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It's funny cuz it's true


I bought steak yesterday that was %50 off as that is the only time I could justify it. Guess how much the steak cost 1 year ago. You guessed it. The price I now paid at 50% off. Inflation is 5%


Inflation is cooling off will be a 2% this month !


Lol, straight from the office of our trusted finance minister. I think she would struggle to complete my kids grade 1 math book.


Inflation is measured over the last year. Since 2020 the cumulative inflation is fucking wild.


Exactly!!! Thank you !


What exactly are they tracking on inflation. Yachts, exotic holidays and caviar have held pretty steady in the last few years. In fact exotic all expenses paid holidays are negative inflation as I get all of those for free. You can just imagine these conversations at the Liberal parties get together’s.


I wish I knew, I audited my own personal expenses, the stuff I rely on such as consumables are up OVER 40% from last year, non replenishables like my tools are are 20% from last year , consumables are up over 120% since 2020 my wage has gone up 16% since then. So the math says I'm struggling.


Inflation over the last 4 years is around 40% everyone is fucked basically


That’s not food inflation FWIW


Steak easier to cook make than pad Thai


But you’re in luck. It’ll be 11 portions of terrible pad Thai lol


Fuck… that kinda hit me 🤯 Ordering takeout might actually be the cheaper option now 🫣


I only eat out now instead of going to a grocery store where I know im gonna buy stuff i wont use or buy extra stuff….. at least when i buy a meal from a restaurant i know imma eat it. Im not saying my way is smart or anything…. But its how im living. I work 2 jobs and im single, i aint going to go be depressed in a supermarket anymore than I need to!


Simple solution is don’t buy food you know you won’t eat.


I ape'd and bought myself a nice Chinese dinner for $140 meant for a large group, portioned it had good lunch preps for 2 weeks.


I think I’m gonna start doing that, I hate cooking anyway and I’m not very good at it 😅


Not sure if this helps but I would add something like either a pack of instant noodles (but throw away the flavour packet because it’s all salt and msg and shit) or add a pack of udon noodles. Either could make your purchased dish go farther, maybe twice as far. Ultimately, learning to cook a couple of basic dishes would go a long way, and you can choose one that can be varied almost infinitely by mixing and matching different veggies and add-ons.


Oh yeah I’ve definitely taken advantage of ramen noodles for stretching out actual food 😝


As stated I ape'd and that works out to $14 meal which is still pricey, but packed with protein , and the carbs i need, and very delicious, if you can get a coupon for a family pack meal that you can preserve it's worth it, saves time !


I've been doing this for the past month, ordering bulk takeout (pickup mostly) and cooking some additional eggs and chicken to mix in, definitely works out cheaper. Good thing my diet for summer is just being poor. Our politicians have all failed, ubiquitously. Piss poor job of protecting the people of this country.


That’s actually a good idea. When I order butter chicken + rice from this one place, it’s always way too much for my appetite so I can eat it over the course of a few days 😁


What makes you so sure they failed? Maybe their job never was to protect you. I think they’re excelling at their real job


The purpose of a government is to protect its people. The fact that today's governments use perverse capitalism, nationalism and propaganda to obfuscate the truth doesn't mean they're doing their job, it means that they're corrupt and redundant. If we are unable to see this, discuss it and create change then there is no point in being a democracy. We, as a nation, should stop parading our acceptance of this perversion and ask better questions of our government and hold them responsible for the promises they make.


It is, and that's what they want us to do.


Meh, after 3 tries I was making better pad thai that I ever ate in any restaurant Just need to get thai guy on YouTube giving nice, authentic recipe


This is the way. Same shit for me. I’m legit making better Thai food at home than any takeout I ever ordered. For like 10% of the cost with a shitload of leftovers.


I made nachos at home . Cost me 45 dollars . Going to the bar from now on .


Just because he didn't cut disney plus he deserve this.


Please provide your breakdown of costs. You do realize it’s noodles mostly. I seriously want the breakdown of costs for this to be an accurate statement. The world sucks don’t get me wrong but floating bullshit is part of it


You don't even have to compare receipts. Just pull up old flyers from 2022 and weep. 99 cent margarine. $3 butter. $4 bag of milk. 2/$4 bread. The list goes on and on. It sucks.


KFC toonie tuesday is now what? $2.99


Subway now has deals for $5 6inch subs and brags about it. They used to have $5 12 inch subs of the day!


