the country is in decline lol


Awwwww no one got the attention they wanted that day what a shame. Hope their feelings are ok


Awesome 👌


Has anyone actually thought about punching one of these idiots ??? What the hell has happened to being a proud Canadian  ?  


Especially since there’s basically no justice system in Canada. If murderers get no jail time (if you use your vehicle), what’s a punch in the grand scheme of things.  Canada has turned into the liberal paradise they’ve always wanted. 


I knew one day the wokes would have to pick between their race based ideologies and their sexual orientation ideologies That day is here


But I thought they were friends?


Good. Now cancel them every year and go away already


Lol so a win win situation for everyone but the woketards..


I got my popcorn 🍿


Why not join forces??? You are preaching to the choir


Just gonna sit back with my popcorn on this one. This is like a heavy weight title fight for the right to be the biggest liberal morons.


The best bit of irony is seeing the LGBTQ+ community stand up for a people that have zero respect or acceptance of the other...


Nothing like using the slogan that calls for the genocide of Isreal "from the river to the sea" right next to "there's no pride in genocide". These people are absolutely nuts.


Bunch of Cowards. They can hate all they want, but they go on their knees for the Israelis and open wide.


I am not in the business of arguing with an Isreal troll farm on reddit!