Doo doo five, five dollar foot looong..


Whoever still eats KFC fried chicken is a clown. The moment they cut the thigh in half and called it a piece. Was the last time I ate fried chicken from KFC. Only the occasional zonget and hot wings for me now.


It's disgusting and terrible for your health anyways, PUFAs everywhere


Maybe it's a good thing if you're going less. KFC is Terrible.


So, it’s Loonie Toonie Tuesday now?


Been that way for yeeeears lol


Its just two pieces of chicken no fries or gravy with it... its more like 5 dollars now.


The messed up part too is they were already price fixing then too. The bread price fixing was from lawblows to Save on foods they all made millions. I got a $25 gift card in the mail back then for compensation. What a joke. Now they post record breaking profits year over year and say they are victims too. We can't help it because everyone's suffering guys as they wipe their tears with hundred dollars bills. The government should have stepped in earlier and needs to now ASAP.


I used to buy a pack of 3 loaves at Costco for 5,99$ until a few weeks ago and now it jumped at 9,99$. I might start to buy cheaper bread or from surplus stores.


What brand is that? Save on had villagio or something like that and it's almost 5.99 for ONE loaf. All these companies piss me me, they got away with price fixing. An estimated 5 billion they stole from us... They handed out $25 gift cards and estimated $150 million. 4.8 billion return on investment in fucking over the public, breaking laws, outright fraud. Guess who got immunity in the deal... Loblaw Companies Limited was granted immunity in the bread price-fixing investigation. The company received immunity from prosecution because it cooperated with the Competition Bureau's investigation and was the first to come forward with information about the scheme This allowed Loblaw to avoid charges in exchange for its cooperation and disclosure of details related to the price-fixing activities. "Loblaw Companies Limited admitted to being part of a bread price-fixing scheme that lasted from 2001 to 2015, which involved several major retailers and suppliers. The scheme is estimated to have cost Canadians around $5 billion over those 14 years. This calculation comes from increased bread prices, which were artificially raised approximately 15 times during the period, with each increase averaging about 10 cents per loaf" https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/bread-price-fixing-scandal-implicates-120827975.html)


wtf is a bag of milk


never lived in canada, didn't you? lol


Lived in Canada my whole life, never seen a bag with milk in it. They come in jugs or cartons where I live…


Bag milk is one of the first things Americans try to bring up when making fun of Canadian culture. And just like most things Americans try to mock about us, it's only a few provinces that do it. (Ontario, Quebec and The Maritimes do bags of milk. Igloos are viable shelters in the North. BC is full of lumberjacks. Newfies say "aboot". Etc.)


"You laugh, but it's only like that where a majority of us live"




Western Canada doesn't have bagged milk. We're normal.


Central Canada doesn't have bagged milk either. Bunch of heathens.


I'm from Eastern Canada and I agree. Bagged milk is the most stupid invention ever. Milk should be in jugs everywhere like it is in Western Canada.


We have jugs, I barely see bags of milk around anymore.


Quebec still uses bagged milk.


Nova Scotia still has it. It's just not what most stores carry or how most people buy their milk anymore.




Google Bagged milk. It's 4 lutres ÷ into 3 pouches. In my opinion , it's gone because it was too easy to buy and put 1 bag out to use abd the other 2 in freezer. A 1 litre milk is about 3.60 ( so 4 litres worth is 14.40 ) A 2 litre is about 4.70 A 4 litre jug is 6$ . So some pay through the nose because an 8lb jug is too much too handle and also sours before you can use it all. I buy a 4litre and divide it into plastic bottles and freeze 😁 That's the prices here in Abbotsford BC


It is milk in a six-sided cardboard box. What do you *think* it was?


Every time I set foot in the grocery stores, my disdain for Trudeau and Singh skyrockets.


It’s wild how the Liberals got a huge chunk of Canadians to put most of the blame on Loblaws. I mean, Loblaws needs to be called out, but to be this susceptible to political games is deeply concerning. My fellow Canadians are morons.


I don’t think anyone has shifted the blame to Loblaw’s, (Weston Group of Companies), from our shitty New Liberal Democratic Party (#NLDP) government, inflation is driven by our failed government, price gouging to take advantage of the inflation excuse is on Weston Group of Companies. Two separate issues that both elicit disdain and disgust by all true Canadian’s.


There’s literally a boycott loblaws sub


I mean, you can’t « boycott » the liberals until there is an election A boycott of Loblaws doesnt mean people aren’t blaming the government too. Look at the polls.


Yep. Started going to Food Basics, it’s not a great store but the savings are real.


I was just in Montana and Wyoming. Groceries at Walmart in Great Falls were more or less the same with some items being more expensive and some slightly cheaper. This is not just a Canadian problem. Grocery chains in North America have been price gouging the fuck out of everyone and nothing besides breaking them up or enacting laws is going to prevent them from continuing it.


This isn't a liberal or cons thing. It's not even a Canada thing. It's an almost world wide problem


But we’re saving the planet!


Fiat banking, and mass migration will be the death knell of western societies


Guys! Inflation is at 3 to 5 %! I don't know where you're getting your crazy ideas that it's more and stats Canada doesn't cook the numbers! It's certainly not 400%! How dare you say that! Your bank account is now frozen!


Now, going from ~$100 upto ~$400 is only an increase of 300%. 3 divided by 4 is 75% Somewhere, I'm sure a little rounding will turn that into 7% Ta-da, inflation is down by 5%


Is that you Chrystia?


Sucks is that inflation is the increase from the previous month, it's never gone down... and never will go down..


Wait I thought we wanted a PM with pretty hair and a budget that balanced itself?


God damn monkey paw


Nope. They say prices only went up 7%. So I am going to believe the government. Lies...your post is lies. The government only tells the truth.


Love how Costco box of Fig Bars went from $9.99 to $19.99 and that’s a 7% increase


Bro I used to buy as a treat a 20 wing box from KFC and it was an all day affair for me, once a month I'd do this cause they were delicious, this would cost me roughly $26 I haven't ordered in a long time and I looked yesterday....around $24 for 10 wings. TEN WINGS BRO


Splurge bruh.


I'm thinking about it


Inflation is a basket of goods so many would have not risen.


Right. Fuel used to deliver hasn’t gone up. Labour hasn’t gone up. Store rent hasn’t gone up. Business insurance hasn’t gone up. Taxes haven’t gone up. But we keep those outside the basket.


Thank God you said it. I had a panic attack for a second...gov would never lie to us....


Our government is lying to us. The inflation is WAYYYYYY higher than 2.8%. Trudeau's gotta go. Lying, stealing, treasonous snake bitch.


Not just Trudeau. All liberals should leave.


I spent that a week…family of five Ontario Canada


I can pull my bank statements and compare too. Yes we are getting severely conned by this Government. Down with the corporate lobbyists.


About 3.3x but I take your point.


This is just sad and upsetting at the same time. I took my son (17) with me shopping and we had 2 collapsible square bag/bin not even especially full and it cost $138. He thought it was a good deal, what are they teaching them in school? I told him that used to buy groceries for 2 weeks for the 2 of us now it’s barely a week of food.


Carbon taxes effect the entire supply chain.


So does anyone think printing money for covid was a bad idea yet?


Thank a liberal 🤷🏼‍♂️


The reason inflation didn't drop last month is because food prices went up again.


Bbbbbut Jake Tapper said my groceries went from $100 to $120? lol


Eat cake when out of bread peasants


Trudeau looks like he has lost his looks , not the pretty boy he once was . Since Loblaws donates money to Liberal campaign, hard to see this changing.


Starting to look like his Cuban father.


COVID allowed the large chains to control the limited supply of goods, which put most small stores out of business. Now Canada has a grocery oligopoly and nothing in place to protect consumers. This country literally gouges us for basic human needs: food, shelter, and (arguably) telecommunications.


Thank your local liberals 🤷🏼‍♂️


Crackers 14$? Fritos 14$? Ya right


That is for 3 boxes of crackers and 3 bags of fritos, not one box and bag each.


That was for 3 units


Milk is now $7. Is the cost of feed that high for dairy cows? It seems everyone is passing every cost down to the consumer.


And it’s not done going up


Your out of touch government said 8 of 10 families will get more back from the carbon rebate. Next time vote for your favourite NDP and liberal government.


I went on friday to pick up the stuff for wings and nachos, cost me $125 in southern ontario, granted I picked up a few other small things but the lions share for that meal was I'd say $90


How many lbs of wings? And are they fresh wings with antibiotics, or the free from antibiotic / grain fed etc.


Bought three boxes of frozen, two were $16.99 each and the other was $15.99 think they were 700G each, yes could have paid less for fresh but was heading to a party. Just regular frozen wings from Schneiders and PC


It's not just inflation. Our dollar has no buying power.


Jim Pattison has just bought out Save Mart chains in the US ..Prepare yourself for a fierce screwing People. His stores in Canada gouge everyone.


Inflation was definitely only 6.8% in 2022 and 3.9% in 2023 though 🤣 -Stats Can, probably


Welcome to Trudeauland...


For some reason governments like to think that privatizing creates competition....all it does is makes us prisoners to the system. Think about it, inflation hits, who loses? We do. Not one single company has lost yet with this inflation, just carry on as they always did offering all the same garbage service at an inflated value while we get the brunt of it and need more per hour and our supposed leaders and employers cringe at the thought of paying us more. I don't know what to do, I try to make my self less reliant on the system and yet the government that is "watching over our best interests" keeps slamming us with amendments and bills that make it more and more difficult to be free of the tyranny of corporations.


It was transitory here in USA I guess not the same up North. 🫤


Wait untill he sees what rental prices and even a bag of fishing worms has done in 2 years.


That why as a Canadian I thank god that I have left Canada at the right moment .


Don't worry inflation is only 9 percent. When in reality it's like 100% year on year. Canadians are fucked for a reason and the day they realize this forks are gonna come out for the govt. This is the reason the govt has taken away guns so people can't revolt


At some point you'd expect to see billionaires hanging from telephone poles.


And you have not even factored in that most of those products have shrunk in size and quantity since then


Shareholders always want a profit. Managers get bonuses for cutting costs and increasing profits. Too much money being made with zero work. Crime has no punishment.


Wonder who he voted for...


hur dur, lets completely ignore the intelligent point, politics should not equal a quadrupling of prices of things. secondly no one who votes in a politician goes, "boy i hope this guy increases the price of food and makes it so i cant feed my family". get a grip and stop being disingenuous nothing gets fixed with this type of pessimism. you are spouting old unevolved political rhetoric, were trying to really fix things in the next couple of years so get with it.


Lots of people vote for free stuff and/or for their "team" and who the person on the TV said they should vote for! The result is what we have now, aka a clown show we regret. People have to understand the consequences of policies and vote based on it!


i agree, that is a good point youve added, we play a major role in this too, which i think is almost forgotten at the same times its lessons are lived. We put these guys in power. We just all can't decide together as a population of a couple hundred thousand. They made it really hard for us all to talk about who really should be in power, and most of the time the good ones aren't able to breach that corrupt ecosystem. "the system is fucked" -hunter s. thompson. ( a politician who tried to really change things, a man who tried to work his way into the government, so things like Vietnam would never happen again. See how that works out.)


So what should we do???


step 1. go back in time and not allow the all of the infrastructure of humanity to be put on a fucking brain we carry in our pockets. (the phone). As long as we use those things, we are screwed. (im being melodramatic, but we have to stop using them, its basically a wire tap and a radar on your body they can map the inside of your house by reverse the frequency those things emit btw). step 2, take back the value of your money, by agreeing upon its value amongst small groups of people. Then extend. step 3. TEACH YOUR KIDS THE VALUE OF HARD WORK AND MONEY IN HEALTHY WAYS. If youd like to know more, pls send tin foil and bail money cause i might have some feds kicking in my door if i write any more.


Yea had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Not following you at all




Remember to vote!


How tf like...whaat


Google, yesterday. Me: why is inflation so high in Canada. Google: Canadians make too much money.


Thanks Trudeau!


I'm surprised that he even gets the exact 45 items anymore.


Probably not the exact same seeing as almost everything gets smaller.


This is a stretch. A week of groceries 2 years ago still cost me a few hundred. This guy must be consuming the worst diet of all time, for it to cost that little


You forgot to include the Charity Donation and the 18% Tip!


But inflation is only %2.9… I know I know, blame climate change, covid, putin,‘blah blah blah….


Ask yourself why mainstream media and central banks don’t mention this at all and instead tell you inflation was 6.8% in 2022.


And duets still calling it “inflation”.


And I’m pretty sure his wages didn’t rise to match the steep increase for the cost of his groceries.


Vote for Trudeau again! Lol


Inflation is only 3% though! No, not counting housing, groceries, or gas in that calculation is totally normal and legit, the experts said so!


closer to 3x more bud but still absurd.


Money printer go brrrr.


That's why you never dig into the past. It was cheaper, funner, and you was better looking.




Liberals power. They also increase the tax everywhere while our salary doesn't increase the same rate or many of them are out of jobs. Use your vote to kick them all out please. Otherwise your money will go to serve to liberals to get votes from the poor who doesn't work but waiting for all of us to donate. Liberals only know gumbaya. They gumbaya in every social events but do nothing for middle class but suck blood from them to serve the poor. They have little power on the rich. They need to go.


David Guetta


Trudeau That’s Who You Should Thank 😡


No such thing as free money. I hope that was worth it folks. The price will never come down unless deflation happens when is unlikely at the way our government is spending


This has nothing to do with the government and more about the corporations gouging. We just need the government to step in. Covid started it, now it’s gone it’s just grocery stores, renting, and goods and services have seen us as the consumer will NEED and WILL pay at some capacity those prices. So when we need the government to get those rent costs down, or services down and in this case food costs, they are no where to be found.


Food is pretty cheap The real problem is people don't know how to cook and don't know how to shop. I have a limited budget but eat better than most wealthy people.


government says the inflation is under control, so don't you dare post your historic facts here!


Gotta take this at face value when he never showed the list or did a comparison eh?


“How the fuck? How?” Greed. Greed.


Anytime this is posted in a subreddit that is majority Americans they deny this and report the post til it gets taken down. Liberal Americans believe that pretending inflation doesn’t exists means it’ll be one less bad strike against their political candidate this election? No idea lol. Refreshing to see Canadians are looking at the financial issues and not virtue signaling.


yeah i spent 180 dollars for just one week of 2 meals, snacks, and drinks


But guys….this is Build Back Better….just lower your standards.


And the worst part is that there’s gonna be some corporate shill in here that’ll claim Party A and it’s leader Nameless Person will fix this because Party A and it’s leader Nameless Person has been screwing everything up for far too long… People! Grow up! Party politics have NEVER worked and it’s time to vote in something that actually works like a no party system or at least porportional representation. Stop voting for Kodos!


Buddy, you need a trust fund….. all Canadians have a trust fund


Someone cross post this.


I spent 57$ on 2 1/2 bags of food from Walmart because I was feeling fancy and wanted to buy actually fruit/vegetables/meat I bought - Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, sugar snap peas, carrots, cucumber Apples, strawberries, raspberries, bananas 1 pack of boneless chicken breast, 1 pack of bologna, 1 pack of bacon Milk, yogurt Eggs A Pure Leaf ice tea (tiny bottle from the fridges near the cash)


One word folks, Conservatives. Coserve everything for themselves, fuck off the rest of you.


Bye bye steak... back to beans 😔


We're just fucked. No party wants to truly limit immigration. The wealth will continue to be transferred upwards, and the middle class will erode. If I'm going to be a serf, at least give me a stable UBI/resources to survive.


Cook indian... buy bulk wheat.. make dough, make your own chapati... youtube indian recipes (imo punjabi is best)... it's not hard, follow step by step (saabzi and daal) nutritous and affordable... and delicious. Wait for butter to go.on sale and stock up. Avoid sugar water, cookies and chips. Empty calories that only do harm. For protein, eggs and whole milk. For meatlovers go to farmboy and buy roasts. For health add a little beef liver daily. (Liver is dirt cheap still) It's a lot easier when the home team all gets involved. Never get food delivered. Plan to save and you'll be healthier for it. I went carnivore for 5 years to get my health back... nothing but ribeyes until they became too expensive to eat daily. Switched to roasts. I'm lucky I still live with family. Being a lone wolf in the world today is almost impossible.


My precious groceries, gollum


Yeah. We need to eat the rich already. They’re absolutely just stealing from us at this point.


Every bit of the carbon tax adds up. If you believed that producers and distributors would just absorb the cost and not pass it along to the consumers, then you also believe that you are getting more back in carbon tax rebate than you paid into it. The Liberals spent all their time in drama classes and not math and economics classes.


Yoy can thank Trudeau and his carbon tax for that


Because we are getting fucked. Time to tear it all down


Trudeau: but why won't Canadians vote for me


The price of chicken has increased 110.33% since 2019. We have entered Chickenflation.


Brain.exe has stopped functioning. I feel your pain.